예제 #1
        void UseCircuitCodeHandler(Packet packet, Agent agent)
            RegionHandshakePacket handshake = new RegionHandshakePacket();
            handshake.RegionInfo.BillableFactor = 0f;
            handshake.RegionInfo.CacheID = UUID.Random();
            handshake.RegionInfo.IsEstateManager = false;
            handshake.RegionInfo.RegionFlags = 1;
            handshake.RegionInfo.SimOwner = UUID.Random();
            handshake.RegionInfo.SimAccess = 1;
            handshake.RegionInfo.SimName = Utils.StringToBytes("Simian");
            handshake.RegionInfo.WaterHeight = 20.0f;
            handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainBase0 = UUID.Zero;
            handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainBase1 = UUID.Zero;
            handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainBase2 = UUID.Zero;
            handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainBase3 = UUID.Zero;
            handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainDetail0 = UUID.Zero;
            handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainDetail1 = UUID.Zero;
            handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainDetail2 = UUID.Zero;
            handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainDetail3 = UUID.Zero;
            handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainHeightRange00 = 0f;
            handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainHeightRange01 = 20f;
            handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainHeightRange10 = 0f;
            handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainHeightRange11 = 20f;
            handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainStartHeight00 = 0f;
            handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainStartHeight01 = 40f;
            handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainStartHeight10 = 0f;
            handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainStartHeight11 = 40f;
            handshake.RegionInfo2.RegionID = UUID.Random();

예제 #2
        void LogoutRequestHandler(Packet packet, Agent agent)
            LogoutRequestPacket request = (LogoutRequestPacket)packet;

            LogoutReplyPacket reply = new LogoutReplyPacket();
            reply.AgentData.AgentID = agent.AgentID;
            reply.AgentData.SessionID = agent.SessionID;
            reply.InventoryData = new LogoutReplyPacket.InventoryDataBlock[1];
            reply.InventoryData[0] = new LogoutReplyPacket.InventoryDataBlock();
            reply.InventoryData[0].ItemID = UUID.Zero;

            lock (server.Agents)
                if (server.Agents.ContainsKey(agent.Address))
                    KillObjectPacket kill = new KillObjectPacket();
                    kill.ObjectData = new KillObjectPacket.ObjectDataBlock[1];
                    kill.ObjectData[0] = new KillObjectPacket.ObjectDataBlock();
                    kill.ObjectData[0].ID = agent.Avatar.LocalID;


                    foreach (Agent recipient in server.Agents.Values)
예제 #3
        void AssetUploadRequestHandler(Packet packet, Agent agent)
            AssetUploadRequestPacket request = (AssetUploadRequestPacket)packet;
            UUID assetID = UUID.Combine(request.AssetBlock.TransactionID, agent.SecureSessionID);

            // Check if the asset is small enough to fit in a single packet
            if (request.AssetBlock.AssetData.Length != 0)
                // Create a new asset from the completed upload
                Asset asset = CreateAsset((AssetType)request.AssetBlock.Type, assetID, request.AssetBlock.AssetData);
                if (asset == null)
                    Logger.Log("Failed to create asset from uploaded data", Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);

                Logger.DebugLog(String.Format("Storing uploaded asset {0} ({1})", assetID, asset.AssetType));

                asset.Temporary = (request.AssetBlock.Tempfile | request.AssetBlock.StoreLocal);

                // Store the asset

                // Send a success response
                AssetUploadCompletePacket complete = new AssetUploadCompletePacket();
                complete.AssetBlock.Success = true;
                complete.AssetBlock.Type = request.AssetBlock.Type;
                complete.AssetBlock.UUID = assetID;
                scene.UDP.SendPacket(agent.ID, complete, PacketCategory.Inventory);
                // Create a new (empty) asset for the upload
                Asset asset = CreateAsset((AssetType)request.AssetBlock.Type, assetID, null);
                if (asset == null)
                    Logger.Log("Failed to create asset from uploaded data", Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);

                Logger.DebugLog(String.Format("Starting upload for {0} ({1})", assetID, asset.AssetType));

                asset.Temporary = (request.AssetBlock.Tempfile | request.AssetBlock.StoreLocal);

                RequestXferPacket xfer = new RequestXferPacket();
                xfer.XferID.DeleteOnCompletion = request.AssetBlock.Tempfile;
                xfer.XferID.FilePath = 0;
                xfer.XferID.Filename = Utils.EmptyBytes;
                xfer.XferID.ID = request.AssetBlock.TransactionID.GetULong();
                xfer.XferID.UseBigPackets = false;
                xfer.XferID.VFileID = asset.AssetID;
                xfer.XferID.VFileType = request.AssetBlock.Type;

