// Function from file: crew.dm public void updateFor(dynamic hclient_or_mob = null, HtmlInterface hi = null, int?z = null) { ByTable L = null; hi.callJavaScript("clearAll", null, hclient_or_mob); foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(this.data, typeof(ByTable))) { L = _a; hi.callJavaScript("add", L, hclient_or_mob); } hi.callJavaScript("onAfterUpdate", null, hclient_or_mob); return; }
// Function from file: crew.dm public override dynamic Destroy( ) { HtmlInterface hi = null; if (this.interfaces != null) { foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(this.interfaces, typeof(HtmlInterface))) { hi = _a; GlobalFuncs.qdel(hi); } this.interfaces = null; } return(base.Destroy()); }
// Function from file: crew.dm public void show(dynamic mob = null, int?z = null) { HtmlInterface hi = null; if (Lang13.Bool(mob.client)) { this.sendResources(mob.client); } if (!Lang13.Bool(z)) { z = Lang13.IntNullable(mob.z); } if ((z ?? 0) > 0 && this.interfaces != null) { if (!Lang13.Bool(this.interfaces["" + z])) { this.interfaces["" + z] = new HtmlInterface_Nanotrasen(this, "Crew Monitoring", 900, 540, "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"crewmonitor.css\" /><script type=\"text/javascript\">var z = " + z + "; var tile_size = " + Game13.icon_size + "; var maxx = " + Game13.map_size_x + "; var maxy = " + Game13.map_size_y + ";</script><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"crewmonitor.js\"></script>"); hi = this.interfaces["" + z]; hi.updateContent("content", "<div id=\"minimap\"><a href=\"javascript:zoomIn();\" class=\"zoom in\">+</a><a href=\"javascript:zoomOut();\" class=\"zoom\">-</a></div><div id=\"textbased\"></div>"); this.update(z, GlobalVars.TRUE); } else { hi = this.interfaces["" + z]; } Interface13.CacheBrowseResource(mob, new File("code/game/machinery/computer/crew.js"), "crew.js"); Interface13.CacheBrowseResource(mob, new File("code/game/machinery/computer/crew.css"), "crew.css"); hi = this.interfaces["" + z]; hi.show(mob); this.updateFor(mob, hi, z); } return; }
// Function from file: crew.dm public void update(int?z = null, int?ignore_unused = null) { ignore_unused = ignore_unused ?? GlobalVars.FALSE; HtmlInterface hi = null; ByTable results = null; dynamic U = null; dynamic I = null; dynamic pos = null; int ijob = 0; dynamic name = null; dynamic assignment = null; double? dam1 = null; double? dam2 = null; double? dam3 = null; double? dam4 = null; dynamic area = null; int? pos_x = null; int? pos_y = null; string life_status = null; Mob_Living_Carbon_Human H = null; dynamic player_area = null; if (Lang13.Bool(this.interfaces["" + z])) { hi = this.interfaces["" + z]; if (Lang13.Bool(ignore_unused) || Lang13.Bool(hi.isUsed())) { results = new ByTable(); foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(GlobalVars.mob_list, typeof(Mob_Living_Carbon_Human))) { H = _a; if ((H.z == 0 || H.z == z) && H.w_uniform is Obj_Item_Clothing_Under) { U = H.w_uniform; if (U.has_sensor != 0 && U.sensor_mode != 0) { pos = (H.z == 0 || U.sensor_mode == 3 ? GlobalFuncs.get_turf(H) : null); if (H.z == 0 && (!Lang13.Bool(pos) || Lang13.IntNullable(pos.z) != z)) { continue; } I = (Lang13.Bool(H.wear_id) ? ((Obj_Item)H.wear_id).GetID() : null); if (Lang13.Bool(I)) { name = I.registered_name; assignment = I.assignment; ijob = Convert.ToInt32(this.jobs[I.assignment]); } else { name = "<i>Unknown</i>"; assignment = ""; ijob = 80; } if (U.sensor_mode >= 1) { life_status = (!(H.stat != 0) ? "true" : "false"); } else { life_status = null; } if (U.sensor_mode >= 2) { dam1 = Num13.Round(Convert.ToDouble(H.getOxyLoss()), 1); dam2 = Num13.Round(Convert.ToDouble(H.getToxLoss()), 1); dam3 = Num13.Round(H.getFireLoss(), 1); dam4 = Num13.Round(H.getBruteLoss(), 1); } else { dam1 = null; dam2 = null; dam3 = null; dam4 = null; } if (U.sensor_mode >= 3) { if (!Lang13.Bool(pos)) { pos = GlobalFuncs.get_turf(H); } player_area = GlobalFuncs.get_area(H); area = GlobalFuncs.format_text(player_area.name); pos_x = Lang13.IntNullable(pos.x); pos_y = Lang13.IntNullable(pos.y); } else { area = null; pos_x = null; pos_y = null; } results[++results.len] = new ByTable(new object [] { name, assignment, ijob, life_status, dam1, dam2, dam3, dam4, area, pos_x, pos_y, H.can_track(null) }); } } } this.data = results; this.updateFor(null, hi, z); } } return; }
