/// <summary> /// Converts this instance of <see cref="product"/> to an instance of <see cref="productDto"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"><see cref="product"/> to convert.</param> public static productDto ToDTO(this product entity) { if (entity == null) { return(null); } var dto = new productDto(); dto.v_ProductId = entity.v_ProductId; dto.i_CategoryId = entity.i_CategoryId; dto.v_Name = entity.v_Name; dto.v_GenericName = entity.v_GenericName; dto.v_BarCode = entity.v_BarCode; dto.v_ProductCode = entity.v_ProductCode; dto.v_Brand = entity.v_Brand; dto.v_Model = entity.v_Model; dto.v_SerialNumber = entity.v_SerialNumber; dto.d_ExpirationDate = entity.d_ExpirationDate; dto.i_MeasurementUnitId = entity.i_MeasurementUnitId; dto.r_ReferentialCostPrice = entity.r_ReferentialCostPrice; dto.r_ReferentialSalesPrice = entity.r_ReferentialSalesPrice; dto.v_Presentation = entity.v_Presentation; dto.v_AdditionalInformation = entity.v_AdditionalInformation; dto.b_Image = entity.b_Image; dto.i_IsDeleted = entity.i_IsDeleted; dto.i_InsertUserId = entity.i_InsertUserId; dto.d_InsertDate = entity.d_InsertDate; dto.i_UpdateUserId = entity.i_UpdateUserId; dto.d_UpdateDate = entity.d_UpdateDate; entity.OnDTO(dto); return(dto); }
public productwarehouseDto(String v_WarehouseId, String v_ProductId, Nullable <Single> r_StockMin, Nullable <Single> r_StockMax, Nullable <Single> r_StockActual, Nullable <Int32> i_InsertUserId, Nullable <DateTime> d_InsertDate, Nullable <Int32> i_UpdateUserId, Nullable <DateTime> d_UpdateDate, warehouseDto warehouse, productDto product) { this.v_WarehouseId = v_WarehouseId; this.v_ProductId = v_ProductId; this.r_StockMin = r_StockMin; this.r_StockMax = r_StockMax; this.r_StockActual = r_StockActual; this.i_InsertUserId = i_InsertUserId; this.d_InsertDate = d_InsertDate; this.i_UpdateUserId = i_UpdateUserId; this.d_UpdateDate = d_UpdateDate; this.warehouse = warehouse; this.product = product; }
public movementdetailDto(String v_MovementId, String v_ProductId, String v_WarehouseId, Nullable <Single> r_StockMax, Nullable <Single> r_StockMin, Nullable <Int32> i_MovementTypeId, Nullable <Single> r_Quantity, Nullable <Single> r_Price, Nullable <Single> r_SubTotal, Nullable <DateTime> d_UpdateDate, movementDto movement, warehouseDto warehouse, productDto product) { this.v_MovementId = v_MovementId; this.v_ProductId = v_ProductId; this.v_WarehouseId = v_WarehouseId; this.r_StockMax = r_StockMax; this.r_StockMin = r_StockMin; this.i_MovementTypeId = i_MovementTypeId; this.r_Quantity = r_Quantity; this.r_Price = r_Price; this.r_SubTotal = r_SubTotal; this.d_UpdateDate = d_UpdateDate; this.movement = movement; this.warehouse = warehouse; this.product = product; }
/// <summary> /// Converts this instance of <see cref="productDto"/> to an instance of <see cref="product"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="dto"><see cref="productDto"/> to convert.</param> public static product ToEntity(this productDto dto) { if (dto == null) { return(null); } var entity = new product(); entity.v_ProductId = dto.v_ProductId; entity.i_CategoryId = dto.i_CategoryId; entity.v_Name = dto.v_Name; entity.v_GenericName = dto.v_GenericName; entity.v_BarCode = dto.v_BarCode; entity.v_ProductCode = dto.v_ProductCode; entity.v_Brand = dto.v_Brand; entity.v_Model = dto.v_Model; entity.v_SerialNumber = dto.v_SerialNumber; entity.d_ExpirationDate = dto.d_ExpirationDate; entity.i_MeasurementUnitId = dto.i_MeasurementUnitId; entity.r_ReferentialCostPrice = dto.r_ReferentialCostPrice; entity.r_ReferentialSalesPrice = dto.r_ReferentialSalesPrice; entity.v_Presentation = dto.v_Presentation; entity.v_AdditionalInformation = dto.v_AdditionalInformation; entity.b_Image = dto.b_Image; entity.i_IsDeleted = dto.i_IsDeleted; entity.i_InsertUserId = dto.i_InsertUserId; entity.d_InsertDate = dto.d_InsertDate; entity.i_UpdateUserId = dto.i_UpdateUserId; entity.d_UpdateDate = dto.d_UpdateDate; entity.v_ComentaryUpdate = dto.v_ComentaryUpdate; dto.OnEntity(entity); return(entity); }
/// <summary> /// Invoked when <see cref="ToEntity"/> operation is about to return. /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"><see cref="product"/> converted from <see cref="productDto"/>.</param> static partial void OnEntity(this productDto dto, product entity);
/// <summary> /// Invoked when <see cref="ToDTO"/> operation is about to return. /// </summary> /// <param name="dto"><see cref="productDto"/> converted from <see cref="product"/>.</param> static partial void OnDTO(this product entity, productDto dto);