                // Add this asset to the current upload list
                lock (CurrentUploads)
                    CurrentUploads[xfer.XferID.ID] = asset;

                scene.UDP.SendPacket(agent.ID, xfer, PacketCategory.Inventory);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Fire the events registered for this packet type asynchronously
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packetType">Incoming packet type</param>
        /// <param name="packet">Incoming packet</param>
        /// <param name="agent">Agent this packet was received from</param>
        internal void BeginRaiseEvent(PacketType packetType, Packet packet, Agent agent)
            UDPServer.PacketCallback callback;
            PacketCallbackWrapper wrapper;

            // Default handler first, if one exists
            if (_EventTable.TryGetValue(PacketType.Default, out callback))
                if (callback != null)
                    wrapper.Callback = callback;
                    wrapper.Packet = packet;
                    wrapper.Agent = agent;
                    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ThreadPoolCallback, wrapper);

            if (_EventTable.TryGetValue(packetType, out callback))
                if (callback != null)
                    wrapper.Callback = callback;
                    wrapper.Packet = packet;
                    wrapper.Agent = agent;
                    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ThreadPoolCallback, wrapper);


            if (packetType != PacketType.Default && packetType != PacketType.PacketAck)
                Logger.DebugLog("No handler registered for packet event " + packetType);
예제 #5
        void StartPingCheckHandler(Packet packet, Agent agent)
            StartPingCheckPacket start = (StartPingCheckPacket)packet;

            CompletePingCheckPacket complete = new CompletePingCheckPacket();
            complete.Header.Reliable = false;
            complete.PingID.PingID = start.PingID.PingID;

예제 #6
파일: Simian.cs 프로젝트: RavenB/gridsearch
        public bool TryGetUnassociatedAgent(uint circuitCode, out Agent agent)
            if (unassociatedAgents.TryGetValue(circuitCode, out agent))
                lock (unassociatedAgents)

                return true;
                return false;
예제 #7
        void RequestImageHandler(Packet packet, Agent agent)
            RequestImagePacket request = (RequestImagePacket)packet;

            for (int i = 0; i < request.RequestImage.Length; i++)
                RequestImagePacket.RequestImageBlock block = request.RequestImage[i];

                ImageDownload download;
                bool downloadFound = currentDownloads.TryGetValue(block.Image, out download);

                if (downloadFound)
                    lock (download)
                        if (block.DiscardLevel == -1 && block.DownloadPriority == 0.0f)
                            Logger.DebugLog(String.Format("Image download {0} is aborting", block.Image));

                        // Update download
                        download.Update(block.DiscardLevel, block.DownloadPriority, (int)block.Packet);
                else if (block.DiscardLevel == -1 && block.DownloadPriority == 0.0f)
                    // Aborting a download we are not tracking, this may be in the pipeline
                    //bool bake = ((ImageType)block.Type == ImageType.Baked);

                    // New download, check if we have this image
                    Asset asset;
                    if (scene.Server.Assets.TryGetAsset(block.Image, out asset) && asset is AssetTexture)
                        SendTexture(agent, (AssetTexture)asset, block.DiscardLevel, (int)block.Packet, block.DownloadPriority);
                        // We don't have this texture, add it to the download queue and see if the bot can get it for us
                        download = new ImageDownload(null, agent, block.DiscardLevel, block.DownloadPriority, (int)block.Packet);
                        lock (currentDownloads)
                            currentDownloads[block.Image] = download;

                        Pipeline.RequestTexture(block.Image, (ImageType)block.Type);
예제 #8
        public void DisconnectClient(Agent agent)
            // Remove the avatar from the scene
            SimulationObject obj;
            if (Scene.TryGetObject(agent.AgentID, out obj))
                Scene.ObjectRemove(this, obj);
                Logger.Log("Disconnecting an agent that is not in the scene", Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);

