public void Clear() { currentEntry = null; currentVert = new Vector2(0); currentNormal = new Vector2(0); currentMat = null; currentTreeNode = null; currentPoint = null; currentBounds = null; currentItemSection = null; currentGeneralPoint = null; currentGeneralRect = null; currentGeneralPath = null; name.Text = ""; subname.Text = ""; lvdEntryGroup.Visible = false; collisionGroup.Visible = false; cliffGroup.Visible = false; point2dGroup.Visible = false; boundsGroup.Visible = false; itemSpawnerGroup.Visible = false; point3dGroup.Visible = false; rectangleGroup.Visible = false; pathGroup.Visible = false; }
public void read(FileData f) {; flag1 = Convert.ToBoolean(f.readByte()); flag2 = Convert.ToBoolean(f.readByte()); flag3 = Convert.ToBoolean(f.readByte()); flag4 = Convert.ToBoolean(f.readByte()); f.skip(1); int vertCount = f.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < vertCount; i++) { f.skip(1); Vector2D temp = new Vector2D(); temp.x = f.readFloat(); temp.y = f.readFloat(); verts.Add(temp); } f.skip(1); int normalCount = f.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < normalCount; i++) { f.skip(1); Vector2D temp = new Vector2D(); temp.x = f.readFloat(); temp.y = f.readFloat(); normals.Add(temp); } f.skip(1); int cliffCount = f.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < cliffCount; i++) { CollisionCliff temp = new CollisionCliff();; cliffs.Add(temp); } f.skip(1); int materialCount = f.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < materialCount; i++) { f.skip(1); CollisionMat temp = new CollisionMat(); temp.material =;//Temporary, will work on fleshing out material more later materials.Add(temp); } }
public void ResetUi() { currentEntry = null; currentTreeNode = null; currentMat = null; currentPoint = null; currentBounds = null; nameTB.Text = ""; subnameTB.Text = ""; HideAllGroupBoxes(); }
private void lines_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { currentNormal = (Vector2)((object[])e.Node.Tag)[0]; LVD.LVDSelection = currentNormal; currentMat = (CollisionMat)((object[])e.Node.Tag)[1]; leftLedge.Checked = currentMat.getFlag(6); rightLedge.Checked = currentMat.getFlag(7); noWallJump.Checked = currentMat.getFlag(4); comboBox1.Text = Enum.GetName(typeof(materialTypes), currentMat.physics); passthroughAngle.Value = (decimal)(Math.Atan2(currentNormal.Y, currentNormal.X) * 180.0 / Math.PI); }
private void lines_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { currentNormal = (Vector2D)((object[])e.Node.Tag)[0]; Runtime.LVDSelection = currentNormal; MainForm.Instance.viewports[0].timeSinceSelected.Restart(); currentMat = (CollisionMat)((object[])e.Node.Tag)[1]; leftLedge.Checked = currentMat.getFlag(6); rightLedge.Checked = currentMat.getFlag(7); noWallJump.Checked = currentMat.getFlag(4); comboBox1.Text = Enum.GetName(typeof(materialTypes), currentMat.getPhysics()); passthroughAngle.Value = (decimal)(Math.Atan2(currentNormal.y, currentNormal.x) * 180.0 / Math.PI); }
private void lines_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { // Find the currently selected normal. int selectedIndex = linesTreeView.SelectedNode.Index; Collision collision = (Collision)currentEntry; if (selectedIndex >= collision.normals.Count) { return; } LVD.LVDSelection = collision.normals[selectedIndex]; currentMat = (CollisionMat)((object[])e.Node.Tag)[1]; leftLedgeCB.Checked = currentMat.getFlag(6); rightLedgeCB.Checked = currentMat.getFlag(7); noWallJumpCB.Checked = currentMat.getFlag(4); physicsMatComboBox.SelectedItem = (CollisionMatType)currentMat.physics; passthroughAngleUpDown.Value = (decimal)(Math.Atan2(collision.normals[selectedIndex].Y, collision.normals[selectedIndex].X) * 180.0 / Math.PI); }
