예제 #1
        //to destroy game objects that are hit
        public static void Dettach(GameObject pGameObject)
            GONodeMan pGOMan = GONodeMan.PrivGetInstance();

            Debug.Assert(pGOMan != null);

            //Remeber: a doublly linked list of trees

            //whatever game object we get, we have to travel up its tree
            // to its its tree's root/ upper most parent
            Debug.Assert(pGameObject != null);
            GameObject pTemp = pGameObject;

            GameObject pRoot = null;

            while (pTemp != null)
                pRoot = pTemp;
                pTemp = (GameObject)Iterator.GetParent(pTemp);
                //keep traveling up the tree

                //exit out at the top of the tree

            //Found the tree our game object is in
            // now go traverse the DLink list to that tree
            GONode pTree = (GONode)pGOMan.BaseGetActive();

            while (pTree != null)
                //check if the game objects match
                if (pTree.poGameObject == pRoot)

                pTree = (GONode)pTree.pNext;

            //Now we are in the tree with the Game Object
            //we need to remove
            Debug.Assert(pTree != null);
            Debug.Assert(pTree.poGameObject != null);

            GameObject pParent = (GameObject)Iterator.GetParent(pGameObject);

            Debug.Assert(pParent != null);

            GameObject pChild = (GameObject)Iterator.GetChild(pGameObject);

            Debug.Assert(pChild == null);

            //Remove Gamobject from its parent composite
예제 #2
        public static void Update()
            // go through active list and update everything in it
            // while loop

            GONodeMan pMan = GONodeMan.PrivGetInstance();

            Debug.Assert(pMan != null);


            GONode pGONode = (GONode)pMan.BaseGetActive();

            while (pGONode != null)
                //Debug.WriteLine("update: GameObjectTree {0} ({1})", pGONode.poGameObject, pGONode.poGameObject.GetHashCode());
                //Debug.WriteLine("   +++++");
                if (pGONode.poGameObject.GetPlayerOption() == true)
                    ReverseIterator pRev = new ReverseIterator(pGONode.poGameObject);

                    //need to update the children 1st then work our way back up the tree
                    // So depth first(ReverseIterator)
                    // maintaines integrity of the bounding collision rectangles
                    Component pNode = pRev.First();
                    while (!pRev.IsDone())
                        GameObject pGameObj = (GameObject)pNode;

                        //Debug.WriteLine("update: {0} ({1})", pGameObj, pGameObj.GetHashCode());

                        pNode = pRev.Next();
                    //Debug.WriteLine("   ------");
                    pGONode = (GONode)pGONode.pNext;