            // Remove the UDP client

            // HACK: Notify everyone when someone disconnects
            OfflineNotificationPacket offline = new OfflineNotificationPacket();
            offline.AgentBlock = new OfflineNotificationPacket.AgentBlockBlock[1];
            offline.AgentBlock[0] = new OfflineNotificationPacket.AgentBlockBlock();
            offline.AgentBlock[0].AgentID = agent.AgentID;
            UDP.BroadcastPacket(offline, PacketCategory.State);
예제 #9
        void AgentWearablesRequestHandler(Packet packet, Agent agent)
            AgentWearablesUpdatePacket update = new AgentWearablesUpdatePacket();
            update.AgentData.AgentID = agent.AgentID;
            update.AgentData.SessionID = agent.SessionID;
            // Technically this should be per-agent, but if the only requirement is that it
            // increments this is easier
            update.AgentData.SerialNum = (uint)Interlocked.Increment(ref currentWearablesSerialNum);
            update.WearableData = new AgentWearablesUpdatePacket.WearableDataBlock[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                update.WearableData[i] = new AgentWearablesUpdatePacket.WearableDataBlock();
                update.WearableData[i].AssetID = UUID.Zero;
                update.WearableData[i].ItemID = UUID.Zero;
                update.WearableData[i].WearableType = 42; // HACK

예제 #10
        void CompleteAgentMovementHandler(Packet packet, Agent agent)
            CompleteAgentMovementPacket request = (CompleteAgentMovementPacket)packet;

            // Create a representation for this agent
            Avatar avatar = new Avatar();
            avatar.ID = agent.AgentID;
            avatar.LocalID = (uint)Interlocked.Increment(ref currentLocalID);
            avatar.Position = new Vector3(128f, 128f, 25f);
            avatar.Rotation = Quaternion.Identity;
            avatar.Scale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 3f);

            // Set the avatar name
            NameValue[] name = new NameValue[2];
            name[0] = new NameValue("FirstName", NameValue.ValueType.String, NameValue.ClassType.ReadWrite,
                NameValue.SendtoType.SimViewer, agent.FirstName);
            name[1] = new NameValue("LastName", NameValue.ValueType.String, NameValue.ClassType.ReadWrite,
                NameValue.SendtoType.SimViewer, agent.LastName);
            avatar.NameValues = name;

            // Link this avatar up with the corresponding agent
            agent.Avatar = avatar;

            // Give testers a provisionary balance of 1000L
            agent.Balance = 1000;

            AgentMovementCompletePacket complete = new AgentMovementCompletePacket();
            complete.AgentData.AgentID = agent.AgentID;
            complete.AgentData.SessionID = agent.SessionID;
            complete.Data.LookAt = Vector3.UnitX;
            complete.Data.Position = avatar.Position;
            complete.Data.RegionHandle = server.RegionHandle;
            complete.Data.Timestamp = Utils.DateTimeToUnixTime(DateTime.Now);
            complete.SimData.ChannelVersion = Utils.StringToBytes("Simian");


예제 #11
        void AgentUpdateHandler(Packet packet, Agent agent)
            AgentUpdatePacket update = (AgentUpdatePacket)packet;

            // Don't use the local physics to update the master agent
            if (agent != periscope.MasterAgent)
                agent.Avatar.Prim.Rotation = update.AgentData.BodyRotation;
                agent.ControlFlags = (AgentManager.ControlFlags)update.AgentData.ControlFlags;
                agent.State = (AgentState)update.AgentData.State;
                agent.HideTitle = update.AgentData.Flags != 0;

            SimulationObject obj;
            if (scene.TryGetObject(update.AgentData.AgentID, out obj))
                obj.Prim.Rotation = update.AgentData.BodyRotation;
                scene.ObjectAddOrUpdate(this, obj, obj.Prim.OwnerID, 0, PrimFlags.None, UpdateFlags.Rotation);
예제 #12
        public bool EnableClientCapHandler(IHttpClientContext context, IHttpRequest request, IHttpResponse response, object state)
            OSDMap map = OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(request.Body) as OSDMap;
            OSDMap osdResponse = new OSDMap();

            if (map != null)
                UUID agentID = map["agent_id"].AsUUID();
                UUID sessionID = map["session_id"].AsUUID();
                UUID secureSessionID = map["secure_session_id"].AsUUID();
                uint circuitCode = (uint)map["circuit_code"].AsInteger();
                // TODO: Send an identity url and token instead so we can pull down all of the information
                string firstName = map["first_name"].AsString();
                string lastName = map["last_name"].AsString();
                Uri callbackUri = map["callback_uri"].AsUri();

