예제 #1
        public LinguaLinksImportDlg()

            // Copied from the LexImportWizard dlg Init (LexImportWizard.cs)
            // Ensure that we have the default encoding converter (to/from MS Windows Code Page
            // for Western European languages)
            SilEncConverters31.EncConverters         encConv = new SilEncConverters31.EncConverters();
            System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator de      = encConv.GetEnumerator();
            string sEncConvName      = "Windows1252<>Unicode";          // REVIEW: SHOULD THIS NAME BE LOCALIZED?
            bool   fMustCreateEncCnv = true;

            while (de.MoveNext())
                if ((string)de.Key != null && (string)de.Key == sEncConvName)
                    fMustCreateEncCnv = false;
            if (fMustCreateEncCnv)
                    encConv.AddConversionMap(sEncConvName, "1252",
                                             ECInterfaces.ConvType.Legacy_to_from_Unicode, "cp", "", "",
                catch (SilEncConverters31.ECException exception)
                    MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, ITextStrings.ksConvMapError,
예제 #2
		public LoginSF()
			// Required for Windows Form Designer support

			this.checkedListBoxProjects.ContextMenu = this.contextMenu;

			EncConverters aECs = new EncConverters();
			EncConverters myECs = aECs.FilterByProcessType(SpellingFixerEC.SFProcessType);

			// disable the list box (and the OK button) if there's nothing in it
			this.buttonOK.Enabled = this.checkedListBoxProjects.Visible = (myECs.Count > 0);

			string strPartialName;
			foreach(IEncConverter aEC in myECs.Values)
				if( (strPartialName = PartialName(aEC.Name)) != null )

			// decide which one to select
			int nIndex = checkedListBoxProjects.Items.Count - 1;
				RegistryKey keyLastSFProject = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(cstrProjectMemoryKey);
				nIndex = checkedListBoxProjects.FindString((string)keyLastSFProject.GetValue(cstrProjectMostRecentProject));
			catch {}

			// TODO: also, add a new ctor to allow choosing the project programmatically.
			if( nIndex != -1 )
				// if there are no items in the list, then make the "Add New Project" the default button
				this.AcceptButton = this.buttonAddNewProject;

			// populate the font name combo box with all the fonts installed (but only if they
			//  do Regular style). That is, on my system, I choose the "Aharoni" (some sort of
			//  hebrew font) as a test and the creation of the "Font" object below failed,
			//  because I was using the ctor that takes only the name and size, but that font
			//  doesn't have a 'Regular' style (which is the default for that ctor). If I
			//  wanted to add a query for the font 'style' to this dialog box as well (c.f.
			//  Word's font dialog box), then this restriction could be removed, but... I'll
			//  wait until someone complains.
			InstalledFontCollection installedFontCollection = new InstalledFontCollection();
			FontFamily[] fontFamilies = installedFontCollection.Families;
			foreach(FontFamily fontFamily in fontFamilies)
				if( fontFamily.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Regular) )

			// start with some defaults.
			this.listBoxFontSize.SelectedItem = "14";
			this.textBoxCP.Text = "1252";
			this.textBoxWordBoundaryDelimiter.Text = SpellingFixerEC.cstrDefaultWordBoundaryDelimiter;

			// start out pessimmistic
			DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
예제 #3
		public SelectConverter(EncConverters aECs, ConvType eConversionTypeFilter,
			string strChooseConverterDialogTitle, byte[] abyPreviewData, string strFontName)
			m_byPreviewData = abyPreviewData;

			InitSelectConverter(aECs, eConversionTypeFilter, strChooseConverterDialogTitle, strFontName);

			// hide the preview box until requested
			tableLayoutPanel1.RowCount = 4;
예제 #4
		public SelectConverter(EncConverters aECs, ConvType eConversionTypeFilter,
			string strChooseConverterDialogTitle, string strPreviewData, string strFontName)
			m_strPreviewData = strPreviewData;

			InitSelectConverter(aECs, eConversionTypeFilter, strChooseConverterDialogTitle, strFontName);

			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strPreviewData))
				buttonPreview.Visible = false;

			// hide the preview box until requested
			tableLayoutPanel1.RowCount = 4;
예제 #5
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and loads a set of dummy converters to test the
        /// <see cref="CnvtrPropertiesCtrl"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public override void FixtureSetup()

            m_fileMaker = new TempSFFileMaker();
            m_myDlg     = new DummyAddCnvtrDlg();
            m_myCtrl    = new DummyCnvtrPropertiesCtrl();

            SilEncConverters31.EncConverters encConverters = new SilEncConverters31.EncConverters();

            string[] ccFileContents = { "'c' > 'C'" };
            m_ccFileName = m_fileMaker.CreateFileNoID(ccFileContents, "cct");
            encConverters.AddConversionMap("ZZZTestCC", m_ccFileName,
                                           ConvType.Legacy_to_Unicode, "SIL.cc", "", "",

            string[] mapFileContents =
                "EncodingName	'ZZZText'",
                "DescriptiveName	'Silly test file'",
                "ByteDefault		'?'",
                "UniDefault		replacement_character",
                "0x80	<>	euro_sign"
            m_mapFileName = m_fileMaker.CreateFileNoID(mapFileContents, "map");
            encConverters.AddConversionMap("ZZZTestMap", m_mapFileName,
                                           ConvType.Legacy_to_from_Unicode, "SIL.map", "", "",

            // TODO: Should test a legitimate compiled TecKit file by embedding a zipped
            // up one in the resources for testing purposes.

            // This is a randomly chosen ICU converter. The test may break when we reduce the set of
            // ICU converters we ship.
            encConverters.AddConversionMap("ZZZTestICU", "ISO-8859-1",
                                           ConvType.Legacy_to_from_Unicode, "ICU.conv", "", "",

            // Add a 1-step compound converter, which won't be any of the types our dialog
            // recognizes for now.
            encConverters.AddCompoundConverterStep("ZZZTestCompound", "ZZZTestCC", true,

            // Load all the mappings after the dummy mappings are added, so the Converter
            // Mapping File combo box won't contain obsolete versions of the mappings referring
            // to old temp files from a previous run of the tests.
            m_myCtrl.CnvtrPropertiesCtrl_Load(null, null);
예제 #6
		public void MissingEncodingConverter()

			string encFileName = string.Empty;
			EncConverters converters = new EncConverters();

			using (TempSFFileMaker fileMaker = new TempSFFileMaker())
				string fileName = fileMaker.CreateFile("ROM",
					new string[] {@"\mt 0123456789",
									 @"\c 1",
									 @"\v 1"},
					Encoding.GetEncoding(28591), false);
				m_settings.AddFile(fileName, ImportDomain.Main, null, 0);

				// Set the vernacular WS to use the MissingEncoder encoder
				LgWritingSystem wsVern =
					new LgWritingSystem(Cache, Cache.LangProject.DefaultVernacularWritingSystem);
				wsVern.LegacyMapping = "MissingEncoder";

				ISCTextEnum textEnum = GetTextEnum(ImportDomain.Main,
					new ScrReference(45, 0, 0, Paratext.ScrVers.English), new ScrReference(45, 1, 1, Paratext.ScrVers.English));

				// read the \id segment
				ISCTextSegment textSeg = textEnum.Next();
				Assert.IsNotNull(textSeg, "Unable to read segment");

					// read the \mt segment which should cause an exception
					textSeg = textEnum.Next();
				catch (EncodingConverterException e)
					Assert.IsTrue(e.Message.StartsWith(@"Encoding converter not found."));
				Assert.Fail("Expected exception did not occur");
예제 #7
		public FindWordProcessor(string strFindWhat, string strReplaceWith, bool bMatchCase, Font font)
			if (m_aECs == null)
				m_aECs = new EncConverters(true);

