예제 #1
        // Load .WIND data from file.
        public virtual void Load(string WINDPLUSFileName)
            StreamReader WINDFile = File.OpenText(WINDPLUSFileName);
            var          warnings = new List <string>();

            int    index            = WINDPLUSFileName.LastIndexOf("\\", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            string WINDPLUSFilePath = WINDPLUSFileName.Remove(index);

            //Number of wind groups in .WIND file:
            string nGroups        = WINDFile.ReadLine();
            int    numberOfGroups = Convert.ToInt32(nGroups);

            AddVariable("NUMBER_OF_WINDS", numberOfGroups);

            //Reset data structs to store .WIND data in local memory:
            var mainTable = new List <string[]>();


            //2 values not contained in WINDFIleContents:
            string windPlusWindCoeff  = WINDFile.ReadLine();
            string windPlusAirDensity = WINDFile.ReadLine();

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfGroups; ++i)
            { //Read all rest of data from .WIND file....
                    //  Empty lines left intentionally

                    //Secondary table (Wind velocities table) file name:
                    string secondaryTableFileName = WINDFile.ReadLine().Trim();

                    //Read extra lines:
                    int nExtraLines = Convert.ToInt32(WINDFile.ReadLine().Trim());
                    var extras      = new string[nExtraLines];
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < nExtraLines; ++ii)
                        extras[ii] = WINDFile.ReadLine();

                    //Create this group from data just read:
                    var group = new WIND();
                    group.SecondaryFileName = secondaryTableFileName;
                    group.nExtraLines       = nExtraLines;
                    group.ExtraData         = extras;

                    //Store data of this zone:

                    //Store in mainTable a row to be shown in zones table in DIP tab:
                    //(index, wind velocities name)
                    var row = new string[2];
                    row[0] = i.ToString();
                    row[1] = secondaryTableFileName;


                    //Potential new velocities group (secundary dependant table). Velocities data (time, Ux, Uy) is stored in
                    //a file whose name could be repeated ni the .WIND file for another zone. Only one copy of the file contents is
                    //stored in memory in MyWind structure. If modified, only that copy is changed. It is permanently stored when
                    //the user clicks "Save .WIND".

                    Universal.LoadSecondaryTable("WIND", WINDPLUSFilePath + "\\" + secondaryTableFileName, ref warnings);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(Universal.Idioma("ERROR 1803171736: error while proccessing  ", "ERROR 1803171736: error procesando  ") +
                                    WINDPLUSFileName + ". " +
                                    Environment.NewLine + ex.Message, "RiverFlow2D", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);


            //Save variables associated to control tags:
            double windCoeff  = Convert.ToDouble(windPlusWindCoeff);
            double airDensity = Convert.ToDouble(windPlusAirDensity);

            AddVariable("WINDPLUS_STRESSCOEFF_CD", windCoeff);
            AddVariable("WINDPLUS_AIRDENSITY", airDensity);
            AddVariable("WINDPLUSZONES_VALUES", mainTable);

            if (warnings.Count > 0)
                string warningsList = Universal.Idioma("WARNING 0811121034: The following wind files do not exist: \n\n", "WARNING 0811121034: Los siguientes archivos no existen: \n\n");
                for (int i = 0; i < warnings.Count; i++)
                    warningsList += "   ° " + warnings[i] + "\n";
                warningsList += Universal.Idioma("\nDefault files were created.", "\nAchivos por defecto fueron creados.");
                MessageBox.Show(warningsList, "RiverFlow2D", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
예제 #2
        //Load data from file
        public virtual void Load(string BRIDGESFileName)
            StreamReader BRIDGESFile = File.OpenText(BRIDGESFileName);
            var          warnings    = new List <string>();

            int    index           = BRIDGESFileName.LastIndexOf("\\", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            string BRIDGESFilePath = BRIDGESFileName.Remove(index);

            //Read number of bridges groups in .BRIDGES file:
            string nGroups        = BRIDGESFile.ReadLine();
            int    numberOfGroups = Convert.ToInt32(nGroups);

            AddVariable("NUMBER_OF_BRIDGES", numberOfGroups);

            //Reset data structs to store .BRIDGES data in local memory::
            var mainTable = new List <string[]>();


            //(Code space for individual variables)

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfGroups; ++i)
            { //Read all rest of data groups from .BRIDGES file....
                    //Bridge name:
                    string bridgeName = BRIDGESFile.ReadLine().Trim();

