View model for a command with fixed context that is required during command execution
상속: ViewModelBase
        public void ContextualCommandsCollection_HasCommands_ChangedOnCollectionChange()
            // Setup
            var testSubject = new ContextualCommandsCollection();
            int hasCommandsChangedCounter = 0;
            ((INotifyPropertyChanged)testSubject).PropertyChanged += (o, e) =>
                  if (e.PropertyName == "HasCommands")

            // Case 1: Add command
            var cmd1 = new ContextualCommandViewModel(this, new RelayCommand(() => { }));
            var cmd2 = new ContextualCommandViewModel(this, new RelayCommand(() => { }));
            // Act

            // Verify
            Assert.AreEqual(2, hasCommandsChangedCounter, "Adding a command should update HasCommands");

            // Case 2: Remove command
            // Act
            // Verify
            Assert.AreEqual(3, hasCommandsChangedCounter, "Adding a command should update HasCommands");

            // Case 3: Update command
            // Act
            testSubject[0] = cmd1;
            // Verify
            Assert.AreEqual(4, hasCommandsChangedCounter, "Adding a command should update HasCommands");
 public void ContextualCommandViewModel_Ctor_NullArgChecks()
     var command = new RelayCommand(() => { });
     ContextualCommandViewModel suppressAnalysisWarning;
     Exceptions.Expect<ArgumentNullException>(() =>
         suppressAnalysisWarning = new ContextualCommandViewModel(null, command);
        public void ContextualCommandViewModel_CommandInvocation()
            // Setup
            bool canExecute = false;
            bool executed = false;
            var realCommand = new RelayCommand<object>(
                (state) => 
                    Assert.AreEqual(this, state);
                    executed = true;
                (state) => 
                    Assert.AreEqual(this, state);
                    return canExecute;
            var testSubject = new ContextualCommandViewModel(this, realCommand);

            // Sanity
            Assert.AreSame(realCommand, testSubject.InternalRealCommand);

            // Case 1: Can't execute
            canExecute = false;
            // Act
            Assert.IsFalse(testSubject.Command.CanExecute(null), "CanExecute wasn't called as expected");

            // Case 2: Can execute
            canExecute = true;

            // Act
            Assert.IsTrue(testSubject.Command.CanExecute(null), "CanExecute wasn't called as expected");

            // Case 3: Execute
            // Act
            Assert.IsTrue(executed, "Execute wasn't called as expected");
        public void ContextualCommandViewModel_DisplayText()
            // Setup
            var context = new object();
            var command = new RelayCommand(() => { });
            var testSubject = new ContextualCommandViewModel(context, command);

            using (var tracker = new PropertyChangedTracker(testSubject))
                // Case 1: null
                // Act + Verify
                Assert.IsNull(testSubject.DisplayText, "Expected display text to return null when not set");

                // Case 2: static
                testSubject.DisplayText = "foobar9000";
                // Act + Verify
                Assert.AreEqual("foobar9000", testSubject.DisplayText, "Unexpected static display text");
                tracker.AssertPropertyChangedRaised(nameof(testSubject.DisplayText), 1);

                // Case 3: dynamic
                var funcInvoked = false;
                Func<object, string> func = x => 
                    funcInvoked = true;
                    return "1234";
                // Act + Verify
                Assert.AreEqual("1234", testSubject.DisplayText, "Unexpected dynamic display text");
                Assert.IsTrue(funcInvoked, "Dynamic display text function was not invoked");
                tracker.AssertPropertyChangedRaised(nameof(testSubject.DisplayText), 2);

            // Case 4: dynamic - null exception
            Exceptions.Expect<ArgumentNullException>(() => testSubject.SetDynamicDisplayText(null));
        private void OnBindingFinished(ProjectInformation projectInformation, bool isFinishedSuccessfully)
            this.IsBindingInProgress = false;

            if (isFinishedSuccessfully)

                var conflictsController =<IRuleSetConflictsController>();

                if (conflictsController.CheckForConflicts())
                    // In some cases we will end up navigating to the solution explorer, this will make sure that
                    // we're back in team explorer to view the conflicts
                IUserNotification notifications =;
                if (notifications != null)
                    // Create a command with a fixed argument with the help of ContextualCommandViewModel that creates proxy command for the contextual (fixed) instance and the passed in ICommand that expects it
                    ICommand rebindCommand = new ContextualCommandViewModel(projectInformation, new RelayCommand<ProjectInformation>(this.OnBind, this.OnBindStatus)).Command;
                    notifications.ShowNotificationError(Strings.FailedToToBindSolution, NotificationIds.FailedToBindId, rebindCommand);
        public void ContextualCommandViewModel_Icon()
            // Setup
            var context = new object();
            var command = new RelayCommand(() => { });
            var testSubject = new ContextualCommandViewModel(context, command);

            using (var tracker = new PropertyChangedTracker(testSubject))
                // Case 1: null
                // Act + Verify
                Assert.IsNull(testSubject.Icon, "Expected icon to return null when not set");

