private void doRecipe(Smod2.API.Item item, Scp914 objectOfType, Smod2.API.Player player, Smod2.API.KnobSetting knobSetting) { sbyte outputitem = -2; try { outputitem = (sbyte)([(byte)item.ItemType].outputs[(byte)knobSetting].outputs[getrandom.Next(0,[(byte)item.ItemType].outputs[(byte)knobSetting].outputs.Count)]); } catch (System.Exception) { if (outputitem >= 0) { this.plugin.Error("Recipe for " + item.ItemType + "does not exist! Ask the game devs to add a recipe for it!"); } } if (outputitem != -2) { item.Remove(); this.plugin.Debug(item.ItemType + " ==> " + (ItemType)outputitem); } if (outputitem >= 0) { player.GiveItem((ItemType)outputitem); } }
public ChangeSpyRole(SpyCup sc, Player player, bool delaySpawn) { float time = sc.GetConfigFloat("spycup_cooldown") * 1000; if (delaySpawn) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(25); player.ChangeRole(sc.RoleDict[player.SteamId]); //plugin.Info("Changed player " + player.Name + "'s role to " + sc.RoleDict[player.SteamId]); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep((int)time); List <Smod2.API.Item> inv = player.GetInventory(); if (inv.Count > 7 && !player.HasItem(ItemType.CUP)) { Smod2.API.Item lastItem = inv[7]; foreach (Smod2.API.Item item in player.GetInventory()) { if (item.ItemType == lastItem.ItemType) { item.Remove(); break; } } sc.pluginManager.Server.Map.SpawnItem(lastItem.ItemType, player.GetPosition(), Vector.Zero); } if (!player.IsHandcuffed()) { player.GiveItem(ItemType.CUP); } }
public void OnSCP914Activate(SCP914ActivateEvent ev) { if (!enabled) { return; } object[] inputs = ev.Inputs; Scp914 objectOfType = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <Scp914>(); if ((UnityEngine.Object)objectOfType == (UnityEngine.Object)null) { this.plugin.Error("Couldnt find SCP-914"); return; } // string[] strArray = new string[5] { "Very Rough", "Rough", "1 to 1", "Fine", "Very Fine" }; // for (byte index1 = 0; index1 <; ++index1) //item id // { // this.plugin.Debug("==== Recipe for: " + component.availableItems[index1].label + " ===="); // for (byte index2 = 0; index2 <[index1].outputs.Count; ++index2) //knob setting id // { // foreach(sbyte itm in[index1].outputs[index2].outputs) //output item id // { // this.plugin.Debug(strArray[index2] + ": " + (itm == -1 ? "NULL" : component.availableItems[itm].label)); // } // } // } foreach (UnityEngine.Collider collider in inputs) { Pickup component1 = collider.GetComponent <Pickup>(); if ((UnityEngine.Object)component1 == (UnityEngine.Object)null) { NicknameSync component2 = collider.GetComponent <NicknameSync>(); CharacterClassManager component3 = collider.GetComponent <CharacterClassManager>(); PlyMovementSync component4 = collider.GetComponent <PlyMovementSync>(); PlayerStats component5 = collider.GetComponent <PlayerStats>(); if ((UnityEngine.Object)component2 != (UnityEngine.Object)null && (UnityEngine.Object)component3 != (UnityEngine.Object)null && ((UnityEngine.Object)component4 != (UnityEngine.Object)null && (UnityEngine.Object)component5 != (UnityEngine.Object)null) && (UnityEngine.Object)collider.gameObject != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { UnityEngine.GameObject gameObject = collider.gameObject; ServerMod2.API.SmodPlayer player = new ServerMod2.API.SmodPlayer(gameObject); if (player.TeamRole.Team != Smod2.API.Team.SCP && player.TeamRole.Team != Smod2.API.Team.NONE && player.TeamRole.Team != Smod2.API.Team.SPECTATOR) { if (currentonly) { Smod2.API.Item item = player.GetCurrentItem(); doRecipe(item, objectOfType, player, ev.KnobSetting); } else { foreach (Smod2.API.Item item in player.GetInventory()) { doRecipe(item, objectOfType, player, ev.KnobSetting); } } } } } } }
