private void txt_code_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { if (T_StockDL.ExistingT_Stock(txt_code.Text.Trim(), commonFunctions.GlobalCompany, commonFunctions.GlobalLocation)) { if (!commonFunctions.IsExist(dataGridView1, txt_code.Text.Trim())) { T_Stock stk = new T_Stock(); stk.Locacode = commonFunctions.GlobalLocation; stk.Compcode = commonFunctions.GlobalCompany; stk.ProductId = txt_code.Text.Trim(); T_StockDL bal = new T_StockDL(); stk = bal.Selectt_Stock(stk); txt_cost.Text = stk.CostPrice.ToString(); txt_selling.Text = stk.SellingPrice.ToString(); lbl_name.Text = stk.Descr; txt_qty.Text = "0"; txt_qty.Focus(); errorProvider1.Clear(); already = false; } else { already = true; //errorProvider1.SetError(txt_code, "Already exists"); T_Stock stk = new T_Stock(); stk.Locacode = commonFunctions.GlobalLocation; stk.Compcode = commonFunctions.GlobalCompany; stk.ProductId = txt_code.Text.Trim(); T_StockDL bal = new T_StockDL(); stk = bal.Selectt_Stock(stk); txt_cost.Text = stk.CostPrice.ToString(); txt_selling.Text = stk.SellingPrice.ToString(); lbl_name.Text = stk.Descr; DataGridViewRow drowx = new DataGridViewRow(); drowx = commonFunctions.GetRow(dataGridView1, txt_code.Text.Trim()); txt_qty.Text = drowx.Cells["Quntity"].Value.ToString(); txt_qty.Focus(); } } else { errorProvider1.SetError(txt_code, "Product you have entered not exist in the bin card"); } } }
private void filldata() { T_StockDL bdl = new T_StockDL(); DataTable dt = bdl.SelectAllt_Stock(2, commonFunctions.GlobalCompany, commonFunctions.GlobalLocation); foreach (DataRow drow in dt.Rows) { txt_code.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(drow["ProductId"].ToString()); listBox1.Items.Add(drow["ProductId"].ToString()); } }
public static T_Stock Get_StockObj(string stkcode, string company, string loca) { try { T_Stock stk = new T_Stock(); stk.StockCode = stkcode.Trim(); stk.Compcode = company; stk.Locacode = loca; stk = new T_StockDL().Selectt_Stock_ByStockCode(stk); return(stk); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public static T_Stock GetStockdetails(string stockcode) { T_Stock stk = new T_Stock(); try { stk.Locacode = commonFunctions.GlobalLocation; stk.Compcode = commonFunctions.GlobalCompany; stk.StockCode = stockcode; stk = new T_StockDL().Selectt_Stock_new(stk); } catch (Exception ex) { } return(stk); }
public static decimal GetCurrentStock(string stockcode) { decimal stock = decimal.Zero; try { T_Stock stk = new T_Stock(); stk.Locacode = commonFunctions.GlobalLocation; stk.Compcode = commonFunctions.GlobalCompany; stk.StockCode = stockcode.Trim(); stk = new T_StockDL().Selectt_Stock_new(stk); stock = stk.Stock.Value; } catch (Exception ex) { } return(stock); }
public static string GetProductCode(string stockcode) { string stock = ""; try { T_Stock stk = new T_Stock(); stk.Locacode = commonFunctions.GlobalLocation; stk.Compcode = commonFunctions.GlobalCompany; stk.StockCode = stockcode.Trim(); stk = new T_StockDL().Selectt_Stock_new(stk); stock = stk.ProductId.Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { } return(stock); }
public static string FindExisitingStock(string suppcode) { string str = ""; if (T_StockDL.ExistingT_Stock_new(suppcode.Trim(), commonFunctions.GlobalCompany, commonFunctions.GlobalLocation)) { T_Stock cat = new T_Stock(); cat.StockCode = suppcode.Trim(); cat.Compcode = commonFunctions.GlobalCompany; cat.Locacode = commonFunctions.GlobalLocation; str = new T_StockDL().Selectt_Stock_ByStockCode(cat).Descr; } else { str = "<Error!!!>"; } return(str); }
private void GetData() { try { T_StockDL bdl = new T_StockDL(); dataGridView1.DataSource = bdl.SelectAllt_Stock(2, commonFunctions.GlobalCompany, commonFunctions.GlobalLocation); if (dataGridView1.DataSource != null) { dataGridView1.Columns[0].Width = 120; dataGridView1.Columns[1].Width = 585; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }