public DockObject Clone() { DockObject ob = (DockObject)this.MemberwiseClone(); ob.CopyFrom(this); return(ob); }
bool FindHandle(DockGroup grp, int x, int y, out DockGroup foundGrp, out int objectIndex) { if (grp.Type != DockGroupType.Tabbed && grp.Allocation.Contains(x, y)) { for (int n = 0; n < grp.VisibleObjects.Count; n++) { DockObject obj = grp.VisibleObjects [n]; if (n < grp.Objects.Count - 1) { if ((grp.Type == DockGroupType.Horizontal && x > obj.Allocation.Right && x < obj.Allocation.Right + frame.TotalHandleSize) || (grp.Type == DockGroupType.Vertical && y > obj.Allocation.Bottom && y < obj.Allocation.Bottom + frame.TotalHandleSize)) { foundGrp = grp; objectIndex = n; return(true); } } if (obj is DockGroup) { if (FindHandle((DockGroup)obj, x, y, out foundGrp, out objectIndex)) { return(true); } } } } foundGrp = null; objectIndex = 0; return(false); }
public void ResizeItem(int index, int newSize) { DockObject o1 = VisibleObjects [index]; DockObject o2 = VisibleObjects [index + 1]; int dsize; dsize = newSize - o1.AllocSize; if (dsize < 0 && o1.AllocSize + dsize < o1.MinSize) { dsize = o1.MinSize - o1.AllocSize; } else if (dsize > 0 && o2.AllocSize - dsize < o2.MinSize) { dsize = o2.AllocSize - o2.MinSize; } // Assign the new sizes, applying the current ratio double sizeDif = (double)dsize; o1.AllocSize += dsize; o2.AllocSize -= dsize; o1.DefaultSize += (o1.DefaultSize * sizeDif) / o1.Size; o1.Size = o1.AllocSize; o1.PrefSize = o1.Size; o2.DefaultSize -= (o2.DefaultSize * sizeDif) / o2.Size; o2.Size = o2.AllocSize; o2.PrefSize = o2.Size; o1.QueueResize(); o2.QueueResize(); }
public virtual void CopySizeFrom(DockObject obj) { size = obj.size; allocSize = obj.allocSize; defaultHorSize = obj.defaultHorSize; defaultVerSize = obj.defaultVerSize; prefSize = obj.prefSize; }
public override void CopyFrom(DockObject ob) { base.CopyFrom(ob); DockGroupItem it = (DockGroupItem)ob; item = it.item; visibleFlag = it.visibleFlag; floatRect = it.floatRect; }
protected override bool OnButtonPressEvent(Gdk.EventButton ev) { if (currentHandleGrp != null) { dragging = true; dragPos = (currentHandleGrp.Type == DockGroupType.Horizontal) ? (int)ev.XRoot : (int)ev.YRoot; DockObject obj = currentHandleGrp.VisibleObjects [currentHandleIndex]; dragSize = (currentHandleGrp.Type == DockGroupType.Horizontal) ? obj.Allocation.Width : obj.Allocation.Height; } return(base.OnButtonPressEvent(ev)); }
public int GetObjectIndex(DockObject obj) { for (int n = 0; n < dockObjects.Count; n++) { if (dockObjects [n] == obj) { return(n); } } return(-1); }
public virtual void CopyFrom(DockObject ob) { parentGroup = null; frame = ob.frame; rect = ob.rect; size = ob.size; allocSize = ob.allocSize; defaultHorSize = ob.defaultHorSize; defaultVerSize = ob.defaultVerSize; prefSize = ob.prefSize; }
public void ReplaceItem(DockObject ob1, DockObject ob2) { int i = dockObjects.IndexOf(ob1); dockObjects [i] = ob2; ob2.ParentGroup = this; ob2.ResetDefaultSize(); ob2.Size = ob1.Size; ob2.DefaultSize = ob1.DefaultSize; ob2.AllocSize = ob1.AllocSize; ResetVisibleGroups(); }
internal void CalcNewSizes() { // Calculates the size assigned by default to each child item. // Size is proportionally assigned to each item, taking into account // the available space, and the default size of each item. // If there are items with the Expand flag set, those will proportionally // take the space left after allocating the other (not exandable) items. // This is the space available for the child items (excluding size // required for the resize handles) double realSize = (double)GetRealSize(VisibleObjects); bool hasExpandItems = false; double noexpandSize = 