public override async Task<Document> GetDocument(ParsedUri puri) { if (puri == null) { Debug.WriteLine("Error: empty URL provided."); return null; } var doc = await base.GetDocument(puri); if (doc == null) { try { var response = await HttpClient.GetAsync(new Uri(MetadataServiceUri, "metadata.json?url=" + puri.AbsoluteUri)); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { doc = this.MetadataTranslationScope.Deserialize(await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(), Format.Json) as Document; } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("failed to get document: {0}", e.Message); doc = null; } } return doc; }
public Channel(String pTitle, String pDescription, ParsedUri pLink, List<Item> pItems) { title = pTitle; description = pDescription; link = pLink; items = pItems; }
public PURLConnection(ParsedUri purl, HttpWebRequest request, Stream inputStream) { PURL = purl; Stream = inputStream; Request = request; Good = true; }
/// <summary> /// /// Encapsulate the oodss client requst in a simpler GetMetadata call. /// </summary> /// <param name="url"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task<Document> RequestMetadata(ParsedUri uri) { Document result = null; if (_metadataClient != null) { Debug.WriteLine("Performing asynchronous call"); ResponseMessage metadataResponse = _metadataClient.RequestAsync(new MetadataRequest(uri.ToString())).Result; Debug.WriteLine("Received asynchronous request "); if (metadataResponse != null && metadataResponse is MetadataResponse) { result = (metadataResponse as MetadataResponse).Metadata; } else if (metadataResponse != null && metadataResponse is SemanticServiceError) { (metadataResponse as SemanticServiceError).Perform(); } else throw new Exception(); } else { var requestUri = new ParsedUri(_serviceBaseUri, "?url=" + uri.AbsoluteUri); result = await _metadataTypeScope.DeserializeUri(requestUri, Format.Xml) as Document; } return result; }
public SemanticsSessionScope(SimplTypesScope metadataTranslationScope, string repoLocation, ParsedUri serviceUri, EventHandler<EventArgs> onCompleted) : base(metadataTranslationScope, repoLocation, onCompleted) { SemanticsSessionScope.Get = this; MetadataServiceUri = serviceUri; HttpClient = new HttpClient(); }
public WebViewParser(DocumentClosure closure) { _closure = closure; SemanticsSessionScope = closure.SemanticsSessionScope; _webView = SemanticsSessionScope.WebBrowserPool.Acquire(); _puri = closure.PURLConnection.ResponsePURL; _requestTimedOut = new DispatcherTimer() { Interval = EXTRACTION_TIMEOUT }; _requestTimedOut.Tick += ExtractionRequestTimedOut; }
public Item(String pTitle, String pDescription, ParsedUri pLink, String pGuid, String pAuthor, List<String> pCategorySet ) { title = pTitle; description = pDescription; link = pLink; guid = pGuid; author = pAuthor; categorySet = pCategorySet; }
public virtual async Task<Document> GetDocument(ParsedUri location) { if (location == null) return null; Document doc; GlobalDocumentCollection.TryGetDocument(location, out doc); return doc; }
private async void BtnGetMetadata_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // string serializedMetadata = UrlBox.Text; // Object o = RepositoryMetadataTranslationScope.Get().Deserialize(serializedMetadata, StringFormat.Xml); // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // SimplTypesScope.Serialize(o, sb, StringFormat.Xml); // String reserializedMetadatata = sb.ToString(); // Console.WriteLine(reserializedMetadatata); //Expander expander = new Expander(); //TextBox metadataXML = new TextBox { TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap, MinHeight = 100 }; //metadataXML.Text = reserializedMetadatata; string urls = UrlBox.Text; List<Task<Document>> extractionRequests = new List<Task<Document>>(); Dictionary<ParsedUri, DateTime> timeStamps = new Dictionary<ParsedUri, DateTime>(); foreach (var s in urls.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None)) { Console.WriteLine("Requesting async extraction of: " + s); ParsedUri puri = new ParsedUri(s); { Task<Document> t = _semanticsSessionScope.GetDocument(puri); timeStamps.Add(puri, DateTime.Now); //Alternate, if you want the document here: //Document doc = await _semanticsSessionScope.GetDocument(puri); extractionRequests.Add(t); } } while (extractionRequests.Count > 0) { Task<Document> completedTask = await Task.WhenAny(extractionRequests); extractionRequests.Remove(completedTask); Document parsedDoc = await completedTask; if (parsedDoc == null) continue; Expander expander = new Expander {Header = parsedDoc.Title}; TextBox metadataXML = new TextBox {TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap, MinHeight = 100}; var s = timeStamps[parsedDoc.Location.Value]; Console.WriteLine(" ---------------------------------- Time to complete: " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(s).TotalMilliseconds); metadataXML.Text = await Task.Run(() => SimplTypesScope.Serialize(parsedDoc, StringFormat.Xml)); expander.Content = metadataXML; MetadataTitleXMLContainer.Children.Add(expander); } }