			// for some reason, the text that goes to constructing the 'Find what' part of the CRegexMatcher is
			//  expecting doubly-escaped text (e.g. "\\r" for CR), but the text that goes for the 'Replace with'
			//  (i.e. the CRegex::ReplaceAll) is expecting singly-escaped text. Our text boxes, however, will always
			//  return these as doubly-escaped. So for the 'Replace with' stuff, we need to turn certain doubly-
			//  escaped codes into their single-escaped flavors).
			int nNumEscapeCodes = astrReplaceDoubleEscapeCodes.Length;
			for (int i = 0; i < nNumEscapeCodes; i++)
				strReplaceWith = strReplaceWith.Replace(astrReplaceDoubleEscapeCodes[i], astrReplaceEscapeCodes[i]);

			m_aECRegex = InitSearchFontConverter(strFindWhat, strReplaceWith, font, bMatchCase);
			AutoReplaceOnNextFind = false;  // we'll take care of this as well

			// Normally, we search the text one paragraph at a time for the FindWhat string, but if the user
			//  has multiple "\r"s in the search string, it means we're supposed to find stuff beyond paragraph
			//  boundaries. So indicate how many paragraphs we should include in the Search based on the number
			//  of "\r"s in the search string...
			string[] strTokens = strFindWhat.Split(new string[] { @"\r\n", @"\r" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
			NumOfParagraphsToSearch = strTokens.Length;
			IsAnyCRs = (NumOfParagraphsToSearch > 1);

			// ... however, we don't need to get an extra paragraph if the \r occurs at the end of the FindWhat string
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strTokens[NumOfParagraphsToSearch - 1]))
예제 #8
		/// <summary>
		/// update the 'encoding converters' combo box with the current values
		/// </summary>
		private void LoadEncodingConverters()
			/// Added to make the list of encoding converters match the list that is given when
			/// the add new converter option is selected. (LT-2955)
			EncConverters encConv = new EncConverters();
			System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator de = encConv.GetEnumerator();
			cbEC.Sorted = true;
			while (de.MoveNext())
				string name = de.Key as string;
				if (name != null)
			cbEC.Sorted = false;
			cbEC.Items.Insert(0, m_blankEC);
예제 #9
		public void ConvertAsciiToUnicode()

			string encFileName = string.Empty;
			EncConverters converters = new EncConverters();
				// Define an encoding converter
				StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(
				encFileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "test.map");
				StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(encFileName);

				converters.Add("MyConverter", encFileName, ConvType.Legacy_to_from_Unicode, string.Empty,
					string.Empty, ProcessTypeFlags.UnicodeEncodingConversion);

				using (TempSFFileMaker fileMaker = new TempSFFileMaker())
					string fileName = fileMaker.CreateFile("ROM",
						new string[] {
										 @"\mt 0123456789",
										 "\\s \u0081\u009a\u0096\u00b5",
										 @"\c 1",
										 @"\v 1"},
						Encoding.GetEncoding(28591), false);
					m_settings.AddFile(fileName, ImportDomain.Main, null, 0);

					// Set the vernacular WS to use the MyConverter encoder
					LgWritingSystem wsVern =
						new LgWritingSystem(Cache, Cache.LangProject.DefaultVernacularWritingSystem);
					wsVern.LegacyMapping = "MyConverter";

					ISCTextEnum textEnum = GetTextEnum(ImportDomain.Main,
						new ScrReference(45, 0, 0, Paratext.ScrVers.English), new ScrReference(45, 1, 1, Paratext.ScrVers.English));

					ISCTextSegment textSeg = textEnum.Next();
					Assert.IsNotNull(textSeg, "Unable to read segment");
					Assert.AreEqual(@"\id", textSeg.Marker);
					Assert.AreEqual("ROM ", textSeg.Text);

					textSeg = textEnum.Next();
					Assert.IsNotNull(textSeg, "Unable to read segment");
					Assert.AreEqual(@"\mt", textSeg.Marker);
					Assert.AreEqual("\u0966\u0967\u0968\u0969\u096a\u096b\u096c\u096d\u096e\u096f ", textSeg.Text);

					textSeg = textEnum.Next();
					Assert.IsNotNull(textSeg, "Unable to read segment");
					Assert.AreEqual(@"\s", textSeg.Marker);
					Assert.AreEqual("\u0492\u043a\u2013\u04e9 ", textSeg.Text);

					textSeg = textEnum.Next();
					Assert.IsNotNull(textSeg, "Unable to read segment");
					Assert.AreEqual(@"\c", textSeg.Marker);
					Assert.AreEqual(@" ", textSeg.Text);

					textSeg = textEnum.Next();
					Assert.IsNotNull(textSeg, "Unable to read segment");
					Assert.AreEqual(@"\v", textSeg.Marker);
					Assert.AreEqual(@" ", textSeg.Text);
				catch {}
예제 #10
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Launches the add transduce processor dialog.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		internal void launchAddTransduceProcessorDlg()
			m_transduceDialogOpen = true;
			m_suppressAutosave = true;


			// save the current converter
			string selectedConverter = ConverterName;

				// call the v2.2 interface to "AutoConfigure" a converter
				string strFriendlyName = selectedConverter;
				EncConverters aEC = new EncConverters();
				aEC.AutoConfigure(ConvType.Unknown, ref strFriendlyName);

				m_outsideDlgChangedCnvtrs = true;

				if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strFriendlyName) && strFriendlyName != selectedConverter)
					SelectedConverter = strFriendlyName;
					SelectedConverter = selectedConverter;

				m_transduceDialogOpen = false;
				m_suppressAutosave = false;
예제 #11
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Load the Available Encoding Converters.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected void LoadAvailableConverters()
			string strSel = FwCoreDlgs.kstidNone;

				// Remember existing selection if one exists.  See LT-4045.
				if (cbEncodingConverter.Items.Count > 0)
					strSel = (string)cbEncodingConverter.SelectedItem;
				EncConverters encConverters = new EncConverters();
				foreach (string convName in encConverters.Keys)
				cbEncodingConverter.SelectedItem = strSel;
			catch (Exception e)
예제 #12
		private void menuItemDeleteAll_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			// verify first!
			if( MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete all the existing projects?", SpellingFixerEC.cstrCaption, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel) == DialogResult.Yes)
				EncConverters aECs = new EncConverters();
				foreach(string strProjectName in checkedListBoxProjects.Items)
					IEncConverter aEC = aECs[FullName(strProjectName)];
					if( aEC != null )
						// if they do this, then don't bother querying about saving the files.
						if( File.Exists(aEC.ConverterIdentifier) )

						// remove it from the repository as well.

				// now remove them from the checkbox list
				while( checkedListBoxProjects.Items.Count > 0 )

				this.buttonOK.Enabled = this.checkedListBoxProjects.Visible = false;
				this.AcceptButton = this.buttonAddNewProject;
예제 #13
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="helpTopicProvider">help topic provider for the Help button</param>
		/// <param name="encConverters"></param>
		/// <param name="wsInUse"></param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public AddCnvtrDlg(IHelpTopicProvider helpTopicProvider, EncConverters encConverters,
			Set<string> wsInUse)
			: this(helpTopicProvider, encConverters, wsInUse, false)
예제 #14
		private void menuItemEdit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			// Provide a way to edit the info (in case the user wants to change the
			//  font, size, or delimter.
			int nIndex = checkedListBoxProjects.IndexFromPoint(m_ptRightClicked);
			if( nIndex >= 0 )
				string strProjectName = checkedListBoxProjects.Items[nIndex].ToString();
				EncConverters aECs = new EncConverters();
				IEncConverter aEC = aECs[FullName(strProjectName)];
				if( aEC != null )
					m_strEncConverterName = aEC.Name;
					m_strConverterSpec = aEC.ConverterIdentifier;
					ECAttributes aECAttrs = aECs.Attributes(aEC.Name,AttributeType.Converter);

					string strFontName = aECAttrs[SpellingFixerEC.cstrAttributeFontToUse];
					string sFontSize = aECAttrs[SpellingFixerEC.cstrAttributeFontSizeToUse];
					m_strWordBoundaryDelimiter = aECAttrs[SpellingFixerEC.cstrAttributeWordBoundaryDelimiter];
					m_strNonWordCharacters = aECAttrs[SpellingFixerEC.cstrAttributeNonWordChars];