public void Clear() { currentEntry = null; currentVert = null; currentNormal = null; currentMat = null; currentTreeNode = null; currentPoint = null; currentBounds = null; currentItemSection = null; currentGeneralPoint = null; currentGeneralRect = null; currentGeneralPath = null; name.Text = ""; subname.Text = ""; collisionGroup.Visible = false; pointGroup.Visible = false; boundGroup.Visible = false; itemSpawnerGroup.Visible = false; generalPointShapeBox.Visible = false; rectangleGroup.Visible = false; pathGroup.Visible = false; }
private void addVert(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (vertices.SelectedNode == null || (vertices.SelectedNode != null && vertices.SelectedNode.Index == vertices.Nodes.Count - 1)) { Vector2D newVert; if (vertices.SelectedNode != null) { newVert = new Vector2D() { x = currentVert.x, y = currentVert.y } } ; else { newVert = new Vector2D(); } ((Collision)currentEntry).verts.Add(newVert); TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode("New Vertex") { Tag = newVert }; vertices.Nodes.Add(newNode); vertices.SelectedNode = newNode; if (((Collision)currentEntry).verts.Count > ((Collision)currentEntry).normals.Count + 1) { CollisionMat newMat = new CollisionMat(); object[] t = { new Vector2D() { x = 1, y = 0 }, new CollisionMat() }; ((Collision)currentEntry).materials.Add((CollisionMat)t[1]); ((Collision)currentEntry).normals.Add((Vector2D)t[0]); lines.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode("New line") { Tag = t }); } } else { Vector2D newVert = new Vector2D() { x = currentVert.x, y = currentVert.y }; ((Collision)currentEntry).verts.Insert(vertices.SelectedNode.Index, newVert); vertices.Nodes.Insert(vertices.SelectedNode.Index, new TreeNode("New Vertex") { Tag = newVert }); if (((Collision)currentEntry).verts.Count > ((Collision)currentEntry).normals.Count + 1) { object[] t = { new Vector2D() { x = 1, y = 0 }, new CollisionMat() }; ((Collision)currentEntry).materials.Insert(vertices.SelectedNode.Index, (CollisionMat)t[1]); ((Collision)currentEntry).normals.Insert(vertices.SelectedNode.Index, (Vector2D)t[0]); lines.Nodes.Insert(vertices.SelectedNode.Index, new TreeNode("New line") { Tag = t }); } } renumber(); }
public void read(FileData f) { f.skip(0xD); name = f.readString(f.pos(), 0x38); f.skip(0x38); f.skip(1);//Seperation char subname = f.readString(f.pos(), 0x40); f.skip(0x40); f.skip(1);//Seperation char startPos[0] = f.readFloat(); startPos[1] = f.readFloat(); startPos[2] = f.readFloat(); useStartPos = (f.readByte() != 0); f.skip(1);//Seperation char unk2 = f.readInt(); f.skip(1); unk3 =; f.skip(4); //FF FF FF FF f.skip(1); //Seperation char unk4 = new char[0x40]; for (int i = 0; i < 0x40; i++) { unk4[i] = (char)f.readByte(); } flag1 = Convert.ToBoolean(f.readByte()); flag2 = Convert.ToBoolean(f.readByte()); flag3 = Convert.ToBoolean(f.readByte()); flag4 = Convert.ToBoolean(f.readByte()); f.skip(1);//Seperation char //f.skip(0xAA); //Console.WriteLine(f.pos()); int vertCount = f.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < vertCount; i++) { f.skip(1);//Seperation char Vector2D temp = new Vector2D(); temp.x = f.readFloat(); temp.y = f.readFloat(); verts.Add(temp); } f.skip(1);//Seperation char int normalCount = f.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < normalCount; i++) { f.skip(1);//Seperation char Vector2D temp = new Vector2D(); temp.x = f.readFloat(); temp.y = f.readFloat(); normals.Add(temp); } f.skip(1); //Seperation char int cliffCount = f.readInt(); //CLIFFS tend to be useless f.skip(0xFC * cliffCount); //Standard CLIFFS are 0xFC in length, just skip em all f.skip(1); //Seperation char int materialCount = f.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < materialCount; i++) { f.skip(1); //Seperation char CollisionMat temp = new CollisionMat(); temp.material =; //Temporary, will work on fleshing out material more later materials.Add(temp); } }