public void UpdateSMSForSubscription_2ContextsChangePriceTwiceNoRemainingSMS_PriceHasCorrectValueAtTheEnd()
            var wpID = "19802294808";//Wallmart only sms
             var price = "0.1";

             var wp = context.WorkingPoints.Find(wpID);
             var sd1 = wp.Users.FirstOrDefault().Company.SubscriptionDetail;
             //make sure that remaining sms is 0 so that we nibble through our spent amount
             sd1.RemainingSMS = 0;
             smsfeedbackEntities altContext = new smsfeedbackEntities();
             var wp2 = altContext.WorkingPoints.Find(wpID);
             var sd2 = wp2.Users.FirstOrDefault().Company.SubscriptionDetail;
             //make sure that we are starting from the same point
             var sd1BeforeTimestamp = sd1.TimeStamp;
             var sd2BeforeTimestamp = sd2.TimeStamp;
             Assert.AreEqual(sd1BeforeTimestamp, sd2BeforeTimestamp, "The initial timestamp should be the same as we start from the same starting point");
             var initialSA = sd1.SpentThisMonth;
             mEFinter.UpdateSMSForSubscription(price, sd1, context);
             var sd1Timestamp = sd1.TimeStamp;
             mEFinter.UpdateSMSForSubscription(price, sd2, altContext);
             var sd2Timestamp = sd2.TimeStamp;

             Assert.AreNotEqual(sd2Timestamp, sd1Timestamp,"The subscription should have been modified twice (timestamp wise" );

             var finalSA = sd2.SpentThisMonth;
             var expectedPrice = initialSA + 2 * Decimal.Parse(price, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
             Assert.AreEqual(expectedPrice, finalSA, "The price should have been modified twice");
        public void UpdateSMSForSubscription_2ContextsChangeRemainingSMSisJust1_RemainingSMSAndSpentAmountAreCorrectlyUpdated()
            var wpID = "19802294808";//Wallmart only sms
             var price = "0.1";
             var initialRS = 1;
             var wp = context.WorkingPoints.Find(wpID);
             var sd1 = wp.Users.FirstOrDefault().Company.SubscriptionDetail;
             //make sure that RemainingSMS is exactly 1 and that the spent amount has a known value

             var initialSA = 1.34m;
             bool saved = false;
            saved = true;
               sd1.RemainingSMS = initialRS;
               sd1.SpentThisMonth = initialSA;
            catch (System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex)
               saved = false;
             } while (!saved);

             //initialize second context
             smsfeedbackEntities altContext = new smsfeedbackEntities();
             var wp2 = altContext.WorkingPoints.Find(wpID);
             var sd2 = wp2.Users.FirstOrDefault().Company.SubscriptionDetail;
             //update the subscriptions details twice
             mEFinter.UpdateSMSForSubscription(price, sd1, context);
             mEFinter.UpdateSMSForSubscription(price, sd2, altContext);
             //get final RemainingSMS (RS)
             var finalRS = sd2.RemainingSMS;
             var expectedRS = 0;
             Assert.AreEqual(expectedRS, finalRS, "After the dust has settled the RemainingSMS should be 0");
             var finalSA = sd2.SpentThisMonth;
             var expectedSA = initialSA + Decimal.Parse(price,CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
             Assert.AreEqual(expectedSA, finalSA, "The spent amount should have been increased with the price of 1 SMS");
        public void UpdateSMSForSubscription_2ContextsChangeWithMoreThan2RemainingSMS_RemainingSMSHasCorrectValueAtTheEnd()
            var wpID = "19802294808";//Wallmart only sms
             var price = "0.1";
             var initialRS = 200;
             var wp = context.WorkingPoints.Find(wpID);
             var sd1 = wp.Users.FirstOrDefault().Company.SubscriptionDetail;
             //make sure that RemainingSMS is not 0 so that we have where to subtract from
             bool saved = false;
            saved = true;
               sd1.RemainingSMS = initialRS;
            catch (System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex)
               saved = false;
             } while (!saved);

             //initialize second context
             smsfeedbackEntities altContext = new smsfeedbackEntities();
             var wp2 = altContext.WorkingPoints.Find(wpID);
             var sd2 = wp2.Users.FirstOrDefault().Company.SubscriptionDetail;
             //update the subscriptions details twice
             mEFinter.UpdateSMSForSubscription(price, sd1, context);
             mEFinter.UpdateSMSForSubscription(price, sd2, altContext);
             //get final RemainingSMS (RS)
             var finalRS = sd2.RemainingSMS;
             var expectedRS = initialRS - 2;
             Assert.AreEqual(expectedRS, finalRS, "After the dust has settled the RemainingSMS should be decreased by 2");