/// <summary>
 ///   Query one specific song using MinHash algorithm. ConnectionString is set by the caller.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name = "signatures">Fingerprint signatures from a song</param>
 /// <param name = "dalManager">DAL Manager used to query the underlying database</param>
 /// <param name = "permStorage">Permutation storage</param>
 /// <param name = "seconds">Fingerprints to consider as query points [1.4 sec * N]</param>
 /// <param name = "lHashTables">Number of hash tables from the database</param>
 /// <param name = "lGroupsPerKey">Number of groups per hash table</param>
 /// <param name = "thresholdTables">Threshold percentage [0.07 for 20 LHash Tables, 0.17 for 25 LHashTables]</param>
 /// <param name = "queryTime">Set but the method, representing the query length</param>
 /// <returns>Dictionary with Tracks ID's and the Query Statistics</returns>
 public static Dictionary<Int32, QueryStats> QueryOneSongMinHash(
     IEnumerable<bool[]> signatures,
     DaoGateway dalManager,
     IPermutations permStorage,
     int seconds,
     int lHashTables,
     int lGroupsPerKey,
     int thresholdTables,
     ref long queryTime)
     Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
     Dictionary<Int32, QueryStats> stats = new Dictionary<Int32, QueryStats>();
     MinHash minHash = new MinHash(permStorage);
     foreach (bool[] f in signatures)
         if (f == null) continue;
         int[] bin = minHash.ComputeMinHashSignature(f); /*Compute Min Hash on randomly selected fingerprints*/
         Dictionary<int, long> hashes = minHash.GroupMinHashToLSHBuckets(bin, lHashTables, lGroupsPerKey); /*Find all candidates by querying the database*/
         long[] hashbuckets = hashes.Values.ToArray();
         Dictionary<int, List<HashBinMinHash>> candidates = dalManager.ReadFingerprintsByHashBucketLSH(hashbuckets);
         Dictionary<int, List<HashBinMinHash>> potentialCandidates = SelectPotentialMatchesOutOfEntireDataset(candidates, thresholdTables);
         if (potentialCandidates.Count > 0)
             List<Fingerprint> fingerprints = dalManager.ReadFingerprintById(potentialCandidates.Keys);
             Dictionary<Fingerprint, int> fCandidates = new Dictionary<Fingerprint, int>();
             foreach (Fingerprint finger in fingerprints)
                 fCandidates.Add(finger, potentialCandidates[finger.Id].Count);
             ArrangeCandidatesAccordingToFingerprints(f, fCandidates, lHashTables, lGroupsPerKey, stats);
     queryTime = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; /*Set the query Time parameter*/
     return stats;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Query one specific song using MinHash algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="signatures">Signature signatures from a song</param>
        /// <param name="dbService">DatabaseService used to query the underlying database</param>
        /// <param name="lshHashTables">Number of hash tables from the database</param>
        /// <param name="lshGroupsPerKey">Number of groups per hash table</param>
        /// <param name="thresholdTables">Threshold percentage [0.07 for 20 LHash Tables, 0.17 for 25 LHashTables]</param>
        /// <param name="queryTime">Set buy the method, representing the query length</param>
        /// <returns>Dictionary with Tracks ID's and the Query Statistics</returns>
        public static Dictionary<Int32, QueryStats> QueryOneSongMinHash(
			IEnumerable<bool[]> signatures,
			DatabaseService dbService,
			MinHash minHash,
			int lshHashTables,
			int lshGroupsPerKey,
			int thresholdTables,
			ref long queryTime)
            Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
            Dictionary<int, QueryStats> stats = new Dictionary<int, QueryStats>();
            foreach (bool[] signature in signatures)
                if (signature == null)

                // Compute Min Hash on randomly selected fingerprints
                int[] bin = minHash.ComputeMinHashSignature(signature);