                    //x1, y1, x2, y2.
                    string parameters = BRIDGESFile.ReadLine();

                    //  Empty lines left intentionally

                    //Secondary table (Bridge geometry profiles table) file name:
                    string secondaryTableFileName = BRIDGESFile.ReadLine().Trim();

                    //Read extra lines:
                    int nExtraLines = Convert.ToInt32(BRIDGESFile.ReadLine().Trim());
                    var extras      = new string[nExtraLines];
                    for (var ii = 0; ii < nExtraLines; ++ii)
                        extras[ii] = BRIDGESFile.ReadLine();

                    //Create this group from data just read:
                    var group = new BRIDGES();
                    group.BridgeName        = bridgeName;
                    group.Parameters        = parameters;
                    group.SecondaryFileName = secondaryTableFileName;
                    group.nExtraLines       = nExtraLines;
                    group.ExtraData         = extras;

                    //Store data in memory for this geometry group:

                    //Store in mainTable a  row to be shown in bridges table in DIP tab:
                    // (bridge name, bridge geometry file name)
                    var row = new string[2];
                    row[0] = bridgeName;
                    row[1] = secondaryTableFileName;


                    //Potential new brige geometry group (secundary dependant table). Geometries (x, Bed, Z lower, Z upper, Deck) are
                    // stored in a file whose name could be repeated in the .BRIDGES file for another bridge. Only one copy of the file contents is
                    //stored in memory in BridgeGeometryGroups. If modified, only that copy is changed.
                    //It will be permanently stored when the user clicks "Save .BRIDGES".

                    Universal.LoadSecondaryTable("BRIDGES", BRIDGESFilePath + "\\" + secondaryTableFileName, ref warnings);

                    //LoadBridgesSecondaryData(BRIDGESFilePath + "\\" + secondaryTableFileName, ref warnings);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(Universal.Idioma("ERROR 300417-1236 while proccessing  file:\n\n", "ERROR 300417-1236 procesando archivo:\n\n") +
                                    BRIDGESFileName + "\n\n" + ex.Message, "RiverFlow2D", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);


            //Save variables associated to control tags:
            AddVariable("BRIDGES_VALUES", mainTable);

            //  Empty lines left intentionally

            if (warnings.Count > 0)
                string warningsList = Universal.Idioma("WARNING 3004171237: The following bridges files do not exist: \n\n", "ADVERTENCIA 3004171237: Los siguientes archivos de puentes no existen: \n\n");
                for (int i = 0; i < warnings.Count; i++)
                    warningsList += "   ° " + warnings[i] + "\n";
                warningsList += Universal.Idioma("\nDefault files were created.", "\nAchivos por defecto fueron creados.");
                MessageBox.Show(warningsList, "RiverFlow2D", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
예제 #3
        //Load data from file
        public virtual void Load(string DAMBREACHFileName)
            StreamReader DAMBREACHFile = File.OpenText(DAMBREACHFileName);
            var          warnings      = new List <string>();

            int    index             = DAMBREACHFileName.LastIndexOf("\\", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            string DAMBREACHFilePath = DAMBREACHFileName.Remove(index);

            //Read number of dam breaches groups in .DAMBREACH file:
            string nGroups        = DAMBREACHFile.ReadLine();
            int    numberOfGroups = Convert.ToInt32(nGroups);

            AddVariable("NUMBER_OF_DAMBREACHES", numberOfGroups);

            //Reset data structs to store .DAMBREACH data in local memory:
            var mainTable = new List <string[]>();


            //(Code space for individual variables)

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfGroups; ++i)
            { //Read all rest of data groups from .DAMBREACH file....
                    //Dam Breach name:
                    string damBreachName = DAMBREACHFile.ReadLine().Trim();
                    //X0, Y0:
                    string   coordinates = DAMBREACHFile.ReadLine().Trim();
                    string[] split       = coordinates.Split(new[] { ' ', '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    string   X0          = split[0];
                    string   Y0          = split[1];
                    //Crest z crest, beach angle, cofficient:
                    string parameters = DAMBREACHFile.ReadLine();
                    split = parameters.Split(new[] { ' ', '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    string zCrest      = split[0];
                    string breachAngle = split[1];;
                    string coeff       = split[2];

                    //Secondary table (dam breach evolution) file name:
                    string secondaryTableFileName = DAMBREACHFile.ReadLine().Trim();

