public EffectCompileCommand(AssetCompilerContext context, UDirectory baseUrl, string effectName, CompilerParameters compilerParameters) { this.context = context; this.baseUrl = baseUrl; this.effectName = effectName; this.compilerParameters = compilerParameters; }
public MaterialDescription Run(MaterialDescription material, UDirectory materialPath, PixelFormat outputFormat = PixelFormat.ETC1) { if (material == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("material"); var assetManager = new AssetManager(); var modifiedMaterial = material.Clone(); var textureVisitor = new MaterialTextureVisitor(modifiedMaterial); var nodeReplacer = new MaterialNodeReplacer(modifiedMaterial); var textureNodes = textureVisitor.GetAllModelTextureValues(); foreach (var textureNode in textureNodes) { var itemAsset = assetSession.FindAsset(textureNode.TextureReference.Id); if(itemAsset == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("The referenced texture is not included in the project session."); var textureAsset = (TextureAsset)itemAsset.Asset; if (textureAsset.Format != TextureFormat.Compressed || textureAsset.Alpha == AlphaFormat.None) continue; // the texture has no alpha so there is no need to divide the texture into two sub-textures var originalLocation = textureNode.TextureReference.Location; throw new NotImplementedException("TODO: Need to reimplement this with removed data layer."); using (var image = assetManager.Load<Image>(originalLocation)) { CreateAndSaveSeparateTextures(image, originalLocation, textureAsset.GenerateMipmaps, outputFormat); assetManager.Unload(image); // matching unload to the previous asset manager load call } // make new tree var colorNode = new MaterialTextureNode(GenerateColorTextureURL(originalLocation), textureNode.TexcoordIndex, Vector2.One, Vector2.Zero); var alphaNode = new MaterialTextureNode(GenerateAlphaTextureURL(originalLocation), textureNode.TexcoordIndex, Vector2.One, Vector2.Zero); var substituteAlphaNode = new MaterialShaderClassNode { MixinReference = new AssetReference<EffectShaderAsset>(Guid.Empty, "ComputeColorSubstituteAlphaWithColor") }; substituteAlphaNode.CompositionNodes.Add("color1", colorNode); substituteAlphaNode.CompositionNodes.Add("color2", alphaNode); // set the parameters of the children so that they match the original texture var children = new[] { colorNode, alphaNode }; foreach (var childTexture in children) { childTexture.Sampler.AddressModeU = textureNode.Sampler.AddressModeU; childTexture.Sampler.AddressModeV = textureNode.Sampler.AddressModeV; childTexture.Sampler.Filtering = textureNode.Sampler.Filtering; childTexture.Offset = textureNode.Offset; childTexture.Sampler.SamplerParameterKey = textureNode.Sampler.SamplerParameterKey; childTexture.Scale = textureNode.Scale; childTexture.TexcoordIndex = textureNode.TexcoordIndex; } // copy the parameter key on the color and let the one of the alpha null so that it is set automatically to available value later colorNode.Key = textureNode.Key; alphaNode.Key = null; // update all the material references to the new node nodeReplacer.Replace(textureNode, substituteAlphaNode); } return modifiedMaterial; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PackageLoadingAssetFile" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="package">The package this asset will be part of.</param> /// <param name="filePath">The relative file path (from default asset folder).</param> /// <param name="sourceFolder">The source folder (optional, can be null).</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">filePath must be relative</exception> public PackageLoadingAssetFile(Package package, UFile filePath, UDirectory sourceFolder) { if (filePath.IsAbsolute) throw new ArgumentException("filePath must be relative", filePath); SourceFolder = UPath.Combine(package.RootDirectory, sourceFolder ?? package.GetDefaultAssetFolder()); FilePath = UPath.Combine(SourceFolder, filePath); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PackageStore"/> class. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">Unable to find a valid Xenko installation path</exception> private PackageStore(string installationPath = null, string defaultPackageName = "Xenko", string defaultPackageVersion = XenkoVersion.CurrentAsText) { // TODO: these are currently hardcoded to Xenko DefaultPackageName = defaultPackageName; DefaultPackageVersion = new PackageVersion(defaultPackageVersion); defaultPackageDirectory = DirectoryHelper.GetPackageDirectory(defaultPackageName); // 1. Try to use the specified installation path if (installationPath != null) { if (!DirectoryHelper.IsInstallationDirectory(installationPath)) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Xenko installation path [{0}]".ToFormat(installationPath), "installationPath"); } globalInstallationPath = installationPath; } // 2. Try to resolve an installation path from the path of this assembly // We need to be able to use the package manager from an official Xenko install as well as from a developer folder if (globalInstallationPath == null) { globalInstallationPath = DirectoryHelper.GetInstallationDirectory(DefaultPackageName); } // If there is no root, this is an error if (globalInstallationPath == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to find a valid Xenko installation or dev path"); } // Preload default package var logger = new LoggerResult(); var defaultPackageFile = DirectoryHelper.GetPackageFile(defaultPackageDirectory, DefaultPackageName); defaultPackage = Package.Load(logger, defaultPackageFile, GetDefaultPackageLoadParameters()); if (defaultPackage == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Error while loading default package from [{0}]: {1}".ToFormat(defaultPackageFile, logger.ToText())); } defaultPackage.IsSystem = true; // A flag variable just to know if it is a bare bone development directory isDev = defaultPackageDirectory != null && DirectoryHelper.IsRootDevDirectory(defaultPackageDirectory); // Check if we are in a root directory with store/packages facilities if (NugetStore.IsStoreDirectory(globalInstallationPath)) { packagesDirectory = UPath.Combine(globalInstallationPath, (UDirectory)NugetStore.DefaultGamePackagesDirectory); store = new NugetStore(globalInstallationPath); } else { // We should exit from here if NuGet is not configured. MessageBox.Show($"Unexpected installation. Cannot find a proper NuGet configuration for [{defaultPackageName}] in [{globalInstallationPath}]", "Installation Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Environment.Exit(1); } }
internal static void UpdateUPaths(Asset asset, UDirectory assetFolder, UPathType convertUPathTo) { switch (convertUPathTo) { case UPathType.Absolute: ConvertUPaths(asset, RelativeSourceHashesKey, AbsoluteSourceHashesKey, x => UPath.Combine(assetFolder, x)); break; case UPathType.Relative: ConvertUPaths(asset, AbsoluteSourceHashesKey, RelativeSourceHashesKey, x => x.MakeRelative(assetFolder)); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(convertUPathTo), convertUPathTo, null); } }
/// <summary> /// Sync output of current compilation to <paramref name="dir"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="dir"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool SyncTo(string dir) { // Copy files over using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Machine, Port, Username, Password)) { sftp.Connect(); if (!sftp.IsConnected) { return false; } // Perform recursive copy of all the folders under `dir`. This is required // as the sftp client only synchronize directories at their level only, no // subdirectory. var dirs = new Queue<DirectoryInfo>(); dirs.Enqueue(new DirectoryInfo(dir)); var parentPath = new UDirectory(dir); while (dirs.Count != 0) { var currentDir = dirs.Dequeue(); var currentPath = new UDirectory(currentDir.FullName); foreach (var subdir in currentDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { dirs.Enqueue(subdir); } // Get the destination path by adding to `Location` the relative path of `dir` to `currentDir`. var destination = UPath.Combine(new UDirectory(Location.ItemSpec), currentPath.MakeRelative(parentPath)); Log.LogMessage("Synchronizing " + currentPath + " with " + destination.FullPath); // Try to create a remote directory. If it throws an exception, we will assume // for now that the directory already exists. See try { sftp.CreateDirectory(destination.FullPath); Log.LogMessage("Creating remote directory " + destination.FullPath); } catch (SshException) { // Do nothing, as this is when the directory already exists } // Synchronize files. foreach (var file in sftp.SynchronizeDirectories(currentPath.FullPath, destination.FullPath, "*")) { Log.LogMessage("Updating " + file.Name); } } return true; } }
private static void GenerateUnitTestProject(string outputDirectory, string templateFile, string name, string projectNamespace) { var projectTemplate = ProjectTemplate.Load(templateFile); // Force reference to Xenko.Assets (to have acess to SolutionPlatform) projectTemplate.Assemblies.Add(typeof(GraphicsProfile).Assembly.FullName); projectTemplate.Assemblies.Add(typeof(XenkoConfig).Assembly.FullName); var options = new Dictionary<string, object>(); // When generating over an existing set of files, retrieve the existing IDs // for better incrementality Guid projectGuid, assetId; GetExistingGuid(outputDirectory, name + ".Windows.csproj", out projectGuid); GetExistingAssetId(outputDirectory, name + ".xkpkg", out assetId); var session = new PackageSession(); var result = new LoggerResult(); var templateGeneratorParameters = new SessionTemplateGeneratorParameters(); templateGeneratorParameters.OutputDirectory = outputDirectory; templateGeneratorParameters.Session = session; templateGeneratorParameters.Name = name; templateGeneratorParameters.Logger = result; templateGeneratorParameters.Description = new TemplateDescription(); templateGeneratorParameters.Id = assetId; if (!PackageUnitTestGenerator.Default.PrepareForRun(templateGeneratorParameters).Result) { Console.WriteLine(@"Error generating package: PackageUnitTestGenerator.PrepareForRun returned false"); return; } if (!PackageUnitTestGenerator.Default.Run(templateGeneratorParameters)) { Console.WriteLine(@"Error generating package: PackageUnitTestGenerator.Run returned false"); return; } if (result.