					DoEdit(aECs, aEC, strProjectName, strFontName, sFontSize);

				// make the "Update" button the default button
				this.AcceptButton = this.buttonAddNewProject;
예제 #15
		private void DoEdit(EncConverters aECs, IEncConverter aEC, string strProjectName, string strFontName, string sFontSize)
			this.textBoxNewProjectName.Text = strProjectName;
			this.textBoxWordBoundaryDelimiter.Text = m_strWordBoundaryDelimiter;

			// new in 1.2 (so it might not exist)
			this.textBoxAddlPunctuation.Text = this.DecodePunctuationForCC(m_strNonWordCharacters);

			this.listBoxFontSize.SelectedItem = sFontSize;
			this.comboBoxFont.SelectedItem = strFontName;

			m_bLegacy = (aEC.ConversionType == ConvType.Legacy_to_Legacy);
			this.checkBoxUnicode.Checked = !m_bLegacy;
			if( m_bLegacy )
				this.labelCP.Visible = this.textBoxCP.Visible = true;
				this.textBoxCP.Text = aECs.CodePage(strFontName).ToString();

			// update the "Add New Project" button to say "Update Project"
			this.groupBoxNewProject.Text = "Edit Project Settings";
			this.buttonAddNewProject.Text = "Update &Project";
			this.toolTips.SetToolTip(this.buttonAddNewProject, "Click to update the project information");
			this.textBoxNewProjectName.ReadOnly = true;
예제 #16
		private void menuItemDelete_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			int nIndex = checkedListBoxProjects.IndexFromPoint(m_ptRightClicked);
			if( nIndex >= 0 )
				string strProjectName = checkedListBoxProjects.Items[nIndex].ToString();
				if( MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Are you sure you want to delete the '{0}' project?",strProjectName), SpellingFixerEC.cstrCaption, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel) == DialogResult.Yes)
					EncConverters aECs = new EncConverters();
					IEncConverter aEC = aECs[FullName(strProjectName)];
					if( aEC != null )
						DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Do you also want to delete the associated CC table '{0}'?", aEC.ConverterIdentifier), SpellingFixerEC.cstrCaption, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel);
						if( res == DialogResult.Yes)
							if( File.Exists(aEC.ConverterIdentifier) )
						else if( res == DialogResult.Cancel )

						// remove it from the repository as well.


					if( this.checkedListBoxProjects.Items.Count == 0 )
						this.AcceptButton = this.buttonAddNewProject;
예제 #17
		private void checkBoxUnicode_CheckedChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			// check to see if the Add button should be enable.
			bool bIsLegacy = !this.checkBoxUnicode.Checked;
			this.labelCP.Visible = this.textBoxCP.Visible = bIsLegacy;

			// if it's a legacy encoding, then see if the repository already has a cp for
			//  this font
			if( bIsLegacy )
				EncConverters aECs = new EncConverters();
				int cp = (this.textBoxCP.Text != "") ? Convert.ToInt32(this.textBoxCP.Text) : 1252;
					if( (comboBoxFont.SelectedItem != null) && (comboBoxFont.SelectedItem.ToString() != "") )
						cp = aECs.CodePage(comboBoxFont.SelectedItem.ToString());
				catch {}
				this.textBoxCP.Text = cp.ToString();
예제 #18
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates and loads a set of dummy converters to test the
		/// <see cref="CnvtrPropertiesCtrl"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public override void FixtureSetup()

			m_fileMaker = new TempSFFileMaker();
			m_myDlg = new DummyAddCnvtrDlg();
			m_myCtrl = new DummyCnvtrPropertiesCtrl();

			SilEncConverters31.EncConverters encConverters = new SilEncConverters31.EncConverters();

			string[] ccFileContents = {"'c' > 'C'"};
			m_ccFileName = m_fileMaker.CreateFileNoID(ccFileContents, "cct");
			encConverters.AddConversionMap("ZZZTestCC", m_ccFileName,
				ConvType.Legacy_to_Unicode, "SIL.cc", "", "",

			string[] mapFileContents = {
										   "EncodingName	'ZZZText'",
										   "DescriptiveName	'Silly test file'",
										   "ByteDefault		'?'",
										   "UniDefault		replacement_character",
										   "0x80	<>	euro_sign"
			m_mapFileName = m_fileMaker.CreateFileNoID(mapFileContents, "map");
			encConverters.AddConversionMap("ZZZTestMap", m_mapFileName,
				ConvType.Legacy_to_from_Unicode, "SIL.map", "", "",

			// TODO: Should test a legitimate compiled TecKit file by embedding a zipped
			// up one in the resources for testing purposes.

			// This is a randomly chosen ICU converter. The test may break when we reduce the set of
			// ICU converters we ship.
			encConverters.AddConversionMap("ZZZTestICU", "ISO-8859-1",
				ConvType.Legacy_to_from_Unicode, "ICU.conv", "", "",

			// Add a 1-step compound converter, which won't be any of the types our dialog
			// recognizes for now.
			encConverters.AddCompoundConverterStep("ZZZTestCompound", "ZZZTestCC", true,

			// Load all the mappings after the dummy mappings are added, so the Converter
			// Mapping File combo box won't contain obsolete versions of the mappings referring
			// to old temp files from a previous run of the tests.
			m_myCtrl.CnvtrPropertiesCtrl_Load(null, null);
예제 #19
		static void DoMain(string[] args)
			// deal with command line arguments
			string strTargetDir = null;
			int nArgument = 0;
			if ((args.Length > nArgument) && (args[nArgument] == "/v"))
				m_bVerbose = true;

			if (args.Length > nArgument)
				strTargetDir = args[0];
				nArgument++;    // unnecessary, but...
				strTargetDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData);

			// set-up the paths to the source and target folders
			System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(strTargetDir[strTargetDir.Length - 1] != '\\', "Don't pass the target directory with a final slash");
			string strCommonApplicationDataSilPath = strTargetDir + cstrSIL;
			m_strCommonProgramFilesSilPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonProgramFiles) + cstrSIL;

			// move all the files in the following folders (here the MapsTables and Repository folders)
			Log(String.Format("Moving files from: {0} to {1}", m_strCommonProgramFilesSilPath + cstrMapsTables,
					strCommonApplicationDataSilPath + cstrMapsTables));
			MoveFolderContents(m_strCommonProgramFilesSilPath + cstrMapsTables, strCommonApplicationDataSilPath + cstrMapsTables);

			Log(String.Format("Moving files from: {0} to {1}", m_strCommonProgramFilesSilPath + cstrRepository,
					strCommonApplicationDataSilPath + cstrRepository));
			MoveFolderContents(m_strCommonProgramFilesSilPath + cstrRepository, strCommonApplicationDataSilPath + cstrRepository);

			// update the repository key for where the repository xml file is stored
			Log(String.Format("Updating RegistryKey {0} from: {1} to {2}", EncConverters.HKLM_PATH_TO_XML_FILE,
					m_strCommonProgramFilesSilPath, strCommonApplicationDataSilPath));
			ReplaceRegistryKeyValue(Registry.LocalMachine, EncConverters.HKLM_PATH_TO_XML_FILE,
				EncConverters.strRegKeyForStorePath, m_strCommonProgramFilesSilPath, strCommonApplicationDataSilPath);

			// update the paths used by the options installer (specialized function)
			Log(String.Format("Fixing up Options Installer Paths from: {0} to {1}", m_strCommonProgramFilesSilPath,
			FixupSECConverterOptionsInstallerPaths(m_strCommonProgramFilesSilPath, strCommonApplicationDataSilPath);

			// the following should come last
			// set the key that tells EncConverter to do a fixup of the converter specs
			Log(String.Format("Setting the RegistryKeyValue: {0} to {1}", EncConverters.strRegKeyForMovingRepository,
			SetRegistryKeyValue(Registry.LocalMachine, EncConverters.HKLM_PATH_TO_XML_FILE, EncConverters.strRegKeyForMovingRepository,

