예제 #1
파일: Location.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
 /// <summary>
 /// Transform this <see cref="Location"/> object to display device coordinates using the properties of the specified <see cref="GraphPane"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pane">
 /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that contains the <see cref="Axis"/> classes which will be used for the
 /// transform.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// A point in display device coordinates that corresponds to the specified user point.
 /// </returns>
 public PointF Transform(PaneBase pane)
     return Transform(pane, this._x, this._y, this._coordinateFrame);
예제 #2
파일: ArrowObj.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Render this object to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/> device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is normally only called by the Draw method of the parent <see cref="GraphObjList"/> collection object.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public override void Draw(Graphics g, PaneBase pane, float scaleFactor)
            // Convert the arrow coordinates from the user coordinate system
            // to the screen coordinate system
            PointF pix1 = this.Location.TransformTopLeft(pane);
            PointF pix2 = this.Location.TransformBottomRight(pane);

            if (pix1.X > -10000 && pix1.X < 100000 && pix1.Y > -100000 && pix1.Y < 100000 && pix2.X > -10000 && pix2.X < 100000 && pix2.Y > -100000
                && pix2.Y < 100000)
                // get a scaled size for the arrowhead
                float scaledSize = this._size * scaleFactor;

                // calculate the length and the angle of the arrow "vector"
                double dy = pix2.Y - pix1.Y;
                double dx = pix2.X - pix1.X;
                float angle = (float)Math.Atan2(dy, dx) * 180.0F / (float)Math.PI;
                float length = (float)Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

                // Save the old transform matrix
                Matrix transform = g.Transform;

                // Move the coordinate system so it is located at the starting point
                // of this arrow
                g.TranslateTransform(pix1.X, pix1.Y);

                // Rotate the coordinate system according to the angle of this arrow
                // about the starting point

                // get a pen according to this arrow properties
                using (Pen pen = this._line.GetPen(pane, scaleFactor))
                    // new Pen( _color, pane.ScaledPenWidth( _penWidth, scaleFactor ) ) )
                    // pen.DashStyle = _style;

                    // Only show the arrowhead if required
                    if (this._isArrowHead)
                        // Draw the line segment for this arrow
                        g.DrawLine(pen, 0, 0, length - scaledSize + 1, 0);

                        // Create a polygon representing the arrowhead based on the scaled
                        // size
                        PointF[] polyPt = new PointF[4];
                        float hsize = scaledSize / 3.0F;
                        polyPt[0].X = length;
                        polyPt[0].Y = 0;
                        polyPt[1].X = length - scaledSize;
                        polyPt[1].Y = hsize;
                        polyPt[2].X = length - scaledSize;
                        polyPt[2].Y = -hsize;
                        polyPt[3] = polyPt[0];

                        using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(this._line._color))

                            // render the arrowhead
                            g.FillPolygon(brush, polyPt);
                        g.DrawLine(pen, 0, 0, length, 0);

                // Restore the transform matrix back to its original RequestState
                g.Transform = transform;
예제 #3
파일: PolyObj.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if the specified screen point lies inside the bounding box of this
        /// <see cref="PolyObj"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pt">
        /// The screen point, in pixels
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// true if the point lies in the bounding box, false otherwise
        /// </returns>
        public override bool PointInBox(PointF pt, PaneBase pane, Graphics g, float scaleFactor)
            if (this._points != null && this._points.Length > 1)
                if (!base.PointInBox(pt, pane, g, scaleFactor))
                    return false;

                using (GraphicsPath path = this.MakePath(pane)) return path.IsVisible(pt);

            return false;
예제 #4
파일: Legend.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the <see cref="Legend"/> rectangle (<see cref="Rect"/>), taking into account the number of required legend entries, and the legend
        /// drawing preferences.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Adjust the size of the
        /// <see cref="Chart.Rect"/> for the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> to accomodate the space required by the legend.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="tChartRect">
        /// The rectangle that contains the area bounded by the axes, in pixel units.
        /// <seealso cref="Chart.Rect"/>
        /// </param>
        public void CalcRect(Graphics g, PaneBase pane, float scaleFactor, ref RectangleF tChartRect)
            // Start with an empty rectangle
            this._rect = Rectangle.Empty;
            this._hStack = 1;
            this._legendItemWidth = 1;
            this._legendItemHeight = 0;

            RectangleF clientRect = pane.CalcClientRect(g, scaleFactor);

            // If the legend is invisible, don't do anything
            if (!this._isVisible)

            int nCurve = 0;

            PaneList paneList = this.GetPaneList(pane);
            this._tmpSize = this.GetMaxHeight(paneList, g, scaleFactor);

            float halfGap = this._tmpSize / 2.0F, maxWidth = 0, tmpWidth, gapPix = this._gap * this._tmpSize;

            foreach (GraphPane tmpPane in paneList)
                // Loop through each curve in the curve list
                // Find the maximum width of the legend labels
                // foreach ( CurveItem curve in tmpPane.CurveList )
                // foreach ( CurveItem curve in GetIterator( tmpPane.CurveList, _isReverse ) )
                int count = tmpPane.CurveList.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    CurveItem curve = tmpPane.CurveList[this._isReverse ? count - i - 1 : i];
                    if (curve._label._text != string.Empty && curve._label._isVisible)
                        // Calculate the width of the label save the max width
                        FontSpec tmpFont = (curve._label._fontSpec != null) ? curve._label._fontSpec : this.FontSpec;