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine($"Error generating package: {result.ToText()}"); return; } var package = session.LocalPackages.Single(); var previousCurrent = session.CurrentPackage; session.CurrentPackage = package; // Compute Xenko Sdk relative path // We are supposed to be in standard output binary folder, so Xenko root should be at ..\.. var xenkoPath = UPath.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), new UDirectory(@"..\..")); var xenkoRelativePath = new UDirectory(xenkoPath) .MakeRelative(outputDirectory) .ToString() .Replace('/', '\\'); xenkoRelativePath = xenkoRelativePath.TrimEnd('\\'); options["Namespace"] = projectNamespace ?? name; options["Package"] = package; options["Platforms"] = new List<SolutionPlatform>(AssetRegistry.SupportedPlatforms); options["XenkoSdkRelativeDir"] = xenkoRelativePath; // Generate project template result = projectTemplate.Generate(outputDirectory, name, projectGuid, options); if (result.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine("Error generating solution: {0}", result.ToText()); return; } var sharedProfile = package.Profiles.FindSharedProfile(); // Setup the assets folder Directory.CreateDirectory(UPath.Combine(outputDirectory, (UDirectory)"Assets/Shared")); // Add Windows test as Shared library var projectWindowsRef = new ProjectReference { Id = projectGuid, Location = UPath.Combine(outputDirectory, (UFile)(name + ".Windows.csproj")), Type = SiliconStudio.Assets.ProjectType.Library }; sharedProfile.ProjectReferences.Add(projectWindowsRef); // Generate executable projects for each platform foreach (var platform in AssetRegistry.SupportedPlatforms) { var platformProfile = new PackageProfile(platform.Name) { Platform = platform.Type }; platformProfile.AssetFolders.Add(new AssetFolder("Assets/"+ platform.Name)); // Log progress var projectName = name + "." + platform.Type; // Create project reference var projectPlatformRef = new ProjectReference { Id = projectGuid, Location = UPath.Combine(outputDirectory, (UFile)(projectName + ".csproj")), Type = SiliconStudio.Assets.ProjectType.Executable }; platformProfile.ProjectReferences.Add(projectPlatformRef); // Add build configuration per platform platform.Properties.CopyTo(platformProfile.Properties, true); package.Profiles.Add(platformProfile); } session.CurrentPackage = previousCurrent; result = session.Save(); if (result.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine("Error saving package: {0}", result.ToText()); return; } }
/// <summary> /// Makes this instance relative to the specified anchor directory. /// </summary> /// <param name="anchorDirectory">The anchor directory.</param> /// <returns>A relative path of this instance to the anchor directory.</returns> public new UFile MakeRelative(UDirectory anchorDirectory) { return((UFile)base.MakeRelative(anchorDirectory)); }
/// <summary> /// Generate the build step corresponding to raw imports of the current package file. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The compilation context</param> /// <param name="result">The compilation current result</param> private void GenerateRawImportBuildSteps(AssetCompilerContext context, AssetCompilerResult result) { if (context.Package.RootDirectory == null) return; foreach (var profile in context.Package.Profiles) { foreach (var sourceFolder in profile.AssetFolders) { var baseDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(context.Package.RootDirectory); // Use sub directory baseDirectory = Path.Combine(baseDirectory, sourceFolder.Path); if (!Directory.Exists(baseDirectory)) { continue; } var baseUDirectory = new UDirectory(baseDirectory); var hashSet = new HashSet<string>(); // Imports explicit foreach (var rawImport in sourceFolder.RawImports) { var sourceDirectory = baseUDirectory; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rawImport.SourceDirectory)) sourceDirectory = UPath.Combine(sourceDirectory, rawImport.SourceDirectory); if (!Directory.Exists(sourceDirectory)) { result.Error("Unable to find raw import directory [{0}]", sourceDirectory); continue; } var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(sourceDirectory, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList(); var importRegexes = rawImport.Patterns.Select(x => new Regex(Selectors.PathSelector.TransformToRegex(x))).ToArray(); foreach (var file in files) { var pathToFileRelativeToProject = new UFile(file).MakeRelative(sourceDirectory); var outputPath = pathToFileRelativeToProject; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rawImport.TargetLocation)) outputPath = UPath.Combine(rawImport.TargetLocation, outputPath); foreach (var importRegex in importRegexes) { if (importRegex.Match(pathToFileRelativeToProject).Success && hashSet.Add(outputPath)) { result.BuildSteps.Add(new ImportStreamCommand { SourcePath = file, Location = outputPath, }); break; } } } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Makes this instance relative to the specified anchor directory. /// </summary> /// <param name="anchorDirectory">The anchor directory.</param> /// <returns>A relative path of this instance to the anchor directory.</returns> public new UFile MakeRelative(UDirectory anchorDirectory) { return (UFile)base.MakeRelative(anchorDirectory); }
