예제 #1
 protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
     timer1 = new Timer();
     // every 30 secs
     // this.timer1.Interval = 30000;
     // every 1 min
     this.timer1.Interval = 5 * 60 * 1000;
     this.timer1.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(this.timer1_Tick);
     timer1.Enabled       = true;
     SendSMSToParents.WriteErrorLog("Test Window Service Started");
예제 #2
파일: Util_BLL.cs 프로젝트: sandeep2314/sql
        //public string SendSms222(DBSite site, string mobileNos, string msg, UserBLL.User usr, HttpResponse res, bool isUnicode)

        //    //smsIndiaHub
        //    string sUser = "******";
        //    string spwd = "pantnagar";

        //    string sNumber = mobileNos;

        //    string sMessage = msg;
        //    string sSenderID = usr.SenderId ;
        //    string MessageData = msg;

        //    //string sURL = "http://cloud.smsindiahub.in/vendorsms/pushsms.aspx?user="******"&password="******"&msisdn=" + sNumber + "&sid=" + sSenderID + "&msg=" + msg + "&fl=0&gwid=2";
        //    // unicode
        //    // http://cloud.smsindiahub.in/vendorsms/pushsms.aspx?user=yourUserID&password=yourPassword&msisdn=919898xxxxxx&sid=SenderId&msg=परीक्षण संदेश &fl=0&dc=8&gwid=2

        //    string sURL = "http://cloud.smsindiahub.in/vendorsms/pushsms.aspx?user="******"&password="******"&msisdn=" + sNumber + "&sid=" + sSenderID + "&msg=" + msg + "&fl=0&dc=8&gwid=2";

        //    string sResponse = GetResponse(sURL);
        //    //res.Write(sResponse);

        //    return sResponse;


        //public string SendSms(DBSite site, string mobileNos, string msg, UserBLL.User usr, HttpResponse res, bool isUnicode)
        //    //smsIndiaHub
        //    string sUser = "******";
        //    string spwd = "pantnagar";
        //    //string spwd = "Pantnagar@123";
        //    string sNumber = mobileNos;
        //    string sMessage = msg;
        //    string sSenderID = usr.SenderId;

        //    string MessageData = msg;

        //    string sURL = "";

        //    isUnicode = ContainsUnicodeCharacter(msg);

        //    if (isUnicode)
        //    {
        //        //sURL = "http://trans.smsleads.in/sendsms.jsp?user="******"&password="******"&mobiles=" + sNumber + "&sms=" + msg + "&senderid=" + sSenderID + "&verion=3&unicode=1";

        //        //sURL = "http://websms.itfisms.com/vendorsms/pushsms.aspx?user="******"&password="******"&msisdn=" + sNumber + "&sid=" + sSenderID + "&msg=" + msg + "&fl=0&dc=8&gwid=2";

        //        sURL = "http://cloud.smsindiahub.in/vendorsms/pushsms.aspx?user="******"&password="******"&msisdn=" + sNumber + "&sid=" + sSenderID + "&msg=" + msg + "&fl=0&dc=8&gwid=2";

        //        //sURL = "http://login.blesssms.com/api/mt/SendSMS?"

        //        //sURL = ""
        //        //+ "user=Sandeep99"
        //        //+ "&password=pantnagar"
        //        // + "&senderid=" + sSenderID
        //        // + "&channel=Trans"
        //        // + "&DCS=8"
        //        // + "&flashsms=0"

        //        //+ "&text=" + msg
        //        // + "&route=4"
        //        //+ "&number=" + mobileNos;

        //        //Gujrat
        //        //  sURL = "http://sms.hspsms.com/sendSMS?username="******"&password=2314&message=" + sMessage + "&sendername=" + sSenderID + "&smstype=TRANS&numbers=" + sNumber + "&apikey=d6a74a66-e6b8-430a-9121-52aa758c34fa";

        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        //sURL = "http://trans.smsleads.in/sendsms.jsp?user="******"&password="******"&mobiles=" + sNumber + "&sms=" + msg + "&senderid=" + sSenderID + "&verion=3&unicode=0";
        //        //sURL = "http://websms.itfisms.com/vendorsms/pushsms.aspx?user="******"&password="******"&msisdn=" + sNumber + "&sid=" + sSenderID + "&msg=" + msg + "&fl=0&gwid=2";
        //        sURL = "http://cloud.smsindiahub.in/vendorsms/pushsms.aspx?user="******"&password="******"&msisdn=" + sNumber + "&sid=" + sSenderID + "&msg=" + msg + "&fl=0&gwid=2";

        //        //sURL = ""
        //        //+ "user=Sandeep99"
        //        //+ "&password=pantnagar"
        //        // + "&senderid=" + sSenderID
        //        // + "&channel=Trans"
        //        // + "&DCS=0"
        //        // + "&flashsms=0"