                    //Read extra lines:
                    int nExtraLines = Convert.ToInt32(DAMBREACHFile.ReadLine().Trim());
                    var extras      = new string[nExtraLines];
                    for (var ii = 0; ii < nExtraLines; ++ii)
                        extras[ii] = DAMBREACHFile.ReadLine();

                    //Create this group from data just read:
                    var group = new DAMBREACHES();
                    group.DamBreachName     = damBreachName;
                    group.Coordinates       = coordinates;
                    group.Parameters        = parameters;
                    group.SecondaryFileName = secondaryTableFileName;
                    group.nExtraLines       = nExtraLines;
                    group.ExtraData         = extras;

                    //Store data in memory for this apenings group:

                    //Store in mainTable a  row to be shown in dam breach table in DIP tab:
                    //(dam breach name, z crest, angle, coeff, file name)
                    var row = new string[7];
                    row[0] = damBreachName;
                    row[1] = X0;
                    row[2] = Y0;
                    row[3] = zCrest;
                    row[4] = breachAngle;
                    row[5] = coeff;
                    row[6] = secondaryTableFileName;


                    //Potential new temporal evolution group (secundary dependant table). evolution (time, width, height) is
                    // stored in a file whose name could be repeated in the .DAMBREACH file for another dam breach. Only one copy of the file contents is
                    //stored in memory in SecondaryGroups structure. If modified, only that copy is changed.
                    //It will be permanently stored when the user clicks "Save .DAMBREACH".

                    Universal.LoadSecondaryTable("DAMBREACH", DAMBREACHFilePath + "\\" + secondaryTableFileName, ref warnings);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(Universal.Idioma("ERROR 1206171118: error while proccessing  ", "ERROR 1206171118: error leyendo  ") +
                                    DAMBREACHFileName + ". " +
                                    Environment.NewLine + ex.Message, "RiverFlow2D", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);


            //Save variables associated to control tags:
            AddVariable("DAMBREACH_VALUES", mainTable);

            //  Empty lines left intentionally

            if (warnings.Count > 0)
                string warningsList = Universal.Idioma("WARNING 1206171119: The following dam breach files do not exist: \n\n",
                                                       "ADVERTENCIA 1206171119: Los siguientes archivos de brechas presas no existen : \n\n");
                for (int i = 0; i < warnings.Count; i++)
                    warningsList += "   ° " + warnings[i] + "\n";
                warningsList += Universal.Idioma("\nDefault files were created.", "\nAchivos por defecto fueron creados.");
                MessageBox.Show(warningsList, "RiverFlow2D", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
예제 #4
        //Load data from file
        public virtual void Load(string GATESFileName)
            StreamReader GATESFile = File.OpenText(GATESFileName);
            var          warnings  = new List <string>();

            int    index         = GATESFileName.LastIndexOf("\\", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            string GATESFilePath = GATESFileName.Remove(index);

            //Read number of gate groups in .GATES file:
            string nGroups        = GATESFile.ReadLine();
            int    numberOfGroups = Convert.ToInt32(nGroups);

            AddVariable("NUMBER_OF_GATES", numberOfGroups);

            //Reset data structs to store .GATES data in local memory:
            var mainTable = new List <string[]>();


            //(Code space for individual variables)

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfGroups; ++i)
            { //Read all rest of data groups from .GATES file....
                    //Gate name:
                    string gateName = GATESFile.ReadLine().Trim();

                    //Crest elevation, gate height, and Cd.
                    string   parameters     = GATESFile.ReadLine();
                    string[] split          = parameters.Split(new[] { ' ', '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    string   crestElevation = split[0];
                    string   gateHeight     = split[1];;
                    string   Cd             = split[2];

                    //Secondary table (Gates openings table) file name:
                    string secondaryTableFileName = GATESFile.ReadLine().Trim();

                    //Read extra lines:
                    int nExtraLines = Convert.ToInt32(GATESFile.ReadLine().Trim());
                    var lines       = new string[nExtraLines];
                    for (var ii = 0; ii < nExtraLines; ++ii)
                        lines[ii] = GATESFile.ReadLine();

                    //Create this group from data just read:
                    var group = new GATES();
                    group.GateName          = gateName;
                    group.Parameters        = parameters;
                    group.SecondaryFileName = secondaryTableFileName;
                    group.nExtraLines       = nExtraLines;
                    group.ExtraData         = lines;