private static void FindCodeAssetsInProject(ICollection<PackageLoadingAssetFile> list, Package package) { if (package.IsSystem) return; var profile = package.Profiles.FindSharedProfile(); if (profile == null) return; foreach (var libs in profile.ProjectReferences.Where(x => x.Type == ProjectType.Library)) { var realFullPath = UPath.Combine(package.RootDirectory, libs.Location); string defaultNamespace; var codePaths = FindCodeAssetsInProject(realFullPath, out defaultNamespace); libs.RootNamespace = defaultNamespace; var dir = new UDirectory(realFullPath.GetFullDirectory()); var parentDir = dir.GetParent(); foreach (var codePath in codePaths) { list.Add(new PackageLoadingAssetFile(codePath, parentDir, realFullPath)); } } }
public override void VisitObjectMember(object container, ObjectDescriptor containerDescriptor, IMemberDescriptor member, object value) { base.VisitObjectMember(container, containerDescriptor, member, value); var assetReference = value as AssetReference; var assetBase = value as AssetBase; var attachedReference = value != null ? AttachedReferenceManager.GetAttachedReference(value) : null; if (assetReference != null) { AddLink(assetReference, (guid, location) => { var newValue = AssetReference.New(member.Type, guid.HasValue ? guid.Value : assetReference.Id, location); member.Set(container, newValue); return newValue; }); } else if (assetBase != null) { AddLink(assetBase, (guid, location) => { var newValue = new AssetBase(location, assetBase.Asset); member.Set(container, newValue); return newValue; }); } else if (attachedReference != null) { AddLink(attachedReference, (guid, location) => { object newValue = guid.HasValue && guid.Value != Guid.Empty ? AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion(member.Type, guid.Value, location) : null; member.Set(container, newValue); return newValue; }); } else if (value is UFile) { AddLink(value, (guid, location) => { var newValue = new UFile(location); member.Set(container, newValue); return newValue; }); } else if (value is UDirectory) { AddLink(value, (guid, location) => { var newValue = new UDirectory(location); member.Set(container, newValue); return newValue; }); } }
public override void VisitCollectionItem(IEnumerable collection, CollectionDescriptor descriptor, int index, object item, ITypeDescriptor itemDescriptor) { base.VisitCollectionItem(collection, descriptor, index, item, itemDescriptor); var assetReference = item as AssetReference; var assetBase = item as AssetBase; var attachedReference = item != null ? AttachedReferenceManager.GetAttachedReference(item) : null; // TODO force support for IList in CollectionDescriptor if (assetReference != null) { var list = (IList)collection; AddLink(assetReference, (guid, location) => list[index] = AssetReference.New(descriptor.ElementType, guid.HasValue ? guid.Value : assetReference.Id, location)); } else if (assetBase != null) { var list = (IList)collection; AddLink(assetBase, (guid, location) => list[index] = new AssetBase(location, assetBase.Asset)); } else if (attachedReference != null) { var list = (IList)collection; AddLink(attachedReference, (guid, location) => list[index] = guid.HasValue && guid.Value != Guid.Empty ? AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion(descriptor.ElementType, guid.Value, location) : null); } else if (item is UFile) { var list = (IList)collection; AddLink(item, (guid, location) => list[index] = new UFile(location)); } else if (item is UDirectory) { var list = (IList)collection; AddLink(item, (guid, location) => list[index] = new UDirectory(location)); } }
public PackageLoadingAssetFile(UFile filePath, UDirectory sourceFolder, UFile projectFile) { FilePath = filePath; SourceFolder = sourceFolder; ProjectFile = projectFile; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TemplateFolder"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">The path.</param> public TemplateFolder(UDirectory path) { Path = path; Files = new List<UFile>(); }
public static BuildStep FromRequest(AssetCompilerContext context, Package package, UDirectory urlRoot, EffectCompileRequest effectCompileRequest) { var compilerParameters = new CompilerParameters(effectCompileRequest.UsedParameters); compilerParameters.EffectParameters.Platform = context.GetGraphicsPlatform(package); compilerParameters.EffectParameters.Profile = context.GetGameSettingsAsset().Get<RenderingSettings>(context.Platform).DefaultGraphicsProfile; compilerParameters.EffectParameters.ApplyCompilationMode(context.GetCompilationMode()); return new CommandBuildStep(new EffectCompileCommand(context, urlRoot, effectCompileRequest.EffectName, compilerParameters, package)); }
