예제 #1
 public ActionResult AddDocument(AddDocumentViewModel model)
     if (ModelState.IsValid) {
         if (model.File == null || model.File.ContentLength == 0) {
             return View();
         try {
             var user = UserManager.FindById(this.GetUserId());
             Guid publicKey = Guid.NewGuid();
             CloudStorageMananger storage = new CloudStorageMananger(this.DBContext);
             var cloudStorageItem = storage.UploadFromStream(
                 this.GetUserId(), User.Identity.Name,
                 model.File.FileName, model.File.ContentType,
                 model.File.InputStream, model.DocumentName, model.Description);
             var item = new DriveItem(cloudStorageItem);
             item.OwnerId = this.GetUserId();
             item.CloudStorageItem.CloudStorageContainerId = (int)user.DefaultContainerId;
         catch (Exception ex) {
             //log.Error(ex, "Error upload photo blob to storage");
     return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
        public ActionResult AddDocument(AddDocumentViewModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid) {

                string fullPath = null;

                if (model.File == null || model.File.ContentLength == 0) {
                    return View();

                try {
                    CloudStorageMananger storage = new CloudStorageMananger();
                    storage.UploadFromStream(User.Identity.GetUserId(), User.Identity.Name, model.File.FileName, model.File.ContentType, model.File.InputStream, model.DocumentName, model.Description);
                    //string fileName = UploadFile.UploadFileToPrivateContainer(model.File);
                    //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId)) {
                    //    var user = UserManager.FindById(userId);
                    //    blockBlob.Metadata.Add("username", user.UserName);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    //log.Error(ex, "Error upload photo blob to storage");

                //        using (var db = new CSDGContext()) {

                //            Document document = new Document() {
                //                DocumentId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                //                DocumentName = model.DocumentName,
                //                Description = model.Description,
                //                CDNDocumentName = fileName,
                //                //CDNDocumentUrl = rackspace["FileUrlRackspace"],
                //                ExpedientId = model.ExpedientId,
                //                PhaseId = model.SubPhaseId,
                //                Status = "A"
                //            };

                //            if (model.ContactId == null) {
                //                Contact contact = new Contact();
                //                contact.ContactId = Guid.NewGuid();
                //                contact.ContactType = model.ContactType;
                //                if (model.ContactType.Equals("person")) {
                //                    contact.PersonFirstName = model.PersonFirstName;
                //                    contact.PersonLastName1 = model.PersonLastName1;
                //                    contact.PersonLastName2 = model.PersonLastName2;
                //                }
                //                else if (model.ContactType.Equals("organization")) {
                //                    contact.OrganizationName = model.OrganizationName;
                //                }
                //                else if (model.ContactType.Equals("group")) {
                //                    contact.GroupName = model.GroupName;
                //                }
                //                contact.Status = "A";
                //                db.Contacts.Add(contact);
                //                document.ContactId = contact.ContactId;
                //            }
                //            else {
                //                document.ContactId = (Guid)model.ContactId;
                //            }

                //            db.Documents.Add(document);

                //            Phase phase = db.Phases.Find(model.SubPhaseId);

                //            if (phase.SendNotification) {
                //                Expedient expedient = db.Expedients.Find(model.ExpedientId);

                //                string server = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority);
                //                string virtualDirectory = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath;
                //                string link = server + virtualDirectory + "/Customers/Documents/" + expedient.ExpedientId;

                //                string message = "El usuario " + User.Identity.Name + " ha cargado el documento " + "<a href='#' data-id='" + document.DocumentId + "' id='getDocument'>" + document.DocumentName + "</a>" + " del contrato " + "<a href='" + link + "'>" + expedient.ContractNumber + "</a>" + " del cliente " + expedient.Customer.DisplayName;

                //                DataTable dt = DatabaseManager.ExecuteDataTable(System.Data.CommandType.Text, "SELECT u.* FROM AspNetUsers AS u INNER JOIN AspNetUserRoles as ur ON ur.UserId = u.Id INNER JOIN AspNetRoles as r ON r.Id = ur.RoleId WHERE r.Name = 'Administrador'");

                //                ApplicationUser userSystem = UserManager.Users.Where(u => u.UserName.Equals("Sistema")).Single();
                //                foreach (DataRow user in dt.Rows) {
                //                    Notification notification = new Notification();
                //                    notification.NotificationId = Guid.NewGuid();
                //                    notification.NotificationType = "System";
                //                    notification.EntitySourceType = "Document";
                //                    notification.EntitySourceId = document.DocumentId;
                //                    notification.From = Guid.Parse(userSystem.Id);
                //                    notification.To = Guid.Parse(user["Id"].ToString());
                //                    notification.Subject = "Se agregó el documento " + "<a href='#' data-id='" + document.DocumentId + "' id='getDocument'>" + document.DocumentName + "</a>" + " a la etapa " + phase.PhaseName + " del contrato " + "<a href='" + link + "'>" + expedient.ContractNumber + "</a>" + " del cliente " + expedient.Customer.DisplayName;
                //                    notification.Body = message;
                //                    notification.Seen = false;
                //                    notification.Status = "E";
                //                    db.Notifications.Add(notification);
                //                }

                //            }
                //            db.SaveChanges();
                //            return RedirectToAction("Documents", new { id = model.ExpedientId, phaseId = model.PhaseId, subPhaseId = model.SubPhaseId });
                //        }
                //    }
                //    catch (Exception ex) {
                //        ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message);
                //    }
                //return View(model);

            return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
            //return View(model);