protected void NewAggrement(int projectid, int professionalId)
            using (var context = new SidejobEntities())
                //The other party aggree can only be Bidder
                //add the new record to ProjectSecondChance
                var posterparty = (from c in context.ProjectSecondChances
                                   where c.ProjectID == projectid && c.AgreerID == professionalId
                                   select c).FirstOrDefault();

                if (posterparty != null) return;
                var newparty = new ProjectSecondChance
                    ProjectID = projectid,
                    AgreerID = professionalId,
                    AgreerRole = "PRO",
                    DateTime = DateTime.Now.Date,
                    AgreerProjectRole = GetProjectRole(projectid, professionalId)
                GetNextBidder(2, context, projectid);
        protected void NewAggrement(int projectid, int customerid)
            using (var context = new SidejobEntities())

                //the other party aggree had already Aggreed
                //add the new record to ProjectSecondChance
                var bidderparty = (from c in context.ProjectSecondChances
                                   where c.ProjectID == projectid && c.AgreerID == ProfessionalID
                                   select c).FirstOrDefault();

                if (bidderparty != null) return;
                var newparty = new ProjectSecondChance
                                       ProjectID = projectid,
                                       AgreerID = ProfessionalID,
                                       AgreerRole = "PRO",
                                       DateTime = DateTime.Now.Date,
                                       AgreerProjectRole = GetProjectRole(projectid)