private static void FindCodeAssetsInProject(ICollection<PackageLoadingAssetFile> list, Package package) { if (!package.IsSystem) //user code case { var profile = package.Profiles.FindSharedProfile(); if (profile != null) { foreach (var libs in profile.ProjectReferences.Where(x => x.Type == ProjectType.Library)) { var realFullPath = UPath.Combine(package.RootDirectory, libs.Location); var project = VSProjectHelper.LoadProject(realFullPath); var dir = new UDirectory(realFullPath.GetFullDirectory()); var parentDir = dir.GetParent(); foreach (var projectItem in project.Items.Where(x => x.ItemType == "Compile" || x.ItemType == "None"). Select(x => new UFile(x.EvaluatedInclude)). Where(x => AssetRegistry.IsProjectSourceCodeAssetFileExtension(x.GetFileExtension()))) { var csPath = UPath.Combine(dir, projectItem); list.Add(new PackageLoadingAssetFile(csPath, parentDir, realFullPath)); } project.ProjectCollection.UnloadAllProjects(); project.ProjectCollection.Dispose(); } } } }
public static UFile Combine([NotNull] UDirectory leftPath, [NotNull] UFile rightPath) { return(UPath.Combine(leftPath, rightPath)); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AssetFolder"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">The folder.</param> public AssetFolder(UDirectory path) : this() { if (path == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("path"); this.path = path; }
public void TestMakeRelative() { UPath assetPath2 = null; UPath newAssetPath2 = null; var dir1 = new UDirectory("/a/b/c"); var assetDir2 = new UDirectory("/a/b/c"); newAssetPath2 = dir1.MakeRelative(assetDir2); Assert.AreEqual(".", newAssetPath2.FullPath); var assetDir3 = new UDirectory("/a/b"); newAssetPath2 = dir1.MakeRelative(assetDir3); Assert.AreEqual("c", newAssetPath2.FullPath); var assetDir4 = new UDirectory("/a/b/c/d"); newAssetPath2 = dir1.MakeRelative(assetDir4); Assert.AreEqual("..", newAssetPath2.FullPath); // Test direct relative assetPath2 = new UFile("/a/b/c/test.txt"); newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1); Assert.AreEqual("test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath); // Test direct relative + subdir assetPath2 = new UFile("/a/b/c/test/test.txt"); newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1); Assert.AreEqual("test/test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath); // Test relative 1 assetPath2 = new UFile("/a/b/test.txt"); newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1); Assert.AreEqual("../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath); // Test relative 2 assetPath2 = new UFile("/a/test.txt"); newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1); Assert.AreEqual("../../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath); // Test relative 3 assetPath2 = new UFile("/test.txt"); newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1); Assert.AreEqual("../../../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath); // Test already relative assetPath2 = new UFile("../test.txt"); newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1); Assert.AreEqual("../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath); // Test only root path in common assetPath2 = new UFile("/e/f/g/test.txt"); newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1); Assert.AreEqual("../../../e/f/g/test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath); // Test only root path in common with single file assetPath2 = new UFile("/test.txt"); newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1); Assert.AreEqual("../../../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath); }
public void TestMakeRelativeWithDrive() { UPath assetPath2 = null; UPath newAssetPath2 = null; var dir1 = new UDirectory("C:/a/b/c"); // Test direct relative assetPath2 = new UFile("C:/a/b/c/test.txt"); newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1); Assert.AreEqual("test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath); // Test direct relative + subdir assetPath2 = new UFile("C:/a/b/c/test/test.txt"); newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1); Assert.AreEqual("test/test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath); // Test relative 1 assetPath2 = new UFile("C:/a/b/test.txt"); newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1); Assert.AreEqual("../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath); // Test relative 2 assetPath2 = new UFile("C:/a/test.txt"); newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1); Assert.AreEqual("../../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath); // Test relative 3 assetPath2 = new UFile("C:/test.txt"); newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1); Assert.AreEqual("../../../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath); // Test already relative assetPath2 = new UFile("../test.txt"); newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1); Assert.AreEqual("../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath); // Test no path in common assetPath2 = new UFile("E:/e/f/g/test.txt"); newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1); Assert.AreEqual("E:/e/f/g/test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath); // Test no root path single file assetPath2 = new UFile("E:/test.txt"); newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1); Assert.AreEqual("E:/test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath); }