                        tmpWidth = tmpFont.GetWidth(g, curve._label._text, scaleFactor);

                        if (tmpWidth > maxWidth)
                            maxWidth = tmpWidth;

                        // Save the maximum symbol height for line-type curves
                        if (curve is LineItem && ((LineItem)curve).Symbol.Size > this._legendItemHeight)
                            this._legendItemHeight = ((LineItem)curve).Symbol.Size;


                if (pane is MasterPane && ((MasterPane)pane).IsUniformLegendEntries)

            float widthAvail;

            // Is this legend horizontally stacked?
            if (this._isHStack)
                // Determine the available space for horizontal stacking
                switch (this._position)
                    // Never stack if the legend is to the right or left
                    case LegendPos.Right:
                    case LegendPos.Left:
                        widthAvail = 0;

                    // for the top & bottom, the axis border width is available
                    case LegendPos.Top:
                    case LegendPos.TopCenter:
                    case LegendPos.Bottom:
                    case LegendPos.BottomCenter:
                        widthAvail = tChartRect.Width;

                    // for the top & bottom flush left, the panerect less margins is available
                    case LegendPos.TopFlushLeft:
                    case LegendPos.BottomFlushLeft:
                        widthAvail = clientRect.Width;

                    // for inside the axis area or Float, use 1/2 of the axis border width
                    case LegendPos.InsideTopRight:
                    case LegendPos.InsideTopLeft:
                    case LegendPos.InsideBotRight:
                    case LegendPos.InsideBotLeft:
                    case LegendPos.Float:
                        widthAvail = tChartRect.Width / 2;

                    // shouldn't ever happen
                        widthAvail = 0;

                // width of one legend entry
                if (this._isShowLegendSymbols)
                    this._legendItemWidth = 3.0f * this._tmpSize + maxWidth;
                    this._legendItemWidth = 0.5f * this._tmpSize + maxWidth;

                // Calculate the number of columns in the legend
                // Normally, the legend is:
                // available width / ( max width of any entry + space for line&symbol )
                if (maxWidth > 0)
                    this._hStack = (int)((widthAvail - halfGap) / this._legendItemWidth);

                // You can never have more columns than legend entries
                if (this._hStack > nCurve)
                    this._hStack = nCurve;

                // a saftey check
                if (this._hStack == 0)
                    this._hStack = 1;
                if (this._isShowLegendSymbols)
                    this._legendItemWidth = 3.0F * this._tmpSize + maxWidth;
                    this._legendItemWidth = 0.5F * this._tmpSize + maxWidth;

            // legend is:
            // item:     space  line  space  text   space
            // width:     wid  4*wid   wid  maxWid   wid
            // The symbol is centered on the line
            // legend begins 3 * wid to the right of the plot rect
            // The height of the legend is the actual height of the lines of text
            // (nCurve * hite) plus wid on top and wid on the bottom

            // total legend width
            float totLegWidth = this._hStack * this._legendItemWidth;

            // The total legend height
            this._legendItemHeight = this._legendItemHeight * scaleFactor + halfGap;
            if (this._tmpSize > this._legendItemHeight)
                this._legendItemHeight = this._tmpSize;

            float totLegHeight = (float)Math.Ceiling(nCurve / (double)this._hStack) * this._legendItemHeight;

            RectangleF newRect = new RectangleF();

            // Now calculate the legend rect based on the above determined parameters
            // Also, adjust the ChartRect to reflect the space for the legend
            if (nCurve > 0)
                newRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, totLegWidth, totLegHeight);

                // The switch statement assigns the left and top edges, and adjusts the ChartRect
                // as required.  The right and bottom edges are calculated at the bottom of the switch.
                switch (this._position)
                    case LegendPos.Right:
                        newRect.X = clientRect.Right - totLegWidth;
                        newRect.Y = tChartRect.Top;

                        tChartRect.Width -= totLegWidth + gapPix;
                    case LegendPos.Top:
                        newRect.X = tChartRect.Left;
                        newRect.Y = clientRect.Top;

                        tChartRect.Y += totLegHeight + gapPix;
                        tChartRect.Height -= totLegHeight + gapPix;
                    case LegendPos.TopFlushLeft:
                        newRect.X = clientRect.Left;
                        newRect.Y = clientRect.Top;

                        tChartRect.Y += totLegHeight + gapPix * 1.5f;
                        tChartRect.Height -= totLegHeight + gapPix * 1.5f;
                    case LegendPos.TopCenter:
                        newRect.X = tChartRect.Left + (tChartRect.Width - totLegWidth) / 2;
                        newRect.Y = tChartRect.Top;

                        tChartRect.Y += totLegHeight + gapPix;
                        tChartRect.Height -= totLegHeight + gapPix;
                    case LegendPos.Bottom:
                        newRect.X = tChartRect.Left;
                        newRect.Y = clientRect.Bottom - totLegHeight;