        //        //+ "&text=" + msg

        //        //+ "&route=4"
        //        //+ "&number=" + mobileNos;

        //        //  sURL = "http://sms.hspsms.com/sendSMS?username=admin&message=" + sMessage + "&sendername=INFORM&smstype=TRANS&numbers=9219484030&apikey=d0002689-c347-4b82-af90-9d3188ad6c6e";

        //        //Gujrat
        //        // sURL = "http://sms.hspsms.com/sendSMS?username="******"&password=2314&message="+sMessage+"&sendername="+sSenderID+"&smstype=TRANS&numbers="+sNumber+"&apikey=d6a74a66-e6b8-430a-9121-52aa758c34fa";

        //    }

        //    string sResponse = GetResponse(sURL);
        //    //res.Write(sResponse);

        //    return sResponse;


        // 7777
        public string SendSms(string mobileNos, string msg, int userID, string senderID, bool isUnicode)
            string sUser = "******";
            string spwd  = "pantnagar2314";

            string sNumber = mobileNos;

            string sMessage  = msg;
            string sSenderID = senderID;

            string MessageData = msg;

            string sURL = "";

            isUnicode = ContainsUnicodeCharacter(msg);

            if (isUnicode)
                sURL = "http://cloud.smsindiahub.in/vendorsms/pushsms.aspx?user="******"&password="******"&msisdn=" + sNumber + "&sid=" + sSenderID + "&msg=" + msg + "&fl=0&dc=8&gwid=2";
                sURL = "http://cloud.smsindiahub.in/vendorsms/pushsms.aspx?user="******"&password="******"&msisdn=" + sNumber + "&sid=" + sSenderID + "&msg=" + msg + "&fl=0&gwid=2";

            //SendSMSToParents.WriteErrorLog("SMS Sent the Url  " + sURL);

            string sResponse = GetResponse(sURL);

            SendSMSToParents.WriteErrorLog("SMS SENT 22 the Url 2222 " + sResponse);
예제 #3
        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            // witer code to do some job as per ur need

            // send sms for Abentee to be sent on 9:15 AM

            Util_BLL      util = new Util_BLL();
            AttendanceBll aBLL = new AttendanceBll();

            //aBLL.ProcessMachineAttendance(site, util.CheckNullInt(DateTime.Now.Year), util.CheckNullInt(DateTime.Now.Month), util.CheckNullInt(DateTime.Now.Day), 0);

            // Check if attendance table has students per day if not then add
            aBLL.AddStudentDataInAttdencance(site, util.CheckNullInt(DateTime.Now.Year), util.CheckNullInt(DateTime.Now.Month), util.CheckNullInt(DateTime.Now.Day), 0);

            List <AttendanceBll.AttendanceEntity> absentees = new List <AttendanceBll.AttendanceEntity>();

            absentees = aBLL.GetAttendance(site, DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, -1, false);
            foreach (AttendanceBll.AttendanceEntity abs in absentees)
                string logdate = "";
                // Update InTime
                if (abs.Status == 0 && abs.IdcardNo.Length > 1)
                    // get logdate
                    logdate = aBLL.GetlogDate(site, util.CheckNullInt(DateTime.Now.Year), util.CheckNullInt(DateTime.Now.Month), util.CheckNullInt(DateTime.Now.Day), abs.AttendanceId, abs.IdcardNo, "INTIME");

                    if (logdate.Length > 0)
                        aBLL.UpDateInTime_OutTime(site, logdate, abs.AttendanceId, 1, "INTIME");
                        //SendSMSToParents.WriteErrorLog("UPDATE INTIME  " + abs.IdcardNo);
                // OUTTIME
                if (abs.Status >= 0 && abs.IdcardNo.Length > 1 && abs.IsSMSSent == 1)
                    logdate = aBLL.GetlogDate(site, util.CheckNullInt(DateTime.Now.Year), util.CheckNullInt(DateTime.Now.Month), util.CheckNullInt(DateTime.Now.Day), abs.AttendanceId, abs.IdcardNo, "OUTTIME");

                    if (logdate.Length > 0)
                        aBLL.UpDateInTime_OutTime(site, logdate, abs.AttendanceId, 1, "OUTTIME");
                        //SendSMSToParents.WriteErrorLog("UPDATE OUTTIME " + abs.IdcardNo);

            // get students again after updating
            List <AttendanceBll.AttendanceEntity> absentees2 = new List <AttendanceBll.AttendanceEntity>();

            absentees2 = aBLL.GetAttendance(site, DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, -1, false);
            string msg_str = "";

            foreach (AttendanceBll.AttendanceEntity absente in absentees2)
                if (absente.Status > 0)
                    if (absente.Status == 1 && absente.IsSMSSent == 0 && absente.InTime.Length > 0)
                        msg_str = "Dear Parents, Your child " + absente.StudentName + " has arrived in school on " + absente.InTime + ".";
                        util.SendSms(absente.MobileNo, msg_str, 1, "WHSLMC", false);
                        util.SaveSentSMSToDB(site, absente.MobileNo, msg_str, false, 36);
                        aBLL.PostSMS(site, absente.StudentId, 1);
                        SendSMSToParents.WriteErrorLog("set isSMSSent to 1 " + absente.StudentName);