                Dictionary<int, long> hashes = minHash.GroupMinHashToLSHBuckets(bin, lshHashTables, lshGroupsPerKey); /*Find all candidates by querying the database*/
                long[] hashbuckets = hashes.Values.ToArray();
                IDictionary<int, IList<HashBinMinHash>> candidates = dbService.ReadFingerprintsByHashBucketLsh(hashbuckets);
                Dictionary<int, IList<HashBinMinHash>> potentialCandidates = SelectPotentialMatchesOutOfEntireDataset(candidates, thresholdTables);
                if (potentialCandidates.Count > 0)
                    IList<Fingerprint> fingerprints = dbService.ReadFingerprintById(potentialCandidates.Keys);
                    Dictionary<Fingerprint, int> finalCandidates = fingerprints.ToDictionary(finger => finger, finger => potentialCandidates[finger.Id].Count);
                        signature, finalCandidates, lshHashTables, lshGroupsPerKey, stats);

            queryTime = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; /*Set the query Time parameter*/
            return stats;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        ///   Compute Hash Bins using Min Hash algorithm
        /// </summary>
        private void ComputeHashBinsUsingMinHash()
            List<Track> tracks = _dalManager.ReadTracks(); /*Read all tracks from the database*/
            _pbMinHash.Invoke(new Action(() => /*Progress bar Settings*/
                                             _pbMinHash.Minimum = 1;
                                             _pbMinHash.Maximum = tracks.Count;
                                             _pbMinHash.Value = 1;
                                             _pbMinHash.Step = 1;

            MinHash minHash = new MinHash(_permutations);
            for (int index = 0; index < tracks.Count; index++)
                Track track = tracks[index];
                List<Fingerprint> fingerprints;
                    fingerprints = _dalManager.ReadFingerprintsByTrackId(track.Id, 0); /*Read corresponding fingerprints of a specific track*/
                    if (fingerprints == null)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, Resources.Error, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                List<HashBinMinHash> listToInsert = new List<HashBinMinHash>(); /*Generate Min Hash signatures*/
                foreach (Fingerprint fingerprint in fingerprints)
                    int[] hashBins = minHash.ComputeMinHashSignature(fingerprint.Signature); /*For each of the fingerprints*/
                    Dictionary<int, long> hashTable = minHash.GroupMinHashToLSHBuckets(hashBins, _numberofgroupsminhash, _numberofhashesperkeyminhash);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<int, long> item in hashTable)
                        HashBinMinHash hash = new HashBinMinHash(-1, item.Value, item.Key, track.Id, fingerprint.Id);
                _dalManager.InsertHashBin(listToInsert); /*Actual insert*/
                _pbMinHash.Invoke(new Action(() => _pbMinHash.PerformStep()));
예제 #4
        private static List<int[]> TestSoundfingerprintingAlgorithm(float[] samples, string name)
            // work config
            WorkUnitParameterObject param = new WorkUnitParameterObject();
            param.FingerprintingConfiguration = fingerprintingConfig;

            // Soundfingerprinting Service
            FingerprintService fingerprintService = GetSoundfingerprintingService();

            // Image Service
            ImageService imageService =
                new ImageService(fingerprintService.SpectrumService, fingerprintService.WaveletService);

            // Get fingerprints
            double[][] LogSpectrogram;
            List<bool[]> fingerprints = fingerprintService.CreateFingerprintsFromAudioSamples(samples, param, out LogSpectrogram);
            int width = param.FingerprintingConfiguration.FingerprintLength;
            int height = param.FingerprintingConfiguration.LogBins;
            imageService.GetImageForFingerprints(fingerprints, width, height, 2).Save("imageservice_" + name + "_fingerprints.png");

            IPermutations permutations = new LocalPermutations("Soundfingerprinting\\perms.csv", ",");

            Soundfingerprinting.DuplicatesDetector.DataAccess.Repository repository = new Soundfingerprinting.DuplicatesDetector.DataAccess.Repository(permutations);

            // Define track
            Soundfingerprinting.DuplicatesDetector.Model.Track track
                = new Soundfingerprinting.DuplicatesDetector.Model.Track {
                Title = name

