public void DropTeam() { // Find exit spot. IntVec3 exitSpot = IntVec3.Invalid; bool exitSpotIsValid = Expedition.TryFindRandomExitSpot(this.Map, this.Position, out exitSpot); if (exitSpotIsValid) { // Spawn expedition pawns. List <Pawn> stayingAboardPawns = new List <Pawn>(); List <Pawn> droppedPawns = new List <Pawn>(); foreach (Pawn pawn in this.pawnsAboard) { if (pawn.kindDef == Util_PawnKindDefOf.Pilot) { stayingAboardPawns.Add(pawn); } else { droppedPawns.Add(pawn); GenSpawn.Spawn(pawn, this.Position + IntVec3Utility.RandomHorizontalOffset(3f), this.Map); } } this.pawnsAboard = stayingAboardPawns; // Make lord. LordMaker.MakeNewLord(Util_Faction.MiningCoFaction, new LordJob_ExitMap(exitSpot), this.Map, droppedPawns); // Spawn payment. SpawnPayment(droppedPawns.Count); Util_Faction.AffectGoodwillWith(Util_Faction.MiningCoFaction, Faction.OfPlayer, droppedPawns.Count); } }
// Return the primary landing pad if available and reaching map edge // else a random one // else null. public static Building_LandingPad GetBestAvailableLandingPadReachingMapEdge(Map map) { IntVec3 exitSpot = IntVec3.Invalid; // Check pawns can reach map edge from best landing pad. Building_LandingPad bestLandingPad = GetBestAvailableLandingPad(map); if (bestLandingPad != null) { if (Expedition.TryFindRandomExitSpot(map, bestLandingPad.Position, out exitSpot)) { return(bestLandingPad); } } // Check pawns can exit map from any landing pad. List <Building_LandingPad> allAvailableLandingPads = Util_LandingPad.GetAllFreeAndPoweredLandingPads(map); if (allAvailableLandingPads != null) { foreach (Building_LandingPad landingPad in allAvailableLandingPads.InRandomOrder()) { if (Expedition.TryFindRandomExitSpot(map, landingPad.Position, out exitSpot)) { return(landingPad); } } } return(null); }
public override bool ActivateOn(Lord lord, TriggerSignal signal) { if ((signal.type == TriggerSignalType.Tick) && (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % checkInterval == 0)) { IntVec3 targetDestination = (lord.LordJob as LordJob_MiningCoBase).targetDestination; // Look for a reachable unreserved downed pawn. if (lord.ownedPawns.NullOrEmpty()) { lord.Cleanup(); return(false); } Pawn pawnToRescue = Util_DownedPawn.GetRandomReachableDownedPawn(lord.ownedPawns.RandomElement()); if (pawnToRescue == null) { return(false); } // Check all lord pawns can reach downed pawn. foreach (Pawn pawn in lord.ownedPawns) { if (pawn.CanReserveAndReach(pawnToRescue, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Some) == false) { return(false); } } // Check all lord pawns can reach target destination. bool targetDestinationIsReachable = true; foreach (Pawn pawn in lord.ownedPawns) { if (pawn.CanReach(targetDestination, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Some) == false) { targetDestinationIsReachable = false; break; } } if (targetDestinationIsReachable) { return(true); } // Try to find a new exit spot. IntVec3 exitSpot = IntVec3.Invalid; bool exitSpotIsValid = Expedition.TryFindRandomExitSpot(lord.Map, lord.ownedPawns.RandomElement().Position, out exitSpot); if (exitSpotIsValid) { targetDestinationIsReachable = true; foreach (Pawn pawn in lord.ownedPawns) { if (pawn.CanReach(exitSpot, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Some) == false) { targetDestinationIsReachable = false; break; } } } return(targetDestinationIsReachable); } return(false); }
public override void DoAction(Transition trans) { Lord lord =; IntVec3 targetDestination = (lord.LordJob as LordJob_MiningCoBase).targetDestination; bool needNewExitSpot = false; bool isEdgeCell = targetDestination.InBounds(lord.Map) && ((targetDestination.x == 0) || (targetDestination.x == lord.Map.Size.x - 1) || (targetDestination.z == 0) || (targetDestination.z == lord.Map.Size.z - 1)); if (isEdgeCell == false) { needNewExitSpot = true; } else { foreach (Pawn pawn in lord.ownedPawns) { if (pawn.CanReach(targetDestination, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Some) == false) { needNewExitSpot = true; break; } } } IntVec3 newTargetDestination = targetDestination; if (needNewExitSpot) { if (Expedition.TryFindRandomExitSpot(lord.Map, lord.ownedPawns.RandomElement().Position, out newTargetDestination) == false) { newTargetDestination = CellFinder.RandomEdgeCell(lord.Map); } } (lord.LordJob as LordJob_MiningCoBase).targetDestination = newTargetDestination; // Refresh lord toil destination anyway as it may have been initialized with an invalid vector (case of a fallback). LordToil_Travel travelToil = as LordToil_Travel; if (travelToil != null) { travelToil.SetDestination(newTargetDestination); } LordToil_EscortDownedPawn escortToil = as LordToil_EscortDownedPawn; if (escortToil != null) { escortToil.SetDestination(newTargetDestination); } }
public bool SpawnTeamOnMapEdge(IntVec3 targetDestination, Map map, List <Pawn> teamPawns) { // Find entry cell. IntVec3 entryCell = IntVec3.Invalid; bool entryCellIsValid = Expedition.TryFindRandomExitSpot(map, targetDestination, out entryCell); if (entryCellIsValid) { // Spawn expedition pawns. foreach (Pawn pawn in teamPawns) { IntVec3 cell = CellFinder.RandomSpawnCellForPawnNear(entryCell, map, 5); GenSpawn.Spawn(pawn, cell, map); } // Make lord. Lord lord = LordMaker.MakeNewLord(Util_Faction.MiningCoFaction, new LordJob_BoardSpaceship(targetDestination), map, teamPawns); } return(entryCellIsValid); }