public override void EventStart(RoundStartEvent ev) { List <Smod2.API.Door> doors = ev.Server.Map.GetDoors(); doors.Find(x => x.Name == "CHECKPOINT_LCZ_A").Locked = true; doors.Find(x => x.Name == "CHECKPOINT_LCZ_B").Locked = true; foreach (Smod2.API.Door door in doors) { Vector vec = door.Position; int rng = random.Next(0, 6); for (int i = 0; i < rng; i++) { int x = random.Next(Convert.ToInt32(vec.x - 15f), Convert.ToInt32(vec.x + 15f)); int z = random.Next(Convert.ToInt32(vec.z - 15f), Convert.ToInt32(vec.z + 15f)); int y = Convert.ToInt32(vec.y + 1); Vector spanw_pos = new Vector(x, y, z); Array values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Props)); Smod2.API.ItemType item = (Smod2.API.ItemType)values.GetValue(random.Next(values.Length)); ev.Server.Map.SpawnItem(item, spanw_pos, Vector.Zero); } } actualHunters = GetHunterId(); foreach (Player player in ev.Server.GetPlayers()) { if (!actualHunters.Contains(player.PlayerId)) { player.ChangeRole(Smod2.API.RoleType.CLASSD); player.SetGhostMode(true, visibleWhenTalking: false); player.SetHealth(50); Array values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Props)); Smod2.API.ItemType itemtype = (Smod2.API.ItemType)values.GetValue(random.Next(values.Length)); Smod2.API.Item item = ev.Server.Map.GetItems(itemtype, true)[0]; tasks.Add(Follow(player, item)); } } tasks.ForEach(x => x.GetAwaiter()); HuntersWait().GetAwaiter(); }
private async Task Follow(Player player, Smod2.API.Item item) { player.GiveItem(Smod2.API.ItemType.MEDKIT).Drop(); item.SetKinematic(false); while (true) { if (Vector.Distance(item.GetPosition(), player.GetPosition()) > 1f) { if (item.GetKinematic()) { item.SetKinematic(false); } Vector vector = new Vector(player.GetPosition().x, player.GetPosition().y - 0.5f, player.GetPosition().z); item.SetPosition(vector); } else if (!item.GetKinematic()) { item.SetKinematic(true); } await Task.Delay(1000 / 8); } }
private void InfectPlayer(Player player, Smod2.API.Item pItem) { List <Player> pList = instance.Server.GetPlayers().Where(x => x.TeamRole.Team == Smod2.API.Team.SPECTATOR && !x.OverwatchMode).ToList(); if (pList.Count > 0 && scpPlayer == null) { pItem.Remove(); Player p035 = pList[rand.Next(pList.Count)]; p035.ChangeRole(player.TeamRole.Role); p035.Teleport(player.GetPosition()); foreach (Smod2.API.Item item in player.GetInventory()) { p035.GiveItem(item.ItemType); } p035.SetHealth(scpHealth); p035.SetAmmo(AmmoType.DROPPED_5, player.GetAmmo(AmmoType.DROPPED_5)); p035.SetAmmo(AmmoType.DROPPED_7, player.GetAmmo(AmmoType.DROPPED_7)); p035.SetAmmo(AmmoType.DROPPED_9, player.GetAmmo(AmmoType.DROPPED_9)); p035.SetRank("red", "SCP-035"); p035.PersonalBroadcast(10, $"You are <color=\"red\">SCP-035!</color> You have infected a body and have gained control over it, use it to help the other SCPs!", false); scpPlayer = p035; isRotating = false; player.ChangeRole(Role.SPECTATOR); player.PersonalBroadcast(10, $"You have picked up <color=\"red\">SCP-035.</color> He has infected your body and is now in control of you.", false); if (spawnNewItems) { RemovePossessedItems(); } else { ResetItemDurability(); } } }