private static string GetRepoRevisionLine(string revision) { string branchText = "master"; if (!MainWindow.NightlyBuildTrunk.Checked) { string branchUrl = MainWindow.NightlyBranchUrl.Text; string expectedBranchPrefix = ""; if (!branchUrl.StartsWith(expectedBranchPrefix)) { return(string.Empty); } branchText = branchUrl.Substring(expectedBranchPrefix.Length); } var reader = new StringReader(GitCommand(".", @"ls-remote -h " + TabBuild.GetMasterUrl())); string line; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.EndsWith("heads/" + branchText)) { return(line); } } return(string.Empty); }
private string GetRevision(bool nuke) { // Get current git revision info. string revision = String.Empty; try { var buildRoot = MainWindow.GetBuildRoot(); var target = (Directory.Exists(buildRoot) && !nuke) ? buildRoot : TabBuild.GetBranchUrl(); var revisionCount = GitCommand(target, @"rev-list --count head"); var revisionHash = GitCommand(target, @"rev-parse --short HEAD"); revision = revisionCount + " (" + revisionHash + ")"; } // ReSharper disable once EmptyGeneralCatchClause catch { } return(revision); }
private int GetRevision(bool nuke) { // Get current SVN revision info. int revision = 0; try { var buildRoot = MainWindow.GetBuildRoot(); var target = (Directory.Exists(buildRoot) && !nuke) ? buildRoot : TabBuild.GetBranchUrl(); Process svn = new Process { StartInfo = { UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true, FileName = MainWindow.Subversion, Arguments = @"info " + target, CreateNoWindow = true } }; svn.Start(); string svnOutput = svn.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); svn.WaitForExit(); var revisionString = Regex.Match(svnOutput, @".*Revision: (\d+)").Groups[1].Value; revision = int.Parse(revisionString); } // ReSharper disable once EmptyGeneralCatchClause catch { } return(revision); }
private string GetRevision(bool nuke) { // Get current git revision info in form of git hash. string revision = String.Empty; try { var buildRoot = MainWindow.GetBuildRoot() + "\\pwiz"; if (Directory.Exists(buildRoot) && !nuke) { revision = GitCommand(buildRoot, @"rev-parse HEAD"); // Commit hash for local repo } else { revision = GitCommand(".", @"ls-remote -h " + TabBuild.GetBranchUrl()).Split(' ', '\t')[0]; // Commit hash for github repo } } // ReSharper disable once EmptyGeneralCatchClause catch { } return(revision); }
private void StartNightly() { _labels.Clear(); _findTest.Clear(); if (File.Exists(MainWindow.DefaultLogFile)) { Try.Multi <Exception>(() => File.Delete(MainWindow.DefaultLogFile), 4, false); } var logsDirectory = MainWindow.GetLogsDir(); if (!Directory.Exists(logsDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(logsDirectory); } MainWindow.SetStatus("Running nightly pass..."); var architecture = MainWindow.NightlyBuildType.SelectedIndex == 0 ? 32 : 64; MainWindow.SelectBuild(architecture == 32 ? SkylineTesterWindow.BuildDirs.nightly32 : SkylineTesterWindow.BuildDirs.nightly64); _saveSelectedBuild = MainWindow.SelectedBuild; MainWindow.ResetElapsedTime(); MainWindow.TestsRun = 0; MainWindow.LastTestResult = null; MainWindow.NewNightlyRun = new Summary.Run { Date = DateTime.Now }; MainWindow.Summary.Runs.Add(MainWindow.NewNightlyRun); MainWindow.AddRun(MainWindow.NewNightlyRun, MainWindow.NightlyRunDate); MainWindow.NightlyRunDate.SelectedIndex = 0; StartLog("Nightly", MainWindow.Summary.GetLogFile(MainWindow.NewNightlyRun)); var revisionWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); revisionWorker.DoWork += (s, a) => _revision = GetRevision(true); revisionWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); _updateTimer = new Timer { Interval = 300 }; _updateTimer.Tick += (s, a) => RunUI(() => { try { UpdateNightly(); } catch (Exception x) { _updateTimer.Stop(); MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Unexpected Error: {0}", x)); Stop(false); } }); _stopTimer = new Timer { Interval = (int)MainWindow.NightlyDuration.Value * 60 * 60 * 1000 }; _stopTimer.Tick += (s, a) => RunUI(() => { _stopTimer.Stop(); _stopTimer = null; MainWindow.Stop(); }); _architecture = (MainWindow.NightlyBuildType.SelectedIndex == 0) ? 