예제 #1
 private static ContainerControlledItem[] GetClosedGenericImplementationsFor(
     Type closedGenericServiceType, IEnumerable <ContainerControlledItem> containerControlledItems)
                from item in containerControlledItems
                let openGenericImplementation = item.ImplementationType
                                                let builder = new GenericTypeBuilder(closedGenericServiceType, openGenericImplementation)
                                                              let result = builder.BuildClosedGenericImplementation()
                                                                           where result.ClosedServiceTypeSatisfiesAllTypeConstraints
                                                                           select item.Registration != null
             ? item
             : ContainerControlledItem.CreateFromType(
                    openGenericImplementation, result.ClosedGenericImplementation !))
 internal override void AddControlledRegistrations(Type serviceType,
     ContainerControlledItem[] registrations, bool append)
     if (append)
         throw new NotSupportedException(
         throw new NotSupportedException(
                 controlled: true));
예제 #3
        private InstanceProducer CreateNewExternalProducer(ContainerControlledItem item)
            if (!Types.IsConcreteConstructableType(item.ImplementationType))
                throw new ActivationException(
                              serviceType: typeof(TService),
                              registeredType: item.RegisteredImplementationType,
                              foundAbstractType: item.ImplementationType));

            Lifestyle lifestyle = this.container.SelectionBasedLifestyle;

            // This producer will be automatically registered as external producer.
            return(lifestyle.CreateProducer(typeof(TService), item.ImplementationType, this.container));
예제 #4
        // Note that the 'implementationType' could in fact be a service type as well and it is allowed
        // for the implementationType to equal TService. This will happen when someone does the following:
        // container.Collections.Register<ILogger>(typeof(ILogger));
        private InstanceProducer GetOrCreateInstanceProducer(ContainerControlledItem item)
            Type implementationType = item.ImplementationType;

            // If the implementationType is explicitly registered (using a Register call) we select this
            // producer (but we skip any implicit registrations or anything that is assignable, since
            // there could be more than one and it would be unclear which one to pick).
            InstanceProducer?producer = this.GetExplicitRegisteredInstanceProducer(implementationType);

            // If that doesn't result in a producer, we request a registration using unregistered type
            // resolution, were we prevent concrete types from being created by the container, since
            // the creation of concrete type would 'pollute' the list of registrations, and might result
            // in two registrations (since below we need to create a new instance producer out of it),
            // and that might cause duplicate diagnostic warnings.
            if (producer == null)
                producer = this.GetInstanceProducerThroughUnregisteredTypeResolution(implementationType);

            // If that still hasn't resulted in a producer, we create a new producer and return (or throw
            // an exception in case the implementation type is not a concrete type).
            if (producer == null)

            // If there is such a producer registered we return a new one with the service type.
            // This producer will be automatically registered as external producer.
            if (producer.ServiceType == typeof(TService))

            return(new InstanceProducer(typeof(TService),
                                        new ExpressionRegistration(producer.BuildExpression(), this.container)));
 private Lazy <InstanceProducer> ToLazyInstanceProducer(ContainerControlledItem registration) =>
 registration.Registration != null
         ? ToLazyInstanceProducer(registration.Registration)
         : this.ToLazyInstanceProducer(registration.ImplementationType);
 void IContainerControlledCollection.Append(ContainerControlledItem registration)
예제 #7
 internal abstract void AddControlledRegistrations(Type serviceType, 
     ContainerControlledItem[] registrations, bool append);
예제 #8
 internal static RegistrationGroup CreateForControlledItems(Type serviceType,
     ContainerControlledItem[] registrations, bool appended) => 
     new RegistrationGroup
         ServiceType = serviceType,
         ControlledItems = registrations,
         Appended = appended
예제 #9
 private LazyEx <InstanceProducer> ToLazyInstanceProducer(ContainerControlledItem item) =>
 item.Registration != null
         ? ToLazyInstanceProducer(item.Registration)
         : new LazyEx <InstanceProducer>(() => this.GetOrCreateInstanceProducer(item));
예제 #10
 void IContainerControlledCollection.Append(ContainerControlledItem item)
 internal override void AddControlledRegistrations(Type serviceType,
     ContainerControlledItem[] registrations, bool append)
     var group = RegistrationGroup.CreateForControlledItems(serviceType, registrations, append);