예제 #1
        /// <summary> Saves the data entered by the user through one page of this template to the provided bibliographic object </summary>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object into which to save the user-entered data </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="Page">Page number of the template to save</param>
        public void Save_To_Bib(SobekCM_Item Bib, User_Object Current_User, int Page)
            // If this is not a valid page, just return
            if ((Page < 1) || (Page > templatePages.Count))

            // Get the page
            Template_Page thisPage = templatePages[Page - 1];

            // Go through each of the elements and prepare to save
            foreach (abstract_Element thisElement in thisPage.Panels.SelectMany(ThisPanel => ThisPanel.Elements))
                thisElement.Prepare_For_Save(Bib, Current_User);

            // Now, step through and save the constants
            foreach (abstract_Element thisElement in constants)

            // Now, step through and save them all
            foreach (abstract_Element thisElement in thisPage.Panels.SelectMany(ThisPanel => ThisPanel.Elements))
예제 #2
        /// <summary> Displays one page worth of elements from an item as HTML using this template </summary>
        /// <param name="Output">Text writer to write all of the HTML for this template</param>
        /// <param name="Bib">Bibliographic identifier for the item to display</param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code">Current base skin code</param>
        /// <param name="isMozilla">Flag indicates if this is Mozilla</param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, which can dictate how certain elements within this template render</param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current language of the user interface </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object is used to help translate common user interface terms into the current language</param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request</param>
        /// <param name="page">Page number to display from this template</param>
        /// <returns>HTML code for any pop-up forms, which must be placed in a different DIV on the web page</returns>
        public string Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool isMozilla, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL, int page)
            // If this is not a valid page, just return
            if ((page < 1) || (page > templatePages.Count))

            // Start to build the return value
            StringBuilder returnValue = new StringBuilder();

            // Get the page
            Template_Page thisPage = templatePages[page - 1];

            // Set the current base url on all the elements
            foreach (abstract_Element thisElement in templatePages.SelectMany(thisPage2 => thisPage2.Panels.SelectMany(thisPanel => thisPanel.Elements)))

            // Now, render these pages
            Output.WriteLine("<!-- Begin to render '" + Title + "' template -->");
            Output.WriteLine("<table cellpadding=\"4px\" border=\"0px\" cellspacing=\"0px\" class=\"SobekEditItemSection\" >");

            bool first_title = true;

            foreach (Template_Panel thisPanel in thisPage.Panels)
                Output.WriteLine("  <!-- '" + thisPanel.Title + "' Panel -->");
                Output.WriteLine("  <tr align=\"left\">");
                if (first_title)
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td colspan=\"3\" class=\"SobekEditItemSectionTitle_first\">&nbsp;" + thisPanel.Title + "</td>");
                    first_title = false;
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td colspan=\"3\" class=\"SobekEditItemSectionTitle\">&nbsp;" + thisPanel.Title + "</td>");
                Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");

                foreach (abstract_Element thisElement in thisPanel.Elements)
                    thisElement.Render_Template_HTML(Output, Bib, Skin_Code, isMozilla, returnValue, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);

            Output.WriteLine("<br />");
예제 #3
 /// <summary> Adds a new template page to the collection of pages contained within this template </summary>
 /// <param name="newPage"> New template page to add </param>
 internal void Add_Page(Template_Page newPage)
예제 #4
 /// <summary> Adds a new template page to the collection of pages contained within this template </summary>
 /// <param name="NewPage"> New template page to add </param>
 internal void Add_Page(Template_Page NewPage)
예제 #5
        private void process_inputs(XmlNodeReader nodeReader, Template thisTemplate, bool exclude_divisions)
            // Keep track of the current pages and panels
            Template_Page  currentPage  = null;
            Template_Panel currentPanel = null;
            bool           inPanel      = false;

            // Read all the nodes
            while (nodeReader.Read())
                // Get the node name, trimmed and to upper
                string nodeName = nodeReader.Name.Trim().ToUpper();

