예제 #1
        private HomogeneousM neck2headKinectMatrix()
            HomogeneousM neck2HeadKinect;

            double headPan  = head.Pan;
            double headTilt = head.Tilt;

            HomogeneousM neckPan2Tilt;
            HomogeneousM tilt2xTraslation;
            HomogeneousM xTraslation2zTraslation;

            // Neck to Head Pan
            neckPan2Tilt = new HomogeneousM(headPan, 0.112, 0.0, MathUtil.PiOver2);
            // Head Tilt to Traslation in X ROBOT axis
            tilt2xTraslation = new HomogeneousM(headTilt, 0, 0.0337, -MathUtil.PiOver2);
            // X Traslation to Traslation in -Z ROBOT axis
            xTraslation2zTraslation = new HomogeneousM(-MathUtil.PiOver2, 0.052, 0, -MathUtil.PiOver2);
            return(neck2HeadKinect = new HomogeneousM(neckPan2Tilt.Matrix * tilt2xTraslation.Matrix * xTraslation2zTraslation.Matrix));

            //HomogeneousM transNeckToServo = new HomogeneousM(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.112);
            //HomogeneousM rotations = new HomogeneousM(headPan, headTilt, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            //HomogeneousM transServoToKnct = new HomogeneousM(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0337, 0.0, 0.052);
            //HomogeneousM rotToKnctRef = new HomogeneousM(-MathUtil.PiOver2, 0.0, -MathUtil.PiOver2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            //neck2HeadKinect = new HomogeneousM( transNeckToServo.Matrix *
            //                                    rotations.Matrix *
            //                                    transServoToKnct.Matrix *
            //                                    rotToKnctRef.Matrix);

예제 #2
        public Vector3 TransRobot2LeftArm(Vector3 vector)
            HomogeneousM leftArm2neck = new HomogeneousM(neck2LeftArmMatrix().Inverse);
            HomogeneousM neck2robot   = new HomogeneousM(robot2neckMatrix().Inverse);

            HomogeneousM arm2robot = new HomogeneousM(leftArm2neck.Matrix * neck2robot.Matrix);

예제 #3
        private HomogeneousM neck2LeftArmMatrix()
            HomogeneousM neck2leftArmMatrix;
            HomogeneousM translation = new HomogeneousM(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.045, 0.213, -0.117);
            HomogeneousM rotation    = new HomogeneousM(0.0, MathUtil.PiOver2, MathUtil.PiOver2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            neck2leftArmMatrix = new HomogeneousM(translation.Matrix * rotation.Matrix);
예제 #4
        private HomogeneousM neck2chestKinectMatrix()
            HomogeneousM neck2ChestKinect;
            HomogeneousM xTranslation;
            HomogeneousM zTranslation;

            // Only translation in X and -Z robot axis
            //xzTranslation = new HomogeneousM(0, -0.08175, 0.0479, 0);

            xTranslation = new HomogeneousM(0, 0, 0.0479, 0);
            zTranslation = new HomogeneousM(MathUtil.PiOver2, -0.08175, 0, MathUtil.PiOver2);

            return(neck2ChestKinect = new HomogeneousM(xTranslation.Matrix * zTranslation.Matrix));
예제 #5
        private HomogeneousM neck2chestKinectMatrix()
            HomogeneousM neck2ChestKinect;

            double angle = MathUtil.ToRadians(56);

            HomogeneousM neck2rot         = new HomogeneousM(0.0, -0.02, 0.05, MathUtil.PiOver2);
            HomogeneousM rot2edgeKnct     = new HomogeneousM(-angle, 0.0, 0.09, -MathUtil.PiOver2);
            HomogeneousM edgeKnct2refKnct = new HomogeneousM(-MathUtil.PiOver2, 0.0, 0.0, -MathUtil.PiOver2);

            neck2ChestKinect = new HomogeneousM(neck2rot.Matrix * rot2edgeKnct.Matrix * edgeKnct2refKnct.Matrix);

예제 #6
        private HomogeneousM neck2LeftArmMatrix()
            HomogeneousM neck2leftArmMatrix;

            HomogeneousM translationY;
            HomogeneousM translationX;
            HomogeneousM translationZ;

            translationY = new HomogeneousM(MathUtil.PiOver2, 0, 0.175, MathUtil.PiOver2);
            translationX = new HomogeneousM(-MathUtil.PiOver2, -0.027, 0, MathUtil.PiOver2);
            translationZ = new HomogeneousM(0, 0, 0.0974, 0);

            neck2leftArmMatrix = new HomogeneousM(translationY.Matrix * translationX.Matrix * translationZ.Matrix);

예제 #7
        private HomogeneousM robot2neckMatrix()
            HomogeneousM robot2neck;

            HomogeneousM robot2torso;
            HomogeneousM torso2neck;

            double torsoElevation = this.torso.Elevation;
            double torsoPan       = this.torso.Pan;