public virtual async Task<Document> GetOrConstructDocument(ParsedUri location) { var doc = await GetDocument(location); if(doc == null) { doc = MetaMetadataRepository.ConstructDocument(location, false); if (doc != null) GlobalDocumentCollection.AddDocument(doc, location); } return doc; }
public MetadataServicesClient(SimplTypesScope metadatascope, SemanticsSessionScope semanticSessionScope, ParsedUri serviceUri, bool useWebSockets = false) { SimplTypesScope[] oodssAndMetadataScope = {metadatascope, DefaultServicesTranslations.Get()}; _metadataTypeScope = SimplTypesScope.Get("MetadataServicesTranslationScope", oodssAndMetadataScope, typeof (MetadataRequest), typeof (MetadataResponse), typeof (SemanticServiceError) ); _serviceBaseUri = serviceUri; if (useWebSockets) { _metadataClient = new WebSocketOODSSClient("", 2018, _metadataTypeScope, semanticSessionScope); _metadataClient.StartAsync(); } }
public static ImageClipping ConstructClipping(ParsedUri location, Document sourceDoc, IdeaMacheUser creator) { var imageClipping = new ImageClipping { Media = new Image { Location = new MetadataParsedURL(location) }, SourceDoc = sourceDoc, CreativeActs = new List<CreativeAct>(), }; imageClipping.CreativeActs.Add(new CreativeAct { Action = CreativeAct.CreativeAction.CurateClipping, Time = new MetadataDate(DateTime.UtcNow), Creator = creator }); return imageClipping; }
public ParsedUri Perform(ParsedUri input) { ParsedUri result = null; if (input != null && match != null) { String str = input.ToString(); Match matcher = match.Match(str); if (matcher.Success) { if (replace == null) replace = ""; Debug.WriteLine(matcher.Groups[0].Value + " " + matcher.Groups[1].Value); String rez = input.ToString().Replace(matcher.Groups[0].Value, replace); for (int i = 1; i < matcher.Groups.Count; i++) rez = rez.Replace("$" + i, matcher.Groups[i].Value); result = new ParsedUri(rez); } } return result; }
private async void ShowFeeds() { Feeds.Clear(); if (FeedURLs != null) { foreach (string url in FeedURLs.Split(new char[] { '\n', '\r' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { var puri = new ParsedUri(url); var parsedDoc = await _sessionScope.GetDocument(puri); var feedViewModels = FeedViewModelFactory.GetFeedViewModels(parsedDoc); foreach (var viewModel in feedViewModels) { Feeds.Add(viewModel); } this.NotifyPropertyChanged("Feeds"); } } }
/// <summary> /// /// /// </summary> /// <param name="baseUri"></param> /// <param name="uri"></param> public ParsedUri(ParsedUri baseUri, String uri) : base(baseUri, uri) { }
public async static Task<SemanticsSessionScope> InitAsync(SimplTypesScope metadataTranslationScope, string repoLocation, ParsedUri serviceUri) { var scope = await Task.Run(() => new SemanticsSessionScope(metadataTranslationScope, repoLocation, serviceUri, null)); return scope; }
public PURLConnection(ParsedUri purl) { PURL = purl; }
public override async Task<Document> GetOrConstructDocument(ParsedUri location) { Document doc = await base.GetOrConstructDocument(location); doc.SemanticsSessionScope = this; return doc; }
///<summary> /// Get the old location from this. /// Set the location of this to the newLocation. /// Add a mapping in the GlobalCollection from newLocation to this. /// Add the old location for this as an additionalLocation for this. ///</summary> public void ChangeLocation(ParsedUri newLocation) { if (newLocation != null) { MetadataParsedURL origLocation = Location; if (!origLocation.Value.Equals(newLocation)) { Location = new MetadataParsedURL(newLocation); if (SemanticsSessionScope != null) SemanticsSessionScope.GlobalDocumentCollection.AddDocument(this, newLocation); AddAdditionalLocation(origLocation); } } }
public string GetUriLeftPart(ParsedUri parsedUri) { var urlWithQuery = parsedUri.GetComponents(UriComponents.HttpRequestUrl, UriFormat.UriEscaped); var query = parsedUri.GetComponents(UriComponents.Query, UriFormat.UriEscaped); var index = urlWithQuery.IndexOf(query); string urlWithoutQuery = urlWithQuery; if (index != -1) { urlWithoutQuery = urlWithQuery.Remove(index); } return urlWithoutQuery; }
