예제 #1
        private IEnumerator FriendsToShareLocation()
            WWWForm form = new WWWForm();

            form.AddField("id", FB.UserId);

            Dictionary <long, string> friends = new Dictionary <long, string>();

            yield return(WebService.POST(SERVER_URL + "/usuario/friendsShareLocationRequest", form,
                                         (status, response) =>
                if (status)
                    var json = new JSONObject(response);
                    if (json.list != null)
                        foreach (var item in json.list)
                            var id = Convert.ToInt64(item.GetField("id").str);
                            var nombre = item.GetField("nombre").str;

                            friends.Add(id, nombre);

            //Esperar que se refresque el valores
            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

            //Get Item Template
            Transform itemTemplate = (Resources.Load("GUI/FriendShareLocationItem") as GameObject).transform;

            //Get Parent
            Transform parent = UIUtils.FindGUI("MenuShareLocationFriendSelection/ScrollView").transform;

            int k = 0;

            foreach (var usuario in friends)
                var id = usuario.Key;

                WWW       photo   = new WWW("https://graph.facebook.com/" + id + "/picture?width=50&height=50"); //?access_token=" + FB.AccessToken);
                Texture2D textFb2 = new Texture2D(50, 50, TextureFormat.DXT5, false);                            //TextureFormat must be DXT5

                yield return(photo);


                var friendItem = GameObject.Instantiate(itemTemplate.gameObject) as GameObject;

                friendItem.name                 = "ItemFriend" + k;
                friendItem.transform.parent     = parent;
                friendItem.transform.localScale = itemTemplate.localScale;

                //Agregando la posicion relativa del hijo con relacion al padre
                friendItem.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(
                    itemTemplate.localPosition.y - 60f * k,

                friendItem.transform.FindChild("Image").GetComponent <UITexture>().mainTexture = textFb2;
                friendItem.transform.FindChild("Label").GetComponent <UILabel>().text          = usuario.Value;

                var checkBoxGameObject = friendItem.transform.FindChild("CheckBox");
                checkBoxGameObject.name = checkBoxGameObject.name + friendItem.name;
                checkBoxGameObject.GetComponent <UIToggle>().value = false;

                var menu = MenuManager.GetInstance().GetCurrentMenu() as MenuShareLocationFriendSelection;

                var checkBox = new CheckBox(checkBoxGameObject.name);
                checkBox.OnChangeEvent += new OnChangeEventHandler(menu.OnChangeCheckBox);

                checkBox.ObjectTag = new { idUsuario = id };


                friendItem.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().enabled = true;

예제 #2
 private IEnumerator ShareLocationRequest(WWWForm form)
     yield return(WebService.POST(SERVER_URL + "/usuario/sharedLocationRequest", form, (status, response) => { }));
예제 #3
        private IEnumerator Friends()
            WWWForm form = new WWWForm();

            form.AddField("id", FB.UserId);

            Dictionary <long, object> followedFriends = new Dictionary <long, object>();

            yield return(WebService.POST(SERVER_URL + "/usuario/friendFindRequest", form,
                                         (status, response) =>
                if (status)
                    Debug.Log("friendFindRequest -> " + response);
                    var data = new JSONObject(response);

                    if (data.list.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < data.list.Count; ++i)
                            var followed = Convert.ToInt64(data.list[i].GetField("id").str);
                            var nombre = Convert.ToString(data.list[i].GetField("nombre").str);
                            var ubicacion = Convert.ToString(data.list[i].GetField("ubicacion").str);
                            var fecha = Convert.ToString(data.list[i].GetField("fecha").str);

                            var obj = new { nombre, ubicacion, fecha };

                            followedFriends.Add(followed, obj);

            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

            Transform itemTemplate = (Resources.Load("GUI/PendingFriendFollowingItem") as GameObject).transform;

            Transform parent = UIUtils.FindGUI("MenuFindFriendSelection/ScrollView").transform;

            int k = 0;

            foreach (var usuario in followedFriends)
                var id = usuario.Key;

                WWW       photo   = new WWW("https://graph.facebook.com/" + id + "/picture?width=250&height=250"); //?access_token=" + FB.AccessToken);
                Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(250, 250, TextureFormat.DXT5, false);                            //TextureFormat must be DXT5

                yield return(photo);


                var friendItem = GameObject.Instantiate(itemTemplate.gameObject) as GameObject;

                friendItem.name                 = "ItemFriend" + k;
                friendItem.transform.parent     = parent;
                friendItem.transform.localScale = itemTemplate.localScale;