// Function from file: ticker.dm public void station_explosion_cinematic(dynamic station_missed = null, dynamic _override = null) { station_missed = station_missed ?? 0; HtmlInterface hi = null; Obj_Structure_Bed temp_buckle = null; dynamic M = null; dynamic M2 = null; dynamic T = null; if (this.cinematic != null) { return; } foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(GlobalVars.html_interfaces, typeof(HtmlInterface))) { hi = _a; hi.closeAll(); } this.cinematic = new Obj_Screen(this) { icon = "icons/effects/station_explosion.dmi", icon_state = "station_intact", layer = 20, mouse_opacity = 0, screen_loc = "1,0" }; temp_buckle = new Obj_Structure_Bed(this); if (Lang13.Bool(station_missed)) { foreach (dynamic _b in Lang13.Enumerate(GlobalVars.mob_list)) { M = _b; M.buckled = temp_buckle; if (Lang13.Bool(M.client)) { M.client.screen += this.cinematic; } } } else { foreach (dynamic _c in Lang13.Enumerate(GlobalVars.mob_list)) { M2 = _c; M2.buckled = temp_buckle; if (Lang13.Bool(M2.client)) { M2.client.screen += this.cinematic; } if (Convert.ToInt32(M2.stat) != 2) { T = GlobalFuncs.get_turf(M2); if (Lang13.Bool(T) && Lang13.Bool(T.z) == true) { ((Mob)M2).death(false); } } } } dynamic _f = station_missed; // Was a switch-case, sorry for the mess. if (_f == 1) { if (Lang13.Bool(this.mode) && !Lang13.Bool(_override)) { _override = this.mode.name; } dynamic _d = _override; // Was a switch-case, sorry for the mess. if (_d == "nuclear emergency") { Icon13.Flick("intro_nuke", this.cinematic); Task13.Sleep(35); Game13.WriteMsg(new Sound("sound/effects/explosionfar.ogg")); Icon13.Flick("station_intact_fade_red", this.cinematic); this.cinematic.icon_state = "summary_nukefail"; } else if (_d == "gang war") { this.cinematic.icon_state = "intro_malf_still"; Icon13.Flick("intro_malf", this.cinematic); Task13.Sleep(70); } else if (_d == "fake") { Icon13.Flick("intro_nuke", this.cinematic); Task13.Sleep(35); Game13.WriteMsg(new Sound("sound/items/bikehorn.ogg")); Icon13.Flick("summary_selfdes", this.cinematic); } else { Icon13.Flick("intro_nuke", this.cinematic); Task13.Sleep(35); Game13.WriteMsg(new Sound("sound/effects/explosionfar.ogg")); } } else if (_f == 2) { Task13.Sleep(50); Game13.WriteMsg(new Sound("sound/effects/explosionfar.ogg")); } else { if (Lang13.Bool(this.mode) && !Lang13.Bool(_override)) { _override = this.mode.name; } dynamic _e = _override; // Was a switch-case, sorry for the mess. if (_e == "nuclear emergency") { Icon13.Flick("intro_nuke", this.cinematic); Task13.Sleep(35); Icon13.Flick("station_explode_fade_red", this.cinematic); Game13.WriteMsg(new Sound("sound/effects/explosionfar.ogg")); this.cinematic.icon_state = "summary_nukewin"; } else if (_e == "AI malfunction") { Icon13.Flick("intro_malf", this.cinematic); Task13.Sleep(76); Icon13.Flick("station_explode_fade_red", this.cinematic); Game13.WriteMsg(new Sound("sound/effects/explosionfar.ogg")); this.cinematic.icon_state = "summary_malf"; } else if (_e == "blob") { Icon13.Flick("intro_nuke", this.cinematic); Task13.Sleep(35); Icon13.Flick("station_explode_fade_red", this.cinematic); Game13.WriteMsg(new Sound("sound/effects/explosionfar.ogg")); this.cinematic.icon_state = "summary_selfdes"; } else if (_e == "no_core") { Icon13.Flick("intro_nuke", this.cinematic); Task13.Sleep(35); Icon13.Flick("station_intact", this.cinematic); Game13.WriteMsg(new Sound("sound/ambience/signal.ogg")); Task13.Sleep(100); if (this.cinematic != null) { GlobalFuncs.qdel(this.cinematic); this.cinematic = null; } if (temp_buckle != null) { GlobalFuncs.qdel(temp_buckle); } return; } else { Icon13.Flick("intro_nuke", this.cinematic); Task13.Sleep(35); Icon13.Flick("station_explode_fade_red", this.cinematic); Game13.WriteMsg(new Sound("sound/effects/explosionfar.ogg")); this.cinematic.icon_state = "summary_selfdes"; } } Task13.Schedule(300, (Task13.Closure)(() => { if (this.cinematic != null) { GlobalFuncs.qdel(this.cinematic); } if (temp_buckle != null) { GlobalFuncs.qdel(temp_buckle); } return; })); return; }