예제 #1
        private static unsafe byte *EmitLiteralFast(byte *op, byte *literal, uint length)
            Debug.Assert(length > 0);

            if (length <= 16)
                uint n    = length - 1;
                *    op++ = unchecked ((byte)(Constants.Literal | (n << 2)));

                CopyHelpers.UnalignedCopy128(literal, op);
                return(op + length);

            return(EmitLiteralSlow(op, literal, length));
예제 #2
        private static unsafe int CompressFragment(ReadOnlySpan <byte> input, Span <byte> output, Span <ushort> tableSpan)
                Debug.Assert(input.Length <= Constants.BlockSize);
                Debug.Assert((tableSpan.Length & (tableSpan.Length - 1)) == 0); // table must be power of two

                int shift = 32 - Helpers.Log2Floor((uint)tableSpan.Length);

                Debug.Assert(uint.MaxValue >> shift == tableSpan.Length - 1);

                fixed(byte *inputStart = input)
                    var inputEnd = inputStart + input.Length;
                    var ip       = inputStart;

                    fixed(byte *outputStart = output)
                        fixed(ushort *table = tableSpan)
                            var op = outputStart;

                            if (input.Length >= Constants.InputMarginBytes)
                                var ipLimit = inputEnd - Constants.InputMarginBytes;

                                for (var preload = Helpers.UnsafeReadUInt32(ip + 1);;)
                                    // Bytes in [nextEmit, ip) will be emitted as literal bytes.  Or
                                    // [nextEmit, ipEnd) after the main loop.
                                    byte *nextEmit = ip++;
                                    var   data     = Helpers.UnsafeReadUInt64(ip);

                                    // The body of this loop calls EmitLiteral once and then EmitCopy one or
                                    // more times.  (The exception is that when we're close to exhausting
                                    // the input we goto emit_remainder.)
                                    // In the first iteration of this loop we're just starting, so
                                    // there's nothing to copy, so calling EmitLiteral once is
                                    // necessary.  And we only start a new iteration when the
                                    // current iteration has determined that a call to EmitLiteral will
                                    // precede the next call to EmitCopy (if any).
                                    // Step 1: Scan forward in the input looking for a 4-byte-long match.
                                    // If we get close to exhausting the input then goto emit_remainder.
                                    // Heuristic match skipping: If 32 bytes are scanned with no matches
                                    // found, start looking only at every other byte. If 32 more bytes are
                                    // scanned (or skipped), look at every third byte, etc.. When a match is
                                    // found, immediately go back to looking at every byte. This is a small
                                    // loss (~5% performance, ~0.1% density) for compressible data due to more
                                    // bookkeeping, but for non-compressible data (such as JPEG) it's a huge
                                    // win since the compressor quickly "realizes" the data is incompressible
                                    // and doesn't bother looking for matches everywhere.
                                    // The "skip" variable keeps track of how many bytes there are since the
                                    // last match; dividing it by 32 (ie. right-shifting by five) gives the
                                    // number of bytes to move ahead for each iteration.
                                    uint skip = 32;

                                    byte *candidate;
                                    if (ipLimit - ip >= 16)
                                        var delta = ip - inputStart;
                                        for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
                                            for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
                                                int i = 4 * j + k;
                                                // These for-loops are meant to be unrolled. So we can freely
                                                // special case the first iteration to use the value already
                                                // loaded in preload.