0; double minExpandSize = 0; double defaultExpandSize = 0; for (int n = 0; n < VisibleObjects.Count; n++) { DockObject ob = VisibleObjects [n]; if (ob.Expand) { minExpandSize += ob.MinSize; defaultExpandSize += ob.DefaultSize; hasExpandItems = true; } else { ob.Size = ob.DefaultSize; noexpandSize += ob.DefaultSize; } } double expandSize = realSize - noexpandSize; foreach (DockObject ob in VisibleObjects) { if (!hasExpandItems) { ob.Size = (ob.DefaultSize / noexpandSize) * realSize; } else if (ob.Expand) { ob.Size = (ob.DefaultSize / defaultExpandSize) * expandSize; } ob.PrefSize = ob.Size; } CheckMinSizes(); }
public void Reduce() { if (ParentGroup != null && dockObjects.Count == 1) { DockObject obj = dockObjects [0]; int n = ParentGroup.GetObjectIndex(this); ParentGroup.dockObjects [n] = obj; obj.ParentGroup = ParentGroup; obj.CopySizeFrom(this); dockObjects.Clear(); ResetVisibleGroups(); ParentGroup.ResetVisibleGroups(); } }
internal void UpdateVisible(DockObject child) { visibleObjects = null; bool visChanged; CalcNewSizes(); MarkForRelayout(); visChanged = child.Visible ? VisibleObjects.Count == 1 : VisibleObjects.Count == 0; if (visChanged && ParentGroup != null) { ParentGroup.UpdateVisible(this); } }
public override void CopyFrom(DockObject other) { base.CopyFrom(other); DockGroup grp = (DockGroup)other; dockObjects = new List <DockObject> (); foreach (DockObject ob in grp.dockObjects) { DockObject cob = ob.Clone(); cob.ParentGroup = this; dockObjects.Add(cob); } type = grp.type; ResetVisibleGroups(); boundTabStrip = null; tabFocus = null; }
public void Remove(DockObject obj) { dockObjects.Remove(obj); Reduce(); obj.ParentGroup = null; visibleObjects = null; if (VisibleObjects.Count > 0) { CalcNewSizes(); MarkForRelayout(); } else { ParentGroup.UpdateVisible(this); } }
public bool IsChildNextToMargin(Gtk.PositionType margin, DockObject obj, bool visibleOnly) { if (type == DockGroupType.Tabbed) { return(true); } else if (type == DockGroupType.Horizontal) { if (margin == PositionType.Top || margin == PositionType.Bottom) { return(true); } int i = visibleOnly ? VisibleObjects.IndexOf(obj) : Objects.IndexOf(obj); if (margin == PositionType.Left && i == 0) { return(true); } if (margin == PositionType.Right && i == (visibleOnly ? VisibleObjects.Count - 1 : Objects.Count - 1)) { return(true); } } else if (type == DockGroupType.Vertical) { if (margin == PositionType.Left || margin == PositionType.Right) { return(true); } int i = visibleOnly ? VisibleObjects.IndexOf(obj) : Objects.IndexOf(obj); if (margin == PositionType.Top && i == 0) { return(true); } if (margin == PositionType.Bottom && i == (visibleOnly ? VisibleObjects.Count - 1 : Objects.Count - 1)) { return(true); } } return(false); }
bool EstimateBarDocPosition(DockGroup grp, DockObject ignoreChild, out PositionType pos, out int size) { foreach (DockObject ob in grp.Objects) { if (ob == ignoreChild) { continue; } if (ob is DockGroup) { if (EstimateBarDocPosition((DockGroup)ob, null, out pos, out size)) { return(true); } } else if (ob is DockGroupItem) { DockGroupItem it = (DockGroupItem)ob; if (it.status == DockItemStatus.AutoHide) { pos = it.barDocPosition; size = it.autoHideSize; return(true); } if (!it.Allocation.IsEmpty) { pos = it.CalcBarDocPosition(); size = it.GetAutoHideSize(pos); return(true); } } } pos = PositionType.Bottom; size = 0; return(false); }