                    "enable_client request. agent_id: {0}, session_id: {1}, secureSessionID: {2}, " +
                    "first_name: {3}, last_name: {4}, callback_uri: {5}", agentID, sessionID, secureSessionID,
                    firstName, lastName, callbackUri), Helpers.LogLevel.Info);

                if (agentID != UUID.Zero && sessionID != UUID.Zero && secureSessionID != UUID.Zero &&
                    !String.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName))
                    AgentInfo info = new AgentInfo();
                    info.AccessLevel = "M";
                    info.FirstName = firstName;
                    info.Height = 1.9f;
                    info.HomeLookAt = Vector3.UnitZ;
                    info.HomePosition = new Vector3(128f, 128f, 25f);
                    info.HomeRegionHandle = regionHandle;
                    info.ID = agentID;
                    info.LastName = lastName;
                    info.PasswordHash = String.Empty;

                    Agent agent = new Agent(new SimulationObject(new Avatar(), this), info);

                    // Set the avatar ID
                    agent.Avatar.Prim.ID = agentID;

                    // Random session IDs
                    agent.SessionID = sessionID;
                    agent.SecureSessionID = secureSessionID;

                    // Create a seed capability for this agent
                    agent.SeedCapability = server.Capabilities.CreateCapability(SeedCapabilityHandler, false, agentID);

                    agent.TickLastPacketReceived = Environment.TickCount;
                    agent.Info.LastLoginTime = Utils.DateTimeToUnixTime(DateTime.Now);

                    // Add the callback URI to the list of pending enable_client_complete callbacks
                    lock (enableClientCompleteCallbacks)
                        enableClientCompleteCallbacks[agentID] = callbackUri;

                    // Assign a circuit code and track the agent as an unassociated agent (no UDP connection yet)
                    udp.CreateCircuit(agent, circuitCode);
                    agent.CircuitCode = circuitCode;

                    osdResponse["success"] = OSD.FromBoolean(true);
                    osdResponse["success"] = OSD.FromBoolean(false);
                    osdResponse["message"] = OSD.FromString("missing required fields for enable_client");
                osdResponse["success"] = OSD.FromBoolean(false);
                osdResponse["message"] = OSD.FromString("failed to parse enable_client message");

            byte[] responseData = OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlBytes(osdResponse);
            response.ContentLength = responseData.Length;
            response.Body.Write(responseData, 0, responseData.Length);

            return true;
예제 #13
        public void AgentAppearance(object sender, Agent agent, Primitive.TextureEntry textures, byte[] visualParams)
            if (OnAgentAppearance != null)
                OnAgentAppearance(sender, agent, textures, visualParams);

            // Broadcast an object update for this avatar
            // TODO: Is this necessary here?
            //ObjectUpdatePacket update = SimulationObject.BuildFullUpdate(agent.Avatar,
            //    regionHandle, agent.Flags);
            //scene.UDP.BroadcastPacket(update, PacketCategory.State);

            // Update the avatar
            agent.Avatar.Prim.Textures = textures;
            if (visualParams != null && visualParams.Length > 1)
                agent.Info.VisualParams = visualParams;

            if (agent.Info.VisualParams != null)
                // Send the appearance packet to all other clients
                AvatarAppearancePacket appearance = agent.BuildAppearancePacket();
                    delegate(Agent recipient)
                        if (recipient != agent)
                            udp.SendPacket(recipient.ID, appearance, PacketCategory.State);
예제 #14
        void TransferRequestHandler(Packet packet, Agent agent)
            TransferRequestPacket request = (TransferRequestPacket)packet;

            ChannelType channel = (ChannelType)request.TransferInfo.ChannelType;
            SourceType source = (SourceType)request.TransferInfo.SourceType;

            if (channel == ChannelType.Asset)
                if (source == SourceType.Asset)
                    // Parse the request
                    UUID assetID = new UUID(request.TransferInfo.Params, 0);
                    AssetType type = (AssetType)(sbyte)Utils.BytesToInt(request.TransferInfo.Params, 16);

                    // Check if we have this asset
                    Asset asset;
                    if (scene.Server.Assets.TryGetAsset(assetID, out asset))
                        if (asset.AssetType == type)
                            TransferToClient(asset, agent, request.TransferInfo.TransferID);
                                "Request for asset {0} with type {1} does not match actual asset type {2}",
                                assetID, type, asset.AssetType), Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);
                        // Use the bot to try and request this asset
                        lock (currentDownloads)
                            currentDownloads.Add(client.Assets.RequestAsset(assetID, type, false),
                                new KeyValuePair<UUID, UUID>(agent.ID, request.TransferInfo.TransferID));
                else if (source == SourceType.SimEstate)
                    //UUID agentID = new UUID(request.TransferInfo.Params, 0);
                    //UUID sessionID = new UUID(request.TransferInfo.Params, 16);
                    //EstateAssetType type = (EstateAssetType)Utils.BytesToInt(request.TransferInfo.Params, 32);