32 : 64; var architectureList = new[] { _architecture }; var branchUrl = MainWindow.NightlyBuildTrunk.Checked ? @"" : MainWindow.NightlyBranchUrl.Text; var buildRoot = Path.Combine(MainWindow.GetNightlyBuildRoot(), "pwiz"); TabBuild.CreateBuildCommands(branchUrl, buildRoot, architectureList, true, false, false); // Just build Skyline.exe without testing it - that's about to happen anyway int stressTestLoopCount; if (!int.TryParse(MainWindow.NightlyRepeat.Text, out stressTestLoopCount)) { stressTestLoopCount = 0; } MainWindow.AddTestRunner("offscreen=on quality=on loop=-1 " + (stressTestLoopCount > 1 || MainWindow.NightlyRunPerfTests.Checked ? "pass0=off pass1=off " : "pass0=on pass1=on ") + // Skip the special passes if we're here to do stresstests or perftests (MainWindow.NightlyRunPerfTests.Checked ? " perftests=on" : string.Empty) + (MainWindow.NightlyTestSmallMolecules.Checked ? " testsmallmolecules=on" : string.Empty) + " runsmallmoleculeversions=on" + // Run any provided tests that convert the document to small molecules (this is different from testsmallmolecules, which just adds the magic test node to every doc in every test) (MainWindow.NightlyRandomize.Checked ? " random=on" : " random=off") + (stressTestLoopCount > 1 ? " repeat=" + MainWindow.NightlyRepeat.Text : string.Empty)); MainWindow.CommandShell.Add("# Nightly finished."); MainWindow.RunCommands(); if (_updateTimer != null) { _updateTimer.Start(); } if (_stopTimer != null) { _stopTimer.Start(); } }
private void StartNightly() { _labels.Clear(); _findTest.Clear(); if (File.Exists(MainWindow.DefaultLogFile)) { Try.Multi <Exception>(() => File.Delete(MainWindow.DefaultLogFile), 4, false); } var logsDirectory = MainWindow.GetLogsDir(); if (!Directory.Exists(logsDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(logsDirectory); } MainWindow.SetStatus("Running nightly pass..."); var architecture = MainWindow.NightlyBuildType.SelectedIndex == 0 ? 32 : 64; MainWindow.SelectBuild(architecture == 32 ? SkylineTesterWindow.BuildDirs.nightly32 : SkylineTesterWindow.BuildDirs.nightly64); _saveSelectedBuild = MainWindow.SelectedBuild; MainWindow.ResetElapsedTime(); MainWindow.TestsRun = 0; MainWindow.LastTestResult = null; MainWindow.NewNightlyRun = new Summary.Run { Date = DateTime.Now }; MainWindow.Summary.Runs.Add(MainWindow.NewNightlyRun); MainWindow.AddRun(MainWindow.NewNightlyRun, MainWindow.NightlyRunDate); MainWindow.NightlyRunDate.SelectedIndex = 0; StartLog("Nightly", MainWindow.Summary.GetLogFile(MainWindow.NewNightlyRun)); var revisionWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); revisionWorker.DoWork += (s, a) => _revision = GetRevision(true); revisionWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); _updateTimer = new Timer { Interval = 300 }; _updateTimer.Tick += (s, a) => RunUI(UpdateNightly); _stopTimer = new Timer { Interval = (int)MainWindow.NightlyDuration.Value * 60 * 60 * 1000 }; _stopTimer.Tick += (s, a) => RunUI(() => { _stopTimer.Stop(); _stopTimer = null; MainWindow.Stop(); }); _architecture = (MainWindow.NightlyBuildType.SelectedIndex == 0) ? 32 : 64; var architectureList = new[] { _architecture }; var branchUrl = MainWindow.NightlyBuildTrunk.Checked ? @"" : MainWindow.NightlyBranchUrl.Text; var buildRoot = Path.Combine(MainWindow.GetNightlyBuildRoot(), "pwiz"); TabBuild.CreateBuildCommands(branchUrl, buildRoot, architectureList, true, false, false); // Just build Skyline.exe without testing it - that's about to happen anyway MainWindow.AddTestRunner("offscreen=on quality=on pass0=on pass1=on loop=-1 random=off" + (MainWindow.NightlyRunPerfTests.Checked ? " perftests=on" : "") + (MainWindow.NightlyTestSmallMolecules.Checked ? " testsmallmolecules=on" : "")); MainWindow.CommandShell.Add("# Nightly finished."); MainWindow.RunCommands(); if (_updateTimer != null) { _updateTimer.Start(); } if (_stopTimer != null) { _stopTimer.Start(); } }