                // If this is the inputs or constant start tag, return
                if (((nodeReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) && (nodeName == "INPUTS")) ||
                    ((nodeReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) && (nodeReader.Name == "CONSTANTS")))

                // If this is the beginning tag for an element, assign the next values accordingly
                if (nodeReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    // Does this start a new page?
                    if (nodeName == "PAGE")
                        // Set the inPanel flag to false
                        inPanel = false;

                        // Create the new page and add to this template
                        currentPage = new Template_Page();

                    // Does this start a new panel?
                    if ((nodeName == "PANEL") && (currentPage != null))
                        // Set the inPanel flag to true
                        inPanel = true;

                        // Create the new panel and add to the current page
                        currentPanel = new Template_Panel();

                    // Is this a name element?
                    if ((nodeName == "NAME") && (currentPage != null))
                        // Get the text
                        string title = read_text_node(nodeReader);

                        // Set the name for either the page or panel
                        if (inPanel)
                            currentPanel.Title = title;
                            currentPage.Title = title;

                    // Is this a name element?
                    if ((nodeName == "INSTRUCTIONS") && (currentPage != null))
                        // Get the text
                        string instructions = read_text_node(nodeReader);

                        // Set the name for either the page or panel
                        if (!inPanel)
                            currentPage.Instructions = instructions;

                    // Is this a new element?
                    if ((nodeName == "ELEMENT") && (nodeReader.HasAttributes) && (currentPanel != null))
                        abstract_Element currentElement = process_element(nodeReader, thisTemplate.InputPages.Count);
                        if ((currentElement != null) && ((!exclude_divisions) || (currentElement.Type != Element_Type.Structure_Map)))
        private void process_inputs( XmlNodeReader nodeReader, CompleteTemplate ThisCompleteTemplate, bool exclude_divisions )
            // Keep track of the current pages and panels
            Template_Page currentPage = null;
            Template_Panel currentPanel = null;
            bool inPanel = false;

            // Read all the nodes
            while ( nodeReader.Read() )
                // Get the node name, trimmed and to upper
                string nodeName = nodeReader.Name.Trim().ToUpper();

                // If this is the inputs or constant start tag, return
                if ((( nodeReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement ) && ( nodeName == "INPUTS" )) ||
                    (( nodeReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element ) && ( nodeReader.Name == "CONSTANTS")))

                // If this is the beginning tag for an element, assign the next values accordingly
                if ( nodeReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element )
                    // Does this start a new page?
                    if ( nodeName == "PAGE" )
                        // Set the inPanel flag to false
                        inPanel = false;

                        // Create the new page and add to this CompleteTemplate
                        currentPage = new Template_Page();
                        ThisCompleteTemplate.Add_Page( currentPage );

                    // Does this start a new panel?
                    if (( nodeName == "PANEL" ) && ( currentPage != null ))
                        // Set the inPanel flag to true
                        inPanel = true;

                        // Create the new panel and add to the current page
                        currentPanel = new Template_Panel();
                        currentPage.Add_Panel( currentPanel );

                    // Is this a name element?
                    if ((nodeName == "NAME") && (currentPage != null))
                        // Get the text
                        string title = read_text_node( nodeReader );

                        // Set the name for either the page or panel
                        if ( inPanel )
                            currentPanel.Title = title;
                            currentPage.Title = title;

                    // Is this a name element?
                    if ((nodeName == "INSTRUCTIONS") && (currentPage != null))
                        // Get the text
                        string instructions = read_text_node(nodeReader);

                        // Set the name for either the page or panel
                        if (!inPanel)
                            currentPage.Instructions = instructions;

                    // Is this a new element?
                    if ((nodeName == "ELEMENT") && (nodeReader.HasAttributes) && (currentPanel != null))
                        abstract_Element currentElement = process_element( nodeReader, ThisCompleteTemplate.InputPages.Count );
                        if (( currentElement != null ) && (( !exclude_divisions ) || ( currentElement.Type != Element_Type.Structure_Map )))
                            currentPanel.Add_Element( currentElement );