예제 #1
        // quick list of all the class declerations
        // LandingPage LP, Shop Shop, ShipYard SY, GameOver GO, PersonalStatus PS, UtilityMethods UM, Ship ship, PlanetInfo PI, Fuel fuel, Asgard Asgard, Earth Earth, AlphaCentari AlphaCentari, M63 M63
        //LP, Shop, SY, GO, PS, UM, ship, PI, fuel, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63
        public void FirstPage()
            Console.Write("\n\n\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t                  D U K E                  \n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t                    O F                    \n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t               M E R C U R Y               \n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t |  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |   .      .  _____________  .     *   ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |     *      / _    \\    \\ \\  .        ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |  .        / /#\\    \\    \\ \\__    *   ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |    .  *  | |##|    |    | |##\\       ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |#####     | |##|    |    | |###\\      ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |######   _|_|##|____|____|_|####\\     ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |#######<| | //\\ | /\\\\    CAMEL   |    ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |#######<|_|||  \\|/ ||____________|    ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |######   . ||  /*\\ ||     * .    *    ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |#####  .    \\\\/_|_\\//                 ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |   *     .   -------     .     *    . ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t |_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|\n\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" +
                          "\n\t\t\t\t    Hello, welcome to Duke Of Mercury!\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t\t   What is your name? ");

            //Setting the starting stats


            //clears the text

            //add story here
            Console.WriteLine($"\n\n\n\n" +
                              $"\t\tOkay, {PS.NameCall()}. You were engaged to Venusian royalty but the king of Venus has forbidden your beloved \n" +
                              $"\t\tto marry a mere commoner like yourself. But there is even worse news! \n" +
                              $"\t\tYour beloved has other interested parties, and what's worse is they are already nobility. \n" +
                              $"\t\tBut you are in luck there is a way to buy into galactic nobility, but it's going to be a lot of work. \n" +
                              $"\t\tYou've got a {ship.ShipName} class ship and {PS.Cash()} Galactic Credits, \n" +
                              $"\t\tso get out there and get to trading, {PS.NameCall()}!\n\n" +
                              $"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\tPress enter to continue past this or any screen in this game.");


            LP.LandingPagePicker(LP, Shop, SY, GO, PS, UM, ship, PI, fuel, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);
예제 #2
 public void PortTravel(double currentX, double destinationX, double currentY, double destinationY, string destination, UtilityMethods UM, PersonalStatus PS, Fuel fuel, Ship ship, PlanetInfo PI, Shop shop, ShipYard SY, LandingPage LP,
                        Asgard Asgard, Earth Earth, AlphaCentari AlphaCentari, M63 M63, PlanetX PlanetX, Titan Titan, PlanetJoe planetJoe, Vormir vormir, Picium Picium)
     if (UM.FuelCheck(currentX, destinationX, currentY, destinationY, ship, PS, fuel) == "OK")
         UM.PlanetTravel(currentX, destinationX, currentY, destinationY, ship, PS, fuel);
         LP.LandingPagePicker(LP, shop, SY, GO, PS, UM, ship, PI, fuel, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);
     if (UM.FuelCheck(currentX, destinationX, currentY, destinationY, ship, PS, fuel) == "TooFar")
         UM.TooFar(currentX, destinationX, currentY, destinationY, fuel);
예제 #3
 public void AlphaYard(UtilityMethods UM, PersonalStatus PS, Ship ship, Fuel fuel, ShipYard SY, LandingPage LP,
                       Shop Shop, GameOver GO, PlanetInfo PI, Asgard Asgard, Earth Earth, AlphaCentari AlphaCentari, M63 M63,
                       PlanetX PlanetX, Titan Titan, PlanetJoe planetJoe, Vormir vormir, Picium Picium)
     UM.InventoryDisplay(PS, ship, fuel);
     // write flavor text about shipyard
     Console.WriteLine("\n\n" +
                       "\tYou walk into the Shipyard, the sound of welders and hammers fills the air. Ship\n" +
                       "\tsalesman are weaving in and out of the ships pushing their latest ship on travelers\n" +
                       "\tall the while dodging the laborers.\n" +
                       "\t\tWould you like to:\n" +
                       "\t\t 1 Check your ship stats\n" +
                       "\t\t 2 Buy a new Ship\n" +
                       "\t\t 3 Return to planetary hub");
         int response = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
         if (response == 1)
             SY.ShipCheck(PS, ship, UM, fuel);
         if (response == 2)
             SY.PurchaseShip(PS, ship, UM, fuel);
         if (response == 3)
             LP.LandingPagePicker(LP, Shop, SY, GO, PS, UM, ship, PI, fuel, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);
         Console.WriteLine("Invalid Entry, try again");