Kills an Excel application's process on demand.
The KillExcelApplication method kills the process running an Excel application. It can be used to guarantee that an Excel application started from a parent process is removed from memory when the parent process is done with the Excel application.

There are various situations in which calling Application.Quit() will not remove the Excel application from memory; see this posting for more information:

Suggested solutions involving calls to Marshall.ReleaseComObject(), never referencing an Excel object more than one level deep without storing it in an intermediate variable, and so on, are either unreliable or fragile and grossly impractical. This class offers a brute-force workaround for all those problems.

상속: Object
예제 #1
        String nodeXLWorkbookFilePath,
        String workbookSettings
        Debug.Assert( !String.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeXLWorkbookFilePath) );
        Debug.Assert( !String.IsNullOrEmpty(workbookSettings) );

        // Ideally, the Excel API would be used here to open the workbook
        // and run the AutomateOneWorkbook() method on it.  Two things
        // make that impossible:
        //   1. When you open a workbook using
        //      Application.Workbooks.Open(), you get only a native Excel
        //      workbook, not an "extended" ThisWorkbook object.
        //      Although a GetVstoObject() extension method is available to
        //      convert a native Excel workbook to an extended workbook,
        //      that method doesn't work on a native workbook opened via
        //      the Excel API -- it always returns null.
        //      It might be possible to refactor AutomateOneWorkbook() to
        //      require only a native workbook.  However, problem 2 would
        //      still make things impossible...
        //   2. If this method is being run from a modal dialog, which it
        //      is (see AutomateTasksDialog), then code in the workbook
        //      that needs to be automated doesn't run until the modal
        //      dialog closes.
        // The following code works around these problems.

        Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application oExcelApplication =

        ExcelApplicationKiller oExcelApplicationKiller = null;

            // Use a new Application object for each workbook.  If the same
            // Application object is reused, the memory used by each
            // workbook is never released and the machine will eventually
            // run out of memory.

            oExcelApplication =
                new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();

            if (oExcelApplication == null)
                throw new Exception("Excel couldn't be opened.");

            // ExcelApplicationKiller requires that the application be
            // visible.

            oExcelApplication.Visible = true;

            oExcelApplicationKiller = new ExcelApplicationKiller(

            // Store an "automate tasks on open" flag in the workbook,
            // indicating that task automation should be run on it the next
            // time it's opened.  This can be done via the Excel API.

            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook oWorkbookToAutomate =

            PerWorkbookSettings oPerWorkbookSettings =
                new PerWorkbookSettings(oWorkbookToAutomate);

            oPerWorkbookSettings.WorkbookSettings = workbookSettings;
            oPerWorkbookSettings.AutomateTasksOnOpen = true;
            oWorkbookToAutomate.Close(false, Missing.Value, Missing.Value);
        catch (Exception oException)
            // Quitting the Excel application does not remove it from
            // memory.  Kill its process.

            oExcelApplication = null;
            oExcelApplicationKiller = null;

            // Now open the workbook in another instance of Excel, which
            // bypasses problem 2.  Code in the workbook's Ribbon will
            // detect the flag's presence, run task automation on it, close
            // the workbook, and close the other instance of Excel.

            OpenWorkbookToAutomate(nodeXLWorkbookFilePath, 60 * 60);
        catch (Exception oException)
        String sNodeXLWorkbookFilePath,
        out OverallMetricsInfo oOverallMetricsInfo
        Debug.Assert( !String.IsNullOrEmpty(sNodeXLWorkbookFilePath) );

        oOverallMetricsInfo = null;

        // Create a new instance of Excel.  Do not use the instance that was
        // passed to AggregateGraphMetricsAsync(), because when a NodeXL
        // workbook is opened and closed in Excel, its memory is not released
        // and the machine will eventually run out of memory.

        Application oExcelApplication = new Application();

        if (oExcelApplication == null)
            throw new Exception("Excel couldn't be opened.");

        // ExcelApplicationKiller requires that the application be visible.

        oExcelApplication.Visible = true;

        ExcelApplicationKiller oExcelApplicationKiller =
            new ExcelApplicationKiller(oExcelApplication);

        Workbook oNodeXLWorkbook = null;

            oNodeXLWorkbook = ExcelUtil.OpenWorkbook(sNodeXLWorkbookFilePath,

            OverallMetrics oOverallMetrics;

            if ( ( new OverallMetricsReader() ).TryReadMetrics(
                oNodeXLWorkbook, out oOverallMetrics ) )
                oOverallMetricsInfo = new OverallMetricsInfo();

                oOverallMetricsInfo.NodeXLWorkbookFileName =

                oOverallMetricsInfo.OverallMetrics = oOverallMetrics;

                return (true);
            if (oNodeXLWorkbook != null)
                oNodeXLWorkbook.Close(false, Missing.Value, Missing.Value);


            // Quitting the Excel application does not remove it from
            // memory.  Kill its process.


        return (false);
        XmlDocument graphMLDocument,
        String graphMLFilePath,
        String nodeXLWorkbookPath,
        String nodeXLWorkbookSettingsFilePath,
        Boolean setAutomateTasksOnOpen
        Debug.Assert(graphMLDocument != null);

        Debug.Assert(nodeXLWorkbookPath == null ||
            nodeXLWorkbookPath.Length > 0);

        // Open Excel.

        Application oExcelApplication = new Application();

        if (oExcelApplication == null)
            throw new ConvertGraphMLToNodeXLWorkbookException(
                "Excel couldn't be opened.  Is it installed on this computer?"

        // ExcelApplicationKiller requires that the application be visible.

        oExcelApplication.Visible = true;

        // Suppress alerts about overwriting an existing file.

        oExcelApplication.DisplayAlerts = false;

        ExcelApplicationKiller oExcelApplicationKiller =
            new ExcelApplicationKiller(oExcelApplication);

            SaveGraphToNodeXLWorkbook(graphMLDocument, graphMLFilePath,
                nodeXLWorkbookPath, nodeXLWorkbookSettingsFilePath,
                setAutomateTasksOnOpen, oExcelApplication);
            if (nodeXLWorkbookPath != null)

                // Quitting the Excel application does not remove it from
                // memory.  Kill its process.
