예제 #1
파일: Light.cs 프로젝트: HungryBear/rayden
        /* \brief Illuminates a given point in the scene.
         * Given a point and two random samples (e.g., for position on area lights),
         * this method returns direction from point to light, distance,
         * pdf of having chosen this direction (e.g., 1 / area).
         * Optionally also returns pdf of emitting particle in this direction,
         * and cosine from lights normal (helps with PDF of hitting the light,
         * but set to 1 for point lights).
         * Returns radiance.

        public abstract RgbSpectrum Illuminate(
            ref SceneSphere aSceneSphere,
            ref Vector aReceivingPosition,
            ref UV aRndTuple,
            out Vector oDirectionToLight,
            out float oDistance,
            out float oDirectPdfW,
            out float oEmissionPdfW,
            out float oCosAtLight);
예제 #2
파일: Light.cs 프로젝트: HungryBear/rayden
        /* \brief Emits particle from the light.
         * Given two sets of random numbers (e.g., position and direction on area light),
         * this method generates a position and direction for light particle, along
         * with the pdf.
         * Can also supply pdf (w.r.t. area) of choosing this position when calling
         * Illuminate. Also provides cosine on the light (this is 1 for point lights etc.).
         * Returns "energy" that particle carries

        public abstract RgbSpectrum Emit(
            ref SceneSphere aSceneSphere,
            ref UV aDirRndTuple,
            ref UV aPosRndTuple,
            out Vector oPosition,
            out Vector oDirection,
            out float oEmissionPdfW,
            out float oDirectPdfA,
            out float oCosThetaLight);
예제 #3
파일: Light.cs 프로젝트: HungryBear/rayden
        public override RgbSpectrum Illuminate(
            ref SceneSphere aSceneSphere,
            ref Vector aReceivingPosition,
            ref UV aRndTuple,
            out Vector oDirectionToLight,
            out float oDistance,
            out float oDirectPdfW,
            out float oEmissionPdfW,
            out float oCosAtLight)
            UV uv = new UV();
            MC.UniformSampleTriangle(aRndTuple.U, aRndTuple.V, ref uv.U, ref uv.V);

            Vector lightPoint = p0 + e1*uv.U + e2*uv.V;

            oDirectionToLight = lightPoint - aReceivingPosition;
            float distSqr = oDirectionToLight.Length;
            oDistance = MathLab.Sqrt(distSqr);
            oDirectionToLight = oDirectionToLight/oDistance;
            var invDir = -oDirectionToLight;

            var norm = mFrame.Normal();
            float cosNormalDir = Vector.Dot(ref norm, ref invDir);

            // too close to, or under, tangent
            if (cosNormalDir < Consts.EPS_COSINE)
                oCosAtLight = float.MinValue;
                oDirectPdfW = 0f;
                oEmissionPdfW = 0f;
                return RgbSpectrum.ZeroSpectrum();

            oDirectPdfW = mInvArea*distSqr/cosNormalDir;

                oCosAtLight = cosNormalDir;

                oEmissionPdfW = mInvArea*cosNormalDir*MathLab.INVPI;

            return mIntensity;
예제 #4
파일: Light.cs 프로젝트: HungryBear/rayden
        /* \brief Returns radiance for ray randomly hitting the light
         * Given ray direction and hitpoint, it returns radiance.
         * Can also provide area pdf of sampling hitpoint in Illuminate,
         * and of emitting particle along the ray (in opposite direction).

        public abstract RgbSpectrum GetRadiance(
            ref SceneSphere aSceneSphere,
            ref Vector aRayDirection,
            ref Vector aHitPoint,
            out float oDirectPdfA,
            out float oEmissionPdfW);
예제 #5
파일: Light.cs 프로젝트: HungryBear/rayden
 public override RgbSpectrum GetRadiance(ref SceneSphere aSceneSphere, ref Vector aRayDirection, ref Vector aHitPoint, out float oDirectPdfA, out float oEmissionPdfW)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #6
파일: Light.cs 프로젝트: HungryBear/rayden
 public override RgbSpectrum Emit(ref SceneSphere aSceneSphere, ref UV aDirRndTuple, ref UV aPosRndTuple, out Vector oPosition, out Vector oDirection, out float oEmissionPdfW, out float oDirectPdfA, out float oCosThetaLight)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #7
파일: Light.cs 프로젝트: HungryBear/rayden
 public override RgbSpectrum Illuminate(ref SceneSphere aSceneSphere, ref Vector aReceivingPosition, ref UV aRndTuple, out Vector oDirectionToLight, out float oDistance, out float oDirectPdfW, out float oEmissionPdfW, out float oCosAtLight)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #8
파일: Light.cs 프로젝트: HungryBear/rayden
        public override RgbSpectrum GetRadiance(
            ref SceneSphere aSceneSphere,
            ref Vector aRayDirection,
            ref Vector aHitPoint,
            out float oDirectPdfA,
            out float oEmissionPdfW)
            var n = mFrame.Normal();
            var wo = -aRayDirection;
            float cosOutL = Math.Max(0f, Vector.Dot(ref n, ref wo));

            if (Math.Abs(cosOutL) < MathLab.Epsilon)
                oDirectPdfA = 0f;
                oEmissionPdfW = 0f;
                return RgbSpectrum.ZeroSpectrum();

            oDirectPdfA = mInvArea;

            oEmissionPdfW = Utils.CosHemispherePdfW((Normal) mFrame.Normal(), -aRayDirection);
            oEmissionPdfW *= mInvArea;

            return mIntensity;
예제 #9
파일: Light.cs 프로젝트: HungryBear/rayden
        public override RgbSpectrum Emit(
            ref SceneSphere aSceneSphere,
            ref UV aDirRndTuple,
            ref UV aPosRndTuple,
            out Vector oPosition,
            out Vector oDirection,
            out float oEmissionPdfW,
            out float oDirectPdfA,
            out float oCosThetaLight)
            UV uv = new UV();
            MC.UniformSampleTriangle(aPosRndTuple.U, aPosRndTuple.V, ref uv.U, ref uv.V);

            oPosition = p0 + e1*uv.U + e2*uv.V;

            Vector localDirOut = Utils.SampleCosHemisphereW(aDirRndTuple, out oEmissionPdfW);

            oEmissionPdfW *= mInvArea;

            // cannot really not emit the particle, so just bias it to the correct angle
            localDirOut.z = Math.Max(localDirOut.z, Consts.EPS_COSINE);
            oDirection = mFrame.ToWorld(ref localDirOut);

            oDirectPdfA = mInvArea;

            oCosThetaLight = localDirOut.z;

            return mIntensity*localDirOut.z;