                    //Store data in memory for this apenings group:

                    //Store in mainTable a  row to be shown in gates table in DIP tab:
                    //(gate name, crest elevation, gate height, Cd, openings table name)
                    var row = new string[5];
                    row[0] = gateName;
                    row[1] = crestElevation;
                    row[2] = gateHeight;
                    row[3] = Cd;
                    row[4] = secondaryTableFileName;


                    //Potential new openings group (secundary dependant table). Openings (time, aperture) is
                    // stored in a file whose name could be repeated in the .GATES file for another gate. Only one copy of the file contents is
                    //stored in memory in OpeningsFiles (of GATEOpenings structure). If modified, only that copy is changed.
                    //It will be permanently stored when the user clicks "Save .GATES".

                    Universal.LoadSecondaryTable("GATES", GATESFilePath + "\\" + secondaryTableFileName, ref warnings);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(Universal.Idioma("ERROR 2304171526: error while proccessing  ", "ERROR 2304171526: error procesando  ") +
                                    GATESFileName + ". " +
                                    Environment.NewLine + ex.Message, "RiverFlow2D", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);


            //Save variables associated to control tags:
            AddVariable("GATES_VALUES", mainTable);

            //  Empty lines left intentionally

            if (warnings.Count > 0)
                string warningsList = Universal.Idioma("WARNING 2003171725: The following gates files do not exist: \n\n", "WARNING 2003171725: Los siguientes archivos no existen: \n\n");
                for (int i = 0; i < warnings.Count; i++)
                    warningsList += "   ° " + warnings[i] + "\n";
                warningsList += Universal.Idioma("\nDefault files were created.", "\nAchivos por defecto fueron creados.");
                MessageBox.Show(warningsList, "RiverFlow2D", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
예제 #5
        //Load .LRAIN data from file
        public virtual void Load(string LRAINFileName)
            StreamReader RAINFile = File.OpenText(LRAINFileName);
            var          warnings = new List <string>();

            int    index         = LRAINFileName.LastIndexOf("\\", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            string LRAINFilePath = LRAINFileName.Remove(index);

            //Number of rain/evaporation groups in .LRAIN file:
            string nGroups        = RAINFile.ReadLine();
            int    numberOfGroups = Convert.ToInt32(nGroups);

            if (numberOfGroups > 0)
                AddVariable("NUMBER_OF_RAINEVAP_ZONES", numberOfGroups);

                //Reset data structs to store .LRAIN data in local memory:
                var mainTable = new List <string[]>();

                //(Code space for individual variables)

                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfGroups; ++i)
                { //Read all rest of data from .LRAIN file....
                        //  Empty lines left intentionally

                        //Secondary table (Rain/evaporation table) file name:
                        string secondaryTableFileName = RAINFile.ReadLine().Trim();

                        //Read extra lines:
                        int nExtraLines = Convert.ToInt32(RAINFile.ReadLine().Trim());
                        var extras      = new string[nExtraLines];
                        for (int ii = 0; ii < nExtraLines; ++ii)
                            extras[ii] = RAINFile.ReadLine();

                        //Create this group from data just read:
                        var group = new LRAIN();
                        group.SecondaryFileName = secondaryTableFileName;
                        group.nExtraLines       = nExtraLines;
                        group.ExtraData         = extras;

                        //Store data of this zone:

                        //Store in mainTable a row to be shown in zones table in DIP tab:
                        //(index, rain/evaporation hydrograph)
                        var row = new string[2];
                        row[0] = i.ToString();
                        row[1] = secondaryTableFileName;


                        //Potential new rain/evaporation group (secundary dependant table). Rain/evaporation data hydrograph (time, Rainfall, Evaporation) is
                        // stored in a file whose name could be repeated in the .LRAIN file for another zone. Only one copy of the file contents is
                        //stored in memory in SecondaryGroups structure. If modified, only that copy is changed. It is permanently stored when
                        //the user clicks "Save .LRAIN".

