protected void FriendPing(string address) { Address addr = AddressParser.Parse(address); Channel q = new Channel(); q.CloseAfterEnqueue(); q.CloseEvent += delegate(object obj, EventArgs eargs) { try { RpcResult res = (RpcResult)q.Dequeue(); string result = (string)res.Result; string[] parts = result.Split(DELIM); string dht_key = parts[0]; string response = parts[1]; if (response == "online") { SocialUser friend = _friends[dht_key]; friend.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString(); } ProtocolLog.Write(SocialLog.SVPNLog, "PING FRIEND REPLY: " + result); } catch (Exception e) { ProtocolLog.Write(SocialLog.SVPNLog, e.Message); ProtocolLog.Write(SocialLog.SVPNLog, "PING FRIEND FAILURE: " + address); } }; ISender sender = new AHExactSender(_node, addr); _rpc.Invoke(sender, q, "SocialVPN.FriendPing", _local_user.DhtKey); }
public void DrupalNetworkTest() { string uid = "*****@*****.**"; string name = "Pierre St Juste"; string pcid = "pdesktop"; string version = "SVPN_0.3.0"; string country = "US"; SocialUtils.CreateCertificate(uid, name, pcid, version, country, "address1234", "certificates", "private_key"); string cert_path = System.IO.Path.Combine("certificates", "lc.cert"); byte[] cert_data = SocialUtils.ReadFileBytes(cert_path); SocialUser user = new SocialUser(cert_data); /* * DrupalNetwork drupal = new DrupalNetwork(user); * drupal.Login("pierre", "stjuste"); * * List<string> friends = drupal.GetFriends(); * * foreach(string friend in friends) { * Console.WriteLine(friend); * List<string> fprs = drupal.GetFingerprints(friend); * foreach(string fpr in fprs) { * Console.WriteLine(friend + " " + fpr); * } * } * drupal.StoreFingerprint(); * drupal.Logout(); */ }
public JabberNetwork(SocialUser user, byte[] certData, BlockingQueue queue, string jabber_port) { _local_user = user; _queue = queue; _friends = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); _online = false; _auth_pending = false; _pres_sent = false; _jclient = new JabberClient(); _jclient.Port = Int32.Parse(jabber_port); _jclient.AutoReconnect = 30F; _jclient.AutoStartTLS = true; _jclient.KeepAlive = 30F; _jclient.AutoPresence = false; _jclient.AutoRoster = false; _jclient.LocalCertificate = null; _jclient.Resource = SVPNRESOURCE + _local_user.Fingerprint.Substring(0, 10); _jclient.OnError += HandleOnError; _jclient.OnAuthError += HandleOnAuthError; #if SVPN_NUNIT _jclient.OnReadText += HandleOnReadText; _jclient.OnWriteText += HandleOnWriteText; #endif _jclient.OnAuthenticate += HandleOnAuthenticate; _jclient.OnPresence += HandleOnPresence; _jclient.OnIQ += HandleOnIQ; _jclient.OnInvalidCertificate += HandleInvalidCert; }
/* * Removes a friend from socialvpn. * @param friend the friend to be removed. */ public void RemoveFriend(SocialUser friend) { Address addr = AddressParser.Parse(friend.Address); _node.ManagedCO.RemoveAddress(addr); _rarad.UnregisterMapping(friend.Alias); friend.Access = SocialUser.AccessTypes.Block.ToString(); }
/* * Add a friend from socialvpn. * @param friend the friend to be added. */ public void AddFriend(SocialUser friend) { Address addr = AddressParser.Parse(friend.Address); friend.IP = _rarad.RegisterMapping(friend.Alias, addr); _node.ManagedCO.AddAddress(addr); friend.Access = SocialUser.AccessTypes.Allow.ToString(); }
/** * Adds a certificate to the socialvpn system. * @param certString a base64 encoding string representing certificate. */ protected void AddCertificate(string certString) { certString = certString.Replace("\n", ""); byte[] certData = Convert.FromBase64String(certString); SocialUser friend = new SocialUser(certData); _snode.AddCertificate(certData, friend.DhtKey); }
public DrupalNetwork(SocialUser user) { _drupal = XmlRpcProxyGen.Create <IDrupalXmlRpc>(); _local_user = user; _email_to_uid = new Dictionary <string, string>(); _uid_mismatch = false; _key_found = false; }
public DrupalNetwork(SocialUser user) { _drupal = XmlRpcProxyGen.Create<IDrupalXmlRpc>(); _local_user = user; _email_to_uid = new Dictionary<string,string>(); _uid_mismatch = false; _key_found = false; }