            Soundfingerprinting.Hashing.MinHash hasher = new Soundfingerprinting.Hashing.MinHash(permutations);
            List<int[]> signatures = new List<int[]>();
            foreach (bool[] fingerprint in fingerprints)
                int[] signature = hasher.ComputeMinHashSignature(fingerprint); /*Compute min-hash signature out of signature*/
            return signatures;
예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 ///   Hash Fingerprints using Min-Hash algorithm
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name = "listOfFingerprintsToHash">List of fingerprints already inserted in the database</param>
 /// <param name = "track">Track of the corresponding fingerprints</param>
 /// <param name = "hashTables">Number of hash tables</param>
 /// <param name = "hashKeys">Number of hash keys</param>
 private void HashFingerprintsUsingMinHash(IEnumerable<Fingerprint> listOfFingerprintsToHash, Track track, int hashTables, int hashKeys)
     List<HashBinMinHash> listToInsert = new List<HashBinMinHash>();
     MinHash minHash = new MinHash(_permStorage);
     foreach (Fingerprint fingerprint in listOfFingerprintsToHash)
         int[] hashBins = minHash.ComputeMinHashSignature(fingerprint.Signature); //Compute Min Hashes
         Dictionary<int, long> hashTable = minHash.GroupMinHashToLSHBuckets(hashBins, hashTables, hashKeys);
         foreach (KeyValuePair<int, long> item in hashTable)
             HashBinMinHash hash = new HashBinMinHash(-1, item.Value, item.Key, track.Id, fingerprint.Id);
     _dalManager.InsertHashBin(listToInsert); //Insert 
		/// <summary>
		/// Query one specific song using MinHash algorithm.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="signatures">Signature signatures from a song</param>
		/// <param name="dbService">DatabaseService used to query the underlying database</param>
		/// <param name="lshHashTables">Number of hash tables from the database</param>
		/// <param name="lshGroupsPerKey">Number of groups per hash table</param>
		/// <param name="thresholdTables">Minimum number of hash tables that must be found for one signature to be considered a candidate (0 = return all candidates, 2+ = return only exact matches)</param>
		/// <param name="queryTime">Set by the method, representing the query length</param>
		/// <param name="doSearchEverything">disregard the local sensitivity hashes and search the whole database</param>
		/// <param name="splashScreen">The "please wait" splash screen (or null)</param>
		/// <returns>Dictionary with Tracks ID's and the Query Statistics</returns>
		public static Dictionary<Int32, QueryStats> QueryOneSongMinHash(
			IEnumerable<bool[]> signatures,
			DatabaseService dbService,
			MinHash minHash,
			int lshHashTables,
			int lshGroupsPerKey,
			int thresholdTables,
			ref long queryTime,
			bool doSearchEverything = false,
			SplashSceenWaitingForm splashScreen = null)
			Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
			int signatureCounter = 0;
			int signatureTotalCount = signatures.Count();
			Dictionary<int, QueryStats> stats = new Dictionary<int, QueryStats>();
			foreach (bool[] signature in signatures) {
				#region Please Wait Splash Screen Cancel Event
				// check if the user clicked cancel
				if (splashScreen.CancellationPending) {

				if (signature == null) {

				IDictionary<int, IList<HashBinMinHash>> candidates = null;
				if (doSearchEverything) {
					candidates = dbService.ReadAllFingerprints();
				} else {
					// Compute Min Hash on randomly selected fingerprint
					int[] bin = minHash.ComputeMinHashSignature(signature);
					// Find all hashbuckets to care about
					Dictionary<int, long> hashes = minHash.GroupMinHashToLSHBuckets(bin, lshHashTables, lshGroupsPerKey);
					long[] hashbuckets = hashes.Values.ToArray();
					// Find all candidates by querying the database for those hashbuckets
					candidates = dbService.ReadFingerprintsByHashBucketLsh(hashbuckets);
				// Reduce the potential candidates list if the number of hash tables found for each signature are less than the threshold
				Dictionary<int, IList<HashBinMinHash>> potentialCandidates = SelectPotentialMatchesOutOfEntireDataset(candidates, thresholdTables);
				// get the final candidate list by only using the potential candidate list
				if (potentialCandidates.Count > 0) {
					IList<Fingerprint> fingerprints = dbService.ReadFingerprintById(potentialCandidates.Keys);
					Dictionary<Fingerprint, int> finalCandidates = fingerprints.ToDictionary(finger => finger, finger => potentialCandidates[finger.Id].Count);
				#region Please Wait Splash Screen Update
				// calculate a percentage between 5 and 90
				int percentage = (int) ((float) (signatureCounter) / (float) signatureTotalCount * 85) + 5;
				if (splashScreen != null) splashScreen.SetProgress(percentage, String.Format("Searching for similar fingerprints.\n(Signature {0} of {1})", signatureCounter+1, signatureTotalCount));
				#endregion Updat

			queryTime = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; /*Set the query Time parameter*/
			return stats;