                    // Exit

                    if (absente.Status == 1 && absente.IsSMSSent == 1 && absente.OutTime.Length > 0)
                        msg_str = "Dear Parents, Your child " + absente.StudentName + " has left the school on " + absente.OutTime + ".";
                        util.SendSms(absente.MobileNo, msg_str, 1, "WHSLMC", false);
                        util.SaveSentSMSToDB(site, absente.MobileNo, msg_str, false, 36);
                        aBLL.PostSMS(site, absente.StudentId, 2);
                        SendSMSToParents.WriteErrorLog("set isSMSSent to 2 " + absente.StudentName);

            SendSMSToParents.WriteErrorLog("Timer ticked and some job has been done sucessesfully");
예제 #4
 protected override void OnStop()
     timer1.Enabled = false;
     SendSMSToParents.WriteErrorLog("Test Window Service is stopped");
예제 #5
        public List <AttendanceEntity> GetAttendance2MAy19(DBSite site, int yearNo, int theMonth, int theDay, int clasId, bool onlyAbsentees)
            List <AttendanceEntity> adList = new List <AttendanceEntity>();
            AttendanceEntity        da     = null;

            string qry = "";

            qry = "SELECT AttendanceId, YearNo, MonthNo, DayNo, HolidayID "

                  + ", a.StudentMasterID, StudentName, s.classID,  MobileF , ClassName, s.SectionId, sc.SectionName, s.IdCardNo "
                  + "  , (SELECT MIN(InTime) FROM tblAttendance "
                  + Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition("a")
                  + " AND YearNo = " + yearNo
                  + " AND MonthNo = " + theMonth
                  + " AND DayNo = " + theDay
                  + " AND studentmasterid=s.studentMasterID  "
                  + " GROUP BY StudentMasterID, YearNo, monthno, dayno, userId, FYear )InTime "

                  + " , OutTime, Status "
                  + ", IsPosted "
                  + " , (select MAX(IsSMSSent) FROM tblAttendance where dayNo=" + theDay + " AND STUDENTMASTERID = s.studentMasterID GROUP BY StudentMasterID)  IsSmsSent "
                  + " FROM tblAttendance a "
                  + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblStudentMaster s ON s.StudentMasterID = a.StudentMasterID "
                  + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblClassMaster C ON c.classMasterID = s.classID  "
                  + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblSectionMaster sc ON sc.SectionMasterID = s.SectionId    "
                  + Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition("a")
                  + " AND YearNo = " + yearNo
                  + " AND MonthNo = " + theMonth
                  + " AND DayNo = " + theDay;

            if (onlyAbsentees)
                qry += " AND status = 0 ";
            if (clasId != -1)
                qry += " AND c.classMasterID = " + clasId;

            qry += " AND AttendanceID In (select MAx(AttendanceID)  "
                   + " FROM tblAttendance b"
                   + Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition("b")
                   + " GROUP BY  StudentMasterID, YearNo, monthno, dayno, userId, FYear  ) "
                   + " ORDER BY ClassOrder,sectionName, StudentName ";

            SendSMSToParents.WriteErrorLog("GetAttendance qry " + qry);

            DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                da = new AttendanceEntity();

                da.AttendanceId = util.CheckNullInt(dr["AttendanceId"]);
                da.YearNo       = util.CheckNullInt(dr["YearNo"]);
                da.MonthNo      = util.CheckNullInt(dr["MonthNo"]);
                da.DayNo        = util.CheckNullInt(dr["DayNo"]);
                da.HolidayId    = util.CheckNullInt(dr["HolidayID"]);

                da.StudentId   = util.CheckNullInt(dr["StudentMasterID"]);
                da.StudentName = util.CheckNull(dr["StudentName"]);

                da.MobileNo = util.CheckNull(dr["MobileF"]);

                da.ClassId   = util.CheckNullInt(dr["ClassID"]);
                da.ClassName = util.CheckNull(dr["ClassName"]);

                da.SectionId   = util.CheckNullInt(dr["SectionID"]);
                da.SectionName = util.CheckNull(dr["SectionName"]);

                da.IdcardNo = util.CheckNull(dr["IdCardNo"]);

                da.InTime  = util.CheckNull(dr["InTime"]);
                da.OutTime = util.CheckNull(dr["OutTime"]);

                da.IsPosted  = util.CheckNullInt(dr["IsPosted"]);
                da.IsSMSSent = util.CheckNullInt(dr["IsSMSSent"]);
                da.Status    = util.CheckNullInt(dr["status"]);

                //if (da.IsPosted==0)
                //    da.Status = 1;