                //Agregando la posicion relativa del hijo con relacion al padre
                friendItem.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(
                    itemTemplate.localPosition.y - 60f * k,

                var nombre    = Convert.ToString(usuario.Value.GetType().GetProperty("nombre").GetValue(usuario.Value, null));
                var ubicacion = Convert.ToString(usuario.Value.GetType().GetProperty("ubicacion").GetValue(usuario.Value, null));
                var fecha     = Convert.ToString(usuario.Value.GetType().GetProperty("fecha").GetValue(usuario.Value, null));

                friendItem.transform.FindChild("Image").GetComponent <UITexture>().mainTexture = texture;
                friendItem.transform.FindChild("Label").GetComponent <UILabel>().text          = nombre;

                var menu = MenuManager.GetInstance().GetCurrentMenu() as MenuFindFriendSelection;

                var button = new Button(friendItem.name);
                button.ObjectTag     = new { ubicacion, nombre, texture, fecha };
                button.OnTouchEvent += new OnTouchEventHandler(menu.OnTouchButton);

예제 #4
        public IEnumerator ReceiveFollowingRequest()
            var idUser = "";

            if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor)
                idUser = "******";
                idUser = FB.UserId;

            WWWForm form = new WWWForm();

            form.AddField("id", idUser);

            yield return(WebService.POST(SERVER_URL + "/usuario/notifyFollowingRequest", form, (status, response) =>
                if (status)
                    Debug.Log("notifyFollowingRequest -> " + response);
                    var json = new JSONObject(response);

                    if (json.list.Count > 0)
                        using (var sqlite = new SQLiteService())
                            Dictionary <long, string> notificationToSave = new Dictionary <long, string>();
                            foreach (var notification in json.list)
                                var idNotification = Convert.ToInt64(notification.GetField("id").str);
                                var nombre = notification.GetField("name").str;
                                notificationToSave.Add(idNotification, nombre);

                                Debug.Log("Request for FOLLOW from: " + idNotification);

                            //Limpiar la tabla de notificaciones
                            sqlite.TransactionalQuery("DELETE FROM UserFollowingNotification");

                            //Insertar en la base de datos
                            int id = 0;
                            var queryBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                            foreach (var notification in notificationToSave)
                                queryBuilder.Append("INSERT INTO UserFollowingNotification VALUES (" + id + ",'" + idUser + "','" + notification.Key + "','" + notification.Value + "');");


                            if (UIUtils.notificationPendingFollowCount == id)

            if (!IsEnterPendingFollowingNotification)
                StartCoroutine(CountDown(10f, value => IsEnterPendingFollowingNotification = value));
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f));
예제 #5
 private IEnumerator FollowingRequest(WWWForm form)
     yield return(WebService.POST(SERVER_URL + "/usuario/followRequest", form, (status, response) => { }));
예제 #6
        private IEnumerator FollowingUserFriends()
            bool   IsConnectionAvailable = false;
            string responseJson          = string.Empty;

            yield return(WebService.GET("https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends?access_token=" + FB.AccessToken,
                                        (status, response) =>
                if (status)
                    IsConnectionAvailable = status;
                    responseJson = response;

            //Esperar que se refresque el valores
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f));

            if (IsConnectionAvailable)
                Dictionary <long, string> usuarioFriendsFacebook = new Dictionary <long, string>();
                var json = new JSONObject(responseJson);
                if (json.HasField("data"))
                    var data = json.GetField("data");
                    foreach (var item in data.list)
                        var id   = 0L;
                        var name = string.Empty;

                        if (item.HasField("id"))
                            id = Convert.ToInt64(item.GetField("id").str);

                        if (item.HasField("name"))
                            name = item.GetField("name").str;

                        usuarioFriendsFacebook.Add(id, name);

                        //if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor)
                        //    StartCoroutine(SendUserFacebookId(new Usuario() { idUsuarioFacebook = id, apellido = item.GetField("last_name").str, nombre = item.GetField("fist_name").str }));

                //Filtrar usuario que no han sido enviadas
                WWWForm form = new WWWForm();
                form.AddField("id", FB.UserId);

                yield return(WebService.POST(SERVER_URL + "/usuario/following", form,
                                             (status, response) =>
                    if (status)
                        var data = new JSONObject(response);
                        for (int i = 0; i < data.list.Count; ++i)
                            var idFollowing = Convert.ToInt64(data.list[i].GetField("id").str);

