public static double GetDouble(string cue = "Please enter a number in the dialog", string title = "Enter Number", string label = "Number Value", double initialValue = 0.0) { BlockForm form = new BlockForm(cue, title); Snap.UI.Block.Double num = new Snap.UI.Block.Double(label, initialValue); form.AddBlocks(new General[] { num }); form.Show(DialogMode.Edit); return(num.Value); }
public static int GetInteger(string cue = "Please enter an integer in the dialog", string title = "Enter Integer", string label = "Integer value", int initialValue = 0) { BlockForm form = new BlockForm(cue, title); Integer integer = new Integer(label, initialValue); form.AddBlocks(new General[] { integer }); form.Show(DialogMode.Edit); return(integer.Value); }
public static PlaneResult GetPlane(string title = "Specify Plane", string label = "Plane") { BlockForm form = new BlockForm(title); SpecifyPlane plane = new SpecifyPlane { Label = label }; form.AddBlocks(new General[] { plane }); return(new PlaneResult(form.Show(DialogMode.Edit), plane.Plane)); }
public static VectorResult GetVector(string title = "Specify Vector", string label = "Vector") { BlockForm form = new BlockForm(title); SpecifyVector vector = new SpecifyVector { Label = label }; form.AddBlocks(new General[] { vector }); return(new VectorResult(form.Show(DialogMode.Edit), vector.Origin, vector.Direction)); }
public static PositionResult GetPosition(string title = "Specify Position", string label = "Position") { BlockForm form = new BlockForm(title); SpecifyPoint point = new SpecifyPoint { Label = label }; form.AddBlocks(new General[] { point }); return(new PositionResult(form.Show(DialogMode.Edit), point.Position)); }
public static int[] GetChoices(string[] items, string cue = "Please choose an item from the list", string title = "Choose Item", string label = "Items") { BlockForm form = new BlockForm(cue, title); ListBox box = new ListBox { ListItems = items, Label = label }; form.AddBlocks(new General[] { box }); form.Show(DialogMode.Edit); return(box.SelectedItems); }
public static string GetString(string cue = "Please enter a text string in the dialog", string title = "Enter Text", string label = "Text", string initialValue = "Enter text here") { BlockForm form = new BlockForm(cue, title); Snap.UI.Block.String str = new Snap.UI.Block.String(label) { Value = initialValue }; form.AddBlocks(new General[] { str }); form.Show(DialogMode.Edit); return(str.Value); }
public static int GetChoice(string[] items, string cue = "Please choose an item from the list", string title = "Choose Item", string label = "Items", EnumPresentationStyle style = EnumPresentationStyle.RadioBox) { BlockForm form = new BlockForm(cue, title); Enumeration enumeration = new Enumeration(label, style) { Items = items }; form.AddBlocks(new General[] { enumeration }); form.Show(DialogMode.Edit); return(enumeration.SelectedIndex); }
public static int[] GetIntegers(string title, string[] labels, int[] initialValues) { BlockForm form = new BlockForm(title); Integer[] blocks = new Integer[labels.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Length; i++) { blocks[i] = new Integer(labels[i], initialValues[i]); } form.AddBlocks(blocks); form.Show(DialogMode.Edit); int[] numArray = new int[blocks.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < numArray.Length; j++) { numArray[j] = blocks[j].Value; } return(numArray); }
public static string[] GetStrings(string title, string[] labels, string[] initialValues) { BlockForm form = new BlockForm(title); Snap.UI.Block.String[] blocks = new Snap.UI.Block.String[labels.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Length; i++) { blocks[i] = new Snap.UI.Block.String(labels[i]); } form.AddBlocks(blocks); form.Show(DialogMode.Edit); string[] strArray2 = new string[blocks.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < strArray2.Length; j++) { strArray2[j] = blocks[j].Value; } return(strArray2); }
public static double[] GetDoubles(string title, string[] labels, double[] initialValues) { BlockForm form = new BlockForm(title); int num = System.Math.Min(labels.Length, initialValues.Length); Snap.UI.Block.Double[] blocks = new Snap.UI.Block.Double[num]; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { blocks[i] = new Snap.UI.Block.Double(labels[i], initialValues[i]); } form.AddBlocks(blocks); form.Show(DialogMode.Edit); double[] numArray2 = new double[num]; for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { numArray2[j] = blocks[j].Value; } return(numArray2); }