                // Case 2: static
                var staticIcon = new IconViewModel(null);
                testSubject.Icon = staticIcon;
                // Act + Verify
                Assert.AreSame(staticIcon, testSubject.Icon, "Unexpected static icon");
                tracker.AssertPropertyChangedRaised(nameof(testSubject.Icon), 1);

                // Case 3: dynamic
                var dynamicIcon = new IconViewModel(null);
                var funcInvoked = false;
                Func<object, IconViewModel> func = x => 
                    funcInvoked = true;
                    return dynamicIcon;
                // Act + Verify
                Assert.AreSame(dynamicIcon, testSubject.Icon, "Unexpected dynamic icon");
                Assert.IsTrue(funcInvoked, "Dynamic icon function  was not invoked");
                tracker.AssertPropertyChangedRaised(nameof(testSubject.Icon), 2);

            // Case 4: dynamic - null exception
            Exceptions.Expect<ArgumentNullException>(() => testSubject.SetDynamicIcon(null));
        private void SetServerProjectsVMCommands(ServerViewModel serverVM)
            foreach (ProjectViewModel projectVM in serverVM.Projects)

                if (this.Host.ActiveSection == null)
                    // Don't add command (which will be disabled).

                var bindContextCommand = new ContextualCommandViewModel(projectVM, this.Host.ActiveSection.BindCommand);
                bindContextCommand.SetDynamicDisplayText(x =>
                    var ctx = x as ProjectViewModel;
                    Debug.Assert(ctx != null, "Unexpected fixed context for bind context command");
                    return ctx?.IsBound ?? false ? Strings.SyncButtonText : Strings.BindButtonText;
                bindContextCommand.SetDynamicIcon(x =>
                    var ctx = x as ProjectViewModel;
                    Debug.Assert(ctx != null, "Unexpected fixed context for bind context command");
                    return new IconViewModel(ctx?.IsBound ?? false ? KnownMonikers.Sync : KnownMonikers.Link);

                var openProjectDashboardCommand = new ContextualCommandViewModel(projectVM, this.Host.ActiveSection.BrowseToProjectDashboardCommand)
                    DisplayText = Strings.ViewInSonarQubeMenuItemDisplayText,
                    Tooltip = Strings.ViewInSonarQubeMenuItemTooltip,
                    Icon = new IconViewModel(KnownMonikers.OpenWebSite)

        private void SetServerVMCommands(ServerViewModel serverVM)
            if (this.Host.ActiveSection == null)
                // Don't add command (which will be disabled).

            var refreshContextualCommand = new ContextualCommandViewModel(serverVM, this.Host.ActiveSection.RefreshCommand)
                DisplayText = Strings.RefreshCommandDisplayText,
                Tooltip = Strings.RefreshCommandTooltip,
                Icon = new IconViewModel(KnownMonikers.Refresh)

            var disconnectContextualCommand = new ContextualCommandViewModel(serverVM, this.Host.ActiveSection.DisconnectCommand)
                DisplayText = Strings.DisconnectCommandDisplayText,
                Tooltip = Strings.DisconnectCommandTooltip,
                Icon = new IconViewModel(KnownMonikers.Disconnect)

            var browseServerContextualCommand = new ContextualCommandViewModel(serverVM.Url.ToString(), this.Host.ActiveSection.BrowseToUrlCommand)
                DisplayText = Strings.BrowseServerMenuItemDisplayText,
                Tooltip = Strings.BrowserServerMenuItemTooltip,
                Icon = new IconViewModel(KnownMonikers.OpenWebSite)

            var toggleShowAllProjectsCommand = new ContextualCommandViewModel(serverVM, this.Host.ActiveSection.ToggleShowAllProjectsCommand)
                Tooltip = Strings.ToggleShowAllProjectsCommandTooltip
            toggleShowAllProjectsCommand.SetDynamicDisplayText(x =>
                ServerViewModel ctx = x as ServerViewModel;
                Debug.Assert(ctx != null, "Unexpected fixed context for ToggleShowAllProjects context command");
                return ctx?.ShowAllProjects ?? false ? Strings.HideUnboundProjectsCommandText : Strings.ShowAllProjectsCommandText;