public SocialNetworkProvider(Dht dht, SocialUser user) { _local_user = user; _dht = dht; _provider = _drupal; _network = _drupal; _drupal = new DrupalNetwork(user); _online = false; }
public SocialRpcHandler(StructuredNode node, SocialUser localUser, Dictionary <string, SocialUser> friends) { _node = node; _rpc = node.Rpc; _rpc.AddHandler("SocialVPN", this); _local_user = localUser; _friends = friends; }
public SocialRpcHandler(StructuredNode node, SocialUser localUser, Dictionary<string, SocialUser> friends) { _node = node; _rpc = node.Rpc; _rpc.AddHandler("SocialVPN", this); _local_user = localUser; _friends = friends; }
public void PingFriend(SocialUser friend) { if (friend.Time != SocialUser.TIMEDEFAULT) { DateTime past = DateTime.Parse(friend.Time); TimeSpan last_checked = DateTime.Now - past; if (last_checked.Minutes < 5) { return; } ; } FriendPing(friend.Address); }
/** * Saves an X509 certificate to the file system. * @param cert the X509 certificate */ public static void SaveCertificate(Certificate cert, string certDir) { SocialUser friend = new SocialUser(cert); string address = friend.Address.Substring(12); string ca_path = Path.Combine(certDir, "ca" + address + ".cert"); if (!Directory.Exists(certDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(certDir); } if (!File.Exists(ca_path)) { WriteToFile(cert.X509.RawData, ca_path); } }
/** * Add a friend to socialvpn from an X509 certificate. * @param certData the X509 certificate as a byte array. * @param key the dht_key containing fingerprint. */ public void AddCertificate(byte[] certData, string key) { Certificate cert = new Certificate(certData); SocialUser friend = new SocialUser(cert); string[] parts = key.Split(':'); string uid = parts[1]; string fingerprint = parts[2]; // Verification on the certificate by email and fingerprint if (friend.DhtKey == _local_user.DhtKey || _friends.ContainsKey(friend.DhtKey)) { ProtocolLog.Write(SocialLog.SVPNLog, "ADD CERT KEY FOUND: " + key); } else if (fingerprint != friend.Fingerprint || uid != friend.Uid) { ProtocolLog.Write(SocialLog.SVPNLog, "ADD CERT KEY MISMATCH: " + key + " " + friend.DhtKey); } else { friend.Alias = CreateAlias(friend.Uid, friend.PCID); // Save certificate to file system SocialUtils.SaveCertificate(cert, _cert_dir); // Add certificates to handler _bso.CertificateHandler.AddCACertificate(cert.X509); // Add friend to list _friends.Add(friend.DhtKey, friend); // Temporary AddFriend(friend); // RPC ping to newly added friend _srh.PingFriend(friend); ProtocolLog.Write(SocialLog.SVPNLog, "ADD CERT KEY SUCCESS: " + friend.DhtKey + " " + friend.IP + " " + friend.Alias); } }
/** * Constructor. * @param brunetConfig configuration file for Brunet P2P library. * @param ipopConfig configuration file for IP over P2P app. */ public SocialNode(string brunetConfig, string ipopConfig, string certDir, string port) : base(brunetConfig, ipopConfig) { _friends = new Dictionary <string, SocialUser>(); _cert_dir = certDir; string cert_path = Path.Combine(certDir, CERTFILENAME); _local_cert = new Certificate(SocialUtils.ReadFileBytes(cert_path)); _local_user = new SocialUser(_local_cert); _local_cert_b64 = Convert.ToBase64String(_local_cert.X509.RawData); _bso.CertificateHandler.AddCACertificate(_local_cert.X509); _bso.CertificateHandler.AddSignedCertificate(_local_cert.X509); _snp = new SocialNetworkProvider(this.Dht, _local_user); _srh = new SocialRpcHandler(_node, _local_user, _friends); _scm = new SocialConnectionManager(this, _snp, _snp, port, _friends, _srh); }
public void SocialUserTest() { string uid = "*****@*****.**"; string name = "Pierre St Juste"; string pcid = "pdesktop"; string version = "SVPN_0.3.0"; string country = "US"; Certificate cert = SocialUtils.CreateCertificate(uid, name, pcid, version, country, "address1234", "certificates", "private_key"); SocialUser user = new SocialUser(cert.X509.RawData); Assert.AreEqual(uid, user.Uid); Assert.AreEqual(name, user.Name); Assert.AreEqual(pcid, user.PCID); Assert.AreEqual(version, user.Version); Assert.AreEqual(country, user.Country); }