// throws IOException ///<summary> /// Extract location ParsedURL parameters into a HashMap. /// Let ParamOps operate on this Map. /// Derive a new ParsedURL using the base of the original location's ParsedURL and the transformed parameter map. /// If the new ParsedURL is different than the old one, make the old one an additional location for this, /// and add the transformed ParsedURL to the DocumentLocationMap. /// <p/> /// If the location changes, then reconnect to the new one. ///</summary> public override Object Perform(Object obj) { bool usingThisDoc = true; // if we are changing this document's location, or its child field's location Document document = (Document) SemanticOperationHandler.SemanticOperationVariableMap.Get(SemanticOperationKeyWords.Metadata); if (ObjectStr != null) { Object o = SemanticOperationHandler.SemanticOperationVariableMap.Get(ObjectStr); if (o != null && o is Document) { document = (Document) o; usingThisDoc = false; } } ParsedUri origLocation = document.Location.value; if (origLocation.IsFile) { Debug.WriteLine("Not doing <filter_location> because this is a file: " + origLocation); return null; } SemanticsGlobalCollection<Document> globalCollection = SemanticOperationHandler.SemanticsScope.GlobalDocumentCollection; bool locationChanged = false; if (paramOps != null && paramOps.Count > 0) { Dictionary<String, String> parametersMap = new Dictionary<string, string>(); foreach (String param in origLocation.Query.Split('&')) { parametersMap.Add(param.Split('=')[0], param.Split('=')[1]); } if (parametersMap.Count == 0) parametersMap = new Dictionary<string, string>(paramOps.Count); foreach (ParamOp paramOp in paramOps) { paramOp.SemanticHandler = SemanticOperationHandler; paramOp.TransformParams(parametersMap); } String str = origLocation.AbsolutePath + "?"; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in parametersMap) { str += pair.Key + "=" + pair.Value + "&"; } if (str[str.Length - 1] == '&') str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1); ParsedUri transformedLocation = new ParsedUri(str); if (origLocation != transformedLocation) { document.Location.Value = transformedLocation; locationChanged = true; } } if (alternativeHosts != null) { String origHost = origLocation.Host; foreach (String alternativeHost in alternativeHosts) { if (!origHost.Equals(alternativeHost)) { ParsedUri newLocation = new ParsedUri(origLocation.AbsoluteUri.Replace(origLocation.Host, alternativeHost)); document.AddAdditionalLocation(new MetadataParsedURL(newLocation)); globalCollection.AddDocument(document, newLocation); } } } if (regex != null) { ParsedUri location = document.Location.Value; ParsedUri regexURL = regex.Perform(location); document.ChangeLocation(regexURL); locationChanged = true; } if (stripPrefix != null) { String origlLocationString = origLocation.ToString(); int index = origlLocationString.IndexOf(stripPrefix); if (index > 6) { String newLocationString = origlLocationString.Substring(0, index); ParsedUri newLocation = new ParsedUri(newLocationString); if (newLocation != null) { document.ChangeLocation(newLocation); } } } if (locationChanged && usingThisDoc) // if we are just changing the location of a field, we don't have to reconnect. { if (documentParser != null) { //documentParser.reConnect(); // changed the location, so we better connect again! } else { //imageClosure.RequestMetadata(); } } return null; }
public async Task<object> DeserializeUri(ParsedUri uri, Format format = Format.Xml, TranslationContext context = null, IDeserializationHookStrategy deserializationHookStrategy = null) { object result = null; var request = WebRequest.Create(uri); if (request != null) { WebResponse response = await request.GetResponseAsync(); result = Deserialize(response.GetResponseStream(), context, deserializationHookStrategy, format); } return result; }
public bool ProcessRedirect(Uri redirectedUri) { MetadataParsedURL originalMetadataPURL = originalDocument.Location; ParsedUri originalPURL = originalMetadataPURL == null ? null : originalMetadataPURL.Value; ParsedUri redirectedPURL = new ParsedUri(redirectedUri.AbsoluteUri); Debug.WriteLine("try redirecting: " + originalPURL + " > " + redirectedPURL); /*Document redirectedDocument = semanticsSessionScope.GetOrConstructDocument(redirectedPURL); // note FIXME currently, GetOrConstructDocument does not return null! if (redirectedDocument != null) { // existing document: the redirected url has been visited already. if (originalPURL != redirectedPURL) redirectedDocument.AddAdditionalLocation(originalMetadataPURL); // TODO -- copy metadata from originalDocument?!! documentClosure.ChangeDocument(redirectedDocument); // TODO -- reconnect return true; } else { // TODO -- redirect to a new location. }*/ // TODO -- what if redirectedDocument is already in the queue or being downloaded? return false; }
public TranslationContext(ParsedUri baseUri) { _baseDirPurl = baseUri; }
public string GetUriLeftPart(ParsedUri parsedUri) { return parsedUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path); }