         * This method handles the next command in the pcb. It loads the
         * process into a new page table, then it loads it into memory.
         * If it is a halt command, it removes the process from memory
         * and the page tablefrom the list of page tables.
         * Returns a -1 if it is at the end of the pcb otherwise it returns
         * the number of commands left.
        public int Next()
            if (pcb.Count < 1)
            // remove the next command and place into c
            Command c = pcb[0];

            //previousPcb.Insert(0, pcb[0]);
            //previousFreeFrames.Insert(0, freeFrames);

            // check if it is a halt command or not
            if (c.TextSize >= 0)
                //previousPageTables.Insert(0, pageTable);
                //previousMemory.Insert(0, memory);

                // create a new page table for the new process
                PageTable pt = new PageTable(c);

                // load the page into memory
            else // it was a halt command
                // loops through all memory frames and if it contains the process
                // that is being halted, remove it from memory
                for (int x = 0; x <= 7; x++)
                    if (memory[x] != null && memory[x].ProcessID == c.ProcessID)
                        memory[x] = null;
                        // add that frame to the free frames list
                // loops through page tables and remove the page table that is for the
                // halting process
                for (int i = pageTable.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (pageTable[i].ProcessID == c.ProcessID)
        //public int Previous()
        //    pcb.Insert(0, previousPcb[0]);
        //    previousPcb.RemoveAt(0);
        //    memory = previousMemory[0];
        //    previousMemory.RemoveAt(0);
        //    pageTable = previousPageTables[0];
        //    previousPageTables.RemoveAt(0);
        //    freeFrames = previousFreeFrames[0];
        //    previousFreeFrames.RemoveAt(0);
        //    return previousPcb.Count;

         * This method takes a page table and loads it into memory.

        private void LoadIntoMemory(PageTable pt)
            MFrame mf;

            // loops through page table and adds each page to the next available frame
            // in memory
            foreach (ProcessPage p in pt.Pages)
                mf = new MFrame(p);

                // grab the next free frame
                int freeFrame = freeFrames[0];

                // set the page tabels frame value to the frame its being placed in
                p.FrameNumber = freeFrame;

                // set the frame value of the frame
                mf.FrameNumber = freeFrame;

                // place frame into memory in the free frame
                memory[freeFrame] = mf;