예제 #1
 public static TemplateException UnexpectedCharacter(string template, int position, char character)
                                            new TemplateToken(TemplateToken.Kind.Unknown, position, $"{character}", $"{character}"),
                                            $"Encountered unexpected character '{character}'.",
                                            "Unexpected character."));
예제 #2
        public static TemplateException LongOptionMustHaveMoreThanOneCharacter(string template, TemplateToken token)
            // Rewrite the token to point to the option name instead of the whole option.
            token = new TemplateToken(token.TokenKind, token.Position + 2, token.Value, token.Value);

            return(TemplateExceptionFactory.Create(template, token,
                                                   "Long option names must consist of more than one character.",
                                                   "Invalid option name."));
예제 #3
        public static TemplateException ShortOptionMustOnlyBeOneCharacter(string template, TemplateToken token)
            // Rewrite the token to point to the option name instead of the whole option.
            token = new TemplateToken(token.TokenKind, token.Position + 1, token.Value, token.Value);

            return(TemplateExceptionFactory.Create(template, token,
                                                   "Short option names can not be longer than one character.",
                                                   "Invalid option name."));
예제 #4
        public static TemplateException OptionNamesCannotStartWithDigit(string template, TemplateToken token)
            // Rewrite the token to point to the option name instead of the whole string.
            token = new TemplateToken(token.TokenKind,
                                      token.TokenKind == TemplateToken.Kind.ShortName ? token.Position + 1 : token.Position + 2,
                                      token.Value, token.Value);

            return(TemplateExceptionFactory.Create(template, token,
                                                   "Option names cannot start with a digit.",
                                                   "Invalid option name."));
예제 #5
        public static TemplateException InvalidCharacterInValueName(string template, TemplateToken token, char character)
            // Rewrite the token to point to the invalid character instead of the whole value.
            token = new TemplateToken(token.TokenKind,
                                      token.Position + 1 + token.Value.IndexOf(character),
                                      token.Value, character.ToString());

            return(TemplateExceptionFactory.Create(template, token,
                                                   $"Encountered invalid character '{character}' in value name.",
                                                   "Invalid character."));
예제 #6
 public static TemplateException MultipleShortOptionNamesNotAllowed(string template, TemplateToken token)
     return(TemplateExceptionFactory.Create(template, token,
                                            "Multiple short option names are not supported.",
                                            "Too many short options."));
예제 #7
 public static TemplateException OptionsMustHaveName(string template, TemplateToken token)
     return(TemplateExceptionFactory.Create(template, token,
                                            "Options without name are not allowed.",
                                            "Missing option name."));
예제 #8
 public static TemplateException MultipleValuesAreNotSupported(string template, TemplateToken token)
     return(TemplateExceptionFactory.Create(template, token,
                                            "Multiple values are not supported.",
                                            "Too many values."));
예제 #9
 public static TemplateException ArgumentCannotContainOptions(string template, TemplateToken token)
     return(TemplateExceptionFactory.Create(template, token,
                                            "Arguments can not contain options.",
                                            "Not permitted."));
예제 #10
 public static TemplateException UnterminatedValueName(string template, TemplateToken token)
     return(TemplateExceptionFactory.Create(template, token,
                                            $"Encountered unterminated value name '{token.Value}'.",
                                            "Unterminated value name."));
예제 #11
 public static TemplateException MissingLongAndShortName(string template, TemplateToken token)
     return(TemplateExceptionFactory.Create(template, token,
                                            "No long or short name for option has been specified.",
                                            "Missing option. Was this meant to be an argument?"));
예제 #12
 public static TemplateException OptionValueCannotBeOptional(string template, TemplateToken token)
     return(TemplateExceptionFactory.Create(template, token,
                                            "Option values cannot be optional.",
                                            "Must be required."));