internal override bool GetDockTarget(DockItem item, int px, int py, out DockDelegate dockDelegate, out Gdk.Rectangle rect) { if (!Allocation.Contains(px, py) || VisibleObjects.Count == 0) { dockDelegate = null; rect = Gdk.Rectangle.Zero; return(false); } if (type == DockGroupType.Tabbed) { // Tabs can only contain DockGroupItems return(((DockGroupItem)VisibleObjects[0]).GetDockTarget(item, px, py, Allocation, out dockDelegate, out rect)); } else if (type == DockGroupType.Horizontal) { if (px >= Allocation.Right - DockFrame.GroupDockSeparatorSize) { // Dock to the right of the group dockDelegate = delegate(DockItem it) { DockTarget(it, dockObjects.Count); }; rect = new Gdk.Rectangle(Allocation.Right - DockFrame.GroupDockSeparatorSize, Allocation.Y, DockFrame.GroupDockSeparatorSize, Allocation.Height); return(true); } else if (px <= Allocation.Left + DockFrame.GroupDockSeparatorSize) { // Dock to the left of the group dockDelegate = delegate(DockItem it) { DockTarget(it, 0); }; rect = new Gdk.Rectangle(Allocation.Left, Allocation.Y, DockFrame.GroupDockSeparatorSize, Allocation.Height); return(true); } // Dock in a separator for (int n = 0; n < VisibleObjects.Count; n++) { DockObject ob = VisibleObjects [n]; if (n < VisibleObjects.Count - 1 && px >= ob.Allocation.Right - DockFrame.GroupDockSeparatorSize / 2 && px <= ob.Allocation.Right + DockFrame.GroupDockSeparatorSize / 2) { int dn = dockObjects.IndexOf(ob); dockDelegate = delegate(DockItem it) { DockTarget(it, dn + 1); }; rect = new Gdk.Rectangle(ob.Allocation.Right - DockFrame.GroupDockSeparatorSize / 2, Allocation.Y, DockFrame.GroupDockSeparatorSize, Allocation.Height); return(true); } else if (ob.GetDockTarget(item, px, py, out dockDelegate, out rect)) { return(true); } } } else if (type == DockGroupType.Vertical) { if (py >= Allocation.Bottom - DockFrame.GroupDockSeparatorSize) { // Dock to the bottom of the group dockDelegate = delegate(DockItem it) { DockTarget(it, dockObjects.Count); }; rect = new Gdk.Rectangle(Allocation.X, Allocation.Bottom - DockFrame.GroupDockSeparatorSize, Allocation.Width, DockFrame.GroupDockSeparatorSize); return(true); } else if (py <= Allocation.Top + DockFrame.GroupDockSeparatorSize) { // Dock to the top of the group dockDelegate = delegate(DockItem it) { DockTarget(it, 0); }; rect = new Gdk.Rectangle(Allocation.X, Allocation.Top, Allocation.Width, DockFrame.GroupDockSeparatorSize); return(true); } // Dock in a separator for (int n = 0; n < VisibleObjects.Count; n++) { DockObject ob = VisibleObjects [n]; if (n < VisibleObjects.Count - 1 && py >= ob.Allocation.Bottom - DockFrame.GroupDockSeparatorSize / 2 && py <= ob.Allocation.Bottom + DockFrame.GroupDockSeparatorSize / 2) { int dn = dockObjects.IndexOf(ob); dockDelegate = delegate(DockItem it) { DockTarget(it, dn + 1); }; rect = new Gdk.Rectangle(Allocation.X, ob.Allocation.Bottom - DockFrame.GroupDockSeparatorSize / 2, Allocation.Width, DockFrame.GroupDockSeparatorSize); return(true); } else if (ob.GetDockTarget(item, px, py, out dockDelegate, out rect)) { return(true); } } } dockDelegate = null; rect = Gdk.Rectangle.Zero; return(false); }
DockGroupItem Split(DockGroupType newType, bool addFirst, DockItem obj, int npos) { DockGroupItem item = new DockGroupItem(Frame, obj); if (npos == -1 || type == DockGroupType.Tabbed) { if (ParentGroup != null && ParentGroup.Type == newType) { // No need to split. Just add the new item as a sibling of this one. int i = ParentGroup.Objects.IndexOf(this); if (addFirst) { ParentGroup.Objects.Insert(i, item); } else { ParentGroup.Objects.Insert(i + 1, item); } item.ParentGroup = ParentGroup; item.ResetDefaultSize(); } else { DockGroup grp = Copy(); dockObjects.Clear(); if (addFirst) { dockObjects.Add(item); dockObjects.Add(grp); } else { dockObjects.Add(grp); dockObjects.Add(item); } item.ParentGroup = this; item.ResetDefaultSize(); grp.ParentGroup = this; grp.ResetDefaultSize(); Type = newType; } } else { DockGroup grp = new DockGroup(Frame, newType); DockObject replaced = dockObjects[npos]; if (addFirst) { grp.AddObject(item); grp.AddObject(replaced); } else { grp.AddObject(replaced); grp.AddObject(item); } grp.CopySizeFrom(replaced); dockObjects [npos] = grp; grp.ParentGroup = this; } return(item); }