                        tChartRect.Height -= totLegHeight + gapPix;
                    case LegendPos.BottomFlushLeft:
                        newRect.X = clientRect.Left;
                        newRect.Y = clientRect.Bottom - totLegHeight;

                        tChartRect.Height -= totLegHeight + gapPix;
                    case LegendPos.BottomCenter:
                        newRect.X = tChartRect.Left + (tChartRect.Width - totLegWidth) / 2;
                        newRect.Y = clientRect.Bottom - totLegHeight;

                        tChartRect.Height -= totLegHeight + gapPix;
                    case LegendPos.Left:
                        newRect.X = clientRect.Left;
                        newRect.Y = tChartRect.Top;

                        tChartRect.X += totLegWidth + halfGap;
                        tChartRect.Width -= totLegWidth + gapPix;
                    case LegendPos.InsideTopRight:
                        newRect.X = tChartRect.Right - totLegWidth;
                        newRect.Y = tChartRect.Top;
                    case LegendPos.InsideTopLeft:
                        newRect.X = tChartRect.Left;
                        newRect.Y = tChartRect.Top;
                    case LegendPos.InsideBotRight:
                        newRect.X = tChartRect.Right - totLegWidth;
                        newRect.Y = tChartRect.Bottom - totLegHeight;
                    case LegendPos.InsideBotLeft:
                        newRect.X = tChartRect.Left;
                        newRect.Y = tChartRect.Bottom - totLegHeight;
                    case LegendPos.Float:
                        newRect.Location = this.Location.TransformTopLeft(pane, totLegWidth, totLegHeight);

            this._rect = newRect;
예제 #5
파일: Legend.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if a mouse point is within the legend, and if so, which legend entry (<see cref="CurveItem"/>) is nearest.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mousePt">
        /// The screen point, in pixel coordinates.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="index">
        /// The index number of the <see cref="CurveItem"/> legend entry that is under the mouse point.  The <see cref="CurveItem"/> object is accessible via
        /// <see cref="GraphPane.CurveList">CurveList[index]</see>.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// true if the mouse point is within the <see cref="Legend"/> bounding box, false otherwise.
        /// </returns>
        /// <seealso cref="GraphPane.FindNearestObject"/>
        public bool FindPoint(PointF mousePt, PaneBase pane, float scaleFactor, out int index)
            index = -1;

            if (this._rect.Contains(mousePt))
                int j = (int)((mousePt.Y - this._rect.Top) / this._legendItemHeight);
                int i = (int)((mousePt.X - this._rect.Left - this._tmpSize / 2.0f) / this._legendItemWidth);
                if (i < 0)
                    i = 0;

                if (i >= this._hStack)
                    i = this._hStack - 1;

                int pos = i + j * this._hStack;
                index = 0;

                PaneList paneList = this.GetPaneList(pane);

                foreach (GraphPane tmpPane in paneList)
                    foreach (CurveItem curve in tmpPane.CurveList)
                        if (curve._label._isVisible && curve._label._text != string.Empty)
                            if (pos == 0)
                                return true;



                return true;

            return false;
예제 #6
파일: GraphObj.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
 /// <summary>
 /// Render this <see cref="GraphObj"/> object to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/> device.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This method is normally only called by the Draw method of the parent <see cref="GraphObjList"/> collection object.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="g">
 /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="pane">
 /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or owner of this object.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="scaleFactor">
 /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and passed down by the parent <see cref="PaneBase"/> object using the
 /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
 /// </param>
 public abstract void Draw(Graphics g, PaneBase pane, float scaleFactor);
예제 #7
파일: GraphObj.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if the specified screen point lies inside the bounding box of this
        /// <see cref="GraphObj"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pt">
        /// The screen point, in pixels
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and passed down by the parent <see cref="PaneBase"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// true if the point lies in the bounding box, false otherwise
        /// </returns>
        public virtual bool PointInBox(PointF pt, PaneBase pane, Graphics g, float scaleFactor)
            GraphPane gPane = pane as GraphPane;

            if (gPane != null && this._isClippedToChartRect && !gPane.Chart.Rect.Contains(pt))
                return false;

            return true;
예제 #8
파일: FontSpec.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Render the specified <paramref name="text"/> to the specifed
        /// <see cref="Graphics"/> device.  The text, border, and fill options will be rendered as required.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="text">
        /// A string value containing the text to be displayed.  This can be multiple lines, separated by newline ('\n') characters
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="x">
        /// The X location to display the text, in screen coordinates, relative to the horizontal (<see cref="AlignH"/>) alignment parameter
        /// <paramref name="alignH"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="y">
        /// The Y location to display the text, in screen coordinates, relative to the vertical (<see cref="AlignV"/>
        /// alignment parameter <paramref name="alignV"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="alignH">
        /// A horizontal alignment parameter specified using the <see cref="AlignH"/> enum type
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="alignV">
        /// A vertical alignment parameter specified using the <see cref="AlignV"/> enum type
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="layoutArea">
        /// The limiting area (<see cref="SizeF"/>) into which the text must fit.  The actual rectangle may be smaller than this, but the text will be wrapped
        /// to accomodate the area.
        /// </param>
        public void Draw(Graphics g, PaneBase pane, string text, float x, float y, AlignH alignH, AlignV alignV, float scaleFactor, SizeF layoutArea)
            // make sure the font size is properly scaled
            // Remake( scaleFactor, this.Size, ref this.scaledSize, ref this.font );
            SmoothingMode sModeSave = g.SmoothingMode;
            TextRenderingHint sHintSave = g.TextRenderingHint;
            if (this._isAntiAlias)
                g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