            // robot to torso transf ( traslation to star)
            robot2torso = new HomogeneousM(0, 0.4165, -0.11085, 0);
            // torso to neck ( torso pan , torso elevation, traslation )
            torso2neck = new HomogeneousM(torsoPan, torsoElevation + .34195 + .04, .14125, 0);

            return(robot2neck = new HomogeneousM(robot2torso.Matrix * torso2neck.Matrix));
예제 #8
        private HomogeneousM robot2neckMatrix()
            HomogeneousM robot2neck;

            HomogeneousM robot2torso;
            HomogeneousM torso2neck;

            double torsoElevation = this.torso.Elevation;
            double torsoPan       = this.torso.Pan;

            // -0.107 in X .- wheel To center of the post
            //  0.283 in Z .- floor to base of the post
            robot2torso = new HomogeneousM(0, 0.283, -0.107, 0);

            torsoElevation = 0.936;             // base of the post to Neck
            torsoPan       = 0.0;
            torso2neck     = new HomogeneousM(torsoPan, torsoElevation, 0.0, 0);

            return(robot2neck = new HomogeneousM(robot2torso.Matrix * torso2neck.Matrix));
예제 #9
        private HomogeneousM neck2headKinectMatrix()
            HomogeneousM neck2HeadKinect;

            HomogeneousM neckPan2Tilt;
            HomogeneousM tilt2xTraslation;
            HomogeneousM xTraslation2zTraslation;

            double headPan  = head.Pan;
            double headTilt = head.Tilt;

            // Neck to Head Pan
            neckPan2Tilt = new HomogeneousM(headPan, .25975, .0417, MathUtil.PiOver2);

            // Head Tilt to Traslation in X ROBOT axis
            tilt2xTraslation = new HomogeneousM(headTilt, 0, 0.0321, -MathUtil.PiOver2);

            // X Traslation to Traslation in -Z ROBOT axis
            xTraslation2zTraslation = new HomogeneousM(-MathUtil.PiOver2, 0.0688, 0, -MathUtil.PiOver2);

            return(neck2HeadKinect = new HomogeneousM(neckPan2Tilt.Matrix * tilt2xTraslation.Matrix * xTraslation2zTraslation.Matrix));
예제 #10
        private HomogeneousM neck2minoruMatrix()
            HomogeneousM neck2minoru;

            HomogeneousM neckPan2Tilt;
            HomogeneousM tilt2xTraslation;
            HomogeneousM xTraslation2zTraslation;

            double headPan  = this.head.Pan;
            double headTilt = this.head.Tilt;

            // Neck to Head Pan
            neckPan2Tilt = new HomogeneousM(headPan, .25975, .0417, MathUtil.PiOver2);

            // Head Tilt to Traslation in X ROBOT axis
            tilt2xTraslation = new HomogeneousM(headTilt, 0, .08135, -MathUtil.PiOver2);

            // X Traslation to Traslation in -Z ROBOT axis
            xTraslation2zTraslation = new HomogeneousM(0, -0.0145, 0, 0);

            return(neck2minoru = new HomogeneousM(neckPan2Tilt.Matrix * tilt2xTraslation.Matrix * xTraslation2zTraslation.Matrix));
예제 #11
        private HomogeneousM robot2chestKinectMatrix()
            HomogeneousM robot2chestNeck = new HomogeneousM(this.robot2neckMatrix().Matrix *neck2chestKinectMatrix().Matrix);

예제 #12
        public Vector3 TransHeadKinect2Robot(Vector3 vector)
            HomogeneousM robot2HeadkinectMatrix = new HomogeneousM(robot2neckMatrix().Matrix *neck2headKinectMatrix().Matrix);

예제 #13
        public Vector3 TransLeftArm2Robot(Vector3 vector)
            HomogeneousM robot2leftArm = new HomogeneousM(robot2neckMatrix().Matrix *neck2LeftArmMatrix().Matrix);

예제 #14
        public Vector3 TransMinoru2Robot(Vector3 vector)
            HomogeneousM robot2minoruMatrix = new HomogeneousM(robot2neckMatrix().Matrix *neck2minoruMatrix().Matrix);

            return(new Vector3(robot2minoruMatrix.Transform(vector)));
예제 #15
        public Vector3 TransChestKinect2Robot(Vector3 vector)
            HomogeneousM chestKinect2robot = new HomogeneousM(robot2neckMatrix().Matrix *neck2chestKinectMatrix().Matrix);

            return(new Vector3(chestKinect2robot.Transform(vector)));
예제 #16
        public Vector3 TransRobot2Neck(Vector3 vector)
            HomogeneousM neck2robotMatrix = new HomogeneousM(robot2neckMatrix().Inverse);

            return(new Vector3(neck2robotMatrix.Transform(vector)));