/// <summary> /// Adds a record to the data source with information provided by the user /// </summary> /// <param name="skiRunRepository"></param> private static void AddSkiRun() { SkiRunBusiness skiRunBusiness = new SkiRunBusiness(skiRunRepository); //Variable Declarations. SkiRun aSkiRun = new SkiRun(); ConsoleView.DisplayReset(); //Get the ID, Name, and Vertical feet from the user. aSkiRun.ID = ConsoleView.GetIntegerFromUser("Enter the ID for the Ski Run: "); aSkiRun.Name = ConsoleView.GetUserResponse("Enter the name for the Ski Run: "); aSkiRun.Vertical = ConsoleView.GetIntegerFromUser("Enter the vertical (in feet) for the Ski Run: "); using (skiRunBusiness) { //Insert the new ski run. try { //Insert the new record. skiRunRepository.Insert(aSkiRun); //Display a message to the user that the record was inserted. ConsoleView.DisplayReset(); ConsoleView.DisplayMessage($"The information for the {aSkiRun.Name} ski run has been saved."); ConsoleView.DisplayContinuePrompt(); } catch (Exception ex) { //Display the error message for the error that occurred. CatchIOExceptions(ex); } } }
/// <summary> /// Updates a specific ski run's information in the data source with data entered by the user /// </summary> /// <param name="skiRunRepository"></param> /// <param name="skiRuns"></param> private static void UpdateSkiRun() { SkiRunBusiness skiRunBusiness = new SkiRunBusiness(skiRunRepository); SkiRun aSkiRun = new SkiRun(); using (skiRunBusiness) { List <SkiRun> skiRuns = skiRunRepository.SelectAll(); //Variable Declarations. ConsoleView.DisplayReset(); //Display all ski runs. ConsoleView.DisplayAllSkiRuns(skiRuns, false); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); //Get the information for the ski run to be updated and display it on the screen. try { //Display the ski run information on the screen. //ConsoleView.DisplaySkiRunDetail(skiRunRepository.GetSkiRunByID(ConsoleView.GetIntegerFromUser("Enter the ID for the Ski Run: "))); aSkiRun = skiRunRepository.SelectById(ConsoleView.GetIntegerFromUser("Enter the ID for the Ski Run: ")); ConsoleView.DisplaySkiRunDetail(aSkiRun); } catch (Exception ex) { //Display the error message for the error that occurred. CatchIOExceptions(ex); return; } //Get the new Name and Vertical feet from the user. Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); aSkiRun.Name = ConsoleView.GetUserResponse("Enter the new name for the Ski Run: "); aSkiRun.Vertical = ConsoleView.GetIntegerFromUser("Enter the new vertical (in feet) for the Ski Run: "); //Update the ski run. try { //Update the ski run information. skiRunRepository.Update(aSkiRun); //Display a message to the user that the record was updated. ConsoleView.DisplayReset(); ConsoleView.DisplayMessage($"The information for the {aSkiRun.Name} ski run has been updated."); ConsoleView.DisplayContinuePrompt(); } catch (Exception ex) { //Display the error message for the error that occurred. CatchIOExceptions(ex); return; } } }