internal static Volunteer AddVolunteerfromCmd()//Aici se creaza un nou voluntar de la tastatura { Volunteer vol = new Volunteer(); Console.WriteLine("You have chosen to add a Volunteer"); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the persons:"); Console.WriteLine("Firstname: "); vol.Firstname = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Lastname: "); vol.Lastname = Console.ReadLine(); do { try { vol.Age = 0; Console.WriteLine("Age: "); vol.Age = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a Number"); vol.Age = 0; } } while (vol.Age < 1);// int pentru age /*Console.WriteLine("Country: "); * vol.Address.Country = Console.ReadLine(); * Console.WriteLine("City: "); * vol.Address.City = Console.ReadLine(); * Console.WriteLine("Street: "); * vol.Address.Street = Console.ReadLine(); * Console.WriteLine("Number: "); * vol.Address.Number = Console.ReadLine(); * Console.WriteLine("Gender: "); * vol.Gender = Console.ReadLine();*/ do { try { vol.birthdate.Year = 0; Console.WriteLine("Birth Year: "); vol.birthdate.Year = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a Number"); vol.birthdate.Year = 0; } } while (vol.birthdate.Year < 1);//int pentru brthyear do { try { vol.birthdate.Month = 0; Console.WriteLine("Birth Month: "); vol.birthdate.Month = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a Number"); vol.birthdate.Month = 0; } } while (vol.birthdate.Month < 1);//int pentru brthmonth do { try { vol.birthdate.Day = 0; Console.WriteLine("Birth Day: "); vol.birthdate.Day = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a Number"); vol.birthdate.Day = 0; } } while (vol.birthdate.Day < 1);//int pentru birthday /* Console.WriteLine("Has Driving License? (true/false)"); //trebe facut pentru boolean * vol.AditionalInfo.HasDrivingLicence = Convert.ToBoolean(Console.ReadLine()); * Console.WriteLine("Has Car? (true/false)");//trebe facut pentru boolean * vol.AditionalInfo.HasCar = Convert.ToBoolean(Console.ReadLine()); * Console.WriteLine("EmailAddress: : "); * vol.ContactInformations.MailAdress = Console.ReadLine(); * Console.WriteLine("PhoneNumber: : "); * vol.ContactInformations.PhoneNumber = Console.ReadLine(); * Console.WriteLine("HasContract (true/false)");//trebe facut pentru boolean * vol.Contract.HasContract = Convert.ToBoolean(Console.ReadLine()); * Console.WriteLine("Contract Period in months"); * vol.Contract.ContractPeriod = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); * Console.WriteLine("Number of Registration: : "); * vol.Contract.NumberOfRegistration = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); * Console.WriteLine("Registration Year"); * vol.registrationday.Year = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); * Console.WriteLine("Registration Month"); * vol.registrationday.Month = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); * Console.WriteLine("Registration Day"); * vol.registrationday.Day = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); * Console.WriteLine("Desired Workplace"); * vol.Desired_workplace = Console.ReadLine(); * Console.WriteLine("Field of activity"); * vol.Field_of_activity = Console.ReadLine(); * Console.WriteLine("Hour Count"); * vol.HourCount = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); * Console.WriteLine("Active? (true/false)");//trebe facut pentru boolean * vol.InActivity = Convert.ToBoolean(Console.ReadLine()); * Console.WriteLine("Occupation"); * vol.Occupation = Console.ReadLine(); * Console.WriteLine("Occupation Description"); * vol.Occupation_description = Console.ReadLine(); * Console.WriteLine("How many Hours a week"); * vol.WorkSchedule.HoursWeek = Console.ReadLine(); * Console.WriteLine("Which days is he available"); * vol.WorkSchedule.Comments.Days = Console.ReadLine(); * Console.WriteLine("What hours is he available"); * vol.WorkSchedule.Comments.TimeAvailability = Console.ReadLine();*/ Console.WriteLine("Volunteer successfully added!"); return(vol); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var client = new MongoClient(); var db = client.GetDatabase("SiemensProject"); //craeaza baza de date cu numele ... var volunteercollection = db.GetCollection <Volunteer>("Volunteers"); //Adauga o colectie in baza de date anterior creata var eventcollection = db.GetCollection <Event>("Events"); //creeaza baza de date cu numele.. bool finished = false; int choice; List <Volunteer> allvolunteers2 = new List <Volunteer>(); List <Event> allevents = new List <Event>(); //DONE //Intrebare daca Nar fi bine sa sterg characterul care cauzeaza problema string jsontext = File.ReadAllText(@"volunteer.json"); bool success = false; //while (success = true) //{ try { var tmpObj = JsonValue.Parse(jsontext); JsonConvert.PopulateObject(jsontext, allvolunteers2); //Daca Jsonul este empty da eroare, insa este necesar pentru a trece datele in array din json success = true; } catch (FormatException fex) { //Invalid json format Console.WriteLine(fex); finished = true; } catch (Exception ex) //some other exception { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); finished = true; } //} string jsontext_e = File.ReadAllText(@"event.jason"); bool success2 = false; try { var tmpObj = JsonValue_e.Parse(jsontext); JsonConvert.PopulateObject(jsontext, allevents); //Daca Jsonul este empty da eroare, insa este necesar pentru a trece datele in array din json success2 = true; } catch (FormatException fex) { //Invalid json format Console.WriteLine(fex); finished = true; } catch (Exception ex) //some other exception { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); finished = true; } while (finished != true) { Console.WriteLine("Press 1 to add a person!"); Console.WriteLine("Press 2 to Remove a person!"); Console.WriteLine("Press 3 to Edit a person!"); Console.WriteLine("Press 4 to Show Everyone!"); Console.WriteLine("Press 5 to Show Upcoming birthdays!"); Console.WriteLine("Press 6 to Show Upcoming contract expirations!"); Console.WriteLine("Press 7 to add an event!"); Console.WriteLine("Press 8 to remove an event!"); Console.WriteLine("Press 9 to Edit an Event!"); Console.WriteLine("Press 10 to Show all events!"); Console.WriteLine("Press 11 to Exit!"); Console.WriteLine("Please enter your choice!"); try { choice = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); { switch (choice) { case 1: Volunteer vol = Db.AddVolunteerfromCmd(); allvolunteers2.Add(vol); Db.SavetoJson(allvolunteers2); break; case 2: int y = Db.Selector(allvolunteers2); allvolunteers2.RemoveAt(y); //metoda pre definita Console.WriteLine("Volunteer Deleted"); Db.SavetoJson(allvolunteers2); //mereu daca modificam ceva in allvollunteers2 trebuie sa facem schimbarea si in json ca data viitoare sa continuam tot de aici break; case 3: /* int z = Db.Selector(allvolunteers2); * Db.Edit(allvolunteers2, z); * Db.SavetoJson(allvolunteers2); * break;*/ case 4: Db.Showallvolunteers(allvolunteers2); break; case 5: Db.ShowVolunteerbd(allvolunteers2); break; case 6: Db.ShowVolunteercontractexp(allvolunteers2); break; case 7: Event new_event = Db.AddEventFromKeyboard(); allevents.Add(new_event); Db.SavetoJson_Event(allevents); break; case 8: int x = Db.Selector_Event(allevents); allevents.RemoveAt(x); Console.WriteLine("Event Deleted"); Db.SavetoJson_Event(allevents); break; case 9: /* int w = Db.Selector_Event(allevents); * Db.Edit_e(allevents, w); * Db.SavetoJson_Event(allevents); * break;*/ case 10: Db.ShowallvolunteersEvent(allevents); break; case 11: finished = true; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Not a valid option!"); break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } }