public StickyNote(ApplicationController _app, StickyNote _creator) { InitializeComponent(); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true); app = _app; creator = _creator; }
public void begin() { if (Properties.Settings.Default.firstrun == true) { // If this is the first time ever the application is being launched. Properties.Settings.Default.firstrun = false; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); app.Main = new MainWindow(2,true,app); if (app.Notelist.Count == 0) { // Nothing stored in XML File StickyNote note = new StickyNote(app, null); app.Notelist.Add(note); app.Xml.addRecord(note); note.Location = new Point(50, 50); note.Show(); } } else { // Read locally stored XML file and fill notelist Array app.Main = new MainWindow(0, Properties.Settings.Default.showmain, app); loadLocalContent(); if (app.Notelist.Count == 0) { // Nothing stored in XML File StickyNote note = new StickyNote(app, null); app.Notelist.Add(note); app.Xml.addRecord(note); note.Location = new Point(190, 210); note.Show(); } } }
public StickyNote(String _key, String _created, String _modified, String _text, int _show, int _width, int _height, int _font, int _color, Point _p, ApplicationController _app, StickyNote _creator) { InitializeComponent(); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true); app = _app; creator = _creator; key = _key; NoteTextBox.Text = _text; created = _created; modified = _modified; this.Width = _width; this.Height = _height; this.Location = _p; // setFont(); // setColor(); }
public void addRecord(StickyNote note) { try { //addDoc = new XmlDocument(); //addDoc.Load(document); //Select main node XmlElement root = activeDocument.DocumentElement; XmlElement new_record = activeDocument.CreateElement("note"); new_record.InnerXml = "<key>" + note.Key + "</key>" + "<show>" + note.NoteShow + "</show>" + "<created>" + note.NoteCreated + "</created>" + "<modified>" + note.Modified + "</modified>" + "<text>" + note.Content + "</text>" + "<topleft>" + Convert.ToString(note.Location.X) + "," + Convert.ToString(note.Location.Y) + "</topleft>" + "<width>" + Convert.ToString(note.Width) + "</width>" + "<height>" + Convert.ToString(note.Height) + "</height>" + "<font>" + Convert.ToString(note.NoteFont) + "</font>" + "<color>" + Convert.ToString(note.NoteColor) + "</color>"; root.AppendChild(new_record); activeDocument.PreserveWhitespace = false; activeDocument.Save(document); //addDoc = null; } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine("Error in Add: " + e.Message); } }
private void AddNoteButton_Click(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { StickyNote newNote = new StickyNote(app, this); Screen screen = Screen.FromControl(this); Rectangle workingArea = screen.WorkingArea; int workingAreaHalf_X = screen.WorkingArea.Width / 2; int workingAreaMax_Y = screen.WorkingArea.Height; newX = this.Location.X + this.Width + (newCount * 10); newY = this.Location.Y + ((newCount-1) * 10); if ((newY +183) > workingAreaMax_Y) { newY = this.Location.Y; newX = this.Location.X + this.Width + (newCount * 10); if (newX > workingAreaHalf_X) { newX = this.Location.X - this.Width - (newCount * 10); } } if (newX > workingAreaHalf_X) { newX = this.Location.X - this.Width - (newCount * 10); } newCount++; newNote.Location = new Point(newX, newY); app.Notelist.Add(newNote); //sync to simplenote to get key, modified, etc. app.Xml.addRecord(newNote); newNote.Show(); }
private void newNoteButton_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { StickyNote newNote; try { if (app.Notelist.Count > 0) { newNote = app.Notelist[app.Notelist.Count - 1]; if (newNote != null) { newNote.spawnNewNote(); } } else { newNote = new StickyNote(app, null); app.Notelist.Add(newNote); newNote.Location = new Point(190, 210); newNote.Show(); } } catch (Exception errorCreatingNewNote) { System.Console.WriteLine(errorCreatingNewNote.Message); } }
public void Read(List<StickyNote> notelist) { try { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(document)) { // create new XML file here XmlTextWriter textWritter = new XmlTextWriter(document, null); textWritter.WriteStartDocument(); textWritter.WriteStartElement("notelist"); textWritter.WriteEndElement(); textWritter.Close(); } else { xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(document); loading = true; while (xmlReader.Read()) { switch (xmlReader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: // The node is an element. if (xmlReader.Name == "key") { key = xmlReader.ReadString(); } if (xmlReader.Name == "created") { created = xmlReader.ReadString(); } if (xmlReader.Name == "modified") { modified = xmlReader.ReadString(); } if (xmlReader.Name == "text") { text = xmlReader.ReadString(); } if (xmlReader.Name == "show") { show = Convert.ToInt32(xmlReader.ReadString()); } if (xmlReader.Name == "topleft") { String[] temp = xmlReader.ReadString().Split(new char[] { ',' }); topleft = new Point(Convert.ToInt32(temp[0]), Convert.ToInt32(temp[1])); } if (xmlReader.Name == "width") { width = Convert.ToInt32(xmlReader.ReadString()); } if (xmlReader.Name == "height") { height = Convert.ToInt32(xmlReader.ReadString()); } if (xmlReader.Name == "font") { font = Convert.ToInt32(xmlReader.ReadString()); } if (xmlReader.Name == "color") { color = Convert.ToInt32(xmlReader.ReadString()); } break; case XmlNodeType.EndElement: if (xmlReader.Name == "note") { // Create a new Stickynote and insert it into the notelist note = new StickyNote(key, created, modified, text, show, width, height, font, color, topleft, app, null); app.Notelist.Add(note); note.Show(); } break; } } loading = false; xmlReader.Close(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine("ERROR in XMLREAD: " + e.Message); } }
public void updateRecord(StickyNote note) { try { //updateDoc = new XmlDocument(); //updateDoc.Load(document); XmlNode old_record; XmlElement root = activeDocument.DocumentElement; old_record = root.SelectSingleNode("/notelist/note[key='" + note.Key + "']"); XmlElement new_record = activeDocument.CreateElement("note"); new_record.InnerXml = "<key>" + note.Key + "</key>" + "<show>" + note.NoteShow + "</show>" + "<created>" + note.NoteCreated + "</created>" + "<modified>" + note.Modified + "</modified>" + "<text>" + note.Content + "</text>" + "<topleft>" + Convert.ToString(note.Location.X) + "," + Convert.ToString(note.Location.Y) + "</topleft>" + "<width>" + Convert.ToString(note.Width) + "</width>" + "<height>" + Convert.ToString(note.Height) + "</height>" + "<font>" + Convert.ToString(note.NoteFont) + "</font>" + "<color>" + Convert.ToString(note.NoteColor) + "</color>"; root.ReplaceChild(new_record, old_record); activeDocument.PreserveWhitespace = false; activeDocument.Save(document); //activeDocument = null; } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine("Error in Update: " + e.Message); } }