public override void VisitDictionaryKeyValue(object dictionaryObj, DictionaryDescriptor descriptor, object key, ITypeDescriptor keyDescriptor, object value, ITypeDescriptor valueDescriptor) { base.VisitDictionaryKeyValue(dictionaryObj, descriptor, key, keyDescriptor, value, valueDescriptor); var assetReference = value as AssetReference; var assetBase = value as AssetBase; var attachedReference = value != null ? AttachedReferenceManager.GetAttachedReference(value) : null; if (assetReference != null) { AddLink(assetReference, (guid, location) => { var newValue = AssetReference.New(descriptor.ValueType, guid.HasValue ? guid.Value : assetReference.Id, location); descriptor.SetValue(dictionaryObj, key, newValue); return newValue; }); } else if (assetBase != null) { AddLink(assetBase, (guid, location) => { var newValue = new AssetBase(location, assetBase.Asset); descriptor.SetValue(dictionaryObj, key, newValue); return newValue; }); } else if (attachedReference != null) { AddLink(attachedReference, (guid, location) => { object newValue = guid.HasValue && guid.Value != Guid.Empty ? AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion(descriptor.ValueType, guid.Value, location) : null; descriptor.SetValue(dictionaryObj, key, newValue); return newValue; }); } else if (value is UFile) { AddLink(value, (guid, location) => { var newValue = new UFile(location); descriptor.SetValue(dictionaryObj, key, newValue); return newValue; }); } else if (value is UDirectory) { AddLink(value, (guid, location) => { var newValue = new UDirectory(location); descriptor.SetValue(dictionaryObj, key, newValue); return newValue; }); } }
public void TestUPathGetParent() { // First directories var dir = new UDirectory("c:/"); Assert.AreEqual("c:/", dir.GetParent().FullPath); dir = new UDirectory("c:/a"); Assert.AreEqual("c:/", dir.GetParent().FullPath); dir = new UDirectory("c:/a/b"); Assert.AreEqual("c:/a", dir.GetParent().FullPath); dir = new UDirectory("/"); Assert.AreEqual("/", dir.GetParent().FullPath); dir = new UDirectory("/a"); Assert.AreEqual("/", dir.GetParent().FullPath); dir = new UDirectory("/a/b"); Assert.AreEqual("/a", dir.GetParent().FullPath); dir = new UDirectory("a"); Assert.AreEqual("", dir.GetParent().FullPath); dir = new UDirectory("a/b"); Assert.AreEqual("a", dir.GetParent().FullPath); // Now with files. var file = new UFile("c:/a.txt"); Assert.AreEqual("c:/", file.GetParent().FullPath); file = new UFile("c:/a/b.txt"); Assert.AreEqual("c:/a", file.GetParent().FullPath); file = new UFile("/a.txt"); Assert.AreEqual("/", file.GetParent().FullPath); file = new UFile("/a/b.txt"); Assert.AreEqual("/a", file.GetParent().FullPath); file = new UFile("a.txt"); Assert.AreEqual("", file.GetParent().FullPath); file = new UFile("a/b.txt"); Assert.AreEqual("a", file.GetParent().FullPath); }
public static List<string> FindCodeAssetsInProject(string projectFullPath, out string nameSpace) { var realFullPath = new UFile(projectFullPath); var project = VSProjectHelper.LoadProject(realFullPath); var dir = new UDirectory(realFullPath.GetFullDirectory()); var nameSpaceProp = project.AllEvaluatedProperties.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "RootNamespace"); nameSpace = nameSpaceProp?.EvaluatedValue ?? string.Empty; var result = project.Items.Where(x => (x.ItemType == "Compile" || x.ItemType == "None") && string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.GetMetadataValue("AutoGen"))) .Select(x => new UFile(x.EvaluatedInclude)).Where(x => AssetRegistry.IsProjectSourceCodeAssetFileExtension(x.GetFileExtension())) .Select(projectItem => UPath.Combine(dir, projectItem)).Select(csPath => (string)csPath).ToList(); project.ProjectCollection.UnloadAllProjects(); project.ProjectCollection.Dispose(); return result; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PackageLoadingAssetFile"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath">The file path.</param> /// <param name="sourceFolder">The source folder.</param> public PackageLoadingAssetFile(UFile filePath, UDirectory sourceFolder) { FilePath = filePath; SourceFolder = sourceFolder; }
/// <summary> /// Combines the specified left uniform location and right location and return a new <see cref="UFile"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="leftPath">The left path.</param> /// <param name="rightPath">The right path.</param> /// <returns>The combination of both paths.</returns> public static UFile Combine(UDirectory leftPath, UFile rightPath) { return UPath.Combine(leftPath, rightPath); }