private void StartNightly() { _labels.Clear(); _findTest.Clear(); if (File.Exists(MainWindow.DefaultLogFile)) { Try.Multi <Exception>(() => File.Delete(MainWindow.DefaultLogFile), 4, false); } var logsDirectory = MainWindow.GetLogsDir(); if (!Directory.Exists(logsDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(logsDirectory); } MainWindow.SetStatus("Running nightly pass..."); var architecture = MainWindow.NightlyBuildType.SelectedIndex == 0 ? 32 : 64; MainWindow.SelectBuild(architecture == 32 ? SkylineTesterWindow.BuildDirs.nightly32 : SkylineTesterWindow.BuildDirs.nightly64); _saveSelectedBuild = MainWindow.SelectedBuild; MainWindow.ResetElapsedTime(); MainWindow.TestsRun = 0; MainWindow.LastTestResult = null; MainWindow.NewNightlyRun = new Summary.Run { Date = DateTime.Now }; MainWindow.Summary.Runs.Add(MainWindow.NewNightlyRun); MainWindow.AddRun(MainWindow.NewNightlyRun, MainWindow.NightlyRunDate); MainWindow.NightlyRunDate.SelectedIndex = 0; StartLog("Nightly", MainWindow.Summary.GetLogFile(MainWindow.NewNightlyRun)); var revisionWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); revisionWorker.DoWork += (s, a) => { var revision = GetRevision(true); lock (MainWindow.NewNightlyRun) { MainWindow.NewNightlyRun.Revision = _revision = revision; MainWindow.Invoke(new System.Action(() => MainWindow.UpdateRun(MainWindow.NewNightlyRun, MainWindow.NightlyRunDate))); } }; revisionWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); _updateTimer = new Timer { Interval = 300 }; _updateTimer.Tick += (s, a) => RunUI(() => { try { UpdateNightly(); } catch (Exception x) { _updateTimer.Stop(); MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Unexpected Error: {0}", x)); Stop(false); } }); _stopTimer = new Timer { Interval = (int)MainWindow.NightlyDuration.Value * MINUTES_PER_INCREMENT * 60 * 1000 }; // Interval in milliseconds _stopTimer.Tick += (s, a) => RunUI(() => { if (_stopTimer != null) { _stopTimer.Stop(); _stopTimer = null; } MainWindow.StopByTimer(); }); _architecture = (MainWindow.NightlyBuildType.SelectedIndex == 0) ? 32 : 64; var architectureList = new[] { _architecture }; var branchUrl = MainWindow.NightlyBuildTrunk.Checked ? @"" : MainWindow.NightlyBranchUrl.Text; var buildRoot = Path.Combine(MainWindow.GetNightlyBuildRoot(), "pwiz"); // Build Skyline.exe without testing during the build if (!TabBuild.CreateBuildCommands(branchUrl, buildRoot, architectureList, true, false, false)) { MainWindow.CommandShell.Add("# Nightly cancelled."); } else { // Then add the testing command int stressTestLoopCount; if (!int.TryParse(MainWindow.NightlyRepeat.Text, out stressTestLoopCount)) { stressTestLoopCount = 0; } MainWindow.AddTestRunner("offscreen=on quality=on loop=-1 " + (stressTestLoopCount > 1 || MainWindow.NightlyRunPerfTests.Checked ? "pass0=off pass1=off " : "pass0=on pass1=on ") + // Skip the special passes if we're here to do stresstests or perftests (MainWindow.NightlyRunPerfTests.Checked ? " perftests=on" : string.Empty) + " runsmallmoleculeversions=on" + // Run any provided tests that convert the document to small molecules " retrydatadownloads=on" + // In case of test failure, re-download test data in case staleness was the issue (MainWindow.NightlyRandomize.Checked ? " random=on" : " random=off") + (stressTestLoopCount > 1 ? " repeat=" + MainWindow.NightlyRepeat.Text : string.Empty) + " dmpdir=" + MainWindow.GetMinidumpDir()); MainWindow.CommandShell.Add("# Nightly finished."); } MainWindow.CommandShell.IsUnattended = MainWindow.NightlyExit.Checked; MainWindow.RunCommands(); if (_updateTimer != null) { _updateTimer.Start(); } if (_stopTimer != null) { _stopTimer.Start(); } _nightlyListener = new NightlyListener(_stopTimer); }