public void TestNetworkTest() { string uid = "*****@*****.**"; string name = "Pierre St Juste"; string pcid = "pdesktop"; string version = "SVPN_0.3.0"; string country = "US"; SocialUtils.CreateCertificate(uid, name, pcid, version, country, "address1234", "certificates", "private_key"); string cert_path = System.IO.Path.Combine("certificates", "lc.cert"); byte[] cert_data = SocialUtils.ReadFileBytes(cert_path); SocialUser user = new SocialUser(cert_data); TestNetwork backend = new TestNetwork(user); backend.SayHello(); backend.GetFingerprints("uid"); }
/** * Add a friend to socialvpn from an X509 certificate. * @param certData the X509 certificate as a byte array. * @param key the dht_key containing fingerprint. */ public void AddCertificate(byte[] certData, string key) { Certificate cert = new Certificate(certData); SocialUser friend = new SocialUser(cert); string[] parts = key.Split(':'); string uid = parts[1]; string fingerprint = parts[2]; // Verification on the certificate by email and fingerprint if(friend.DhtKey == _local_user.DhtKey || _friends.ContainsKey(friend.DhtKey)) { ProtocolLog.Write(SocialLog.SVPNLog, "ADD CERT KEY FOUND: " + key); } else if(fingerprint != friend.Fingerprint || uid != friend.Uid) { ProtocolLog.Write(SocialLog.SVPNLog, "ADD CERT KEY MISMATCH: " + key + " " + friend.DhtKey); } else { friend.Alias = CreateAlias(friend.Uid, friend.PCID); // Save certificate to file system SocialUtils.SaveCertificate(cert, _cert_dir); // Add certificates to handler _bso.CertificateHandler.AddCACertificate(cert.X509); // Add friend to list _friends.Add(friend.DhtKey, friend); // Temporary AddFriend(friend); // RPC ping to newly added friend _srh.PingFriend(friend); ProtocolLog.Write(SocialLog.SVPNLog,"ADD CERT KEY SUCCESS: " + friend.DhtKey + " " + friend.IP + " " + friend.Alias); } }
/** * Constructor. * @param brunetConfig configuration file for Brunet P2P library. * @param ipopConfig configuration file for IP over P2P app. */ public SocialNode(string brunetConfig, string ipopConfig, string certDir, string port) : base(brunetConfig, ipopConfig) { _friends = new Dictionary<string, SocialUser>(); _cert_dir = certDir; string cert_path = Path.Combine(certDir, CERTFILENAME); _local_cert = new Certificate(SocialUtils.ReadFileBytes(cert_path)); _local_user = new SocialUser(_local_cert); _local_cert_b64 = Convert.ToBase64String(_local_cert.X509.RawData); _bso.CertificateHandler.AddCACertificate(_local_cert.X509); _bso.CertificateHandler.AddSignedCertificate(_local_cert.X509); _snp = new SocialNetworkProvider(this.Dht, _local_user); _srh = new SocialRpcHandler(_node, _local_user, _friends); _scm = new SocialConnectionManager(this, _snp, _snp, port, _friends, _srh); }
public void PingFriend(SocialUser friend) { if(friend.Time != SocialUser.TIMEDEFAULT) { DateTime past = DateTime.Parse(friend.Time); TimeSpan last_checked = DateTime.Now - past; if(last_checked.Minutes < 5) { return; }; } FriendPing(friend.Address); }
/* * Add a friend from socialvpn. * @param friend the friend to be added. */ protected void AddFriend(SocialUser friend) { Address addr = AddressParser.Parse(friend.Address); friend.IP = _marad.RegisterMapping(friend.Alias, addr); _node.ManagedCO.AddAddress(addr); friend.Access = SocialUser.AccessTypes.Allow.ToString(); _srh.PingFriend(friend); GetState(true); }
public TestNetwork(SocialUser user) { _backend = XmlRpcProxyGen.Create <IPythonXmlRpc>(); _local_user = user; }
/** * Constructor. * @param brunetConfig configuration file for Brunet P2P library. * @param ipopConfig configuration file for IP over P2P app. */ public SocialNode(NodeConfig brunetConfig, IpopConfig ipopConfig, string certDir, string http_port, string jabber_port, string global_access) : base(brunetConfig, ipopConfig) { _friends = new Dictionary<string, SocialUser>(); _aliases = new Dictionary<string, string>(); _addr_to_key = new Dictionary<string, string>(); _cert_dir = certDir; _http_port = http_port; string cert_path = Path.Combine(certDir, CERTFILENAME); _local_cert = new Certificate(SocialUtils.ReadFileBytes(cert_path)); _local_user = new SocialUser(_local_cert); _local_cert_b64 = Convert.ToBase64String(_local_cert.X509.RawData); _bso.CertificateHandler.AddCACertificate(_local_cert.X509); _bso.CertificateHandler.AddSignedCertificate(_local_cert.X509); _queue = new BlockingQueue(); _snp = new SocialNetworkProvider(this.Dht, _local_user, _local_cert.X509.RawData, _queue, jabber_port); _sdm = new SocialDnsManager(this, _local_user); _srh = new SocialRpcHandler(_node, _local_user, _friends, _queue, _sdm); _scm = new SocialConnectionManager(this, _snp, _srh, http_port, _queue, _sdm); _cert_published = false; _node.ConnectionTable.ConnectionEvent += ConnectHandler; _node.HeartBeatEvent += _scm.HeartBeatHandler; Shutdown.OnExit += _scm.Stop; _local_user.IP = _marad.LocalIP; CreateAlias(_local_user); _marad.MapLocalDNS(_local_user.Alias); _scm.GlobalAccess = (global_access == "on"); LoadCertificates(); }
public void TestNetworkTest() { ///* string uid = "*****@*****.**"; string name = "Pierre St Juste"; string pcid = "pdesktop"; string version = "SVPN_0.3.0"; string country = "US"; string address = Brunet.Applications.Utils.GenerateAHAddress().ToString(); SocialUtils.CreateCertificate(uid, name, pcid, version, country, address, "certificates", "private_key"); //*/ string cert_path = System.IO.Path.Combine("certificates", "local.cert"); byte[] cert_data = SocialUtils.ReadFileBytes(cert_path); SocialUser user = new SocialUser(cert_data); Console.WriteLine(user); TestNetwork backend = new TestNetwork(user, cert_data); //backend.StoreFingerprint(); string[] friends = backend.GetFriends().ToArray(); foreach(string friend in friends) { Console.WriteLine(friend); } string[] fprs = backend.GetFingerprints(friends).ToArray(); foreach(string fpr in fprs) { Console.WriteLine(fpr); } }
/** * Validates a certificate * @param user the user object. * @param certData the certificate data. * @return boolean indicating success. */ public bool ValidateCertificate(SocialUser user, byte[] certData) { foreach(IProvider provider in _providers.Values) { if(provider.ValidateCertificate(user, certData)) { return true; } } if(_friends.ContainsKey(user.Uid) && _friends[user.Uid].Contains(user.DhtKey)) { return true; } return false; }
/** * Constructor. * @param dht the dht object. * @param user the local user object. * @param certData the local certificate data. */ public SocialNetworkProvider(IDht dht, SocialUser user, byte[] certData, BlockingQueue queue, string jabber_port) { _local_user = user; _dht = dht; _queue = queue; _providers = new Dictionary<string, IProvider>(); _networks = new Dictionary<string,ISocialNetwork>(); _local_cert_data = certData; _friends = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); _certificates = new List<byte[]>(); _jabber_port = jabber_port; RegisterBackends(); }
public void JabberNetworkTest() { string userid = "pierre@pdebian64"; Certificate cert = SocialUtils.CreateCertificate(userid, "Pierre St Juste", "testpc", "version", "country", "address", "certdir", "path"); SocialUser user = new SocialUser(cert.X509.RawData); BlockingQueue queue = new BlockingQueue(); JabberNetwork jnetwork = new JabberNetwork(user, cert.X509.RawData, queue, "5222"); jnetwork.Login("jabber", userid,"stjuste"); Console.WriteLine("Waiting 5 seconds for resuls"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); Console.WriteLine("Done waiting for results"); foreach(string friend in jnetwork.GetFriends()) Console.WriteLine(friend); jnetwork.GetFingerprints(new string[] {userid}); jnetwork.StoreFingerprint(); jnetwork.Logout(); }
/** * Loads certificates from the file system. */ protected void LoadCertificates() { string[] cert_files = null; try { cert_files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(_cert_dir); SocialState state = Utils.ReadConfig<SocialState>(STATEPATH); foreach(string cert_file in cert_files) { byte[] cert_data = SocialUtils.ReadFileBytes(cert_file); SocialUser user = new SocialUser(cert_data); _snp.AddFriends(new string[] {user.Uid + " " + user.DhtKey}); AddCertificate(cert_data, true); } foreach(SocialUser friend in state.Friends) { if(friend.Access == SocialUser.AccessTypes.Block.ToString()) { RemoveFriend(friend.DhtKey); } } } catch (Exception e) { ProtocolLog.WriteIf(SocialLog.SVPNLog, e.Message); ProtocolLog.WriteIf(SocialLog.SVPNLog, "LOAD CERTIFICATES FAILURE"); } }