			// finally, instantiate the EncConverters repository object which will trigger the path fixup
			//  (while we still have administrator privilege)
			Log("Launching EncConverters to fix-up the repository paths to the new target location");
			EncConverters aECs = new EncConverters();
예제 #20
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Reloads contents of the Available Converters ListBox
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public void RefreshListBox()

			if (m_outsideDlgChangedCnvtrs)
				// after the dialog is closed, we have to "reboot" the list
				// of encoding converters to detect the new converters
				m_encConverters = new EncConverters();
				m_cnvtrPropertiesCtrl.Converters = m_encConverters;
				m_converterTest.Converters = m_encConverters;
				m_advancedEncProps.Converters = m_encConverters;
				m_outsideDlgChangedCnvtrs = false;

			// then we will perform the standard "refresh" of the listbox
			foreach (string convName in m_encConverters.Keys)
				if (m_fOnlyUnicode)
					IEncConverter conv = m_encConverters[convName];
					// Only Unicode-to-Unicode converters are relevant.
					if (conv.ConversionType == ConvType.Unicode_to_Unicode
						 || conv.ConversionType == ConvType.Unicode_to_from_Unicode)

			// Now add the converters that haven't been validated.
			foreach (EncoderInfo info in m_undefinedConverters.Values)
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Load the Available Encoding Converters.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected void LoadAvailableConverters()
			// Save the old selection so it can be restored after the combo box is filled
			string oldSelection = null;
			if (cbEncodingConverter.SelectedIndex != -1)
				oldSelection = (string)cbEncodingConverter.SelectedItem;
				EncConverters encConverters = new SilEncConverters31.EncConverters();
				foreach (string convName in encConverters.Keys)
				if (oldSelection != null)
					cbEncodingConverter.SelectedItem = oldSelection;
			catch (Exception e)
				// If the encoding converters failed, just put in a None entry
				cbEncodingConverter.SelectedIndex = 0;
예제 #22
		private void addToSystemRepositoryToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			// we have to have a file saved to add it
			if (m_strMapNameReal == null)
				saveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender, e);

			// check again, just in case they cancelled.
			if (m_strMapNameReal != null)
				m_aEC = null;   // free it so we can re-create it with the "real" content
				string strFriendlyName = null, strLhsEncodingID = null, strRhsEncodingID = null;
				if (CompileRealMap())
					m_aEC = new TecEncConverter();
					int nProcType = (int)ProcessTypeFlags.DontKnow;
					m_aEC.Initialize(cstrMyEncConverterName, m_strTecNameReal,
						ref strLhsEncodingID, ref strRhsEncodingID, ref m_eConvType, ref nProcType, 0, 0, true);
					return; // compile failed, so just quit

				if (m_aEC != null)
						strFriendlyName = String.Format("{0}{2}{1}",
							(EncConverters.IsUnidirectional(m_aEC.ConversionType)) ? ">" : "<>");
					catch { }

					EncConverters aECs = new EncConverters();
					IEncConverterConfig rConfigurator = m_aEC.Configurator;

					// call its Configure method to do the UI
					rConfigurator.Configure(aECs, strFriendlyName, m_eConvType, strLhsEncodingID, strRhsEncodingID);
예제 #23
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="helpTopicProvider">help topic provider for the Help button</param>
		/// <param name="encConverters"></param>
		/// <param name="wsInUse"></param>
		/// <param name="onlyUnicodeCnvtrs"></param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public AddCnvtrDlg(IHelpTopicProvider helpTopicProvider, EncConverters encConverters,
			Set<string> wsInUse, bool onlyUnicodeCnvtrs)
			: this(helpTopicProvider, encConverters, null, wsInUse, onlyUnicodeCnvtrs)
예제 #24
		private bool SetFontLhs()
#if false   // DEBUG
			fontDialog.Font = new Font("Annapurna", 12);
			fontDialog.Font = textBoxSample.Font;
			if (fontDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel)
				textBoxSample.Font = fontDialog.Font;
				textBoxSampleReverse.Font = fontDialog.Font;
				SetFontClue(cstrLhsFontClue, fontDialog.Font);
				if (unicodeValuesWindowToolStripMenuItem.Checked)
					if (IsLhsLegacy)
						EncConverters aECs = new EncConverters(true);
							m_nCodePageLegacyLhs = aECs.CodePage(fontDialog.Font.Name);
						catch { }

					m_formDisplayUnicodeNamesLhs.Initialize(IsLhsLegacy, textBoxSample.Font, m_nCodePageLegacyLhs);

				return true;
#if true    // !DEBUG
				return false;
예제 #25
		/// <summary>
		/// This is the most comprehensive constructor.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="helpTopicProvider"></param>
		/// <param name="encConverters"></param>
		/// <param name="selectConv">Converter to be selected</param>
		/// <param name="wsInUse"></param>
		/// <param name="onlyUnicodeCnvtrs">If true, show and create only Unicode converters (both to and to/from).</param>
		public AddCnvtrDlg(IHelpTopicProvider helpTopicProvider, EncConverters encConverters,
			string selectConv, Set<string> wsInUse, bool onlyUnicodeCnvtrs)
			// Set members
			m_helpTopicProvider = helpTopicProvider;
			m_fOnlyUnicode = onlyUnicodeCnvtrs;
			m_toSelect = selectConv;

			// Take care of null values
			if (encConverters == null)
				m_encConverters = new SilEncConverters31.EncConverters();
				m_encConverters = encConverters;

			// Required for Windows Form Designer support

			// Things that must happen after InitializeComponent() follow:


			// LT-6927: this is ugly, but could be added back into generated
			// parts after test tab conversion problems are resolved -- CameronB
			if (!m_fOnlyUnicode)

			m_cnvtrPropertiesCtrl.Converters = m_encConverters;
			m_cnvtrPropertiesCtrl.UndefinedConverters = m_undefinedConverters;
			m_converterTest.Converters = m_encConverters;
			m_advancedEncProps.Converters = m_encConverters;

			if (m_fOnlyUnicode) // Not really encoding converters in this case.
				m_cnvtrPropertiesCtrl.OnlyUnicode = true;
				this.Text = AddConverterDlgStrings.kstidSetupProcessor;
				label1.Text = AddConverterDlgStrings.kstidAvailableProcessors;
예제 #26
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Show New Converter Dialog.  Copied from FwCoreDlgs.WritingSystemPropertiesDialog.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void btnEncodingConverterNew_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			EncConverters converters = new EncConverters();
			if (converters == null)
				MessageBox.Show(this, FwCoreDlgs.kstidErrorAccessingEncConverters,
			Debug.Assert(converters != null);

			// Make a set of the writing systems currently in use.
			// As of 12/2/06, the only real user of wsInUse
			// Only cared about the legMapping, and treated
			// wsInUse as a Set.
			// Dictionary<string, string> wsInUse = new Dictionary<string, string>();
			Set<string> wsInUse = new Set<string>();
			IWritingSystem ws;
			int wsUser = m_wsf.UserWs;
			int cws = m_wsf.NumberOfWs;

			using (ArrayPtr ptr = MarshalEx.ArrayToNative(cws, typeof(int)))
				m_wsf.GetWritingSystems(ptr, cws);
				int[] vws = (int[])MarshalEx.NativeToArray(ptr, cws, typeof(int));

				for (int iws = 0; iws < cws; iws++)
					if (vws[iws] == 0)
					ws = m_wsf.get_EngineOrNull(vws[iws]);
					if (ws == null)
					string legMapping = ws.LegacyMapping;
					if (legMapping == null)

				string prevEC = cbEncodingConverter.Text;
				using (AddCnvtrDlg dlg = new AddCnvtrDlg(m_helpTopicProvider, null,
					cbEncodingConverter.Text, null, false))

					// Regenerate the encoding converters list and reload it in the combobox
					// to reflect any changes from the dialog.

