public void TestNormalCase()
            SampleFrameDisplayerImpl displayer
                = new SampleFrameDisplayerImpl(mockDrawer.Object, 10, 3);
            ushort[] samples = new ushort[21];
            for(int i = 0; i < 21; i++)
                samples[i] = (ushort)(i * 2);

            mockDrawer.Setup(x => x.getCanvasWidth()).Returns(31);
            displayer.DisplaySampleFrameFromStartIndex(10, 21, samples);

            List<LineCoordinates> expectedLines = new List<LineCoordinates>();
            // Test that all of the expected lines got called to be drawn
            for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                int expX1 = i * 3;
                int expY1 = samples[i + 10];
                int expX2 = i * 3 + 3;
                int expY2 = samples[i + 11];
                LineCoordinates expectedLine = CreateLineCoordinates(expX1, expY1, expX2, expY2);
            // The canvas should be cleared every time before drawing
            mockDrawer.Verify(x => x.drawLinesOnOscope(It.Is<List<LineCoordinates>>(
                lines => ListOfLineCoordinatesStructsEqual(lines, expectedLines))), Times.Once);
        public void TestSpacingOfTwo()
            Mock<OscopeWindowClient> mockDrawer = new Mock<OscopeWindowClient>();
            SampleFrameDisplayerImpl displayer
                = new SampleFrameDisplayerImpl(mockDrawer.Object, 10, 2);
            ushort[] samples = new ushort[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };

            mockDrawer.Setup(x => x.getCanvasWidth()).Returns(4);
            displayer.DisplaySampleFrameFromStartIndex(1, 4, samples);

            List<LineCoordinates> expLines = new List<LineCoordinates>();
            expLines.Add(CreateLineCoordinates(0, 1, 2, 2));
            expLines.Add(CreateLineCoordinates(2, 2, 4, 3));

            mockDrawer.Verify(x => x.drawLinesOnOscope(It.Is<List<LineCoordinates>>
                (lines => ListOfLineCoordinatesStructsEqual(lines, expLines)))
                , Times.Once);
        public void testNumSamplesAvailableLessThanNumSamplesToDisplay()
            Mock<OscopeWindowClient> mockDrawer = new Mock<OscopeWindowClient>();
            SampleFrameDisplayerImpl displayer
                = new SampleFrameDisplayerImpl(mockDrawer.Object, 10, 3);
            ushort[] samples = new ushort[21];
            for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++)
                samples[i] = (ushort)(i * 2);

            mockDrawer.Setup(x => x.getCanvasWidth()).Returns(20);

            // calling display samples with a start of 11 and 21 total, so 10 samples available.
            displayer.DisplaySampleFrameFromStartIndex(11, 21, samples);
        public void testSpacingTimesNumSamplesToDisplayNotEnoughToCoverCanvas()
            Mock<OscopeWindowClient> mockDrawer = new Mock<OscopeWindowClient>();
            SampleFrameDisplayerImpl displayer
                = new SampleFrameDisplayerImpl(mockDrawer.Object, 10, 3);
            ushort[] samples = new ushort[21];
            for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++)
                samples[i] = (ushort)(i * 2);

            // Setting canvas width to 17. The line beginning at 15 and going to 18 should
            // still be drawn though.
            mockDrawer.Setup(x => x.getCanvasWidth()).Returns(32);

            displayer.DisplaySampleFrameFromStartIndex(10, 21, samples);
        public void testSpacingTimesNumSamplesToDisplayGreatherThanCanvasWidth()
            Mock<OscopeWindowClient> mockDrawer = new Mock<OscopeWindowClient>();
            SampleFrameDisplayerImpl displayer
                = new SampleFrameDisplayerImpl(mockDrawer.Object, 10, 3);
            ushort[] samples = new ushort[21];
            for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++)
                samples[i] = (ushort)(i * 2);

            // Setting canvas width to 17. The line beginning at 15 and going to 18 should
            // still be drawn though.
            mockDrawer.Setup(x => x.getCanvasWidth()).Returns(17);
            displayer.DisplaySampleFrameFromStartIndex(10, 21, samples);

            // The canvas should be cleared every time before drawing
            List<LineCoordinates> expLines = new List<LineCoordinates>();

            // Test that all of the expected lines got called to be drawn
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                int expX1 = i * 3;
                int expY1 = samples[i + 10];
                int expX2 = i * 3 + 3;
                int expY2 = samples[i + 11];
                expLines.Add(CreateLineCoordinates(expX1, expY1, expX2, expY2));

            mockDrawer.Verify(x => x.drawLinesOnOscope(It.Is<List<LineCoordinates>>
                (lines => ListOfLineCoordinatesStructsEqual(lines, expLines)))
                , Times.Once);