                                                uint dword = i == 0 ? preload : (uint)data;
                                                Debug.Assert(dword == Helpers.UnsafeReadUInt32(ip + i));
                                                long hash = Helpers.HashBytes(dword, shift);
                                                candidate = inputStart + table[hash];
                                                Debug.Assert(candidate >= inputStart);
                                                Debug.Assert(candidate < ip + i);
                                                table[hash] = (ushort)(delta + i);

                                                if (Helpers.UnsafeReadUInt32(candidate) == dword)
                                                    *op = (byte)(Constants.Literal | (i << 2));
                                                    CopyHelpers.UnalignedCopy128(nextEmit, op + 1);
                                                    ip += i;
                                                    op  = op + i + 2;
                                                    goto emit_match;

                                                data >>= 8;

                                            data = Helpers.UnsafeReadUInt64(ip + 4 * j + 4);

                                        ip   += 16;
                                        skip += 16;

                                    while (true)
                                        Debug.Assert((uint)data == Helpers.UnsafeReadUInt32(ip));
                                        long hash = Helpers.HashBytes((uint)data, shift);
                                        uint bytesBetweenHashLookups = skip >> 5;
                                        skip += bytesBetweenHashLookups;

                                        byte *nextIp = ip + bytesBetweenHashLookups;
                                        if (nextIp > ipLimit)
                                            ip = nextEmit;
                                            goto emit_remainder;

                                        candidate = inputStart + table[hash];
                                        Debug.Assert(candidate >= inputStart);
                                        Debug.Assert(candidate < ip);

                                        table[hash] = (ushort)(ip - inputStart);
                                        if ((uint)data == Helpers.UnsafeReadUInt32(candidate))

                                        data = Helpers.UnsafeReadUInt32(nextIp);
                                        ip   = nextIp;

                                    // Step 2: A 4-byte match has been found.  We'll later see if more
                                    // than 4 bytes match.  But, prior to the match, input
                                    // bytes [next_emit, ip) are unmatched.  Emit them as "literal bytes."
                                    Debug.Assert(nextEmit + 16 <= inputEnd);
                                    op = EmitLiteralFast(op, nextEmit, (uint)(ip - nextEmit));

                                    // Step 3: Call EmitCopy, and then see if another EmitCopy could
                                    // be our next move.  Repeat until we find no match for the
                                    // input immediately after what was consumed by the last EmitCopy call.
                                    // If we exit this loop normally then we need to call EmitLiteral next,
                                    // though we don't yet know how big the literal will be.  We handle that
                                    // by proceeding to the next iteration of the main loop.  We also can exit
                                    // this loop via goto if we get close to exhausting the input.

                                        // We have a 4-byte match at ip, and no need to emit any
                                        // "literal bytes" prior to ip.
                                        byte *emitBase = ip;

                                        var(matchLength, matchLengthLessThan8) =
                                            FindMatchLength(candidate + 4, ip + 4, inputEnd, ref data);

                                        long matched = 4 + matchLength;
                                        ip += matched;

                                        long offset = emitBase - candidate;
                                        if (matchLengthLessThan8)
                                            op = EmitCopyLenLessThan12(op, offset, matched);
                                            op = EmitCopyLenGreaterThanOrEqualTo12(op, offset, matched);

                                        if (ip >= ipLimit)
                                            goto emit_remainder;

                                        // Expect 5 bytes to match
                                        Debug.Assert((data & 0xfffffffffful) ==
                                                     (Helpers.UnsafeReadUInt64(ip) & 0xfffffffffful));

                                        // We are now looking for a 4-byte match again.  We read
                                        // table[Hash(ip, shift)] for that.  To improve compression,
                                        // we also update table[Hash(ip - 1, shift)] and table[Hash(ip, shift)].
                                        table[Helpers.HashBytes(Helpers.UnsafeReadUInt32(ip - 1), shift)] =
                                            (ushort)(ip - inputStart - 1);
                                        long hash = Helpers.HashBytes((uint)data, shift);
                                        candidate   = inputStart + table[hash];
                                        table[hash] = (ushort)(ip - inputStart);
                                    } while ((uint)data == Helpers.UnsafeReadUInt32(candidate));

                                    // Because the least significant 5 bytes matched, we can utilize data
                                    // for the next iteration.
                                    preload = (uint)(data >> 8);

                            // Emit the remaining bytes as a literal
                            if (ip < inputEnd)
                                op = EmitLiteralSlow(op, ip, (uint)(inputEnd - ip));

                            return((int)(op - outputStart));