            SizeF sizeF;
            if (layoutArea.IsEmpty)
                sizeF = this.MeasureString(g, text, scaleFactor);
                sizeF = this.MeasureString(g, text, scaleFactor, layoutArea);

            // Save the old transform matrix for later restoration
            Matrix saveMatrix = g.Transform;
            g.Transform = this.SetupMatrix(g.Transform, x, y, sizeF, alignH, alignV, this._angle);

            // Create a rectangle representing the border around the
            // text.  Note that, while the text is drawn based on the
            // TopCenter position, the rectangle is drawn based on
            // the TopLeft position.  Therefore, move the rectangle
            // width/2 to the left to align it properly
            RectangleF rectF = new RectangleF(-sizeF.Width / 2.0F, 0.0F, sizeF.Width, sizeF.Height);

            // If the background is to be filled, fill it
            this._fill.Draw(g, rectF);

            // Draw the border around the text if required
            this._border.Draw(g, pane, scaleFactor, rectF);

            // make a center justified StringFormat alignment
            // for drawing the text
            StringFormat strFormat = new StringFormat();
            strFormat.Alignment = this._stringAlignment;

            // 			if ( this.stringAlignment == StringAlignment.Far )
            // 				g.TranslateTransform( sizeF.Width / 2.0F, 0F, MatrixOrder.Prepend );
            // 			else if ( this.stringAlignment == StringAlignment.Near )
            // 				g.TranslateTransform( -sizeF.Width / 2.0F, 0F, MatrixOrder.Prepend );

            // Draw the drop shadow text.  Note that the coordinate system
            // is set up such that 0,0 is at the location where the
            // CenterTop of the text needs to be.
            if (this._isDropShadow)
                float xShift = (float)(Math.Cos(this._dropShadowAngle) * this._dropShadowOffset * this._font.Height);
                float yShift = (float)(Math.Sin(this._dropShadowAngle) * this._dropShadowOffset * this._font.Height);
                RectangleF rectD = rectF;
                rectD.Offset(xShift, yShift);

                // make a solid brush for rendering the font itself
                using (SolidBrush brushD = new SolidBrush(this._dropShadowColor)) g.DrawString(text, this._font, brushD, rectD, strFormat);

            // make a solid brush for rendering the font itself
            using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(this._fontColor))
                // Draw the actual text.  Note that the coordinate system
                // is set up such that 0,0 is at the location where the
                // CenterTop of the text needs to be.
                // RectangleF layoutArea = new RectangleF( 0.0F, 0.0F, sizeF.Width, sizeF.Height );
                g.DrawString(text, this._font, brush, rectF, strFormat);

            // Restore the transform matrix back to original
            g.Transform = saveMatrix;

            g.SmoothingMode = sModeSave;
            g.TextRenderingHint = sHintSave;
예제 #9
파일: TextObj.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Render this <see cref="TextObj"/> object to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/> device This method is normally only called by the Draw method of
        /// the parent <see cref="GraphObjList"/> collection object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public override void Draw(Graphics g, PaneBase pane, float scaleFactor)
            // transform the x,y location from the user-defined
            // coordinate frame to the screen pixel location
            PointF pix = this._location.Transform(pane);