					// Either select the new one or select the old one
					if (dlg.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(dlg.SelectedConverter))
						cbEncodingConverter.SelectedItem = dlg.SelectedConverter;
					else if (cbEncodingConverter.Items.Count > 0)
						cbEncodingConverter.SelectedItem = prevEC; // preserve selection if possible
			catch (Exception ex)
				System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(ex.Message);
				MessageBox.Show(this, sb.ToString(),
예제 #27
		private bool Convert1()
			const int maxSearch = 8;

			char c;
			string[] searches = new string[maxSearch];
			string buffer, searchBuffer, rieBufferLangData, rieBufferXML;
			int[] locs = new int[maxSearch];
			modes mode;
			bool bufferIt;
			int j;
			bool found;
			bool okay = true;

			if (!File.Exists(m_nextInput))
				ReportError(string.Format(ITextStrings.ksInputFileNotFound, m_nextInput),
				return false;
			m_converters = new EncConverters();
			FileStream fsi = new FileStream(m_nextInput, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
			FileStream fso = new FileStream(m_sTempDir + "LLPhase1Output.xml", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
			BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fsi);
			BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fso);
			buffer = string.Empty;
			searchBuffer = string.Empty;
			rieBufferXML = string.Empty;
			rieBufferLangData = string.Empty;

			for (int i = 0; i < m_languageMappings.Length; i++)
				LanguageMapping mapping = m_languageMappings[i];
				if (mapping.FwName == ITextStrings.ksIgnore || mapping.FwCode == string.Empty)
					mapping.FwName = "zzzIgnore";
					mapping.FwCode = "zzzIgnore";

			mode = modes.kStart;
			for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
				locs[j] = 0;
			bufferIt = false;

			while (okay && fsi.Position < fsi.Length)
				int m_currentProgress = m_phaseProgressStart + (int)Math.Floor((double)((m_phaseProgressEnd
					- m_phaseProgressStart) * fsi.Position / fsi.Length));
				if (m_currentProgress > m_shownProgress && m_currentProgress <= m_phaseProgressEnd)
					m_ai.Step(m_currentProgress - m_shownProgress);
					m_shownProgress = m_currentProgress;
				c = (char)br.ReadByte();
				found = false;
				int TempDiff = 0;
				for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
					if (c == searches[j][locs[j]])
						found = true;
						if (locs[j] > TempDiff)
							TempDiff = locs[j];
						locs[j] = 0;
				if (found)
					searchBuffer += c;
					TempDiff = searchBuffer.Length - TempDiff;
					if (TempDiff > 0)
						ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, TempDiff, bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
						searchBuffer = searchBuffer.Substring(TempDiff, searchBuffer.Length - TempDiff);
					if ((locs[0] == searches[0].Length) && (locs[0] == searchBuffer.Length))
						string s = string.Format(ITextStrings.ksExpectedXButGotY, searches[1], searches[0]);
						ReportError(s, ITextStrings.ksLLEncConv);
						s = "</Error>Parsing Error.  " + s;