                    Logger.Log("Please implement estate asset transfers", Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);
                else if (source == SourceType.SimInventoryItem)
                    //UUID agentID = new UUID(request.TransferInfo.Params, 0);
                    //UUID sessionID = new UUID(request.TransferInfo.Params, 16);
                    //UUID ownerID = new UUID(request.TransferInfo.Params, 32);
                    UUID taskID = new UUID(request.TransferInfo.Params, 48);
                    //UUID itemID = new UUID(request.TransferInfo.Params, 64);
                    //UUID assetID = new UUID(request.TransferInfo.Params, 80);
                    //AssetType type = (AssetType)(sbyte)Utils.BytesToInt(request.TransferInfo.Params, 96);

                    if (taskID != UUID.Zero)
                        // Task (prim) inventory request
                        Logger.Log("Please implement task inventory transfers", Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);
                        // Agent inventory request
                        Logger.Log("Please implement agent inventory transfer", Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);
                        "Received a TransferRequest that we don't know how to handle. Channel: {0}, Source: {1}",
                        channel, source), Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);
                    "Received a TransferRequest that we don't know how to handle. Channel: {0}, Source: {1}",
                    channel, source), Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);
예제 #15
        public void Start()
            simian = new Simian.Simian();
            simian.UDP = new UDPManager();
            (simian.UDP as IExtension<Simian.Simian>).Start(simian);
            sceneManager = new SceneManager();

            agent = CreateDummyAgent();
            simian.Agents.Add(agent.Avatar.ID, agent);

            observer = CreateDummyAgent();
            simian.Agents.Add(observer.Avatar.ID, observer);
예제 #16
파일: Simian.cs 프로젝트: RavenB/gridsearch
        uint CreateAgentCircuit(Agent agent)
            uint circuitCode = (uint)Interlocked.Increment(ref currentCircuitCode);

            // Put this client in the list of clients that have not been associated with an IPEndPoint yet
            lock (unassociatedAgents)
                unassociatedAgents[circuitCode] = agent;

            Logger.Log("Created a circuit for " + agent.FirstName, Helpers.LogLevel.Info);

            return circuitCode;
예제 #17
파일: Simian.cs 프로젝트: RavenB/gridsearch
        LoginResponseData HandleLogin(string firstName, string lastName, string password, string start, string version, string channel)
            uint regionX = 256000;
            uint regionY = 256000;

            Agent agent = new Agent(UDPServer);
            agent.AgentID = UUID.Random();
            agent.FirstName = firstName;
            agent.LastName = lastName;
            agent.SessionID = UUID.Random();
            agent.SecureSessionID = UUID.Random();
            agent.CircuitCode = CreateAgentCircuit(agent);

            IPHostEntry addresses = Dns.GetHostByName(Dns.GetHostName());
            IPAddress simIP = addresses.AddressList.Length > 0 ? addresses.AddressList[0] : IPAddress.Loopback;

            // Setup default login response values
            LoginResponseData response;

            response.AgentID = agent.AgentID;
            response.SecureSessionID = agent.SecureSessionID;
            response.SessionID = agent.SessionID;
            response.CircuitCode = agent.CircuitCode;
            response.AgentAccess = "M";
            response.BuddyList = null;
            response.FirstName = agent.FirstName;
            response.HomeLookAt = Vector3.UnitX;
            response.HomePosition = new Vector3(128f, 128f, 25f);
            response.HomeRegion = Helpers.UIntsToLong(regionX, regionY);
            response.InventoryFolders = null;
            response.InventoryRoot = UUID.Random();
            response.LastName = agent.LastName;
            response.LibraryFolders = null;
            response.LibraryOwner = response.AgentID;
            response.LibraryRoot = UUID.Random();
            response.LookAt = Vector3.UnitX;
            response.Message = "Welcome to Simian";
            response.Reason = String.Empty;
            response.RegionX = regionX;
            response.RegionY = regionY;
            response.SecondsSinceEpoch = DateTime.Now;
            // FIXME: Actually generate a seed capability
            response.SeedCapability = String.Format("http://{0}:{1}/seed_caps", simIP, tcpPort);
            response.SimIP = simIP;
            response.SimPort = (ushort)udpPort;
            response.StartLocation = "last";
            response.Success = true;
            return response;
예제 #18
        public void InformClientOfNeighbors(Agent agent)
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                if (!agent.NeighborConnections[i] && neighbors[i].Online)
                    Logger.Log("Sending enable_client for " + agent.FullName + " to neighbor " + neighbors[i].Name, Helpers.LogLevel.Info);

