private void rectangleToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GeneralRect g = new GeneralRect() { name = "RECT_00_NEW", subname = "00_NEW" }; Runtime.TargetLVD.generalShapes.Add(g); lvdList.fillList(); }
private void rectValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { GeneralRect r = currentGeneralRect; if (sender == rectUpperX) { r.x2 = (float)rectUpperX.Value; } if (sender == rectUpperY) { r.y2 = (float)rectUpperY.Value; } if (sender == rectLowerX) { r.x1 = (float)rectLowerX.Value; } if (sender == rectLowerY) { r.y1 = (float)rectLowerY.Value; } }
public void Clear() { currentEntry = null; currentVert = null; currentNormal = null; currentMat = null; currentTreeNode = null; currentPoint = null; currentBounds = null; currentItemSection = null; currentGeneralPoint = null; currentGeneralRect = null; currentGeneralPath = null; name.Text = ""; subname.Text = ""; collisionGroup.Visible = false; pointGroup.Visible = false; boundGroup.Visible = false; itemSpawnerGroup.Visible = false; generalPointShapeBox.Visible = false; rectangleGroup.Visible = false; pathGroup.Visible = false; }
public void open(LVDEntry entry, TreeNode entryTree) { currentTreeNode = entryTree; currentEntry = entry; collisionGroup.Visible = false; pointGroup.Visible = false; boundGroup.Visible = false; itemSpawnerGroup.Visible = false; generalPointShapeBox.Visible = false; rectangleGroup.Visible = false; pathGroup.Visible = false; meleeCollisionGroup.Visible = false; name.Text =; subname.Text = currentEntry.subname; if (entry is Collision) { Collision col = (Collision)entry; collisionGroup.Visible = true; xStart.Value = (decimal)col.startPos[0]; yStart.Value = (decimal)col.startPos[1]; zStart.Value = (decimal)col.startPos[2]; flag1.Checked = col.useStartPos; flag2.Checked = col.flag2; flag3.Checked = col.flag3; flag4.Checked = col.flag4; vertices.Nodes.Clear(); string boneNameRigging = ""; foreach (char b in col.unk4) { if (b != (char)0) { boneNameRigging += b; } } if (boneNameRigging.Length == 0) { boneNameRigging = "None"; } button3.Text = boneNameRigging; for (int i = 0; i < col.verts.Count; i++) { vertices.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode($"Vertex {i+1} ({col.verts[i].x},{col.verts[i].y})") { Tag = col.verts[i] }); } lines.Nodes.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < col.normals.Count; i++) { object[] temp = { col.normals[i], col.materials[i] }; lines.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode($"Line {i+1}") { Tag = temp }); } } else if (entry is Point) { pointGroup.Visible = true; currentPoint = (Point)entry; xPoint.Value = (decimal)((Point)entry).x; yPoint.Value = (decimal)((Point)entry).y; } else if (entry is Bounds) { boundGroup.Visible = true; currentBounds = (Bounds)entry; topVal.Value = (decimal); rightVal.Value = (decimal)currentBounds.right; leftVal.Value = (decimal)currentBounds.left; bottomVal.Value = (decimal)currentBounds.bottom; } else if (entry is ItemSpawner) { itemSpawnerGroup.Visible = true; ItemSpawner spawner = (ItemSpawner)entry; treeView1.Nodes.Clear(); int i = 1; foreach (Section section in spawner.sections) { treeView1.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode($"Section {i++}") { Tag = section }); } } else if (entry is GeneralPoint) { generalPointShapeBox.Visible = true; GeneralPoint p = (GeneralPoint)entry; currentGeneralPoint = p; pointShapeX.Value = (Decimal)p.x; pointShapeX.Value = (Decimal)p.y; } else if (entry is GeneralRect) { rectangleGroup.Visible = true; GeneralRect r = (GeneralRect)entry; currentGeneralRect = r; rectUpperX.Value = (Decimal)r.x2; rectUpperY.Value = (Decimal)r.y2; rectLowerX.Value = (Decimal)r.x1; rectLowerY.Value = (Decimal)r.y1; } else if (entry is GeneralPath) { pathGroup.Visible = true; GeneralPath p = (GeneralPath)entry; currentGeneralPath = p; treeViewPath.Nodes.Clear(); int j = 0; foreach (Vector2D v in p.points) { treeViewPath.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode($"Point {++j} ({v.x},{v.y})") { Tag = v }); } } else if (entry is DAT.COLL_DATA) { meleeCollisionGroup.Visible = true; meleeVerts.Nodes.Clear(); meleeLinks.Nodes.Clear(); meleePolygons.Nodes.Clear(); int i = 0; foreach (Vector2D vert in ((DAT.COLL_DATA)entry).vertices) { meleeVerts.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode($"Vertex {i++}") { Tag = vert }); } i = 0; foreach (DAT.COLL_DATA.Link link in ((DAT.COLL_DATA)entry).links) { meleeLinks.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode($"Link {i++}") { Tag = link }); } i = 0; foreach (DAT.COLL_DATA.AreaTableEntry ate in ((DAT.COLL_DATA)entry).areaTable) { meleePolygons.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode($"Polygon {i++}") { Tag = ate }); } } }
