예제 #1
        public ActionResult Search(SearchModel model, SearchPagingFilteringModel command)
            if (model == null)
                model = new SearchModel();

            // 'Continue shopping' URL

            if (command.PageSize <= 0)
                command.PageSize = _catalogSettings.SearchPageProductsPerPage;
            if (command.PageNumber <= 0)
                command.PageNumber = 1;

            if (command.OrderBy == (int)ProductSortingEnum.Initial)
                command.OrderBy = (int)_catalogSettings.DefaultSortOrder;

            _helper.PreparePagingFilteringModel(model.PagingFilteringContext, command, new PageSizeContext
                AllowCustomersToSelectPageSize = _catalogSettings.ProductSearchAllowCustomersToSelectPageSize,
                PageSize = _catalogSettings.SearchPageProductsPerPage,
                PageSizeOptions = _catalogSettings.ProductSearchPageSizeOptions

            if (model.Q == null)
                model.Q = "";
            model.Q = model.Q.Trim();

            // Build AvailableCategories
            // first empty entry
            model.AvailableCategories.Add(new SelectListItem
                Value = "0",
                Text = T("Common.All")

            var navModel = _helper.PrepareCategoryNavigationModel(0, 0);

            navModel.Root.TraverseTree((node) =>
                if (node.IsRoot)

                int id = node.Value.EntityId;
                var breadcrumb = node.GetBreadcrumb().Select(x => x.Text).ToArray();

                model.AvailableCategories.Add(new SelectListItem
                    Value = id.ToString(),
                    Text = String.Join(" > ", breadcrumb),
                    Selected = model.Cid == id

            var manufacturers = _manufacturerService.GetAllManufacturers();
            if (manufacturers.Count > 0)
                model.AvailableManufacturers.Add(new SelectListItem
                    Value = "0",
                    Text = T("Common.All")
                foreach (var m in manufacturers)
                    model.AvailableManufacturers.Add(new SelectListItem
                        Value = m.Id.ToString(),
                        Text = m.GetLocalized(x => x.Name),
                        Selected = model.Mid == m.Id

            IPagedList<Product> products = new PagedList<Product>(new List<Product>(), 0, 1);
            // only search if query string search keyword is set (used to avoid searching or displaying search term min length error message on /search page load)
            if (Request.Params["Q"] != null)
                if (model.Q.Length < _catalogSettings.ProductSearchTermMinimumLength)
                    model.Warning = string.Format(T("Search.SearchTermMinimumLengthIsNCharacters"), _catalogSettings.ProductSearchTermMinimumLength);
                    var categoryIds = new List<int>();
                    int manufacturerId = 0;
                    decimal? minPriceConverted = null;
                    decimal? maxPriceConverted = null;
                    bool searchInDescriptions = false;
                    if (model.As)
                        // advanced search
                        var categoryId = model.Cid;
                        if (categoryId > 0)
                            if (model.Isc)
                                // include subcategories

                        manufacturerId = model.Mid;

                        // min price
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Pf))
                            decimal minPrice = decimal.Zero;
                            if (decimal.TryParse(model.Pf, out minPrice))
                                minPriceConverted = _currencyService.ConvertToPrimaryStoreCurrency(minPrice, _services.WorkContext.WorkingCurrency);
                        // max price
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Pt))
                            decimal maxPrice = decimal.Zero;
                            if (decimal.TryParse(model.Pt, out maxPrice))
                                maxPriceConverted = _currencyService.ConvertToPrimaryStoreCurrency(maxPrice, _services.WorkContext.WorkingCurrency);

                        searchInDescriptions = model.Sid;

                    //var searchInProductTags = false;
                    var searchInProductTags = searchInDescriptions;


                    var ctx = new ProductSearchContext();
                    ctx.CategoryIds = categoryIds;
                    ctx.ManufacturerId = manufacturerId;
                    ctx.PriceMin = minPriceConverted;
                    ctx.PriceMax = maxPriceConverted;
                    ctx.Keywords = model.Q;
                    ctx.SearchDescriptions = searchInDescriptions;
                    ctx.SearchSku = !_catalogSettings.SuppressSkuSearch;
                    ctx.SearchProductTags = searchInProductTags;
                    ctx.LanguageId = _services.WorkContext.WorkingLanguage.Id;
                    ctx.OrderBy = (ProductSortingEnum)command.OrderBy; // ProductSortingEnum.Position;
                    ctx.PageIndex = command.PageNumber - 1;
                    ctx.PageSize = command.PageSize;
                    ctx.StoreId = _services.StoreContext.CurrentStoreIdIfMultiStoreMode;
                    ctx.VisibleIndividuallyOnly = true;

                    products = _productService.SearchProducts(ctx);

                    model.Products = _helper.PrepareProductOverviewModels(
                        prepareColorAttributes: true,
                        prepareManufacturers: command.ViewMode.IsCaseInsensitiveEqual("list")).ToList();

                    model.NoResults = !model.Products.Any();

            return View(model);
        public ActionResult Search(SearchModel model, SearchPagingFilteringModel command)
            if (model == null)
                model = new SearchModel();

            //'Continue shopping' URL

            if (command.PageSize <= 0)
                command.PageSize = _catalogSettings.SearchPageProductsPerPage; //_catalogSettings.SearchPageProductsPerPage;
            if (command.PageNumber <= 0)
                command.PageNumber = 1;