            // Draw the text on the screen, including any frame and background
            // fill elements
            if (pix.X > -100000 && pix.X < 100000 && pix.Y > -100000 && pix.Y < 100000)
                // if ( this.layoutSize.IsEmpty )
                // 	this.FontSpec.Draw( g, pane.IsPenWidthScaled, this.text, pix.X, pix.Y,
                // 		this.location.AlignH, this.location.AlignV, scaleFactor );
                // else
                this.FontSpec.Draw(g, pane, this._text, pix.X, pix.Y, this._location.AlignH, this._location.AlignV, scaleFactor, this._layoutArea);
예제 #10
파일: Location.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
 /// <summary>
 /// The <see cref="PointF"/> for this object as defined by the
 /// <see cref="X"/> and <see cref="Y"/>
 /// properties.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pane">
 /// The pane.
 /// </param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This method transforms the location to output device pixel units. The <see cref="AlignH"/> and <see cref="AlignV"/> properties are ignored for this
 /// transformation (see <see cref="TransformTopLeft(PaneBase,float,float)"/>).
 /// </remarks>
 /// <value>
 /// A <see cref="PointF"/> in pixel units.
 /// </value>
 /// <returns>
 /// The <see cref="PointF"/>.
 /// </returns>
 public PointF TransformTopLeft(PaneBase pane)
     return this.Transform(pane);
예제 #11
파일: FontSpec.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
 /// <summary>
 /// Render the specified <paramref name="text"/> to the specifed
 /// <see cref="Graphics"/> device.  The text, border, and fill options will be rendered as required.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g">
 /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="pane">
 /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or owner of this object.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="text">
 /// A string value containing the text to be displayed.  This can be multiple lines, separated by newline ('\n') characters
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="x">
 /// The X location to display the text, in screen coordinates, relative to the horizontal (<see cref="AlignH"/>) alignment parameter
 /// <paramref name="alignH"/>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="y">
 /// The Y location to display the text, in screen coordinates, relative to the vertical (<see cref="AlignV"/>
 /// alignment parameter <paramref name="alignV"/>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="alignH">
 /// A horizontal alignment parameter specified using the <see cref="AlignH"/> enum type
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="alignV">
 /// A vertical alignment parameter specified using the <see cref="AlignV"/> enum type
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="scaleFactor">
 /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
 /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
 /// </param>
 public void Draw(Graphics g, PaneBase pane, string text, float x, float y, AlignH alignH, AlignV alignV, float scaleFactor)
     this.Draw(g, pane, text, x, y, alignH, alignV, scaleFactor, new SizeF());
예제 #12
파일: Location.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Transform this <see cref="Location"/> from the coordinate system as specified by <see cref="CoordinateFrame"/> to the device coordinates of the
        /// specified <see cref="PaneBase"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The returned
        /// <see cref="PointF"/> struct represents the top-left corner of the object that honors the <see cref="Location"/> properties. The
        /// <see cref="AlignH"/> and <see cref="AlignV"/> properties are honored in this transformation.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that contains the <see cref="Axis"/> classes which will be used for the
        /// transform.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="width">
        /// The width of the object in device pixels
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="height">
        /// The height of the object in device pixels
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The top-left corner of the object
        /// </returns>
        public PointF TransformTopLeft(PaneBase pane, float width, float height)
            PointF pt = this.Transform(pane);

            if (this._alignH == AlignH.Right)
                pt.X -= width;
            else if (this._alignH == AlignH.Center)
                pt.X -= width / 2.0F;

            if (this._alignV == AlignV.Bottom)
                pt.Y -= height;
            else if (this._alignV == AlignV.Center)
                pt.Y -= height / 2.0F;

            return pt;
예제 #13
파일: Location.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Transform the <see cref="RectangleF"/> for this object as defined by the
        /// <see cref="X"/>, <see cref="Y"/>, <see cref="Width"/>, and
        /// <see cref="Height"/> properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// The pane.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method transforms the location to output device pixel units. The <see cref="AlignH"/> and <see cref="AlignV"/> properties are honored in this
        /// transformation.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <value>
        /// A <see cref="RectangleF"/> in pixel units.
        /// </value>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="RectangleF"/>.
        /// </returns>
        public RectangleF TransformRect(PaneBase pane)
            PointF pix1 = this.TransformTopLeft(pane);
            PointF pix2 = this.TransformBottomRight(pane);

            // PointF pix3 = TransformTopLeft( pane, pix2.X - pix1.X, pix2.Y - pix1.Y );
            return new RectangleF(pix1.X, pix1.Y, Math.Abs(pix2.X - pix1.X), Math.Abs(pix2.Y - pix1.Y));
예제 #14
파일: Location.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
 /// <summary>
 /// The <see cref="PointF"/> for this object as defined by the
 /// <see cref="X2"/> and <see cref="Y2"/> properties.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pane">
 /// The pane.
 /// </param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This method transforms the location to output device pixel units. The <see cref="AlignH"/> and <see cref="AlignV"/> properties are ignored for this
 /// transformation (see <see cref="TransformTopLeft(PaneBase,float,float)"/>).
 /// </remarks>
 /// <value>
 /// A <see cref="PointF"/> in pixel units.
 /// </value>
 /// <returns>
 /// The <see cref="PointF"/>.
 /// </returns>
 public PointF TransformBottomRight(PaneBase pane)
     return Transform(pane, this.X2, this.Y2, this._coordinateFrame);
예제 #15
파일: BoxObj.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the shape type and Coords values for this GraphObj
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// The pane.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// The g.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scale Factor.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="shape">
        /// The shape.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="coords">
        /// The coords.
        /// </param>
        public override void GetCoords(PaneBase pane, Graphics g, float scaleFactor, out string shape, out string coords)
            // transform the x,y location from the user-defined
            // coordinate frame to the screen pixel location
            RectangleF pixRect = this._location.TransformRect(pane);

            shape = "rect";
            coords = string.Format("{0:f0},{1:f0},{2:f0},{3:f0}", pixRect.Left, pixRect.Top, pixRect.Right, pixRect.Bottom);
예제 #16
파일: TextObj.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the shape type and Coords values for this GraphObj
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// The pane.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// The g.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scale Factor.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="shape">
        /// The shape.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="coords">
        /// The coords.
        /// </param>
        public override void GetCoords(PaneBase pane, Graphics g, float scaleFactor, out string shape, out string coords)
            // transform the x,y location from the user-defined
            // coordinate frame to the screen pixel location
            PointF pix = this._location.Transform(pane);