                            if (usuarioFriendsFacebook.ContainsKey(idFollowing))

                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f));

                //Get Item Template
                Transform itemTemplate = (Resources.Load("GUI/FriendFollowingItem") as GameObject).transform;

                //Get Parent
                Transform parent = UIUtils.FindGUI("MenuSendFollowingRequest/ScrollView").transform;

                int k = 0;
                foreach (var usuario in usuarioFriendsFacebook)
                    var id = usuario.Key;

                    WWW       photo   = new WWW("https://graph.facebook.com/" + id + "/picture?width=50&height=50"); //?access_token=" + FB.AccessToken);
                    Texture2D textFb2 = new Texture2D(50, 50, TextureFormat.DXT5, false);                            //TextureFormat must be DXT5

                    yield return(photo);


                    var friendItem = GameObject.Instantiate(itemTemplate.gameObject) as GameObject;

                    friendItem.name                 = "ItemFriend" + k;
                    friendItem.transform.parent     = parent;
                    friendItem.transform.localScale = itemTemplate.localScale;

                    //Agregando la posicion relativa del hijo con relacion al padre
                    friendItem.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(
                        itemTemplate.localPosition.y - 60f * k,

                    friendItem.transform.FindChild("Image").GetComponent <UITexture>().mainTexture = textFb2;
                    friendItem.transform.FindChild("Label").GetComponent <UILabel>().text          = usuario.Value;

                    var checkBoxGameObject = friendItem.transform.FindChild("CheckBox");
                    checkBoxGameObject.name = checkBoxGameObject.name + friendItem.name;
                    checkBoxGameObject.GetComponent <UIToggle>().value = false;

                    var menu = MenuManager.GetInstance().GetCurrentMenu() as MenuSendFollowingRequest;

                    var checkBox = new CheckBox(checkBoxGameObject.name);
                    checkBox.OnChangeEvent += new OnChangeEventHandler(menu.OnChangeCheckBox);

                    checkBox.ObjectTag = new { idUsuario = id };


                    friendItem.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().enabled = true;

예제 #7
        private IEnumerator ReceiveSharedFriendLocatioNotification()
            var idUser = "";

            if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor)
                idUser = "******";
                idUser = FB.UserId;

            WWWForm form = new WWWForm();

            form.AddField("id", idUser);

            yield return(WebService.POST(SERVER_URL + "/usuario/notifySharedLocationRequest", form, (status, response) =>
                if (status)
                    Debug.Log("notifySharedLocationRequest -> " + response);
                    var json = new JSONObject(response);

                    if (json.list.Count > 0)
                        using (var sqlite = new SQLiteService())
                            Dictionary <long, object> notificationToSave = new Dictionary <long, object>();
                            foreach (var notification in json.list)
                                var idUsuario = Convert.ToInt64(notification.GetField("id").str);
                                var nombre = notification.GetField("nombre").str;
                                var nodo = Convert.ToInt32(notification.GetField("nodo").n);
                                var mensaje = notification.GetField("mensaje").str;

                                notificationToSave.Add(idUsuario, new { nombre, nodo, mensaje });

                                Debug.Log("Shared Location Request from: " + idUsuario);

                            //Limpiar la tabla de notificaciones
                            sqlite.TransactionalQuery("DELETE FROM UserSharedLocationNotification");

                            //Insertar en la base de datos
                            int id = 0;
                            var queryBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                            foreach (var notification in notificationToSave)

                                var nodo = Convert.ToInt32(notification.Value.GetType().GetProperty("nodo").GetValue(notification.Value, null));
                                var nombre = Convert.ToString(notification.Value.GetType().GetProperty("nombre").GetValue(notification.Value, null));
                                var mensaje = Convert.ToString(notification.Value.GetType().GetProperty("mensaje").GetValue(notification.Value, null));

                                queryBuilder.Append("INSERT INTO UserSharedLocationNotification VALUES (" + id + ",'" + idUser + "','" + notification.Key + "','" + nombre + "'," + nodo + ",'" + mensaje + "');");


                            //if (UIUtils.notificationPendingFollowCount == id)
                            //    UIUtils.PushSharedLocationNotification(false);
                            //    UIUtils.PushSharedLocationNotification(true);

            if (!IsEnterSharedLocationNotification)
                StartCoroutine(CountDown(10f, value => IsEnterSharedLocationNotification = value));
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f));