예제 #1
        public void Add(ChessPiece piece, int xCoordinate, int yCoordinate)
            Console.WriteLine("Attempting to Add() to ({0}, {1})...", xCoordinate, yCoordinate);
            if (!IsLegalBoardPosition(xCoordinate, yCoordinate))
                piece.XCoordinate = -1;
                piece.YCoordinate = -1;
                throw new InvalidPositioningException("({0}, {1}) is not a valid position. Chessboard cannot Add() an invalid position.");
            if (!IsPieceAvailable(piece))
                piece.XCoordinate = -1;
                piece.YCoordinate = -1;
                throw new UnavailablePieceException(string.Format("The following Piece type could not be added as it is unavailabe: {0} {1}", piece.StrColor, piece.StrType));

            object space = pieces[xCoordinate, yCoordinate];

            if (space is ChessPiece)
                // Space is taken
                piece.XCoordinate = -1;
                piece.YCoordinate = -1;
                throw new DuplicatePositioningException("Position ({0},{1}) is already taken. Cannot Add a piece to a duplicate position.");
                // Space is available
                Console.WriteLine("({0}, {1}) is available", xCoordinate, yCoordinate);
                piece.XCoordinate = xCoordinate;
                piece.YCoordinate = yCoordinate;
                pieces[xCoordinate, yCoordinate] = piece;
                AvailablePieces.PossiblePieces colorPieceCounts = (AvailablePieces.PossiblePieces)pieceCounts[piece.StrColor];
                int currCount;
                    currCount = (int)colorPieceCounts[piece.StrType];
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Cannot determine availability of an unrecognized pieceType. Got: {0}", piece.StrType);
                Console.WriteLine("Available {1} {2} before: {0}", currCount, piece.StrColor, piece.StrType);
                colorPieceCounts[piece.StrType] = --currCount;
                Console.WriteLine("Available {1} {2} after: {0}", currCount, piece.StrColor, piece.StrType);
예제 #2
        public bool IsPieceAvailable(ChessPiece piece)
            Console.WriteLine("Checking availability of {0} {1}s...", piece.StrColor, piece.StrType);
            AvailablePieces.PossiblePieces colorPieceCounts = (AvailablePieces.PossiblePieces)pieceCounts[piece.StrColor];
            int currCount;

                currCount = (int)colorPieceCounts[piece.StrType];
                Console.WriteLine("currCount {0}", currCount);
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot determine availability of an unrecognized pieceType. Got: {0}", piece.StrType);
            if (currCount > 0)