            PointF[] pts = this._fontSpec.GetBox(g, this._text, pix.X, pix.Y, this._location.AlignH, this._location.AlignV, scaleFactor, new SizeF());

            shape = "poly";
            coords = string.Format(
예제 #17
파일: BoxObj.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if the specified screen point lies inside the bounding box of this
        /// <see cref="BoxObj"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pt">
        /// The screen point, in pixels
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// true if the point lies in the bounding box, false otherwise
        /// </returns>
        public override bool PointInBox(PointF pt, PaneBase pane, Graphics g, float scaleFactor)
            if (!base.PointInBox(pt, pane, g, scaleFactor))
                return false;

            // transform the x,y location from the user-defined
            // coordinate frame to the screen pixel location
            RectangleF pixRect = this._location.TransformRect(pane);

            return pixRect.Contains(pt);
예제 #18
파일: TextObj.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if the specified screen point lies inside the bounding box of this
        /// <see cref="TextObj"/>.  This method takes into account rotation and alignment parameters of the text, as specified in the <see cref="FontSpec"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pt">
        /// The screen point, in pixels
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// true if the point lies in the bounding box, false otherwise
        /// </returns>
        public override bool PointInBox(PointF pt, PaneBase pane, Graphics g, float scaleFactor)
            if (!base.PointInBox(pt, pane, g, scaleFactor))
                return false;

            // transform the x,y location from the user-defined
            // coordinate frame to the screen pixel location
            PointF pix = this._location.Transform(pane);

            return this._fontSpec.PointInBox(
예제 #19
파일: GraphObj.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines the shape type and Coords values for this GraphObj
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pane">
 /// The pane.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="g">
 /// The g.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="scaleFactor">
 /// The scale Factor.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="shape">
 /// The shape.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="coords">
 /// The coords.
 /// </param>
 public abstract void GetCoords(PaneBase pane, Graphics g, float scaleFactor, out string shape, out string coords);
예제 #20
파일: LineObj.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Render this object to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/> device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is normally only called by the Draw method of the parent <see cref="GraphObjList"/> collection object.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public override void Draw(Graphics g, PaneBase pane, float scaleFactor)
            // Convert the arrow coordinates from the user coordinate system
            // to the screen coordinate system
            PointF pix1 = this.Location.TransformTopLeft(pane);
            PointF pix2 = this.Location.TransformBottomRight(pane);

            if (pix1.X > -10000 && pix1.X < 100000 && pix1.Y > -100000 && pix1.Y < 100000 && pix2.X > -10000 && pix2.X < 100000 && pix2.Y > -100000
                && pix2.Y < 100000)
                // calculate the length and the angle of the arrow "vector"
                double dy = pix2.Y - pix1.Y;
                double dx = pix2.X - pix1.X;
                float angle = (float)Math.Atan2(dy, dx) * 180.0F / (float)Math.PI;
                float length = (float)Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

                // Save the old transform matrix
                Matrix transform = g.Transform;

                // Move the coordinate system so it is located at the starting point
                // of this arrow
                g.TranslateTransform(pix1.X, pix1.Y);

                // Rotate the coordinate system according to the angle of this arrow
                // about the starting point

                // get a pen according to this arrow properties
                using (Pen pen = this._line.GetPen(pane, scaleFactor))
                    // new Pen( _line._color, pane.ScaledPenWidth( _line._width, scaleFactor ) ) )
                    // pen.DashStyle = _style;
                    g.DrawLine(pen, 0, 0, length, 0);

                // Restore the transform matrix back to its original RequestState
                g.Transform = transform;
예제 #21
파일: Border.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new <see cref="Pen"/> object from the properties of this
        /// <see cref="Border"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isPenWidthScaled">
        /// Set to true to have the <see cref="Border"/> pen width scaled with the
        /// scaleFactor.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor for the features of the graph based on the <see cref="PaneBase.BaseDimension"/>.  This
        /// scaling factor is calculated by the <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method.  The scale factor
        /// represents a linear multiple to be applied to font sizes, symbol sizes, etc.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="Pen"/> object with the proper color and pen width.</returns>
        public Pen MakePen( bool isPenWidthScaled, float scaleFactor )
            float scaledPenWidth = _width;
            if ( isPenWidthScaled )
                scaledPenWidth = (float)(_width * scaleFactor);

            return new Pen( _color, scaledPenWidth );
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the specified Border (<see cref="RectangleF"/>) using the properties of this <see cref="Border"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor for the features of the graph based on the <see cref="PaneBase.BaseDimension"/>.  This scaling factor is calculated by the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method.  The scale factor represents a linear multiple to be applied to font sizes, symbol sizes, etc.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="rect">
        /// A <see cref="RectangleF"/> struct to be drawn.
        /// </param>
        public void Draw(Graphics g, PaneBase pane, float scaleFactor, RectangleF rect)
            // Need to use the RectangleF props since rounding it can cause the axisFrame to
            // not line up properly with the last tic mark
            if (this._isVisible)
                RectangleF tRect = rect;

