static public void CreateConfigFile() { Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("I am going to create a config file at " + fullFileName); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.WriteLine("If you do not whish to continue press Esc"); Console.WriteLine("If you whish to open the file press O"); Keys a = FConsole.Convert(Console.ReadKey()); if (a == Keys.Escape) { Console.Clear(); return; } File.WriteAllText(fullFileName, defaultJson); Console.Clear(); hasOptionFile = true; if (a == Keys.O) { Event_options(); } }
void GameOver() { soundManager.Gameover(); Util.SetColor(boxColor); MoveCursor(size.x + 1, 0); Console.Write("Game Over:"); if (gameOverDelay > 0) { Thread.Sleep(gameOverDelay); Util.ClearKeyBuffer(); } DrawMessage("Press any key to restart..."); Console.ReadKey(true); DrawMessage(""); MoveCursor(size.x + 1, 0); Console.Write(" :"); Init(); }