                    // Create a callback for enable_client_complete
                    Uri callbackUri = server.Capabilities.CreateCapability(EnableClientCompleteCapHandler, false, null);

                    OSDMap enableClient = CapsMessages.EnableClient(agent.ID, agent.SessionID, agent.SecureSessionID,
                        (int)agent.CircuitCode, agent.Info.FirstName, agent.Info.LastName, callbackUri);

                    AutoResetEvent waitEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

                    CapsClient request = new CapsClient(neighbors[i].EnableClientCap);
                    request.OnComplete +=
                    delegate(CapsClient client, OSD result, Exception error)
                        OSDMap response = result as OSDMap;
                        if (response != null)
                            bool success = response["success"].AsBoolean();
                            Logger.Log("enable_client response: " + success, Helpers.LogLevel.Info);

                            if (success)
                                // Send the EnableSimulator capability to clients
                                RegionInfo neighbor = neighbors[i];
                                OSDMap enableSimulator = CapsMessages.EnableSimulator(neighbor.Handle, neighbor.IPAndPort.Address, neighbor.IPAndPort.Port);

                                SendEvent(agent, "EnableSimulator", enableSimulator);

                    if (!waitEvent.WaitOne(30 * 1000, false))
                        Logger.Log("enable_client request timed out", Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);
예제 #19
 public void SendEvent(Agent agent, string name, OSDMap body)
     EventQueueServerCap eventQueue;
     if (eventQueues.TryGetValue(agent.ID, out eventQueue))
         eventQueue.Server.SendEvent(name, body);
         Logger.Log(String.Format("Cannot send the event {0} to agent {1}, no event queue for that avatar",
             name, agent.FullName), Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);
예제 #20
 public bool HasRunningEventQueue(Agent agent)
     return eventQueues.ContainsKey(agent.ID);
예제 #21
 public bool TryGetAgent(UUID id, out Agent agent)
     return sceneAgents.TryGetValue(id, out agent);
예제 #22
        void SetAlwaysRunHandler(Packet packet, Agent agent)
            SetAlwaysRunPacket run = (SetAlwaysRunPacket)packet;

            agent.Running = run.AgentData.AlwaysRun;
예제 #23
 static Agent CreateDummyAgent()
     Agent agent = new Agent();
     agent.Avatar.ID = UUID.Random();
     agent.SessionID = UUID.Random();
     agent.Avatar.Position = new Vector3(128f, 128f, 40f);
     agent.Avatar.Rotation = Quaternion.Identity;
     return agent;
예제 #24
        public bool AgentAdd(object sender, Agent agent, PrimFlags creatorFlags)
            // Sanity check, since this should have already been done
            agent.Avatar.Prim.ID = agent.Info.ID;

            // Check if the agent already exists in the scene
            lock (sceneAgents)
                if (sceneAgents.ContainsKey(agent.ID))

            // Update the current region handle
            agent.Avatar.Prim.RegionHandle = regionHandle;

            // Avatars always have physics
            agent.Avatar.Prim.Flags |= PrimFlags.Physics;

            // Default avatar values
            agent.Avatar.Prim.Position = new Vector3(128f, 128f, 25f);
            agent.Avatar.Prim.Rotation = Quaternion.Identity;
            agent.Avatar.Prim.Scale = new Vector3(0.45f, 0.6f, 1.9f);
            agent.Avatar.Prim.PrimData.Material = Material.Flesh;
            agent.Avatar.Prim.PrimData.PCode = PCode.Avatar;
            agent.Avatar.Prim.Textures = new Primitive.TextureEntry(new UUID("c228d1cf-4b5d-4ba8-84f4-899a0796aa97"));

            // Set the avatar name
            NameValue[] name = new NameValue[2];
            name[0] = new NameValue("FirstName", NameValue.ValueType.String, NameValue.ClassType.ReadWrite,
                NameValue.SendtoType.SimViewer, agent.Info.FirstName);
            name[1] = new NameValue("LastName", NameValue.ValueType.String, NameValue.ClassType.ReadWrite,
                NameValue.SendtoType.SimViewer, agent.Info.LastName);
            agent.Avatar.Prim.NameValues = name;

            // Give testers a provisionary balance of 1000L
            agent.Info.Balance = 1000;

