예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="MapTester{TSource, TDestination}"/> instance and initializes it
        /// to automatically test properties that have the same name on the "from" and "to"
        /// <typeparamref name="TSource"/> and <typeparamref name="TDestination"/> types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This constructor is called by the "factory"
        /// <see cref="MapTester.ForMap{TSource, TDestination}"/> method.
        /// </remarks>
        internal MapTester()
            Type     sourceType     = typeof(TSource);
            TypeInfo sourceTypeInfo = sourceType.GetTypeInfo();
            Type     destType       = typeof(TDestination);
            TypeInfo destTypeInfo   = destType.GetTypeInfo();

            _memberTesters  = new Dictionary <string, MapMemberTester <TSource, TDestination> >();
            _destProperties = PropertyEnumerator.GetPublicInstanceReadWriteProperties(destTypeInfo);
            PropertyInfo[] srcProperties = PropertyEnumerator.GetPublicInstanceReadProperties(sourceTypeInfo);

            Tuple <string, string>[] commonPropertyNames = srcProperties
                                                           .Join(_destProperties, src => src.Name.ToLowerInvariant(), dest => dest.Name.ToLowerInvariant(), (src, dest) => Tuple.Create(src.Name, dest.Name))

            foreach (Tuple <string, string> item in commonPropertyNames)
                string sourcePropertyName = item.Item1;
                string propertyName       = item.Item2;

                PropertyInfo srcProperty  = PropertyInfoResolver.Resolve(sourceTypeInfo, sourcePropertyName);
                PropertyInfo destProperty = PropertyInfoResolver.Resolve(destTypeInfo, propertyName);

                                     new MapMemberTester <TSource, TDestination>(
                                         dest => destProperty.GetValue(dest, null),
                                         src => srcProperty.GetValue(src, null)));
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="MapTester{TSource, TDestination}"/> instance and initializes it
        /// to automatically test properties that have the same name on the "from" and "to"
        /// <typeparamref name="TSource"/> and <typeparamref name="TDestination"/> types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This constructor is called by the "factory"
        /// <see cref="MapTester.ForMap{TSource, TDestination}"/> method.
        /// </remarks>
        internal MapTester()
            Type     sourceType     = typeof(TSource);
            TypeInfo sourceTypeInfo = sourceType.GetTypeInfo();
            Type     destType       = typeof(TDestination);
            TypeInfo destTypeInfo   = destType.GetTypeInfo();

            _memberTesters  = new Dictionary <string, MapMemberTester <TSource, TDestination> >();
            _destProperties = PropertyEnumerator.GetPublicInstanceReadWriteProperties(destTypeInfo);
            PropertyInfo[] srcProperties = PropertyEnumerator.GetPublicInstanceReadWriteProperties(sourceTypeInfo);

            string[] commonPropertyNames = srcProperties
                                           .Join(_destProperties, dest => dest.Name, src => src.Name, (dest, src) => dest.Name)

            foreach (string propertyName in commonPropertyNames)
                PropertyInfo srcProperty  = PropertyInfoResolver.Instance.ResolveProperty(sourceTypeInfo, propertyName);
                PropertyInfo destProperty = PropertyInfoResolver.Instance.ResolveProperty(destTypeInfo, propertyName);

                                     new MapMemberTester <TSource, TDestination>(
                                         dest => destProperty.GetValue(dest, null),
                                         src => srcProperty.GetValue(src, null)));
        private void UpdatePropertiesWithRandomValues(object instance, Random random, TypeInfo typeInfo, int depth)
            PropertyInfo[] properties = PropertyEnumerator.GetPublicInstanceReadWriteProperties(typeInfo);

            foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
                var value = GetRandomValue(random, property.PropertyType, property.Name, depth);

                if (value != null)
                    property.SetValue(instance, value, null);