public static string Next(object on, string root, params IEnumerable <string>[] inUse) { var key = SigilTuple.Create(on, root); lock (State) { int next; if (!State.TryGetValue(key, out next)) { next = 0; State[key] = next; } State[key]++; var ret = root + next; if (LinqAlternative.Any(inUse, a => LinqAlternative.Any(a, x => x == ret))) { return(Next(on, root, inUse)); } return(ret); } }
private LinqList <StackTransition> GetLegalTransitions(LinqList <StackTransition> ops, LinqStack <LinqList <TypeOnStack> > runningStack) { var ret = new LinqList <StackTransition>(ops.Count); for (var i = 0; i < ops.Count; i++) { var w = ops[i]; if (LinqAlternative.All(w.PoppedFromStack, u => u == TypeOnStack.Get <PopAllType>())) { ret.Add(w); continue; } var onStack = runningStack.Peek(IsBaseless, w.PoppedCount); if (onStack == null) { continue; } if (LinqAlternative.Any(w.PushedToStack, p => p == TypeOnStack.Get <SamePointerType>())) { if (w.PushedToStack.Length > 1) { throw new Exception("SamePointerType can be only product of a transition which contains it"); } var shouldBePointer = LinqAlternative.SelectMany(onStack, p => p.Where(x => x.IsPointer || x == TypeOnStack.Get <WildcardType>()).AsEnumerable()).Distinct().ToList(); if (shouldBePointer.Count == 0) { continue; } w = new StackTransition(w.PoppedFromStack, new [] { shouldBePointer.Single() }); } if (LinqAlternative.Any(w.PushedToStack, p => p == TypeOnStack.Get <SameByRefType>())) { if (w.PushedToStack.Length > 1) { throw new Exception("SameByRefType can be only product of a transition which contains it"); } var shouldBeByRef = LinqAlternative.SelectMany(onStack, p => p.Where(x => x.IsReference || x == TypeOnStack.Get <WildcardType>()).AsEnumerable()).Distinct().ToList(); if (shouldBeByRef.Count == 0) { continue; } w = new StackTransition(w.PoppedFromStack, new[] { shouldBeByRef.Single() }); } bool outerContinue = false; for (var j = 0; j < w.PoppedCount; j++) { var shouldBe = w.PoppedFromStack[j]; var actuallyIs = onStack[j]; if (!actuallyIs.Any(a => shouldBe.IsAssignableFrom(a))) { outerContinue = true; break; } } if (outerContinue) { continue; } ret.Add(w); } return(ret); }
public bool Any(SigilFunc <T, bool> p) { return(LinqAlternative.Any(InnerEnumerable(), p)); }
private static void UpdateStack(LinqStack <LinqList <TypeOnStack> > stack, InstructionAndTransitions wrapped, bool isBaseless) { var legal = wrapped.Transitions; var instr = wrapped.Instruction; var legalSize = 0; legal.Each( t => { legalSize += t.PushedToStack.Length; if (t.Before != null) { t.Before(stack, isBaseless); } } ); if (legal.Any(l => LinqAlternative.Any(l.PoppedFromStack, u => u == TypeOnStack.Get <PopAllType>()))) { if (instr.HasValue) { for (var i = 0; i < stack.Count; i++) { var ix = stack.Count - i - 1; stack.ElementAt(i).Each(y => y.Mark(wrapped, ix)); } } stack.Clear(); } else { var toPop = legal.First().PoppedCount; for (var j = 0; j < toPop && stack.Count > 0; j++) { var popped = stack.Pop(); if (instr.HasValue) { var ix = toPop - j - 1; popped.Each(y => y.Mark(wrapped, ix)); } } } var toPush = new LinqList <TypeOnStack>(legalSize); var pushed = new LinqHashSet <TypeOnStack>(); for (var i = 0; i < legal.Count; i++) { foreach (var p in legal[i].PushedToStack) { if (pushed.Contains(p)) { continue; } toPush.Add(p); pushed.Add(p); } } if (toPush.Count > 0) { stack.Push(toPush); } }