						for (j = 0; j < s.Length; j++)
						okay = false;
					else if ((locs[1] == searches[1].Length) && (locs[1] == searchBuffer.Length))
						if (mode == modes.kStart)
							// <Run
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							bufferIt = false;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "</Run>";
							searches[1] = "ws=\"";
							mode = modes.kRun1;
						else if (mode == modes.kRun1)
							// <Run ws="
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							bufferIt = true;
							buffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "</Run>";
							searches[1] = "\"";
							mode = modes.kRun2;
						else if (mode == modes.kRun2)
							// <Run ws="en"
							ProcessLanguageCode(buffer, bw);
							bufferIt = false;
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "</Run>";
							searches[1] = ">";
							mode = modes.kRun3;
						else if (mode == modes.kRun3)
							// <Run ws="en">
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							bufferIt = true;
							buffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "<Run>";
							searches[1] = "</Run>";
							mode = modes.kRun4;
						else if (mode == modes.kRun4)
							// <Run ws="en">Data</Run>
							ProcessLanguageData(buffer, bw);
							bufferIt = false;
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							mode = modes.kStart;
						else if (mode == modes.kAUni1)
							// <AUni ws="
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							bufferIt = true;
							buffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "</AUni>";
							searches[1] = "\"";
							mode = modes.kAUni2;
						else if (mode == modes.kAUni2)
							// <AUni ws="en"
							ProcessLanguageCode(buffer, bw);
							bufferIt = false;
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "</AUni>";
							searches[1] = ">";
							mode = modes.kAUni3;
						else if (mode == modes.kAUni3)
							// <AUni ws="en">
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							bufferIt = true;
							buffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "<AUni>";
							searches[1] = "</AUni>";
							mode = modes.kAUni4;
						else if (mode == modes.kAUni4)
							// <AUni ws="en">Data</AUni>
							ProcessLanguageData(buffer, bw);
							bufferIt = false;
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							mode = modes.kStart;
						else if (mode == modes.kAStr1)
							// <AStr ws="
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							bufferIt = true;
							buffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "<Run>";
							searches[1] = "\"";
							mode = modes.kAStr2;
						else if (mode == modes.kAStr2)
							// <AStr ws="en"
							ProcessLanguageCode(buffer, bw);
							bufferIt = false;
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "<Run>";
							searches[1] = ">";
							mode = modes.kAStr3;
						else if (mode == modes.kAStr3)
							// <AStr ws="en">
							bufferIt = false;
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							mode = modes.kStart;
						else if (mode == modes.kRIE1)
							// <ReversalIndexEntry ... <Uni>
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							bufferIt = true;
							buffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "</ReversalIndexEntry>";
							searches[1] = "</Uni>";
							mode = modes.kRIE2;
						else if (mode == modes.kRIE2)
							// <ReversalIndexEntry ... <Uni>Data</Uni>
							rieBufferLangData = buffer;
							bufferIt = true;
							buffer = string.Empty;
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "</ReversalIndexEntry>";
							searches[1] = "<WritingSystem5053>";
							mode = modes.kRIE3;
						else if (mode == modes.kRIE3)
							// <ReversalIndexEntry ... <Uni>Data</Uni> ... <WritingSystem5053>
							bufferIt = true;
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "</ReversalIndexEntry>";
							searches[1] = "<Link";
							mode = modes.kRIE4;
						else if (mode == modes.kRIE4)
							// <ReversalIndexEntry ... <Uni>Data</Uni> ... <WritingSystem5053> ... <Link
							bufferIt = true;
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "</WritingSystem5053>";
							searches[1] = "ws=\"";
							mode = modes.kRIE5;
						else if (mode == modes.kRIE5)
							// <ReversalIndexEntry ... <Uni>Data</Uni> ... <WritingSystem5053> ... <ws="
							bufferIt = true;
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							rieBufferXML = buffer;
							buffer = string.Empty;
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "</WritingSystem5053>";
							searches[1] = "\"";
							mode = modes.kRIE6;
						else if (mode == modes.kRIE6)
							// <ReversalIndexEntry ... <Uni>Data</Uni> ... <WritingSystem5053> ... <Link ws="en"
							if (m_current.FwCode != null)
								rieBufferXML += m_current.FwCode;
							ProcessLanguageData(rieBufferLangData, bw);
							bufferIt = false;
							ProcessSearchBuffer(rieBufferXML, rieBufferXML.Length, bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "</Entries5052>";
							searches[1] = "</WritingSystem5053>";
							mode = modes.kRIE7;
						else if (mode == modes.kRIE7)
							// <ReversalIndexEntry ... <Uni>Data</Uni> ... <WritingSystem5053> ... <Link ws="en" ... </WritingSystem5053>
							bufferIt = false;
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							mode = modes.kStart;
						else if (mode == modes.kLink1)
							// <Link target="XXXXXXX" ws="
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							bufferIt = true;
							buffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "/>";
							searches[1] = "\"";
							mode = modes.kLink2;
						else if (mode == modes.kLink2)
							// <Link target="XXXXXXX" ws="en"
							ProcessLanguageCode(buffer, bw);
							bufferIt = false;
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[1] = "\"";
							searches[2] = "/>";
							mode = modes.kLink3;
						else if (mode == modes.kLink3)
							// <Link target="XXXXXXX" ws="en" form="
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							bufferIt = true;
							buffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "/>";
							searches[1] = "\"";
							mode = modes.kLink4;
						else if (mode == modes.kLink4)
							// <Link target="XXXXXXX" ws="en" form="Data"
							ProcessLanguageData(buffer, bw);
							bufferIt = false;
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[1] = "\"";
							searches[2] = "/>";
							mode = modes.kLink3;
						else if (mode == modes.kLinkA2)
							// <Link target="XXXXXXX" wsa="en"
							ProcessLanguageCode(buffer, bw);
							bufferIt = false;
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[1] = "\"";
							searches[2] = "/>";
							searches[3] = "wsv=\"";
							mode = modes.kLinkA3;
						else if (mode == modes.kLinkA3)
							// <Link target="XXXXXXX" wsa="en" abbr="
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							bufferIt = true;
							buffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "/>";
							searches[1] = "\"";
							mode = modes.kLinkA4;
						else if (mode == modes.kLinkA4)
							// <Link target="XXXXXXX" wsa="en" form="Data"
							ProcessLanguageData(buffer, bw);
							bufferIt = false;
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[1] = "\"";
							searches[2] = "/>";
							searches[3] = "wsv=\"";
							mode = modes.kLinkA3;
						else if (mode == modes.kICU1)
							// <ICULocale24> <Uni>
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							bufferIt = true;
							buffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "</ICULocale24>";
							searches[1] = "</Uni>";
							mode = modes.kICU2;
						else if (mode == modes.kICU2)
							// <ICULocale24> <Uni>en</Uni>
							ProcessLanguageCode(buffer, bw);
							bufferIt = false;
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							mode = modes.kStart;
						else if (mode == modes.kDtd)
							// <!DOCTYPE ... >
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[1], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							bufferIt = false;
							mode = modes.kStart;
						for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
							locs[j] = 0;
					else if ((locs[2] == searches[2].Length) && (locs[2] == searchBuffer.Length))
						if (mode == modes.kStart)
							// <AUni
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[2], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							bufferIt = false;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "</AUni>";
							searches[1] = "ws=\"";
							mode = modes.kAUni1;
						else if ((mode == modes.kLink1) || (mode == modes.kLink3) || (mode == modes.kLinkA3))
							// <Link ... /> or <Link ... ws="en" ... />
							bufferIt = false;
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[2], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							mode = modes.kStart;
						else if (mode == modes.kRIE1)
							// <ReversalIndexEntry ... </ReversalIndexEntry>
							bufferIt = false;
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[2], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							mode = modes.kStart;
						for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
							locs[j] = 0;
					else if ((locs[3] == searches[3].Length) && (locs[3] == searchBuffer.Length))
						if (mode == modes.kStart)
							// <ReversalIndexEntry
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[3], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							bufferIt = false;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[1] = "<Uni>";
							searches[2] = "</ReversalIndexEntry>";
							mode = modes.kRIE1;
						else if (mode == modes.kLink1)
							// <Link target="XXXXXXX" wsa="
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[3], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							bufferIt = true;
							buffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "/>";
							searches[1] = "\"";
							mode = modes.kLinkA2;
						else if (mode == modes.kLinkA3)
							// <Link target="XXXXXXX" wsa="en" abbr="llcr" wsv="
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[3], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							bufferIt = true;
							buffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "/>";
							searches[1] = "\"";
							mode = modes.kLinkA2;
						for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
							locs[j] = 0;
					else if ((locs[4] == searches[4].Length) && (locs[4] == searchBuffer.Length))
						if (mode == modes.kStart)
							// <AStr
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[4], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							bufferIt = false;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "<Run>";
							searches[1] = "ws=\"";
							mode = modes.kAStr1;
						for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
							locs[j] = 0;
					else if ((locs[5] == searches[5].Length) && (locs[5] == searchBuffer.Length))
						if (mode == modes.kStart)
							// <Link
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[5], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							bufferIt = false;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[1] = "ws=\"";
							searches[2] = "/>";
							searches[3] = "wsa=\"";
							mode = modes.kLink1;
						for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
							locs[j] = 0;
					else if ((locs[6] == searches[6].Length) && (locs[6] == searchBuffer.Length))
						if (mode == modes.kStart)
							// <ICULocale24>
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[6], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							bufferIt = false;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "</ICULocale24>";
							searches[1] = "<Uni>";
							mode = modes.kICU1;
						for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
							locs[j] = 0;
					else if ((locs[7] == searches[7].Length) && (locs[7] == searchBuffer.Length))
						if (mode == modes.kStart)
							// <!DOCTYPE
							bufferIt = true;
							ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, locs[7], bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
							searchBuffer = string.Empty;
							for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
								searches[j] = ">Dummy>";
							searches[0] = "<";
							searches[1] = ">";
							mode = modes.kDtd;
						for (j = 0; j < maxSearch; j++)
							locs[j] = 0;
					if (searchBuffer.Length > 0)
						ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, searchBuffer.Length, bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
						searchBuffer = string.Empty;
					if (bufferIt)
						buffer += c;
			if (okay)
				if (searchBuffer.Length > 0)
					ProcessSearchBuffer(searchBuffer, searchBuffer.Length, bufferIt, ref buffer, bw);
				m_nextInput = m_sTempDir + "LLPhase1Output.xml";
			return okay;
예제 #28
		private void buttonAddNewProject_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			// in case the Add New project button was default, change it to the OK button.
			this.AcceptButton = this.buttonOK;

			// get the delimiter for word boundaries and disallow the /"/ character
			m_strWordBoundaryDelimiter = this.textBoxWordBoundaryDelimiter.Text;
			if( m_strWordBoundaryDelimiter.IndexOf('"') != -1 )
				MessageBox.Show("Can't use the double-quote character for the word boundary delimiter",SpellingFixerEC.cstrCaption);

			bool bRewriteCCTable = false;

			string strPunctuation = EncodePunctuationForCC(this.textBoxAddlPunctuation.Text);
			if(strPunctuation == null )
				return; // it had a bad character

			else if( strPunctuation != m_strNonWordCharacters )
				// this means the file must be re-written
				bRewriteCCTable = true;
				m_strNonWordCharacters = strPunctuation;

			if( (!m_bLegacy) != this.checkBoxUnicode.Checked )
				m_bLegacy = !this.checkBoxUnicode.Checked;
				bRewriteCCTable = true;

			// check for existing EncConverter with this same project information
			string strCCTableSpec = null;
			string strPartialName = this.textBoxNewProjectName.Text;
			string strEncConverterName = FullName(strPartialName);
			EncConverters aECs = new EncConverters();
			IEncConverter aEC = aECs[strEncConverterName];
			if( aEC != null )
				// if we're *not* in edit mode
				if( this.buttonAddNewProject.Text == cstrAddNewProjectButtonText )
					if( MessageBox.Show(String.Format("A project already exists by the name {0}. Click 'Yes' to overwrite", this.textBoxNewProjectName.Text),SpellingFixerEC.cstrCaption, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel) == DialogResult.Yes)
						// take it out of the check box list
						strCCTableSpec = aEC.ConverterIdentifier;
						if( File.Exists(strCCTableSpec) )
							strCCTableSpec = null;

						// remove the existing one and we'll add a new one next
						aEC = null;
				else    // edit mode
					if( MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Do you want to update the '{0}' project?", this.textBoxNewProjectName.Text),SpellingFixerEC.cstrCaption, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel) == DialogResult.Yes)
						// take it out of the check box list

						// save the spec so that we don't make one below
						strCCTableSpec = aEC.ConverterIdentifier;

						// the remove the converter since we'll add it back again next
						aEC = null;
						// reset this in case we were just editing it.