/*type 1 - collisions * type 2 - spawns * type 3 - respawns * type 4 - camera bounds * type 5 - death boundaries * type 6 - ??? * type 7 - ITEMPT_transform * type 8 - enemyGenerator * type 9 - ITEMPT * type 10 - fsAreaCam (and other fsArea's ? ) * type 11 - fsCamLimit * type 12 - damageShapes (damage sphere and damage capsule are the only ones I've seen, type 2 and 3 respectively) * type 13 - item spawners * type 14 - general shapes (general rect, general path, etc.) * type 15 - general points * type 16 - ??? * type 17 - FsStartPoint * type 18 - ??? * type 19 - ???*/ public override void Read(string filename) { FileData f = new FileData(filename);;//It's magic int collisionCount = f.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < collisionCount; i++) { Collision temp = new Collision();; collisions.Add(temp); } f.skip(1); //Seperation char int spawnCount = f.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < spawnCount; i++) { Point temp = new Point(); f.skip(0xD); = f.readString(f.pos(), 0x38); f.skip(0x38); f.skip(1);//Seperation char temp.subname = f.readString(f.pos(), 0x40); f.skip(0xA6); temp.x = f.readFloat(); temp.y = f.readFloat(); spawns.Add(temp); } f.skip(1);//Seperation char int respawnCount = f.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < respawnCount; i++) { Point temp = new Point(); f.skip(0xD); = f.readString(f.pos(), 0x38); f.skip(0x38); f.skip(1);//Seperation char temp.subname = f.readString(f.pos(), 0x40); f.skip(0xA6); temp.x = f.readFloat(); temp.y = f.readFloat(); respawns.Add(temp); } f.skip(1);//Seperation char int cameraCount = f.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < cameraCount; i++) { Bounds temp = new Bounds(); f.skip(0xD); = f.readString(f.pos(), 0x38); f.skip(0x38); f.skip(1);//Seperation char temp.subname = f.readString(f.pos(), 0x40); f.skip(0xA6); temp.left = f.readFloat(); temp.right = f.readFloat(); = f.readFloat(); temp.bottom = f.readFloat(); cameraBounds.Add(temp); } f.skip(1);//Seperation char int blastzoneCount = f.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < blastzoneCount; i++) { Bounds temp = new Bounds(); f.skip(0xD); = f.readString(f.pos(), 0x38); f.skip(0x38); f.skip(1);//Seperation char temp.subname = f.readString(f.pos(), 0x40); f.skip(0xA6); temp.left = f.readFloat(); temp.right = f.readFloat(); = f.readFloat(); temp.bottom = f.readFloat(); blastzones.Add(temp); } f.skip(1); //Seperation char if (f.readInt() != 0) //1 { return; } f.skip(1); //Seperation char if (f.readInt() != 0) //2 { return; } f.skip(1);//Seperation char int enemyGeneratorCount = f.readInt(); if (enemyGeneratorCount != 0) { return; } f.skip(1); //Seperation char if (f.readInt() != 0) //4 { return; } f.skip(1);//Seperation char int fsAreaCamCount = f.readInt(); if (fsAreaCamCount != 0) { return; } f.skip(1);//Seperation char int fsCamLimitCount = f.readInt(); if (fsCamLimitCount != 0) { return; } f.skip(1);//Seperation char int damageShapeCount = f.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < damageShapeCount; i++) { f.skip(0xD); string tempName = f.readString(f.pos(), 0x38); f.skip(0x38); f.skip(1);//Seperation char string tempSubname = f.readString(f.pos(), 0x40); f.skip(0xA6); int shapeType = f.readInt(); if (shapeType == 2) { Sphere temp = new Sphere(); = tempName; temp.subname = tempSubname; temp.x = f.readFloat(); temp.y = f.readFloat(); temp.z = f.readFloat(); temp.radius = f.readFloat(); f.skip(0x11); damageSpheres.Add(temp); } else if (shapeType == 3) { Capsule temp = new Capsule(); = tempName; temp.subname = tempSubname; temp.x = f.readFloat(); temp.y = f.readFloat(); temp.z = f.readFloat(); temp.dx = f.readFloat(); temp.dy = f.readFloat(); = f.readFloat(); temp.r = f.readFloat(); temp.unk = f.readFloat(); f.skip(1); damageCapsules.Add(temp); } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } f.skip(1);//Seperation char int itemCount = f.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { ItemSpawner temp = new ItemSpawner();; items.Add(temp); } f.skip(1);//Seperation char int generalShapeCount = f.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < generalShapeCount; i++) { f.skip(0xD); string tempName = f.readString(f.pos(), 0x38); f.skip(0x38); f.skip(1);//Seperation char string tempSubname = f.readString(f.pos(), 0x40); f.skip(0xAB); int shapeType = f.readInt(); LVDGeneralShape p; if (shapeType == 1) { p = new GeneralPoint(); } else if (shapeType == 3) { p = new GeneralRect(); } else if (shapeType == 4) { p = new GeneralPath(); } else { throw new Exception($"Unknown shape type {shapeType} at offset {f.pos() - 4}"); } = tempName; p.subname = tempSubname; p.Read(f); generalShapes.Add(p); } f.skip(1); int generalPointCount = f.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < generalPointCount; i++) { Point temp = new Point(); f.skip(0xD); = f.readString(f.pos(), 0x38); f.skip(0x38); f.skip(1);//Seperation char temp.subname = f.readString(f.pos(), 0x40); f.skip(0xAF); temp.x = f.readFloat(); temp.y = f.readFloat(); f.skip(0x14); generalPoints.Add(temp); } if (f.readInt() != 0) //8 { return; //no clue how to be consistent in reading these so... } f.skip(1); if (f.readInt() != 0) //8 { return; //no clue how to be consistent in reading these so... } f.skip(1); if (f.readInt() != 0) //8 { return; //no clue how to be consistent in reading these so... } f.skip(1); if (f.readInt() != 0) //8 { return; //no clue how to be consistent in reading these so... } f.skip(1); if (f.readInt() != 0) //8 { return; //no clue how to be consistent in reading these so... } f.skip(1); if (f.readInt() != 0) //8 { return; //no clue how to be consistent in reading these so... } f.skip(1); //LVD doesn't end here and neither does my confusion, will update this part later }