public void TestWithSimpleDirectory() { var assetPath = new UDirectory("/a/b/c"); Assert.AreEqual("/a/b/c", assetPath.GetDirectory()); Assert.AreEqual("/a/b/c", assetPath.FullPath); var directory = new UDirectory("C:/a"); Assert.AreEqual("/a", directory.GetDirectory()); directory = new UDirectory("/a"); Assert.AreEqual("/a", directory.GetDirectory()); }
/// <summary> /// Combines the specified left uniform location and right location and return a new <see cref="UFile"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="leftPath">The left path.</param> /// <param name="rightPath">The right path.</param> /// <returns>The combination of both paths.</returns> public static UFile Combine(UDirectory leftPath, UFile rightPath) { return(UPath.Combine(leftPath, rightPath)); }
public void TestContains() { var dir1 = new UDirectory("C:/a/b/c"); Assert.IsTrue(dir1.Contains(new UFile("C:/a/b/c/d"))); Assert.IsTrue(dir1.Contains(new UFile("C:/a/b/c/d/e"))); Assert.IsTrue(dir1.Contains(new UDirectory("C:/a/b/c/d"))); Assert.IsTrue(dir1.Contains(new UDirectory("C:/a/b/c/d/e"))); Assert.IsFalse(dir1.Contains(new UFile("C:/a/b/x"))); Assert.IsFalse(dir1.Contains(new UFile("C:/a/b/cx"))); }
//[Test] public void TestUPathGetComponents() { var d = new UDirectory("a/b"); Assert.AreEqual(new UDirectory("").GetComponents().Count(), 0); Assert.AreEqual(new UDirectory("/").GetComponents().Count(), 0); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new UDirectory("a").GetComponents(), new string[] { "a" }); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new UDirectory("/a").GetComponents(), new string[] { "a" }); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new UDirectory("a/b").GetComponents(), new string[] { "a", "b" }); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new UDirectory("/a/b").GetComponents(), new string[] { "a", "b" }); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new UDirectory("a/b/c").GetComponents(), new string[] { "a", "b", "c" }); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new UDirectory("/a/b/c").GetComponents(), new string[] { "a", "b", "c" }); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new UDirectory("c:").GetComponents(), new string[] { "c:" }); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new UDirectory("c:/a").GetComponents(), new string[] { "c:", "a" }); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new UDirectory("c:/a/b").GetComponents(), new string[] { "c:", "a", "b" }); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new UDirectory("c:/a/b.ext").GetComponents(), new string[] { "c:", "a", "b.ext" }); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new UFile("a").GetComponents(), new string[] { "a" }); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new UFile("/a").GetComponents(), new string[] { "a" }); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new UFile("a/b").GetComponents(), new string[] { "a", "b" }); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new UFile("/a/b").GetComponents(), new string[] { "a", "b" }); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new UFile("a/b/c").GetComponents(), new string[] { "a", "b", "c" }); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new UFile("/a/b/c").GetComponents(), new string[] { "a", "b", "c" }); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new UFile("c:/a").GetComponents(), new string[] { "c:", "a" }); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new UFile("c:/a/b").GetComponents(), new string[] { "c:", "a", "b" }); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new UFile("c:/a/b.ext").GetComponents(), new string[] { "c:", "a", "b.ext" }); }
private static void GenerateUnitTestProject(string outputDirectory, string templateFile, string name) { var projectTemplate = ProjectTemplate.Load(templateFile); // Force reference to Paradox.Assets (to have acess to SolutionPlatform) projectTemplate.Assemblies.Add(typeof(GraphicsProfile).Assembly.FullName); projectTemplate.Assemblies.Add(typeof(ParadoxConfig).Assembly.FullName); var options = new Dictionary<string, object>(); var session = new PackageSession(); var result = new LoggerResult(); var templateGeneratorParameters = new TemplateGeneratorParameters(); templateGeneratorParameters.OutputDirectory = outputDirectory; templateGeneratorParameters.Session = session; templateGeneratorParameters.Name = name; templateGeneratorParameters.Logger = result; templateGeneratorParameters.Description = new TemplateDescription(); PackageUnitTestGenerator.Default.Generate(templateGeneratorParameters); if (result.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine("Error generating package: {0}", result.ToText()); return; } var package = templateGeneratorParameters.Package; var previousCurrent = session.CurrentPackage; session.CurrentPackage = package; // Compute Paradox Sdk relative path // We are supposed to be in standard output binary folder, so Paradox root should be at ..\.. var paradoxPath = UDirectory.