			// if we're aren't using the old cc table, then...
			if( strCCTableSpec == null )
				// now add it (put it in the normal 'MapsTables' folder in \pf\cf\sil\...)
				string strMapsTableDir = GetMapTableFolderPath;
				strCCTableSpec = strMapsTableDir + @"\" + strEncConverterName + ".cct";
				if( File.Exists(strCCTableSpec) )
					// the converter doesn't exist, but a file with the name we would have
					//  given it does... ask the user if they want to overwrite it.
					// TODO: this doesn't allow for complete flexibility. It might be nicer to
					//  allow for any arbitrary name, but not if noone complains.
					if( MessageBox.Show(String.Format("A file exists by the name {0}. Click 'Yes' to overwrite", strCCTableSpec),SpellingFixerEC.cstrCaption, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel) == DialogResult.Yes)
#if WriteOnAdd
// if the user goes to add the first record, it'd be better if the file didn't exist because now we do some
//  preliminary testing whether the CC table already changes a word before adding a new one, but this causes
//  a non-trapable error if there are no rules in the file. So just create it when it is actually needed
						CreateCCTable(strCCTableSpec,strEncConverterName,m_strNonWordCharacters, !this.m_bLegacy);
#if WriteOnAdd
					CreateCCTable(strCCTableSpec,strEncConverterName,m_strNonWordCharacters, !this.m_bLegacy);
				bRewriteCCTable = false;

			// now add the EncConverter
			// TODO: EncConverters needs a new interface to get the defining encodingID from
			//  a FontName (so we can use it in this call) just like we can 'try' to get the
			//  code page given a font name (see 'CodePage' below)
			ConvType eConvType = (m_bLegacy)
				? ConvType.Legacy_to_Legacy : ConvType.Unicode_to_Unicode;


			Font font = null;
				font = new Font(comboBoxFont.SelectedItem.ToString(),Convert.ToSingle(listBoxFontSize.SelectedItem));
				MessageBox.Show("Couldn't create the selected font. Contact support");

			// add this 'displaying font' information to the converter as properties/attributes
			ECAttributes aECAttrs = aECs.Attributes(strEncConverterName,AttributeType.Converter);
			aECAttrs.Add(SpellingFixerEC.cstrAttributeFontSizeToUse, font.Size);
			aECAttrs.Add(SpellingFixerEC.cstrAttributeWordBoundaryDelimiter, m_strWordBoundaryDelimiter);
			aECAttrs.Add(SpellingFixerEC.cstrAttributeNonWordChars, m_strNonWordCharacters);

			// if it's not Unicode, then we need a code page in order to convert from wide to
			//  narrow (when writing to the file).
			int cp = 0;
			if( m_bLegacy )
				// try to get the code page from EncConverters
					cp = aECs.CodePage(font.Name);
					// if it fails, it means we don't have a mapping, so add one here.
					// TODO: it would be nice to have an encoding, but I'm loath to query
					//  the user for it here since it isn't extremely relevant to this app.
					cp = Convert.ToInt32(this.textBoxCP.Text);

			if(bRewriteCCTable)    // we are going to continue using the old file... so we must re-write it.
				// if it was legacy encoded, then we need to convert the data to narrow using
				//  the code page the user specified (or we got out of the repository)
				Encoding enc = null;
				if( m_bLegacy )
					if (cp == EncConverters.cnSymbolFontCodePage)
						cp = EncConverters.cnIso8859_1CodePage;
					enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(cp);
					enc = new UTF8Encoding();

				DataTable   myTable;
				if( SpellingFixerEC.InitializeDataTableFromCCTable(strCCTableSpec, enc, m_strWordBoundaryDelimiter, out myTable) )
					SpellingFixerEC.AppendCCTableFromDataTable(strCCTableSpec, enc, m_strWordBoundaryDelimiter, m_strNonWordCharacters, myTable);

			// finally, add the new project to the now-visible checkbox list
			this.buttonOK.Enabled = checkedListBoxProjects.Visible = true;

			// reset this in case we were just editing it.
예제 #29
		internal bool OpenDocument(string strMapName)
			if (Program.Modified)


			bool bModified = false;

			// if we are dealing with a real file...
			m_strMapNameReal = strMapName;

			// check to see if it exists (the alternate exception isn't very helpful)
			if (!File.Exists(m_strMapNameReal))
				MessageBox.Show(String.Format("The file '{0}' doesn't exist!", m_strMapNameReal, cstrCaption));
				return false;

			// otherwise, determine the .tec filename
			m_strTecNameReal = m_strMapNameReal.Remove(m_strMapNameReal.Length - 3, 3) + "tec";

			// and put it's contents into the editor.
			this.richTextBoxMapEditor.Lines = File.ReadAllLines(m_strMapNameReal, m_enc);

			// see if our 'clues' are in the file
			ConvType eConvType = ConvType.Unknown;
			bool bLhsFontFound = false;
			bool bRhsFontFound = false;
			bool bCodePointFormSizeHasBeenSetLhs = false;
			bool bCodePointFormSizeHasBeenSetRhs = false;
			m_nCodePageLegacyLhs = 0;
			m_nCodePageLegacyRhs = 0;

			foreach (string strLine in richTextBoxMapEditor.Lines)
				int nIndex = strLine.IndexOf(cstrConvTypeClue);
				if (nIndex != -1)
					string strConvType = strLine.Substring(nIndex + cstrConvTypeClue.Length);

					foreach (string asName in Enum.GetNames(typeof(ConvType)))
						if (asName == strConvType)
							eConvType = (ConvType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ConvType), strConvType);

				nIndex = strLine.IndexOf(cstrLhsFontClue);
				if (nIndex != -1)
					int nDelimiter = strLine.LastIndexOf(';');
					int nLen = nDelimiter - (nIndex + cstrLhsFontClue.Length);
					string strFontName = strLine.Substring(nIndex + cstrLhsFontClue.Length, nLen);
					string strFontSize = strLine.Substring(nDelimiter + 1);
					float emSize = Convert.ToSingle(strFontSize);
					Font font = Program.GetSafeFont(strFontName, emSize);
					textBoxSample.Font = font;
					textBoxSampleReverse.Font = font;
					bLhsFontFound = true;

				nIndex = strLine.IndexOf(cstrRhsFontClue);
				if (nIndex != -1)
					int nDelimiter = strLine.LastIndexOf(';');
					int nLen = nDelimiter - (nIndex + cstrRhsFontClue.Length);
					string strFontName = strLine.Substring(nIndex + cstrRhsFontClue.Length, nLen);
					string strFontSize = strLine.Substring(nDelimiter + 1);
					float emSize = Convert.ToSingle(strFontSize);
					Font font = Program.GetSafeFont(strFontName, emSize);
					textBoxSampleForward.Font = font;
					bRhsFontFound = true;

				nIndex = strLine.IndexOf(cstrLhsCodePageClue);
				if (nIndex != -1)
					string strCodePage = strLine.Substring(nIndex + cstrLhsCodePageClue.Length);
						m_nCodePageLegacyLhs = Convert.ToInt32(strCodePage);
					catch { }

				nIndex = strLine.IndexOf(cstrRhsCodePageClue);
				if (nIndex != -1)
					string strCodePage = strLine.Substring(nIndex + cstrRhsCodePageClue.Length);
						m_nCodePageLegacyRhs = Convert.ToInt32(strCodePage);
					catch { }

				nIndex = strLine.IndexOf(cstrMainFormClue);
				if (nIndex != -1)
						string strXYWH = strLine.Substring(nIndex + cstrMainFormClue.Length);
						string[] aStrBounds = strXYWH.Split(new char[] { ',' });
						Rectangle rectBounds = new Rectangle

						if (SetBounds(this, ref rectBounds))
							SetBoundsClue(cstrMainFormClue, rectBounds);
					catch { }

				// search for the character map window location (what used to be the 'code point' window)
				string strClue = cstrCodePointFormClueLhs;
				nIndex = strLine.IndexOf(cstrCodePointFormClueLhs);
				if (nIndex != -1)
						string strXYWH = strLine.Substring(nIndex + strClue.Length);
						string[] aStrBounds = strXYWH.Split(new char[] { ',' });
						Rectangle rectBounds = new Rectangle

						if (SetBounds(m_formDisplayUnicodeNamesLhs, ref rectBounds))
							SetBoundsClue(strClue, rectBounds);
						bCodePointFormSizeHasBeenSetLhs = true;
					catch { }

				nIndex = strLine.IndexOf(cstrCodePointFormClueRhs);
				if (nIndex != -1)
						string strXYWH = strLine.Substring(nIndex + cstrCodePointFormClueRhs.Length);
						string[] aStrBounds = strXYWH.Split(new char[] { ',' });
						Rectangle rectBounds = new Rectangle

						if (SetBounds(m_formDisplayUnicodeNamesRhs, ref rectBounds))
							SetBoundsClue(cstrCodePointFormClueRhs, rectBounds);
						bCodePointFormSizeHasBeenSetRhs = true;
					catch { }