            // codehint: sm-edit
            PreparePagingFilteringModel(model.PagingFilteringContext, command, new PageSizeContext
                AllowCustomersToSelectPageSize = _catalogSettings.ProductSearchAllowCustomersToSelectPageSize,
                PageSize = _catalogSettings.SearchPageProductsPerPage,
                PageSizeOptions = _catalogSettings.ProductSearchPageSizeOptions
            // codehint: sm-edit

            if (model.Q == null)
                model.Q = "";
            model.Q = model.Q.Trim();

            // Build AvailableCategories
            // first empty entry
            model.AvailableCategories.Add(new SelectListItem()
                Value = "0",
				Text = T("Common.All")

            var navModel = GetCategoryNavigationModel(0, 0);

            navModel.Root.TraverseTree((node) => {
                if (node.IsRoot)

                int id = node.Value.Id;

                var breadcrumb = new List<string>();
                while (node != null && !node.IsRoot)
                    node = node.Parent;

                model.AvailableCategories.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Value = id.ToString(),
                    Text = String.Join(" > ", breadcrumb),
                    Selected = model.Cid == id

            #region Obsolete
            //var categories = _categoryService.GetAllCategories();
            //// Perf!
            //var mappedCatgories = categories.ToDictionary(x => x.Id);
            //if (categories.Count > 0)
            //    //first empty entry
            //    model.AvailableCategories.Add(new SelectListItem()
            //    {
            //        Value = "0",
            //        Text = _localizationService.GetResource("Common.All")
            //    });
            //    //all other categories
            //    foreach (var c in categories)
            //    {
            //        //generate full category name (breadcrumb)
            //        string fullCategoryBreadcrumbName = "";
            //        var breadcrumb = GetCategoryBreadCrumb(c, mappedCatgories);
            //        for (int i = 0; i <= breadcrumb.Count - 1; i++)
            //        {
            //            fullCategoryBreadcrumbName += breadcrumb[i].GetLocalized(x => x.Name);
            //            if (i != breadcrumb.Count - 1)
            //                fullCategoryBreadcrumbName += " >> ";
            //        }

            //        model.AvailableCategories.Add(new SelectListItem()
            //        {
            //            Value = c.Id.ToString(),
            //            Text = fullCategoryBreadcrumbName,
            //            Selected = model.Cid == c.Id
            //        });
            //    }

            var manufacturers = _manufacturerService.GetAllManufacturers();
            if (manufacturers.Count > 0)
                model.AvailableManufacturers.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Value = "0",
					Text = T("Common.All")
                foreach (var m in manufacturers)
                    model.AvailableManufacturers.Add(new SelectListItem()
                        Value = m.Id.ToString(),
                        Text = m.GetLocalized(x => x.Name),
                        Selected = model.Mid == m.Id

            IPagedList<Product> products = new PagedList<Product>(new List<Product>(), 0, 1);
            // only search if query string search keyword is set (used to avoid searching or displaying search term min length error message on /search page load)
            if (Request.Params["Q"] != null)
                if (model.Q.Length < _catalogSettings.ProductSearchTermMinimumLength)
					model.Warning = string.Format(T("Search.SearchTermMinimumLengthIsNCharacters"), _catalogSettings.ProductSearchTermMinimumLength);
                    var categoryIds = new List<int>();
                    int manufacturerId = 0;
                    decimal? minPriceConverted = null;
                    decimal? maxPriceConverted = null;
                    bool searchInDescriptions = false;
                    if (model.As)
                        //advanced search
                        var categoryId = model.Cid;
                        if (categoryId > 0)
                            if (model.Isc)
                                //include subcategories

                        manufacturerId = model.Mid;

                        //min price
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Pf))
                            decimal minPrice = decimal.Zero;
                            if (decimal.TryParse(model.Pf, out minPrice))
                                minPriceConverted = _currencyService.ConvertToPrimaryStoreCurrency(minPrice, _workContext.WorkingCurrency);
                        //max price
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Pt))
                            decimal maxPrice = decimal.Zero;
                            if (decimal.TryParse(model.Pt, out maxPrice))
                                maxPriceConverted = _currencyService.ConvertToPrimaryStoreCurrency(maxPrice, _workContext.WorkingCurrency);

                        searchInDescriptions = model.Sid;

                    //var searchInProductTags = false;
                    var searchInProductTags = searchInDescriptions;


                    var ctx = new ProductSearchContext();
                    ctx.CategoryIds = categoryIds;
                    ctx.ManufacturerId = manufacturerId;
                    ctx.PriceMin = minPriceConverted;
                    ctx.PriceMax = maxPriceConverted;
                    ctx.Keywords = model.Q;
                    ctx.SearchDescriptions = searchInDescriptions;
					ctx.SearchSku = !_catalogSettings.SuppressSkuSearch;
                    ctx.SearchProductTags = searchInProductTags;
                    ctx.LanguageId = _workContext.WorkingLanguage.Id;
                    ctx.OrderBy = (ProductSortingEnum)command.OrderBy; // ProductSortingEnum.Position; // codehint: sm-edit
                    ctx.PageIndex = command.PageNumber - 1;
                    ctx.PageSize = command.PageSize;
					ctx.StoreId = _storeContext.CurrentStoreIdIfMultiStoreMode;
					ctx.VisibleIndividuallyOnly = true;

                    products = _productService.SearchProducts(ctx);

                    model.Products = PrepareProductOverviewModels(products, prepareColorAttributes: true).ToList();

                    model.NoResults = !model.Products.Any();

            return View(model);