public TestNetwork(SocialUser user, byte[] certData) { _local_user = user; _fingerprints = new List<string>(); _url = ""; }
public TestNetwork(SocialUser user) { _backend = XmlRpcProxyGen.Create<IPythonXmlRpc>(); _local_user = user; }
/** * Add a friend to socialvpn from an X509 certificate. * @param certData the X509 certificate as a byte array. * @param access determines to give user network access. */ public void AddCertificate(byte[] certData, bool access) { Certificate cert = new Certificate(certData); SocialUser friend = new SocialUser(cert); // Verification on the certificate by email and fingerprint if(friend.DhtKey == _local_user.DhtKey || _friends.ContainsKey(friend.DhtKey)) { ProtocolLog.WriteIf(SocialLog.SVPNLog, String.Format("ADD CERT KEY FOUND: {0} {1}", DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay, friend.DhtKey)); } else if(_snp.ValidateCertificate(friend, certData)) { CreateAlias(friend); string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(_cert_dir, friend.Alias + CERTSUFFIX); SocialUtils.WriteToFile(certData, path); _bso.CertificateHandler.AddCACertificate(cert.X509); _friends.Add(friend.DhtKey, friend); _addr_to_key.Add(friend.Address, friend.DhtKey); AddFriend(friend); _srh.PingFriend(friend); // Block access if(!access) { RemoveFriend(friend); } ProtocolLog.WriteIf(SocialLog.SVPNLog, String.Format("ADD CERT KEY SUCCESS: {0} {1} {2}", DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay, friend.DhtKey, friend.Address)); } else { ProtocolLog.WriteIf(SocialLog.SVPNLog, String.Format("ADD CERT KEY INVALID: {0} {1} {2}", DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay, friend.DhtKey, friend.Address)); } }
public bool ValidateCertificate(SocialUser user, byte[] certData) { return true; }
/** * Create a unique alias for a user resource. * @param user the object representing the user. */ protected virtual void CreateAlias(SocialUser friend) { char[] delims = new char[] {'@','.'}; string[] parts = friend.Uid.Split(delims); string user = String.Empty; for(int i = 0; i < parts.Length-1; i++) { user += parts[i] + "."; } string alias = (friend.PCID + "." + user + DNSSUFFIX).ToLower(); int counter = 1; // If alias already exists, remove old friend with alias while(_aliases.ContainsKey(alias)) { alias = (friend.PCID + counter + "." + user + DNSSUFFIX).ToLower(); counter++; } _aliases[alias] = friend.DhtKey; friend.Alias = alias; }
public void DrupalNetworkTest() { string uid = "*****@*****.**"; string name = "Pierre St Juste"; string pcid = "pdesktop"; string version = "SVPN_0.3.0"; string country = "US"; SocialUtils.CreateCertificate(uid, name, pcid, version, country, "address1234", "certificates", "private_key"); string cert_path = System.IO.Path.Combine("certificates", "lc.cert"); byte[] cert_data = SocialUtils.ReadFileBytes(cert_path); SocialUser user = new SocialUser(cert_data); /* DrupalNetwork drupal = new DrupalNetwork(user); drupal.Login("pierre", "stjuste"); List<string> friends = drupal.GetFriends(); foreach(string friend in friends) { Console.WriteLine(friend); List<string> fprs = drupal.GetFingerprints(friend); foreach(string fpr in fprs) { Console.WriteLine(friend + " " + fpr); } } drupal.StoreFingerprint(); drupal.Logout(); */ }
/** * Removes (block access) a friend from socialvpn. * @param friend the friend to be removed. */ protected void RemoveFriend(SocialUser friend) { Address addr = AddressParser.Parse(friend.Address); _node.ManagedCO.RemoveAddress(addr); _marad.UnregisterMapping(friend.Alias); friend.Access = SocialUser.AccessTypes.Block.ToString(); GetState(true); }
/** * Constructor. * @param node the p2p node. * @param localUser the local user object. * @param friends the list of friends. */ public SocialRpcHandler(StructuredNode node, SocialUser localUser, Dictionary<string, SocialUser> friends, BlockingQueue queue, SocialDnsManager sdm) { _node = node; _rpc = node.Rpc; _rpc.AddHandler("SocialVPN", this); _local_user = localUser; _friends = friends; _queue = queue; _sdm = sdm; }
public bool ValidateCertificate(SocialUser user, byte[] certData) { if(_friends.ContainsKey(user.Uid) && _friends[user.Uid].Contains(user.DhtKey)) { return true; } return false; }