			// if we didn't find the ConvType, then query for it
			bool bUserCancelled = false;
			if (eConvType == ConvType.Unknown)
				bUserCancelled = !QueryConvType();
				ConversionType = eConvType;


			if (!bUserCancelled && !bLhsFontFound)
				// for legacy encodings, prompt for the font.
				MessageBox.Show("Select the font for the left-hand side encoding", cstrCaption);
				bUserCancelled |= !SetFontLhs();
			else if (unicodeValuesWindowToolStripMenuItem.Checked)
				if (IsLhsLegacy && (m_nCodePageLegacyLhs == 0))
					EncConverters aECs = new EncConverters(true);
						m_nCodePageLegacyLhs = aECs.CodePage(textBoxSample.Font.Name);
					catch { }

				m_formDisplayUnicodeNamesLhs.Initialize(IsLhsLegacy, textBoxSample.Font, m_nCodePageLegacyLhs);

			if (!bUserCancelled && !bRhsFontFound)
				// for legacy encodings, prompt for the font.
				MessageBox.Show("Select the font for the right-hand side encoding", cstrCaption);
			else if (unicodeValuesWindowToolStripMenuItem.Checked)
				if (IsRhsLegacy && (m_nCodePageLegacyRhs == 0))
					EncConverters aECs = new EncConverters(true);
						m_nCodePageLegacyRhs = aECs.CodePage(textBoxSampleForward.Font.Name);
					catch { }

				m_formDisplayUnicodeNamesRhs.Initialize(IsRhsLegacy, textBoxSampleForward.Font, m_nCodePageLegacyRhs);

			if (!bCodePointFormSizeHasBeenSetLhs)
				Point ptLocation = new Point(Location.X + Bounds.Size.Width, Location.Y);
				m_formDisplayUnicodeNamesLhs.Location = ptLocation;

			if (!bCodePointFormSizeHasBeenSetRhs)
				Point ptLocation = new Point(m_formDisplayUnicodeNamesLhs.Location.X, m_formDisplayUnicodeNamesLhs.Location.Y + m_formDisplayUnicodeNamesLhs.Bounds.Size.Height);
				m_formDisplayUnicodeNamesRhs.Location = ptLocation;

			if (!bLhsFontFound || !bRhsFontFound || !bCodePointFormSizeHasBeenSetLhs || !bCodePointFormSizeHasBeenSetRhs)
				// initialize it with our clues
				string strPrefixHeader = cstrOpeningHeader + String.Format("v{1} on {2}.{0};   {3}{4}{0};   {5}{6};{7}{0};   {8}{9};{10}{0}{11}{0}{12}{0}{13}{0}",
					BoundsClueString(cstrMainFormClue, Bounds),
					BoundsClueString(cstrCodePointFormClueLhs, m_formDisplayUnicodeNamesLhs.Bounds),
					BoundsClueString(cstrCodePointFormClueRhs, m_formDisplayUnicodeNamesRhs.Bounds));

				strPrefixHeader += AddCodePageClue(cstrLhsCodePageClue, m_nCodePageLegacyLhs);
				strPrefixHeader += AddCodePageClue(cstrRhsCodePageClue, m_nCodePageLegacyRhs);
				strPrefixHeader += String.Format("{0}", Environment.NewLine);

				this.richTextBoxMapEditor.Text = strPrefixHeader + SkipPast0900Header;
				bModified = true;

			// so it re-creates for this "new" map
			m_aEC = null;
			Program.Modified = bModified;

			return true;
예제 #30
		internal bool LoadProject(string strProjectName)
			// get the EncConverter that should have been added above by 'AddNewProject' button
			EncConverters aECs = new EncConverters();
			IEncConverter aEC = aECs[FullName(strProjectName)];
			if( aEC != null )
				m_strEncConverterName = aEC.Name;
				m_strConverterSpec = aEC.ConverterIdentifier;
				ECAttributes aECAttrs = aECs.Attributes(aEC.Name,AttributeType.Converter);
				string strFontName = aECAttrs[SpellingFixerEC.cstrAttributeFontToUse];
				string sFontSize = aECAttrs[SpellingFixerEC.cstrAttributeFontSizeToUse];
				m_strWordBoundaryDelimiter = aECAttrs[SpellingFixerEC.cstrAttributeWordBoundaryDelimiter];
				m_strNonWordCharacters = aECAttrs[SpellingFixerEC.cstrAttributeNonWordChars];

				// new in 1.2 (so it might not exist)
				if( m_strNonWordCharacters == null )
					m_strNonWordCharacters = SpellingFixerEC.GetDefaultPunctuation;

				// if this was added (without having been made on this system), then
				//  these properties doesn't get added automatically. Must go to edit mode!
				if((strFontName == null)
					||  (sFontSize == null)
					||  (m_strWordBoundaryDelimiter == null) )
					MessageBox.Show("It looks like this project was added to the repository incorrectly because it's missing some important properties. You'll need to edit it again to set the font, and other values.");
					DoEdit(aECs, aEC, strProjectName, strFontName, sFontSize);

					// make the "Update" button the default button
					this.AcceptButton = this.buttonAddNewProject;
					return false;

				float fFontSize = (float)0.0;
					fFontSize = (float)Convert.ToSingle(sFontSize);
				catch {}

				if( (strFontName != "") && (fFontSize != 0.0) )
					m_font = new Font(strFontName,fFontSize);

				m_bLegacy = (aEC.ConversionType == ConvType.Legacy_to_Legacy);
				if( m_bLegacy )
					m_cp = aECs.CodePage(strFontName);

				RegistryKey keyLastSFProject = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(cstrProjectMemoryKey);
				return true;

			return false;
예제 #31
		private void SetFontRhs()
#if false   // DEBUG
			fontDialog.Font = new Font("Arial Unicode MS", 12);
			fontDialog.Font = textBoxSampleForward.Font;
			if (fontDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel)
				textBoxSampleForward.Font = fontDialog.Font;
				SetFontClue(cstrRhsFontClue, fontDialog.Font);

				// only do this if the lhs is *not* legacy and the rhs is
				if (unicodeValuesWindowToolStripMenuItem.Checked)
					if (IsRhsLegacy)
						EncConverters aECs = new EncConverters(true);
							m_nCodePageLegacyRhs = aECs.CodePage(fontDialog.Font.Name);
						catch { }

					m_formDisplayUnicodeNamesRhs.Initialize(IsRhsLegacy, textBoxSampleForward.Font, m_nCodePageLegacyRhs);
예제 #32
		public LinguaLinksImportDlg()

			// Copied from the LexImportWizard dlg Init (LexImportWizard.cs)
			// Ensure that we have the default encoding converter (to/from MS Windows Code Page
			// for Western European languages)
			SilEncConverters31.EncConverters encConv = new SilEncConverters31.EncConverters();
			System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator de = encConv.GetEnumerator();
			string sEncConvName = "Windows1252<>Unicode";	// REVIEW: SHOULD THIS NAME BE LOCALIZED?
			bool fMustCreateEncCnv = true;
			while (de.MoveNext())
				if ((string)de.Key != null && (string)de.Key == sEncConvName)
					fMustCreateEncCnv = false;
			if (fMustCreateEncCnv)
					encConv.AddConversionMap(sEncConvName, "1252",
						ECInterfaces.ConvType.Legacy_to_from_Unicode, "cp", "", "",
				catch (SilEncConverters31.ECException exception)
					MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, ITextStrings.ksConvMapError,