                float scaledInflate = this._inflateFactor * scaleFactor;
                tRect.Inflate(scaledInflate, scaledInflate);

                using (Pen pen = this.GetPen(pane, scaleFactor)) g.DrawRectangle(pen, tRect.X, tRect.Y, tRect.Width, tRect.Height);
예제 #22
파일: LineObj.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the shape type and Coords values for this GraphObj
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// The pane.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// The g.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scale Factor.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="shape">
        /// The shape.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="coords">
        /// The coords.
        /// </param>
        public override void GetCoords(PaneBase pane, Graphics g, float scaleFactor, out string shape, out string coords)
            // transform the x,y location from the user-defined
            // coordinate frame to the screen pixel location
            RectangleF pixRect = this._location.TransformRect(pane);

            Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
            if (pixRect.Right == 0)
                pixRect.Width = 1;

            float angle = (float)Math.Atan((pixRect.Top - pixRect.Bottom) / (pixRect.Left - pixRect.Right));
            matrix.Rotate(angle, MatrixOrder.Prepend);

            // Move the coordinate system to local coordinates
            // of this text object (that is, at the specified
            // x,y location)
            matrix.Translate(-pixRect.Left, -pixRect.Top, MatrixOrder.Prepend);

            PointF[] pts = new PointF[4];
            pts[0] = new PointF(0, 3);
            pts[1] = new PointF(pixRect.Width, 3);
            pts[2] = new PointF(pixRect.Width, -3);
            pts[3] = new PointF(0, -3);

            shape = "poly";
            coords = string.Format(
예제 #23
파일: Legend.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Render the <see cref="Legend"/> to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/> device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is normally only called by the Draw method of the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public void Draw(Graphics g, PaneBase pane, float scaleFactor)
            // if the legend is not visible, do nothing
            if (!this._isVisible)

            // Fill the background with the specified color if required
            this._fill.Draw(g, this._rect);

            PaneList paneList = this.GetPaneList(pane);

            float halfGap = this._tmpSize / 2.0F;

            // Check for bad data values
            if (this._hStack <= 0)
                this._hStack = 1;

            if (this._legendItemWidth <= 0)
                this._legendItemWidth = 100;

            if (this._legendItemHeight <= 0)
                this._legendItemHeight = this._tmpSize;

            // float gap = pane.ScaledGap( scaleFactor );
            int iEntry = 0;
            float x, y;

            // Get a brush for the legend label text
            using (SolidBrush brushB = new SolidBrush(Color.Black))
                foreach (GraphPane tmpPane in paneList)
                    // Loop for each curve in the CurveList collection
                    // foreach ( CurveItem curve in tmpPane.CurveList )
                    int count = tmpPane.CurveList.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        CurveItem curve = tmpPane.CurveList[this._isReverse ? count - i - 1 : i];

                        if (curve._label._text != string.Empty && curve._label._isVisible)
                            // Calculate the x,y (TopLeft) location of the current
                            // curve legend label
                            // assuming:
                            // charHeight/2 for the left margin, plus legendWidth for each
                            // horizontal column
                            // legendHeight is the line spacing, with no extra margin above
                            x = this._rect.Left + halfGap / 2.0F + (iEntry % this._hStack) * this._legendItemWidth;
                            y = this._rect.Top + iEntry / this._hStack * this._legendItemHeight;

                            // Draw the legend label for the current curve
                            FontSpec tmpFont = (curve._label._fontSpec != null) ? curve._label._fontSpec : this.FontSpec;

                            // This is required because, for long labels, the centering can affect the
                            // position in GDI+.
                            tmpFont.StringAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;

                            if (this._isShowLegendSymbols)
                                    x + 2.5F * this._tmpSize,
                                    y + this._legendItemHeight / 2.0F,

                                RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(
                                    y + this._legendItemHeight / 4.0F,
                                    2 * this._tmpSize,
                                    this._legendItemHeight / 2.0F);
                                curve.DrawLegendKey(g, tmpPane, rect, scaleFactor);
                                if (curve._label._fontSpec == null)
                                    tmpFont.FontColor = curve.Color;

                                    x + 0.0F * this._tmpSize,
                                    y + this._legendItemHeight / 2.0F,

                            // maintain a curve count for positioning

                    if (pane is MasterPane && ((MasterPane)pane).IsUniformLegendEntries)

                // Draw a border around the legend if required
                if (iEntry > 0)
                    this.Border.Draw(g, pane, scaleFactor, this._rect);
예제 #24
파일: LineObj.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if the specified screen point lies inside the bounding box of this
        /// <see cref="LineObj"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The bounding box is calculated assuming a distance of <see cref="GraphPane.Default.NearestTol"/> pixels around the arrow segment.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="pt">
        /// The screen point, in pixels
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// true if the point lies in the bounding box, false otherwise
        /// </returns>
        public override bool PointInBox(PointF pt, PaneBase pane, Graphics g, float scaleFactor)
            if (!base.PointInBox(pt, pane, g, scaleFactor))
                return false;

