public GiftGiverSituation(Service service, Lot lot, Sim worker, int cost) : base(service, lot, worker, cost) { GiftGiverSituation.debugMessage("situation instantiated"); worker.AssignRole(this); this.Worker.Autonomy.Motives.MaxEverything(); this.Worker.Autonomy.Motives.FreezeDecayEverythingExcept(new CommodityKind[0]); this.Worker.Autonomy.AllowedToRunMetaAutonomy = false; this.Worker.Autonomy.IncrementAutonomyDisabled(); //what the heck does that do? VOV base.SetState(new GiftGiverSituation.RouteToLot(this)); //Should be using inherited walk to lot so that he doesn't driver there instead. base.ScheduleSwitchWorkerToServiceOutfit(); }
public void spawnGifts(int numberOfSims) //maybe in the future make it based on age, tunable variable for whether all age groups are okay or not. { IGameObject gift; float xOffset = 1f; for (int n = 0; n < numberOfSims; n++) { gift = GlobalFunctions.CreateObjectOutOfWorld("giftgiverbox"); //make random later. Vector3 objPosition = base.Target.Position; Vector3 giftPosition = new Vector3(objPosition.x + xOffset, objPosition.y, objPosition.z); gift.AddToWorld(); gift.SetPosition(giftPosition); GiftGiverSituation.debugMessage("Gift Position" + gift.Position + "santa object position" + this.Target.Position); xOffset += 0.7f; } }