public virtual void TestPrecision()

            Spatial4n.Core.Shapes.IPoint iPt = ctx.MakePoint(2.8028712999999925, 48.3708044);//lon, lat
            AddDocument(newDoc("iPt", iPt));

            Spatial4n.Core.Shapes.IPoint qPt = ctx.MakePoint(2.4632387000000335, 48.6003516);

            double KM2DEG = DistanceUtils.Dist2Degrees(1, DistanceUtils.EARTH_MEAN_RADIUS_KM);
            double DEG2KM = 1 / KM2DEG;

            double DIST = 35.75;//35.7499...

            assertEquals(DIST, ctx.DistCalc.Distance(iPt, qPt) * DEG2KM, 0.001);

            //distErrPct will affect the query shape precision. The indexed precision
            // was set to nearly zilch via init(GeohashPrefixTree.getMaxLevelsPossible());
            double distErrPct = 0.025; //the suggested default, by the way
            double distMult   = 1 + distErrPct;

            assertTrue(35.74 * distMult >= DIST);
            checkHits(q(qPt, 35.74 * KM2DEG, distErrPct), 1, null);

            assertTrue(30 * distMult < DIST);
            checkHits(q(qPt, 30 * KM2DEG, distErrPct), 0, null);

            assertTrue(33 * distMult < DIST);
            checkHits(q(qPt, 33 * KM2DEG, distErrPct), 0, null);

            assertTrue(34 * distMult < DIST);
            checkHits(q(qPt, 34 * KM2DEG, distErrPct), 0, null);
        private SpatialArgs q(Spatial4n.Core.Shapes.IPoint pt, double distDEG, double distErrPct)
            IShape      shape = ctx.MakeCircle(pt, distDEG);
            SpatialArgs args  = new SpatialArgs(SpatialOperation.Intersects, shape);

            args.DistErrPct = (distErrPct);