private IEnumerator WalkToNode(PathNode node) { var targetPosition = node.Position.ToVector3(); while (targetPosition != transform.position) { /* Linearly move player to target cell */ this.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, targetPosition, Speed * Time.deltaTime); var _direction = (targetPosition - transform.position).normalized; var _lookRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(_direction); //rotate us over time according to speed until we are in the required rotation transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, _lookRotation, Time.deltaTime * RotationSpeed); yield return null; } }
public IEnumerator FindPath(IntVector3 start, IntVector3 end, Action<bool> callback) { currentNode = null; this.endNode = null; this.start = start; this.end = end; this.openNodes.Clear(); this.closedNodes.Clear(); this.finalNodes.Clear(); /* Create start node and add to open list */ var startNode = new PathNode() { Position = start, G = 0, F = Manhattan(start, end) }; this.openNodes.Add(startNode); while (this.openNodes.Count > 0) { /* Sort open nodes by lowest f(G, H) = G + H */ this.openNodes = this.openNodes.OrderBy( node => node.F ).ToList(); currentNode = this.openNodes.PopAt(0); this.closedNodes.Add(currentNode); if (currentNode.Position.Equals(end)) { this.endNode = currentNode; break; } while (!ContinueSteps && PerformSteps) { yield return null; } ContinueSteps = false; /* Visit all neighbors of our current node */ foreach(var offset in CellRange.Values2D(false)) { var absPos = currentNode.Position + offset.ToIntVector3(0); /* Continue if we already visited that neighbor */ var isClosedNode = this.closedNodes.Find( node => node.Position.Equals(absPos) ) != null; var isWalkable = CellDefinition.IsWalkable(regionManager.GetCellAt(absPos)); if (isClosedNode || !isWalkable) { continue; } var tentativeG = currentNode.G + Distance(currentNode.Position, absPos); var openNeighbor = this.openNodes.Find( node => node.Position.Equals(absPos) ); if (openNeighbor == null || tentativeG < openNeighbor.G) { if (openNeighbor == null) { openNeighbor = new PathNode(); this.openNodes.Add(openNeighbor); } openNeighbor.ParentNode = currentNode; openNeighbor.Position = absPos; openNeighbor.G = tentativeG; openNeighbor.F = openNeighbor.G + Manhattan(absPos, end); } } } callback(this.endNode != null); }
private void DrawFinalPathGizmos() { var currentNode = this.endNode; if (this.endNode == null) { return; } Gizmos.color =; while (true) { if (currentNode.ParentNode == null) { break; } Gizmos.DrawLine(currentNode.Position.ToVector3(), currentNode.ParentNode.Position.ToVector3()); currentNode = currentNode.ParentNode; } }
private void RemoveNodesInSight(PathNode node) { var heightOffset = new Vector3(0, 0.25f, 0); if (node.ParentNode == null) { return; } if (Physics.Linecast(node.Position + heightOffset, node.ParentNode.Position + heightOffset)) { RemoveNodesInSight(node.ParentNode); } else { var parentIndex = this.finalNodes.IndexOf(node.ParentNode); if (node.ParentNode == null) { return; } node.ParentNode = node.ParentNode.ParentNode; this.finalNodes.RemoveAt(parentIndex); RemoveNodesInSight(node); } }
public List<PathNode> ReconstructPath(bool reverse = true) { var currentNode = endNode; if (this.endNode == null) { Logger.Warn("Cannot reconstruct path, must find it first."); return null; } while (true) { this.finalNodes.Add(currentNode); if (currentNode.ParentNode == null) { break; } currentNode = currentNode.ParentNode; } if (reverse) { this.finalNodes.Reverse(); } return this.finalNodes; }