void SetBarDocPosition() { // Determine the best position for docking the item if (Allocation.IsEmpty) { int uniqueTrue = -1; int uniqueFalse = -1; for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++) { bool inMargin = IsNextToMargin((PositionType)n, false); if (inMargin) { if (uniqueTrue == -1) { uniqueTrue = n; } else { uniqueTrue = -2; } } else { if (uniqueFalse == -1) { uniqueFalse = n; } else { uniqueFalse = -2; } } } if (uniqueTrue >= 0) { barDocPosition = (PositionType)uniqueTrue; autoHideSize = 200; return; } else if (uniqueFalse >= 0) { barDocPosition = (PositionType)uniqueFalse; switch (barDocPosition) { case PositionType.Left: barDocPosition = PositionType.Right; break; case PositionType.Right: barDocPosition = PositionType.Left; break; case PositionType.Top: barDocPosition = PositionType.Bottom; break; case PositionType.Bottom: barDocPosition = PositionType.Top; break; } autoHideSize = 200; return; } // If the item is in a group, use the dock location of other items DockObject current = this; do { if (EstimateBarDocPosition(current.ParentGroup, current, out barDocPosition, out autoHideSize)) { return; } current = current.ParentGroup; } while (current.ParentGroup != null); // Can't find a good location. Just guess. barDocPosition = PositionType.Bottom; autoHideSize = 200; return; } barDocPosition = CalcBarDocPosition(); }
public void AddObject(DockObject obj) { obj.ParentGroup = this; dockObjects.Add(obj); ResetVisibleGroups(); }
public override void SizeAllocate(Gdk.Rectangle newAlloc) { Gdk.Rectangle oldAlloc = Allocation; base.SizeAllocate(newAlloc); if (type == DockGroupType.Tabbed) { if (boundTabStrip != null) { int tabsHeight = boundTabStrip.SizeRequest().Height; boundTabStrip.SizeAllocate(new Gdk.Rectangle(newAlloc.X, newAlloc.Bottom - tabsHeight, newAlloc.Width, tabsHeight)); } if (allocStatus == AllocStatus.Valid && newAlloc == oldAlloc) { // Even if allocation has not changed, SizeAllocation has to be called on all items to avoid redrawing issues. foreach (DockObject ob in VisibleObjects) { ob.SizeAllocate(ob.Allocation); } return; } if (VisibleObjects.Count > 1 && boundTabStrip != null) { int tabsHeight = boundTabStrip.SizeRequest().Height; newAlloc.Height -= tabsHeight; boundTabStrip.QueueDraw(); } else if (VisibleObjects.Count != 0) { ((DockGroupItem)VisibleObjects [0]).Item.Widget.Show(); } allocStatus = AllocStatus.Valid; foreach (DockObject ob in VisibleObjects) { ob.Size = ob.PrefSize = -1; ob.SizeAllocate(newAlloc); } return; } bool horiz = type == DockGroupType.Horizontal; int pos = horiz ? Allocation.Left : Allocation.Top; if (allocStatus == AllocStatus.Valid && newAlloc == oldAlloc) { // The layout of this group (as a whole) has not changed, but the layout // of child items may have changed. Assign the new sizes. if (CheckMinSizes()) { allocStatus = AllocStatus.NewSizeRequest; } else { foreach (DockObject ob in VisibleObjects) { Gdk.Rectangle rect; int ins = ob.AllocSize; if (horiz) { rect = new Gdk.Rectangle(pos, Allocation.Y, ins, Allocation.Height); } else { rect = new Gdk.Rectangle(Allocation.X, pos, Allocation.Width, ins); } ob.SizeAllocate(rect); pos += ins + Frame.TotalHandleSize; } return; } } // This is the space available for the child items (excluding size // required for the resize handles) int realSize = GetRealSize(VisibleObjects); if (allocStatus == AllocStatus.NotSet /* || allocStatus == AllocStatus.RestorePending*/) { // It is the first size allocation. Calculate all sizes. CalcNewSizes(); } else if (allocStatus != AllocStatus.NewSizeRequest) { // Available space has changed, so the size of the items must be changed. // First of all, get the change fraction double change; if (horiz) { change = (double)newAlloc.Width / (double)oldAlloc.Width; } else { change = (double)newAlloc.Height / (double)oldAlloc.Height; } // Get the old total size of the visible objects. Used to calculate the // proportion of size of each item. double tsize = 0; double rsize = 0; foreach (DockObject ob in VisibleObjects) { tsize += ob.PrefSize; rsize += ob.Size; } foreach (DockObject ob in dockObjects) { if (ob.Visible) { // Proportionally spread the new available space among all visible objects ob.Size = ob.PrefSize = (ob.PrefSize / tsize) * (double)realSize; } else { // For non-visible objects, change the size by the same grow fraction. In this // way, when the item is shown again, it size will have the correct proportions. ob.Size = ob.Size * change; ob.PrefSize = ob.PrefSize * change; } ob.DefaultSize = ob.DefaultSize * change; } CheckMinSizes(); } allocStatus = AllocStatus.Valid; // Sizes for all items have been set. // Sizes are real numbers to ensure that the values are not degradated when resizing // pixel by pixel. Now those have to be converted to integers, that is, actual allocated sizes. int ts = 0; for (int n = 0; n < VisibleObjects.Count; n++) { DockObject ob = VisibleObjects [n]; int ins = (int)Math.Truncate(ob.Size); if (n == VisibleObjects.Count - 1) { ins = realSize - ts; } ts += ins; if (ins < 0) { ins = 0; } ob.AllocSize = ins; if (horiz) { ob.SizeAllocate(new Gdk.Rectangle(pos, Allocation.Y, ins, Allocation.Height)); } else { ob.SizeAllocate(new Gdk.Rectangle(Allocation.X, pos, Allocation.Width, ins)); } pos += ins + Frame.TotalHandleSize; } }
void DrawSeparators(Gdk.Rectangle exposedArea, DockGroup currentHandleGrp, int currentHandleIndex, bool invalidateOnly, bool drawChildrenSep, List <Gdk.Rectangle> areasList) { if (type == DockGroupType.Tabbed || VisibleObjects.Count == 0) { return; } DockObject last = VisibleObjects [VisibleObjects.Count - 1]; bool horiz = type == DockGroupType.Horizontal; int x = Allocation.X; int y = Allocation.Y; int hw = horiz ? Frame.HandleSize : Allocation.Width; int hh = horiz ? Allocation.Height : Frame.HandleSize; Gtk.Orientation or = horiz ? Gtk.Orientation.Vertical : Gtk.Orientation.Horizontal; for (int n = 0; n < VisibleObjects.Count; n++) { DockObject ob = VisibleObjects [n]; DockGroup grp = ob as DockGroup; if (grp != null && drawChildrenSep) { grp.DrawSeparators(exposedArea, currentHandleGrp, currentHandleIndex, invalidateOnly, areasList); } if (ob != last) { if (horiz) { x += ob.Allocation.Width + Frame.HandlePadding; } else { y += ob.Allocation.Height + Frame.HandlePadding; } if (areasList != null) { if (Frame.ShadedSeparators) { areasList.Add(new Gdk.Rectangle(x, y, hw, hh)); } } else if (invalidateOnly) { Frame.Container.QueueDrawArea(x, y, hw, hh); } else { if (Frame.ShadedSeparators) { Frame.ShadedContainer.DrawBackground(Frame.Container, new Gdk.Rectangle(x, y, hw, hh)); } else { StateType state = (currentHandleGrp == this && currentHandleIndex == n) ? StateType.Prelight : StateType.Normal; if (!DockFrame.IsWindows) { Gtk.Style.PaintHandle(Frame.Style, Frame.Container.GdkWindow, state, ShadowType.None, exposedArea, Frame, "paned", x, y, hw, hh, or); } } } if (horiz) { x += Frame.HandleSize + Frame.HandlePadding; } else { y += Frame.HandleSize + Frame.HandlePadding; } } } }