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), new UDirectory(@"..\..")); var paradoxRelativePath = new UDirectory(paradoxPath) .MakeRelative(outputDirectory) .ToString() .Replace('/', '\\'); paradoxRelativePath = paradoxRelativePath.TrimEnd('\\'); options["Namespace"] = name; options["Package"] = package; options["Platforms"] = new List<SolutionPlatform>(AssetRegistry.SupportedPlatforms); options["ParadoxSdkRelativeDir"] = paradoxRelativePath; // Generate project template var projectGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); result = projectTemplate.Generate(outputDirectory, name, projectGuid, options); if (result.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine("Error generating solution: {0}", result.ToText()); return; } var sharedProfile = package.Profiles[PlatformType.Shared]; // Setup the assets folder Directory.CreateDirectory(UPath.Combine(outputDirectory, (UDirectory)"Assets/Shared")); // Add Windows test as Shared library var projectWindowsRef = new ProjectReference(); projectWindowsRef.Id = projectGuid; projectWindowsRef.Location = UPath.Combine(outputDirectory, (UFile)(name + ".Windows.csproj")); projectWindowsRef.Type = SiliconStudio.Assets.ProjectType.Library; sharedProfile.ProjectReferences.Add(projectWindowsRef); // Generate executable projects for each platform foreach (var platform in AssetRegistry.SupportedPlatforms) { var platformProfile = new PackageProfile(platform.Name) { Platform = platform.Type }; platformProfile.AssetFolders.Add(new AssetFolder("Assets/"+ platform.Name)); // Log progress var projectName = name + "." + platform.Type; // Create project reference var projectPlatformRef = new ProjectReference(); projectPlatformRef.Id = projectGuid; projectPlatformRef.Location = UPath.Combine(outputDirectory, (UFile)(projectName + ".csproj")); projectPlatformRef.Type = SiliconStudio.Assets.ProjectType.Executable; platformProfile.ProjectReferences.Add(projectPlatformRef); // Add build configuration per platform platform.Properties.CopyTo(platformProfile.Properties, true); package.Profiles.Add(platformProfile); } session.CurrentPackage = previousCurrent; result = session.Save(); if (result.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine("Error saving package: {0}", result.ToText()); return; } }
/// <summary> /// Makes this instance relative to the specified anchor directory. /// </summary> /// <param name="anchorDirectory">The anchor directory.</param> /// <returns>A relative path of this instance to the anchor directory.</returns> public UPath MakeRelative(UDirectory anchorDirectory) { if (anchorDirectory == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("anchorDirectory"); } // If the toRelativize path is already relative, don't bother if (IsRelative) { return(this); } // If anchor directory is not absolute directory, throw an error if (!anchorDirectory.IsAbsolute || !anchorDirectory.IsDirectoryOnly) { throw new ArgumentException("Expecting an absolute directory", "anchorDirectory"); } if (anchorDirectory.HasDrive != HasDrive) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Path should have no drive information/or both drive information simultaneously"); } // Return a "." when the directory is the same if (this is UDirectory && anchorDirectory == this) { return(UDirectory.This); } // Get the full path of the anchor directory var anchorPath = anchorDirectory.FullPath; // Builds an absolute path for the toRelative path (directory-only) var absoluteFile = Combine(anchorDirectory, this); var absolutePath = absoluteFile.GetFullDirectory().FullPath; var relativePath = new StringBuilder(); int index = anchorPath.Length; bool foundCommonRoot = false; for (; index >= 0; index--) { // Need to be a directory separator or end of string if (!((index == anchorPath.Length || anchorPath[index] == DirectorySeparatorChar))) { continue; } // Absolute path needs to also have a directory separator at the same location (or end of string) if (index == absolutePath.Length || (index < absolutePath.Length && absolutePath[index] == DirectorySeparatorChar)) { if (string.Compare(anchorPath, 0, absolutePath, 0, index, true) == 0) { foundCommonRoot = true; break; } } relativePath.Append("..").Append(DirectorySeparatorChar); } if (!foundCommonRoot) { return(this); } if (index < absolutePath.Length && absolutePath[index] == DirectorySeparatorChar) { index++; } relativePath.Append(absolutePath.Substring(index)); if (absoluteFile is UFile) { // If not empty, add a separator if (relativePath.Length > 0) { relativePath.Append(DirectorySeparatorChar); } // Add filename relativePath.Append(((UFile)absoluteFile).GetFileNameWithExtension()); } var newPath = relativePath.ToString(); return(IsDirectoryOnly ? (UPath) new UDirectory(newPath) : new UFile(newPath)); }
public void TestIsDirectoryOnly() { var dirPath = new UDirectory("/a/b/c"); Assert.AreEqual("/a/b/c", dirPath.GetDirectory()); var filePath = new UFile("/test.txt"); Assert.AreEqual("/", filePath.GetDirectory()); Assert.AreEqual("test.txt", filePath.GetFileNameWithExtension()); }