static void Main(string[] args) { Supermarket[] product = new Supermarket[] { new Supermarket("chips", 7.00), new Supermarket("soda", 8.50), new Supermarket("juice", 3.00), new Supermarket("coffee", 2.50), new Supermarket("tea", 4.00) }; Supermarket a = new Supermarket(); Supermarket[] newList = new Supermarket[product.Length + 1]; Supermarket b = new Supermarket("cheese", 7.45); double totalPrice = a.CalculateTotalPrice(product); Console.Write("The total price is {0}\n", totalPrice); Supermarket min = a.FindCheapest(product); Console.Write("The cheapest product is {0} with price of {1} \n", min.product, min.price); a.RemoveMostExpensive(ref product); for (int i = 0; i < product.Length; i++) { Console.Write(" {0} ", product[i].product); } newList = a.AddNewProduct(ref product, b); for (int i = 0; i < product.Length; i++) { Console.Write("\n {0} ", product[i].product); } double avgPrice = a.CalculateAveragePrice(product); Console.Write("\nThe average price is {0}\n", avgPrice); }
private Supermarket FindCheapest(Supermarket[] product) { Supermarket min = product[0]; for (int i = 1; i < product.Length; i++) { if (min.price > product[i].price) { min = product[i]; } } return(min); }
private Supermarket[] AddNewProduct(ref Supermarket[] shoppingList, Supermarket product) { Array.Resize(ref shoppingList, shoppingList.Length + 1); shoppingList[shoppingList.Length - 1] = product; return(shoppingList); }