                        Universal.LoadSecondaryTable("LRAIN", LRAINFilePath + "\\" + secondaryTableFileName, ref warnings);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show(Universal.Idioma("ERROR 2003171649: error while proccessing  ", "ERROR 2003171649: error procesando  ") +
                                        LRAINFileName + ". " +
                                        Environment.NewLine + ex.Message, "RiverFlow2D", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                //Save variables associated to control tags:
                AddVariable("RAINEVAPZONES_VALUES", mainTable);
                //  Empty lines left intentionally

                if (warnings.Count > 0)
                    string warningsList = Universal.Idioma("WARNING 2003171725: The following rain/evaporation files do not exist: \n\n", "WARNING 2003171725: Los siguientes archivos no existen: \n\n");
                    for (int i = 0; i < warnings.Count; i++)
                        warningsList += "   ° " + warnings[i] + "\n";
                    warningsList += Universal.Idioma("\nDefault files were created.", "\nAchivos por defecto fueron creados.");
                    MessageBox.Show(warningsList, "RiverFlow2D", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                //Number of zones (groups) is negative => Rainfall/evaporation modelled from .RFC catalogue.
                //MessageBox.Show("Rainfall/Evaporation will be modelled from .RFC catalogue.", "RiverFlow2D", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
예제 #6
        //Load .SOURCES data from file
        public virtual void Load(string SOURCESFileName)
            StreamReader SOURCESFile = File.OpenText(SOURCESFileName);
            var          warnings    = new List <string>();

            int    index           = SOURCESFileName.LastIndexOf("\\", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            string SOURCESFilePath = SOURCESFileName.Remove(index);

            //Number of sources groups in .SOURCES file:
            string nGroups        = SOURCESFile.ReadLine();
            int    numberOfGroups = Convert.ToInt32(nGroups);

            AddVariable("NUMBER_OF_SOURCES", numberOfGroups);

            //Reset data structs to store .LRAIN data in local memory:
            var mainTable = new List <string[]>();


            //(Code space for individual variables)

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfGroups; ++i)
            { //Read all rest of data from .SOURCES file....
                { string secondaryTableFileName;
                  //  Empty lines left intentionally
                  //Source name:
                  string sourceName = SOURCESFile.ReadLine().Trim();
                  //Source type:
                  string sourceType = SOURCESFile.ReadLine().Trim();
                  if (!int.TryParse(sourceType, out int intType))
                      // Expecting an integer. Maybe it is version previous to 2018.
                      secondaryTableFileName = sourceType;
                      sourceType             = "1";
                      //Secondary table file name:
                      secondaryTableFileName = SOURCESFile.ReadLine().Trim();

                  //X Y:
                  string   xy    = SOURCESFile.ReadLine().Trim();
                  string[] split = xy.Split(new[] { ' ', '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                  string   X     = split[0];
                  string   Y     = split[1];

                  //Create this group from data just read:
                  var group = new SOURCES();
                  group.SourceName        = sourceName;
                  group.SourceType        = sourceType;
                  group.SecondaryFileName = secondaryTableFileName;
                  group.XY = xy;

                  //Store data of this zone:

                  //Store in mainTable a row to be shown in zones table in DIP tab:
                  //(index, rain/evaporation hydrograph)
                  var row = new string[5];
                  row[0] = sourceName;
                  row[1] = sourceType;
                  row[2] = secondaryTableFileName;
                  row[3] = X;
                  row[4] = Y;


                  //Potential new sources group (secundary dependant table). Sources data  (time, Elevations, Concentrations (various)) is
                  // stored in a file whose name could be repeated in the .SOURCES file for another group. Only one copy of the file contents is
                  //stored in memory in SecondaryGroups structure. If modified, only that copy is changed. It is permanently stored when
                  //the user clicks "Save .SOURCES".

                  Universal.LoadSecondaryTable("SOURCES", SOURCESFilePath + "\\" + secondaryTableFileName, ref warnings); }
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(Universal.Idioma("ERROR 0208171811: error while proccessing  ", "ERROR 0208171811: error procesando  ") +
                                    SOURCESFileName + ". " +
                                    Environment.NewLine + ex.Message, "RiverFlow2D", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);


            //Save variables associated to control tags:
            AddVariable("SOURCES_VALUES", mainTable);
            //  Empty lines left intentionally

            if (warnings.Count > 0)
                string warningsList = Universal.Idioma("WARNING 0208171813: The following sources files do not exist: \n\n", "WARNING 0208171813: Los siguientes archivos no existen: \n\n");
                for (int i = 0; i < warnings.Count; i++)
                    warningsList += "   ° " + warnings[i] + "\n";
                warningsList += Universal.Idioma("\nDefault files were created.", "\nAchivos por defecto fueron creados.");
                MessageBox.Show(warningsList, "RiverFlow2D", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);