public StoreForm(User currentUser,UserManager usermanager, ItemManager itemmanager) { _currentUser = currentUser; //Assigns the current user. InitializeComponent(); _itemManager = itemmanager; //Assigns the itemmanager. _userManager = usermanager; // Assings the usermanager. UpdateGUI(_currentUser); //Updates the GUI with user information. }
public SignInForm() { InitializeComponent(); try { // Tires to deserialize the data saved in the debug folder. The char 'u' stands for usermanager and lets the DeserializeData method know that it is supposed // to deserialize the "userInfo.ser" file to get user information that has been saved to the userManager variable. userManager = StaticSerialize<UserManager>.DeserializeData('u'); } catch (Exception) { // If the try block fails to deserialize the data it means there is no data to be deserialized in the "userInfo.ser" file and thus creates a new UserManager object // and assigns it to the userManager refrence. userManager = new UserManager(); } }
public PDFReceipt(UserManager usermanager) { _document = new Document(PageSize.LETTER); // Sets the doucment to a pagesize letter. _usermanager = usermanager; // Sets the usermanager. }
public RegisterForm(UserManager usermanager,SignInForm logForm) { InitializeComponent(); userManager = usermanager; //Sets the usermanager sent from signIn form. signForm = logForm; //Sets the SignIn form to control it from registerform. }