public static void GenerateInfoXML(string activeFolderText, Mod mod) { // Creates info.xml from user input. XDocument info = new XDocument( new XDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-16", null), new XElement("fomod", new XElement("Name", mod.ModName), new XElement("Author", mod.Author), new XElement("Version", mod.Version), new XElement("Website", mod.URL), new XElement("Groups", new XElement("element", mod.Category) ) ) ); // Saves the generated info.xml to the created fomod folder in the active directory. info.Save(activeFolderText + @"\fomod\" + @"\info.xml"); }
public static void GenerateModuleConfigXML(string activeFolderText, Mod mod) { // Creates the container to be inserted into moduleconfigXML XDoc. XElement xmlChunk = new XElement("optionalFileGroups", new XAttribute("order", "Explicit")); // XML Generation for the entirety of the dynamic part of the ModuleConfig.XML file - Absolute spaghetti mess, but it works perfectly. foreach (var group in mod.Groups) { XElement tempGroup = new XElement("group", new XAttribute("name", group.GroupName), new XAttribute("type", group.Type)); XElement tempGroupContainer = new XElement("plugins", new XAttribute("order", "Explicit")); foreach (var module in group.Modules) { XElement tempModule = new XElement("plugin", new XAttribute("name", module.ModuleName)); if (module.Description != null) { tempModule.Add(new XElement("description", module.Description)); } else { tempModule.Add(new XElement("description", "")); } if (module.RelativeImagePath != null) { tempModule.Add(new XElement("image", new XAttribute("path", module.RelativeImagePath))); } XElement tempModuleFiles = new XElement("files"); tempModule.Add(tempModuleFiles); tempModule.Add(new XElement("typeDescriptor", new XElement("type", new XAttribute("name", "Optional")))); foreach (var file in module.Files) { XElement tempFiles; if (file.FileName.Contains(@"\")) { string cleanFileName = file.FileName.Remove(0, file.FileName.IndexOf(@"\")+1); tempFiles = new XElement("file", new XAttribute("source", group.GroupName + @"\" + module.ModuleName + @"\" + cleanFileName)); } else { tempFiles = new XElement("file", new XAttribute("source", group.GroupName + @"\" + module.ModuleName + @"\" + file.FileName)); } if(file.Destination != null) { if (file.FileName.Contains(@"\")) { string cleanFileName = file.FileName.Remove(0, file.FileName.IndexOf(@"\")+1); tempFiles.Add(new XAttribute("destination", file.Destination + @"\" + cleanFileName)); } else { tempFiles.Add(new XAttribute("destination", file.Destination + @"\" + file.FileName)); } } else { if (file.FileName.Contains(@"\")) { string cleanFileName = file.FileName.Remove(0, file.FileName.IndexOf(@"\")+1); tempFiles.Add(new XAttribute("destination", cleanFileName)); } else { tempFiles.Add(new XAttribute("destination", file.FileName)); } } tempModuleFiles.Add(tempFiles); } tempGroupContainer.Add(tempModule); } tempGroup.Add(tempGroupContainer); xmlChunk.Add(tempGroup); } // XML Writer Settings XmlWriterSettings xws = new XmlWriterSettings(); xws.OmitXmlDeclaration = true; xws.Indent = true; // Creates the XML file and opens a stream. string moduleconfigxml = activeFolderText + @"\fomod\" + "ModuleConfig.xml"; using (var stream = File.Create(moduleconfigxml)) using (XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(stream, xws)) { XNamespace xsi = ""; // Creates moduleConfig.xml and writes it to the existing fomodfolder. XDocument ModuleConfig = new XDocument( new XComment("Created With SimpleFOMOD - [NexusMods URL]"), new XElement("config", new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "xsi", ""), new XAttribute(xsi + "noNamespaceSchemaLocation", ""), new XElement("moduleName", mod.ModName), new XElement("installSteps", new XAttribute("order", "Explicit"), new XElement("installStep", new XAttribute("name", "Custom"), xmlChunk // Inserts the huge chunk of XML I just spent a bunch of time making and I hope it f*****g works or I'll just shoot myself now. ) ) ) ); ModuleConfig.Save(xw); } }
// Create the \fomod\images directory in the activeFolder if they don't already exist. public static void fileManipulation(string activeFolder, Mod mod) { // Checks if "\fomod" exists within the active directory. If not, create it. string fomodFolder = activeFolder + @"\fomod"; bool fomodExists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(fomodFolder); if (!fomodExists) { Directory.CreateDirectory(fomodFolder); } // Checks if "fomod\images" exists within the active directory. If not, create it. string imageFolder = fomodFolder + @"\images\"; bool imagesExists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(imageFolder); if (!imagesExists) { Directory.CreateDirectory(imageFolder); } // ---- Glorious working FileIO Method. Sets up the directory structure and copies files into the right place ---- // // Creates directory structures and moves files into respective folders. foreach (var group in mod.Groups) { // Creates a directory inside the activeDirectory for each group. string tempGroupFolder = activeFolder + @"\" + group.GroupName; bool tempGroupFolderExists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(tempGroupFolder); if (!tempGroupFolderExists) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tempGroupFolder); } // Creates subfolders in each group folder for all associated modules. foreach (var module in group.Modules) { string tempModuleFolder = tempGroupFolder + @"\" + module.ModuleName; bool tempModuleFolderExists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(tempModuleFolder); if (!tempModuleFolderExists) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tempModuleFolder); } // Copies the selected image to the "fomod\images" folder. if (module.LocalImagePath != null) { string currentImagePath = imageFolder + Path.GetFileName(module.LocalImagePath); // string duplicateImagePath = imageFolder + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(module.LocalImagePath) + "_" + module.ModuleName + Path.GetExtension(module.LocalImagePath); if (File.Exists(currentImagePath)) { // File.Copy(module.LocalImagePath, duplicateImagePath); } else { File.Copy(module.LocalImagePath, currentImagePath); } } // Moves all associated files into module folders. foreach (var file in module.Files) { string tempFileName = file.FileName; if (tempFileName.Contains(@"\")) { string tempCleanFileName = tempFileName.Remove(0, tempFileName.IndexOf(@"\")); File.Move(activeFolder + @"\" + tempFileName, tempModuleFolder + @"\" + tempCleanFileName); } else { File.Move(activeFolder + @"\" + tempFileName, tempModuleFolder + @"\" + tempFileName); } } } } }