            // Some default avatar prim properties
            agent.Avatar.Prim.Properties = new Primitive.ObjectProperties();
            agent.Avatar.Prim.Properties.CreationDate = Utils.UnixTimeToDateTime(agent.Info.CreationTime);
            agent.Avatar.Prim.Properties.Name = agent.FullName;
            agent.Avatar.Prim.Properties.ObjectID = agent.ID;

            if (agent.Avatar.Prim.LocalID == 0)
                // Assign a unique LocalID to this agent
                agent.Avatar.Prim.LocalID = (uint)Interlocked.Increment(ref currentLocalID);

            if (OnAgentAdd != null)
                OnAgentAdd(sender, agent, creatorFlags);

            // Add the agent to the scene dictionary
            lock (sceneAgents) sceneAgents[agent.ID] = agent;

            Logger.Log("Added agent " + agent.FullName + " to the scene", Helpers.LogLevel.Info);

            return true;
예제 #25
        void AbortXferHandler(Packet packet, Agent agent)
            AbortXferPacket abort = (AbortXferPacket)packet;

            lock (CurrentUploads)
                if (CurrentUploads.ContainsKey(abort.XferID.ID))
                    Logger.DebugLog(String.Format("Aborting Xfer {0}, result: {1}", abort.XferID.ID,

                    Logger.DebugLog(String.Format("Received an AbortXfer for an unknown xfer {0}",
예제 #26
        void CompleteAgentMovementHandler(Packet packet, Agent agent)
            // Add this avatar as an object in the scene
            ObjectAddOrUpdate(this, agent.Avatar, agent.Avatar.Prim.OwnerID, 0, PrimFlags.None, UpdateFlags.FullUpdate);

            // Send a response back to the client
            AgentMovementCompletePacket complete = new AgentMovementCompletePacket();
            complete.AgentData.AgentID = agent.ID;
            complete.AgentData.SessionID = agent.SessionID;
            complete.Data.LookAt = Vector3.UnitZ; // TODO: Properly implement LookAt someday
            complete.Data.Position = agent.Avatar.Prim.Position;
            complete.Data.RegionHandle = regionHandle;
            complete.Data.Timestamp = Utils.DateTimeToUnixTime(DateTime.Now);
            complete.SimData.ChannelVersion = Utils.StringToBytes("Simian");

            udp.SendPacket(agent.ID, complete, PacketCategory.Transaction);

            //HACK: Notify everyone when someone logs on to the simulator
            OnlineNotificationPacket online = new OnlineNotificationPacket();
            online.AgentBlock = new OnlineNotificationPacket.AgentBlockBlock[1];
            online.AgentBlock[0] = new OnlineNotificationPacket.AgentBlockBlock();
            online.AgentBlock[0].AgentID = agent.ID;
            udp.BroadcastPacket(online, PacketCategory.State);
예제 #27
        void TransferToClient(Asset asset, Agent agent, UUID transferID)
            Logger.Log(String.Format("Transferring asset {0} ({1})", asset.AssetID, asset.AssetType), Helpers.LogLevel.Info);

            TransferInfoPacket response = new TransferInfoPacket();
            response.TransferInfo = new TransferInfoPacket.TransferInfoBlock();
            response.TransferInfo.TransferID = transferID;
            response.TransferInfo.Params = new byte[20];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(asset.AssetID.GetBytes(), 0, response.TransferInfo.Params, 0, 16);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(Utils.IntToBytes((int)asset.AssetType), 0, response.TransferInfo.Params, 16, 4);

            response.TransferInfo.ChannelType = (int)ChannelType.Asset;
            response.TransferInfo.Size = asset.AssetData.Length;
            response.TransferInfo.Status = (int)StatusCode.OK;
            response.TransferInfo.TargetType = (int)TargetType.Unknown; // Doesn't seem to be used by the client

            scene.UDP.SendPacket(agent.ID, response, PacketCategory.Asset);

            // Transfer system does not wait for ACKs, just sends all of the
            // packets for this transfer out
            const int MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = Settings.MAX_PACKET_SIZE - 100;
            int processedLength = 0;
            int packetNum = 0;
            while (processedLength < asset.AssetData.Length)
                TransferPacketPacket transfer = new TransferPacketPacket();
                transfer.TransferData.ChannelType = (int)ChannelType.Asset;
                transfer.TransferData.TransferID = transferID;
                transfer.TransferData.Packet = packetNum++;

                int chunkSize = Math.Min(asset.AssetData.Length - processedLength, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
                transfer.TransferData.Data = new byte[chunkSize];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(asset.AssetData, processedLength, transfer.TransferData.Data, 0, chunkSize);
                processedLength += chunkSize;

                if (processedLength >= asset.AssetData.Length)
                    transfer.TransferData.Status = (int)StatusCode.Done;
                    transfer.TransferData.Status = (int)StatusCode.OK;

                scene.UDP.SendPacket(agent.ID, transfer, PacketCategory.Asset);
예제 #28
        void udp_OnAgentConnection(Agent agent, uint circuitCode)
            Uri callbackUri;
            if (enableClientCompleteCallbacks.TryGetValue(agent.ID, out callbackUri))
                lock (enableClientCompleteCallbacks)

