예제 #1
        private void GetProducts()
            using (var db = new ShoppingContext())
                var query = from p in db.Products
                            join c in db.Categories on p.CategoryID equals c.CategoryID
                            select new
                    Picture      = c.Picture,
                    ProductName  = p.ProductName,
                    UnitPrice    = p.UnitPrice,
                    UnitInStock  = p.UnitsInStock,
                    CategoryName = c.CategoryName

                gridControl1.DataSource = query.ToList();
예제 #2
        private void GetEmployees()
            using (var db = new ShoppingContext())
                var query = from e in db.Employees
                            orderby e.FirstName
                            select new
                    Photo      = e.Photo,
                    EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID,
                    FirstName  = e.FirstName,
                    LastName   = e.LastName,
                    Title      = e.Title,
                    Birthdate  = e.BirthDate,
                    Country    = e.Country

                gcEmployees.DataSource = query.ToList();
예제 #3
 private void GetOrders()
     using (var db = new ShoppingContext())
         var query = from o in db.Orders
                     join c in db.Customers on o.CustomerID equals c.CustomerID
                     join e in db.Employees on o.EmployeeID equals e.EmployeeID
                     select new
             CustomerId  = c.CustomerID,
             CompanyName = c.CompanyName,
             FirstName   = e.FirstName,
             LastName    = e.LastName,
             ShipName    = o.ShipName,
             ShipCountry = o.ShipCountry,
             Freight     = o.Freight
         gcOrders.DataSource = query.ToList();
예제 #4
        private void GetSummary2()
            //Her bir Customer ID tarafindan siparis edilen order’lari
            //categori’leri bazinda gruplayarak toplam order quantity,
            //averaj unit price ve average discount miktari hesaplanacak.
            //“Customer ID”, “Category ID”, “Toplam SIparis Miktari”,
            //“Averaj Birim Fiyat”, “Average Iskonto Miktari”

            /*select CustomerID, C.CategoryID,
             *                                   COUNT(A.OrderID) as OrderID,
             *                                   SUM(A.Quantity) as TotalQuantity,
             *                                   AVG(A.UnitPrice) as AverageUnitPrice,
             *                                   AVG(A.Discount) as AverageDiscount
             *           from
             *           [Order Details] as A,
             *                                   Orders as B,
             *                                   Products as P,
             *                                   Categories as C
             *           where A.OrderID = B.OrderID and P.ProductID = A.ProductID and P.CategoryID = C.CategoryID
             *           group by CustomerID, C.CategoryID*/

            using (var db = new ShoppingContext())
                var query = from orderDetails in db.Order_Details
                            join orders in db.Orders on orderDetails.OrderID equals orders.OrderID
                            join products in db.Products on orderDetails.ProductID equals products.ProductID
                            join categories in db.Categories on products.ProductID equals categories.CategoryID
                            group new { orderDetails, categories, orders } by new { categories.CategoryID, orders.CustomerID } into grouping
                    select new
                    CustomerID            = grouping.Key.CustomerID,
                    CategoryID            = grouping.Key.CategoryID,
                    ToplamSiparisMiktari  = grouping.Sum(x => x.orderDetails.Quantity),
                    AverajBirimFiyat      = grouping.Average(x => x.orderDetails.UnitPrice),
                    AverageIskontoMiktari = grouping.Average(x => x.orderDetails.Discount)
                gcSummary2.DataSource = query.ToList();
예제 #5
        private void Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DXMenuItem menuItem = sender as DXMenuItem;

            if (XtraMessageBox.Show("Are you sure" + " ?", "Delete Employee", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) != DialogResult.Yes)

            using (var db = new ShoppingContext())
                var query = db.Employees
                            .Where(x => x.EmployeeID == id);

                var employee = query.FirstOrDefault();
                MainForm mainForm = new MainForm();
예제 #6
        private void GetSummary1()
            //Her bir Employee ID tarafindan isleme tabii tutulan
            //order’lari gruplayarak toplam order quantity,
            //averaj unit price ve average discount miktari hesaplanacak.
            //“Employee ID”, “Toplam SIparis Miktari”, “Averaj Birim Fiyat”,
            //“Average Iskonto Miktari”

            /* select EmployeeID,
            *           COUNT(A.OrderID) as OrderID,
            *           SUM(A.Quantity) as TotalQuantity,
            *           AVG(A.UnitPrice) as AverageUnitPrice,
            *           AVG(A.Discount) as AverageDiscount
            *           from
            *           [Order Details] as A,
            *           Orders as B
            *           where A.OrderID = B.OrderID
            *           group by B.EmployeeID, B.OrderID
            *           order by EmployeeID*/
            using (var db = new ShoppingContext())
                var query = from orderDetails in db.Order_Details
                            join orders in db.Orders
                            on orderDetails.OrderID equals orders.OrderID
                            group new { orderDetails, orders } by new { orders.OrderID, orders.EmployeeID } into grouping
                orderby grouping.Key.EmployeeID
                    select new
                    EmployeeID            = grouping.Key.EmployeeID,
                    ToplamSiparisMiktari  = grouping.Sum(x => x.orderDetails.Quantity),
                    AverajBirimFiyat      = grouping.Average(x => x.orderDetails.UnitPrice),
                    AverageIskontoMiktari = grouping.Average(x => x.orderDetails.Discount)
                gcSummary1.DataSource = query.ToList();