private void SkylineTesterWindow_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Program.IsRunning) return; // design mode // Register file/exe/icon associations. var checkRegistry = Registry.GetValue( @"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\SkylineTester\shell\open\command", null, null); Registry.SetValue(@"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\SkylineTester\shell\open\command", null, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location.Quote() + @" ""%1"""); Registry.SetValue(@"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.skyt", null, "SkylineTester"); Registry.SetValue(@"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.skytr", null, "SkylineTester"); // Refresh shell if association changed. if (checkRegistry == null) SHChangeNotify(0x08000000, 0x0000, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); _runButtons = new[] { runForms, runTutorials, runTests, runBuild, runQuality, runNightly }; GetBuildPrerequisites(); FindBuilds(); commandShell.StopButton = buttonStop; commandShell.AddColorPattern("# ", Color.DarkGreen); commandShell.AddColorPattern("> ", Color.FromArgb(120, 120, 120)); commandShell.AddColorPattern("...skipped ", Color.Orange); commandShell.AddColorPattern("...failed ", Color.Red); commandShell.AddColorPattern("!!!", Color.Red); commandShell.AddColorPatternEx(" at ", ":line ", Color.Blue); commandShell.ColorLine = line => { if (line.StartsWith("...skipped ") || line.StartsWith("...failed ") || line.StartsWith("!!! ")) { _tabOutput.ProcessError(line); } }; commandShell.FilterFunc = line => { if (line == null) return false; if (line.StartsWith("[MLRAW:")) return false; // Filter out false error from Waters DLL (it's looking .ind, ultimately finds and uses .idx) if (line.StartsWith("Error opening index file") && line.EndsWith(".ind")) return false; if (line.StartsWith("#@ ")) { // Update status. RunUI(() => { RunningTestName = line.Remove(0, "#@ Running ".Length).TrimEnd('.'); statusLabel.Text = line.Substring(3); }); return false; } if (line.StartsWith("...skipped ") || line.StartsWith("...failed ") || line.StartsWith("!!! ")) { RunUI(() => _tabOutput.ProcessError(line)); } if (NewNightlyRun != null) { if (line.StartsWith("!!! ")) { var parts = line.Split(' '); if (parts[2] == "LEAKED" || parts[2] == "CRT-LEAKED") NewNightlyRun.Leaks++; } else if (line.Length > 6 && line[0] == '[' && line[6] == ']' && line.Contains(" failures, ")) { lock (NewNightlyRun) { LastTestResult = line; TestsRun++; } } } return true; }; if (_openFile != null) LoadSettingsFromFile(_openFile); TabBase.MainWindow = this; _tabForms = new TabForms(); _tabTutorials = new TabTutorials(); _tabTests = new TabTests(); _tabBuild = new TabBuild(); _tabQuality = new TabQuality(); _tabNightly = new TabNightly(); _tabOutput = new TabOutput(); _tabRunStats = new TabRunStats(); _tabs = new TabBase[] { _tabForms, _tabTutorials, _tabTests, _tabBuild, _tabQuality, _tabNightly, _tabOutput, _tabRunStats }; NightlyTabIndex = Array.IndexOf(_tabs, _tabNightly); InitQuality(); _previousTab = tabs.SelectedIndex; _tabs[_previousTab].Enter(); statusLabel.Text = ""; var loader = new BackgroundWorker(); loader.DoWork += BackgroundLoad; loader.RunWorkerAsync(); }