                Logger.Log("Sending enable_client_complete callback to " + callbackUri.ToString(), Helpers.LogLevel.Info);

                OSDMap enableClientComplete = CapsMessages.EnableClientComplete(agent.ID);

                AutoResetEvent waitEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

                CapsClient request = new CapsClient(callbackUri);
                request.OnComplete +=
                    delegate(CapsClient client, OSD result, Exception error)
                        OSDMap response = result as OSDMap;
                        if (response != null)
                            bool success = response["success"].AsBoolean();
                            Logger.Log("enable_client_complete response: " + success, Helpers.LogLevel.Info);

                            if (success)
                                Uri seedCapability = response["seed_capability"].AsUri();

                if (!waitEvent.WaitOne(30 * 1000, false))
                    Logger.Log("enable_client_complete request timed out", Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);
예제 #29
        void SendXferPacketHandler(Packet packet, Agent agent)
            SendXferPacketPacket xfer = (SendXferPacketPacket)packet;

            Asset asset;
            if (CurrentUploads.TryGetValue(xfer.XferID.ID, out asset))
                if (asset.AssetData == null)
                    if (xfer.XferID.Packet != 0)
                        Logger.Log(String.Format("Received Xfer packet {0} before the first packet!",
                            xfer.XferID.Packet), Helpers.LogLevel.Error);

                    uint size = Utils.BytesToUInt(xfer.DataPacket.Data);
                    asset.AssetData = new byte[size];

                    Buffer.BlockCopy(xfer.DataPacket.Data, 4, asset.AssetData, 0, xfer.DataPacket.Data.Length - 4);

                    // Confirm the first upload packet
                    ConfirmXferPacketPacket confirm = new ConfirmXferPacketPacket();
                    confirm.XferID.ID = xfer.XferID.ID;
                    confirm.XferID.Packet = xfer.XferID.Packet;
                    scene.UDP.SendPacket(agent.ID, confirm, PacketCategory.Asset);
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(xfer.DataPacket.Data, 0, asset.AssetData, (int)xfer.XferID.Packet * 1000,

                    // Confirm this upload packet
                    ConfirmXferPacketPacket confirm = new ConfirmXferPacketPacket();
                    confirm.XferID.ID = xfer.XferID.ID;
                    confirm.XferID.Packet = xfer.XferID.Packet;
                    scene.UDP.SendPacket(agent.ID, confirm, PacketCategory.Asset);

                    if ((xfer.XferID.Packet & (uint)0x80000000) != 0)
                        // Asset upload finished
                        Logger.DebugLog(String.Format("Completed Xfer upload of asset {0} ({1}", asset.AssetID, asset.AssetType));

                        lock (CurrentUploads)


                        AssetUploadCompletePacket complete = new AssetUploadCompletePacket();
                        complete.AssetBlock.Success = true;
                        complete.AssetBlock.Type = (sbyte)asset.AssetType;
                        complete.AssetBlock.UUID = asset.AssetID;
                        scene.UDP.SendPacket(agent.ID, complete, PacketCategory.Asset);
                Logger.DebugLog("Received a SendXferPacket for an unknown upload");
예제 #30
        void AgentRemove(object sender, Agent agent)
            if (OnAgentRemove != null)
                OnAgentRemove(sender, agent);

            Logger.Log("Removing agent " + agent.FullName + " from the scene", Helpers.LogLevel.Info);

            lock (sceneAgents) sceneAgents.Remove(agent.ID);

            // Kill the EventQueue

            // Remove the UDP client

            // Notify everyone in the scene that this agent has gone offline
            OfflineNotificationPacket offline = new OfflineNotificationPacket();
            offline.AgentBlock = new OfflineNotificationPacket.AgentBlockBlock[1];
            offline.AgentBlock[0] = new OfflineNotificationPacket.AgentBlockBlock();
            offline.AgentBlock[0].AgentID = agent.ID;
            udp.BroadcastPacket(offline, PacketCategory.State);