            // transform the x,y location from the user-defined
            // coordinate frame to the screen pixel location
            PointF pix = this._location.TransformTopLeft(pane);
            PointF pix2 = this._location.TransformBottomRight(pane);

            using (Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black, (float)GraphPane.Default.NearestTol * 2.0F))
                using (GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath())
                    path.AddLine(pix, pix2);
                    return path.IsOutlineVisible(pt, pen);
예제 #25
파일: Legend.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// The get pane list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// The pane.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="PaneList"/>.
        /// </returns>
        private PaneList GetPaneList(PaneBase pane)
            // For a single GraphPane, create a PaneList to contain it
            // Otherwise, just use the paneList from the MasterPane
            PaneList paneList;

            if (pane is GraphPane)
                paneList = new PaneList();
                paneList = ((MasterPane)pane).PaneList;

            return paneList;
예제 #26
파일: ImageObj.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Render this object to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/> device This method is normally only called by the Draw method of the parent
        /// <see cref="GraphObjList"/> collection object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public override void Draw(Graphics g, PaneBase pane, float scaleFactor)
            if (this._image != null)
                // Convert the rectangle coordinates from the user coordinate system
                // to the screen coordinate system
                RectangleF tmpRect = this._location.TransformRect(pane);

                if (this._isScaled)
                    g.DrawImage(this._image, tmpRect);
                    Region clip = g.Clip;
                    g.DrawImageUnscaled(this._image, Rectangle.Round(tmpRect));
                    g.SetClip(clip, CombineMode.Replace);

                    // g.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped( image, Rectangle.Round( tmpRect ) );
예제 #27
파일: PolyObj.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Render this object to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/> device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is normally only called by the Draw method of the parent <see cref="GraphObjList"/> collection object.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public override void Draw(Graphics g, PaneBase pane, float scaleFactor)
            if (this._points != null && this._points.Length > 1)
                using (GraphicsPath path = this.MakePath(pane))
                    // Fill or draw the symbol as required
                    if (this._fill.IsVisible)
                        using (Brush brush = this.Fill.MakeBrush(path.GetBounds())) g.FillPath(brush, path);

                    if (this._border.IsVisible)
                        using (Pen pen = this._border.GetPen(pane, scaleFactor)) g.DrawPath(pen, path);
예제 #28
파일: BoxObj.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// Render this object to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/> device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is normally only called by the Draw method of the parent <see cref="GraphObjList"/> collection object.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that is the parent or owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public override void Draw(Graphics g, PaneBase pane, float scaleFactor)
            // Convert the arrow coordinates from the user coordinate system
            // to the screen coordinate system
            RectangleF pixRect = this.Location.TransformRect(pane);

            // Clip the rect to just outside the PaneRect so we don't end up with wild coordinates.
            RectangleF tmpRect = pane.Rect;
            tmpRect.Inflate(20, 20);

            if (Math.Abs(pixRect.Left) < 100000 && Math.Abs(pixRect.Top) < 100000 && Math.Abs(pixRect.Right) < 100000
                && Math.Abs(pixRect.Bottom) < 100000)
                // If the box is to be filled, fill it
                this._fill.Draw(g, pixRect);

                // Draw the border around the box if required
                this._border.Draw(g, pane, scaleFactor, pixRect);
예제 #29
파일: PolyObj.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
        /// <summary>
        /// The make path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// The pane.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="GraphicsPath"/>.
        /// </returns>
        internal GraphicsPath MakePath(PaneBase pane)
            GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
            bool first = true;
            PointF lastPt = new PointF();

            foreach (PointD pt in this._points)
                // Convert the coordinates from the user coordinate system
                // to the screen coordinate system
                // Offset the points by the location value
                PointF pixPt = Location.Transform(pane, pt.X + this._location.X, pt.Y + this._location.Y, this._location.CoordinateFrame);

                if (Math.Abs(pixPt.X) < 100000 && Math.Abs(pixPt.Y) < 100000)
                    if (first)
                        first = false;
                        path.AddLine(lastPt, pixPt);

                    lastPt = pixPt;

            if (this._isClosedFigure)

            return path;
예제 #30
파일: Location.cs 프로젝트: tu-tran/FareLiz
 /// <summary>
 /// Transform a data point from the specified coordinate type (<see cref="CoordType"/>) to display device coordinates (pixels).
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// If <see paramref="pane"/> is not of type <see cref="GraphPane"/>, then only the <see cref="CoordType.PaneFraction"/> transformation is
 /// available.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="pane">
 /// A reference to the <see cref="PaneBase"/> object that contains the <see cref="Axis"/> classes which will be used for the
 /// transform.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="x">
 /// The x coordinate that defines the point in user space.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="y">
 /// The y coordinate that defines the point in user space.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="coord">
 /// A <see cref="CoordType"/> type that defines the coordinate system in which the X,Y pair is defined.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// A point in display device coordinates that corresponds to the specified user point.
 /// </returns>
 public static PointF Transform(PaneBase pane, double x, double y, CoordType coord)
     return pane.TransformCoord(x, y, coord);